Here's What Happened Under The Gold Dome On Tuesday

The New Jersey Statehouse and Capitol Building In Trenton

Here's what happened under the Gold Dome on Tuesday (January 18th):



Nominations Received and Referred to SJU:



Jennifer Critchley, of Verona. Amy K. DePaul, of Verona.



Linda D. Stender, of Scotch Plains, to replace John D. Hatch.



Adam Shain, of Bernardsville, to replace Vincent De Caprio.



Dolores Del Deo Kirk, of Roseland.

Carol A. Herbert, of Point Pleasant Borough.



Joann L. Downey, of Freehold.



Rachel Wainer Apter, of Englewood.



Victoria L. Kuhn, Esq., of Mullica Hill, to replace Marcus O. Hicks.



Theodore N. Stephens, II, of East Orange.


Nomination Corrected Copy:



Dr. Angelica *NOT* Angela Allen-McMillan, of Cedar Grove, to replace Dr. Lamont Repollet.


Bills Introduced:


S780   Singleton,T   Military equipment, federal surplus-transfer to law enforcement agencies   REF SLP

S781 Singleton,T Pharmaceuticals-requirements, State entities enter bulk purchasing arrangements   REF SHH

S782 Singleton,T Cannabis, medical-estab prog, subsidize purchase price for Medicaid/Family Care   REF SHH

S783 Singleton,T Opioid Recovery & Remediation Fd. and Opioid Recovery Advisory Council-establish REF SHH

S784 Singleton,T Police licensure program-requires Police Training Commission establish REF SLP

S785 Singleton,T   Crisis Response Support Pilot Program, 3-year-establishes   REF SLP

S786 Singleton,T   Stockton Univ. North Athletic Complex project-$5M in federal funds to support   REF SHI

S787 Singleton,T Microgrids for electric veh use-concerns estab. of demonstration prog to develop REF SEG

S788 Singleton,T   Pharmacy benf managers-remove exception, self-insured health benf plans from law   REF SCM

S789 Singleton,T   Helmets to Hardhats program-establishes in DMVA;$400K   REF SLA

S790 Schepisi,H Reservoirs-requires DEP & owners to implement certain flood control measures REF SEN

S791 Singleton,T Prostate cancer screening-expands requirements for health insurance carriers REF SCM

S792   Connors,C   Beach fees-municipalities charge reduced or no fee, children ages 12 to 17   REF SCU S793 Connors,C Bay scallop fishery-DEP authorize and requires assessment of resource REF SEN

S794 Connors,C Island Beach & Liberty St Parks-dedicate fees collected to support cert programs REF SEN

S795 Bramnick,J Gov., Lieutenant Gov., Senate & General Assembly-disclose fed. income tax return REF SSG

S796 Bramnick,J Legislature-provides for public comment period at cert session of each house REF SSG

S797 Bramnick,J Annual approp., failure to enact-impose a daily fine of $250 for each leg. REF SSG S798 Bramnick,J SPRS-raises mandatory retirement age from 55 to 60 REF SSG

S799 Bramnick,J Council of the Arts-grants awarded.scheduling courses when school dist is closed REF SSG

S800 Bramnick,J Governor & Legislative memb-expends deadline, filing finan disclosure statement REF SSG

S801 Connors,C Dredging control reserve fund-authorizes municipalities to establish REF SCU

S802   Connors,C   PFRS-requires all law enforcement officers to be enrolled in   REF SSG

S803 Connors,C   Public fds, stolen-levied against convicted employees retirement pension contrib   REF SSG

S804 Connors,C Crime victims restitution-mandate cert defendants wage garnishment/community svc REF SJU

S805 Connors,C Terrorism organizations-establishes civil action for damages REF SJU

S806 Connors,C Home improvement contract-civil actions, brought in county where prop is located REF SJU

S807 Connors,C Sexual assault, brutal-impose mandatory term of life imprisonment w/out parole REF SJU

S808 Connors,C Greenhead fly population-authorizes counties to reduce;$50K REF SCU

S809 Pennacchio,J Office of State Dental Director and NJ Oral Health Commission-establishes REF SHH

S810   Pennacchio,J   Cadaveric fetal tissue, from elective abortion-prohibits cosmetic research   REF SHH

S811 Pennacchio,J Tort Claims Act-St. strictly liable for injuries caused by St.-mandated vaccines REF SHH

S812 Pennacchio,J Breast implant surgery-require informed consent REF SHH

S813   Holzapfel,J   Beneficiary designation-allows retiree to change, after retirement and divorce   REF SSG

S814 Holzapfel,J Public officer/employee, formally charged w/crime-suspend w/out pay & benefits REF SSG

S815 Singer,R+1 Devel disab persons, 21 yr & older-allow to attend spec ed, adult day & emp prog REF SHH

S816 Holzapfel,J PFRS death benefits-eliminates remarriage prohibition REF SSG

S817 Holzapfel,J+1 Accidental disability retirement allowance-PERS member receive; result from 9/11 REF SSG

S818 Singleton,T Minorities in Police recruiting program;$1.25M REF SLP

S819 Singleton,T   Small business financing-requires certain disclosures to recipients   REF SCM

S820 Cryan,J School Desegregation, Division-estab identify racial & socioeconomic segregation REF SED

S821 Singer,R/Testa,M Bail-clarifies court's discretion in imposing monetary conditions REF SJU

S822 Holzapfel,J Internet-requires State agencies to review operations and implement use REF SSG S823 Singer,R Property tax appeals, third-party-prohibits REF SCU

S824 Singer,R Infant fatalities, resulting from vaccinations-provides ID and study REF SHH S825 Singer,R Children's Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System-establishes REF SHH

S826 Testa,M Veteran separation documents-creates database REF SMV

S827 Bramnick,J   Motor vehicle tracking device-makes it a fourth degree crime   REF SJU

S828 Bucco,A Probate matters-auth. Surrogate establish system to accept electronic signatures   REF SJU

S829 Schepisi,H Sch buildings-exterior exit doors unlocked from egress & locked from access side REF SED

S830 Schepisi,H Health care facility, licensed-permit patient visitation if consistent with law REF SHH

S831   Durr,E   Health info, personal-proh cert entity from requesting or requiring provision of   REF SHH

S832 Durr,E   Svc memb discharged due to COVID-19 vaccination status-DMVA assist, change desig   REF SMV

S833 Oroho,S/O'Scanlon,D Public officers and employees w/limited historic exceptions-elim State resid req REF SSG

S834 Corrado,K Postpartum information-establishes requirements and develop care plans REF SHH

S835 Corrado,K Functional svcs. for developmental disabled-Div. of Devel. Disab reopen programs REF SHH

S836 Corrado,K+1 Mask use in licensed child care centers-prohibits mandatory REF SHH

S837 Corrado,K+1   Youth camps-prohibits mandatory mask use   REF SHH

S838 Corrado,K Long-term care facilities-require to submit reports regarding residents w/disab. REF SHH

S839 Bucco,A Transparency website, government-publish certain financial information REF SSG

S841 Singleton,T Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion, Department of-establishes in Executive Branch REF SSG

S842 Bramnick,J   Bias intimidation-elim provision, victims perception of defendants purpose   REF SJU

S843 Rice,R After School Recreation in Urban Areas-supplemental appropriation;$1B REF SED

S844 Stack,B/Lagana,J Sexual assault-prov act of sexual penetration without victim consent constitutes REF SJU

S845 Holzapfel,J Phosphorus, household cleaning prod.-labeling of ingredients req and restricts REF SEN

S846 Corrado,K Telemedicine & telehealth-revises requirements for health insurers to cover REF SHH S847 Testa,M Alcoholic beverage tax credit to breweries-provide for qualified capital expense REF SLP S848 Testa,M Veteran owned small businesses-EDA provide lower interest loans REF SEG

S849   Holzapfel,J   Stalking-expand statute authorizing temporary restraining orders for victims   REF SJU

S850 Holzapfel,J Alcohol, Education, Rehabilitation & Enforcement Fund-revises distrib. of monies REF SLP

S851 Holzapfel,J Age-restricted development sales, cert.-include in table of equalized valuations REF SCU

S852   Holzapfel,J   Gas explosive detector-requires installation in certain residential properties   REF SCU

S853 Singleton,T   Public contracts-incr disclosure of political contributions by business entities   REF SSG

S854 Singleton,T Sports wagering revenue-1.25% tax be used for Atlantic City tax relief purposes REF SSG

S855 Singleton,T Business asst prog, State-creates, estab contracting goals for disadvantaged bus REF SSG

S856 Singleton,T Votes & mail-in ballots-concerns canvassing before election day, cert conditions REF SSG

S857   Singleton,T   American govt. instruction in higher ed. public instit-req cert students receive   REF SHI

S858 Singleton,T Affordable housing and assistance applications, certain-consolidates REF SCU

S859 Singleton,T   Mortgage Assistance Pilot Program-establishes   REF SCU


S860 Singleton,T Uniform Partition of Heirs Prop Act-provide alt process, prop w/multiple owners REF SJU

S861 Doherty,M Christmas trees-allow municipalities conduct annual event for open burning of REF SEN

S862 Holzapfel,J Beach replenishment/dune construction-concerns valuation of property condemned REF SEN

S863 Holzapfel,J Lawn removal near Barnegat Bay-provided State income tax credit REF SEN

S864 Holzapfel,J   Family restroom-requires State parks and forests include an exclusive   REF SEN

S865 Holzapfel,J Income tax deduction for home office expenses incurred during COVID-19-provides REF SBA

S866 Holzapfel,J Urea, used as a ice melt-prohibits sale and distribution REF SEN

S867 Holzapfel,J Barnegat Bay Protection Act-estab. Barnegat Bay Protection Fund, auth. lic plate REF SEN

S868 Holzapfel,J Lobsters-changes law regulating size limits REF SEN

S869 Holzapfel,J   Pet adoptions-waives certain fees for veterans   REF SEN

S870 Holzapfel,J   Fishing-clarifies license not required at a private community lake   REF SEN

S871 Singer,R NJWELL program-requires State Health Benefits Comm. advertise & annually review REF SSG

S872 Singer,R COVID-19 Review Task Force-establish to study impact and response REF SSG

S873 Singer,R Criminal mischief-upgrades, damages school bus operation in presence of child REF SJU S874 Singer,R Maternity care-create best practices manual;$950K REF SHH

S875 Singer,R Home & community based services-Div. of Med Asst & Health Svcs satisfy resid req REF SHH

S876 Singer,R Cannabis, medical-not subject to sales tax REF SHH

SCR32 Connors,C   American flag-memorialize Congress to prohibit physical desecration   REF SSG

SCR33 Connors,C Property assessment reduction-provide senior citizen relatives living quarters REF SCU

SCR34 Singer,R   Military disab income-exclude from $10K limit, sr cit/disab prop tax deduction   REF SMV

SCR35 Bramnick,J Affordable housing obligations-provide that only Legislature may determine   REF SCU

SCR36 Connors,C Beach easements-establish funding within Shore Protection Fund for acquisition REF SEN

SCR37 Bramnick,J Legislative districts-establish to promote competition between political parties REF SSG

SCR38 Bramnick,J State issues and policies-require Legislature convene 4 times annually to debate REF SSG

SCR39 Thompson,S Eating Disorders Awareness Week-designates February 25 through March 3, 2018 REF SHH

SCR40 Bramnick,J Homestead real property-limit assessment; allow exemption, $50K of home value REF SCU

SJR23 Singleton,T First Responders Appreciation Month-designates October of each year REF SLP

SJR24 Singleton,T National Apprenticeship Week-designates second week of November of each year   REF SLA

SJR27 Connors,C Chiari Malformation-Syringomyelia Awareness Month-designates September each year REF SHH

SJR28 Pennacchio,J Eczema Awareness Month-designates October of each year REF SHH

SJR29 Pennacchio,J Pharmacogenomics Commission-establishes   REF SHH

SJR30 Singer,R   Autism and Mental Disorders Study Commission-establishes   REF SHH

SJR31 Singer,R Opioid Antidote Administration & Aftercare Commission-study & report procedures REF SHH

SJR32 Holzapfel,J Diner Day-designates October 1 of each year REF SSG

SJR33 Bramnick,J Food Allergy and Hunger Awareness Day-designates Tues in third full week of Sept REF SEN

SR22 Pennacchio,J Natl Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, 1986-US Health/Human Svcs fulfill obligations REF SHH

SR23 Pennacchio,J Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act-urges US Congress to pass REF SHH

SR24 Singer,R Israel-recognizes strong relationship w/NJ & Israeli-American Community contrib. REF SSG

SR25 Singer,R Most Beautiful Lady in the World: Statue of Liberty Anthem-official anthem REF SSG

SR26 Singer,R   Israel's right to use decisive force in defense-recognizes; reaffirms St support   REF SSG

SR27 Pennacchio,J   Life-saving pharm. drugs-urges Biden Admin. lift regulatory freeze, reduce cost   REF SHH


Co-Sponsors Added:


S153 (Stanfield,J) Combat to College Act-mil service memb/vets-grant priority course registration S247 (Codey,R) Voter registration-reduce deadline to 8 days before election

S815   (Durr,E)   Devel disab persons, 21 yr & older-allow to attend spec ed, adult day & emp prog S817 (Diegnan,P) Accidental disability retirement allowance-PERS member receive; result from 9/11 S836  (Durr,E) Mask use in licensed child care centers-prohibits mandatory

S837 (Durr,E) Youth camps-prohibits mandatory mask use


Co-Prime Sponsors Added:


S165 (Stanfield,J)   Senior citizen or veteran identity theft-increase penalties

SCR30 (Singleton,T)   Homestead property tax reimbursement program-raise income limit to be eligible


The Senate adjourned at 5:10 P.M. to meet again on Thursday, January 27, 2022 (QUORUM, Committees at the Call of the Senate President).




The Assembly did not meet.  The Assembly will meet at a date and time to be announced.




Bills Pocket Vetoed:


A1073 AcaScaSca (3R) Speight,S/Pintor Marin,E+7 1/18/2022 Preeclampsia testing for certain pregnant women & women who have given birth-req

A1269 Aca (1R) Greenwald,L/Giblin,T+2 1/18/2022 Class 4A commercial property transferred, excess of $1M-elim 1% tax on purchaser

A4958 Sca (1R) Tully,P/Armato,J+11 1/18/2022 Winterizing small business operations-temporary sales tax exemption

A5334 Aca (1R) Lopez,Y/Mazzeo,V+18 1/18/2022 Trans. mobility improvements for autism & devel disab persons-study & implement

A5484 Aca (1R)   Dancer,R/Caputo,R+1   1/18/2022   Racing Comm.-adopt procedures to enforce internal controls; req. annual audit

A6033 Bramnick,J/Bergen,B+1 1/18/2022 Golf caddies-classify as independent contractors for purpose of State emp. laws

A6157 Aca (1R) Speight,S/Moen,W 1/18/2022 Law enforce. officer, cert-proh circumventing intergovernmental transfer process

S73 ScaSaAca (3R) Bateman,C/Sarlo,P+10 1/18/2022 Home baked goods-establish requirements for sale

S995 Sa (1R) Sweeney,S/Bucco,A+1   1/18/2022   Community rehab programs-DOLWD and DHS required to conduct assessment

S1934 Sweeney,S/Pou,N+8   1/18/2022   Disability benefits provided by transportation network companies-authorize use

S2679 ScaAca (2R) Beach,J/Smith,B+12 1/18/2022 Architectural Paint Stewardship Act; paint producers implement or participate

S2768 Aca (1R) Singleton,T/Ruiz,M+8 1/18/2022 Minority/women-owned bus.-conduct disparity study, utilization in St

S3458 Sca (1R) Lagana,J/Gopal,V+1   1/18/2022   Out-of-network arbitration process-revises

S3529 Addiego,D/Diegnan,P+4 1/18/2022 Accidental disability benefit-clarify SPRS member may receive, cert circumstance

S3715 Cryan,J/Quijano,A 1/18/2022 Transient accommodation taxes & fees-modifies certain definitions related to

S4189 Sca (1R) Vitale,J/Cruz-Perez,N   1/18/2022   PERS member holding elected office-permits retire


Bills Passed Both Houses/Sent To Governor:




Bills Signed Into Law Since Last Session (1/11/2022):


P.L.2021, c.377. S384 ScaAca (2R) Weinberg,L/Singleton,T+17 1/18/2022 Judges/judicial personnel-establish certain req. for domestic violence training

P.L.2021, c.378. S386 Sca (1R) Weinberg,L/Singleton,T+13 1/18/2022 Prosecutors, municipal-establishes mandatory domestic violence training

P.L.2021, c.379. S396 Aca (1R) Weinberg,L/Addiego,D+1 1/18/2022 Construction defect in common interest community-adjust statute of limitations

P.L.2021, c.380. S705 Sca (1R) Ruiz,M/Cunningham,S+16 1/18/2022 Postpartum depression screening-DOH develop and implement plan, improve access

P.L.2021, c.381. S844/2533 ScsAca (SCS/1R) Pou,N/Greenstein,L+1 1/18/2022 Charitable organizations-revises financial reporting requirements

P.L.2021, c.382. S867 Sca (1R) Pou,N/Jimenez,A+10 1/18/2022 Physical therapy-permits dry needling under certain P.L.2021, c.383. S896 Sca (1R) Pou,N/Turner,S+2 1/18/2022 Juvenile representation-expands Office of Public Defender

P.L.2021, c.384. S969 w/GR (1R) Ruiz,M/Turner,S+8 1/18/2022 Teacher loan redemption prog.-redeem amounts to assist in low performing schools

P.L.2021, c.385. S994 Sweeney,S/Singleton,T+2 1/18/2022 Goods & services-State agencies required to make good faith effort to purchase

P.L.2021, c.386. S1016 ScsAcaAcaAaAca (SCS/4R) Smith,B/Bateman,C+12 1/18/2022 Neonicotinoid pesticides-directs DEP to classify as restricted use pesticide

P.L.2021, c.387. S1020 ScaSaAca (3R) Ruiz,M/Gopal,V+13 1/18/2022 School discipline data-report on their websites and to Commissioner of Education

P.L.2021, c.388. S1559 ScaAcaAa (3R) Scutari,N/Diegnan,P+1 1/18/2022 Insurance Fair Conduct Act-unreasonable prices for business insurance

P.L.2021, c.389. S1771 Sca (1R) Madden,F/Turner,S+6 1/18/2022 Invasive examination of unconscious patient by health care practitioner-prohibit

P.L.2021, c.390. S2160 Sca w/GR (2R) Sweeney,S/Oroho,S+11 1/18/2022 Special education unit-create within Office of Admin. Law; require annual report

P.L.2021, c.391. S2515 ScsScaSaAcaAcaAca (SCS/5R) Smith,B/Greenstein,L+3 1/18/2022 Packaging products-estab recycled content requirements; proh sale of polystyrene

P.L.2021, c.392. S2723 ScaSca (2R) Sweeney,S/Turner,S+2 1/18/2022 21st Century Integrated Digital Experience Act P.L.2021, c.393. S2830 SaAca (2R) Ruiz,M/Singleton,T+1 1/18/2022 Educator preparation program-report passing rates of

students, certain tests

P.L.2021, c.394. S2835 Aca (1R) Ruiz,M/Cunningham,S+1 1/18/2022 Teacher workforce-require compilation of data & issuance of annual reports

P.L.2021, c.395. S2921 Aca (1R) Gopal,V/Greenstein,L+3 1/18/2022 Alcoholic beverage-allow mun. designate outdoor areas people may consume

P.L.2021, c.396. S3009 ScaSca (2R) Vitale,J/Gopal,V+6 1/18/2022 Harm reduction programs-permits establishment of additional

P.L.2021, c.397. S3081 Aca (1R) Singleton,T/McKeon,J+1 1/18/2022 Title insurance-repeals law concerning excess rates & charges

P.L.2021, c.398. S3164 Sca (1R) Gopal,V/Singleton,T+6 1/18/2022 Legislative Youth Council-creates

P.L.2021, c.399. S3265 Diegnan,P/Greenstein,L+3   1/18/2022   SPRS service credit-permit members to purchase for prior public


P.L.2021, c.400. S3342 Codey,R/Singleton,T+6   1/18/2022   A. Philip Randolph-direct NJT erect statue in honor of;$90K


P.L.2021, c.401. S3465 Aca (1R) Oroho,S/Sweeney,S+4 1/18/2022 Dairy farmers-Department of Agric. pay Dairy Margin Coverage Prog annual premium

P.L.2021, c.402. S3488 ScaAca w/GR (3R) Sweeney,S/Gopal,V+5 1/18/2022 School dist. regionalization-modify procedures, estab grant prog for cost reimb

P.L.2021, c.403. S3493 Aca (1R) Vitale,J/Gill,N+3 1/18/2022 Hypodermic syringe offense-permit expungement of possession if previous expunged

P.L.2021, c.404. S3539 Kean,T/Gopal,V+4 1/18/2022 Community garden grant program-direct DEP estab. for local govt to support devel

P.L.2021, c.405.   S3594 ScaAa (2R)   Singleton,T/Scutari,N+9   1/18/2022   Civil actions-damage calculations not be reduced based on race/ethnicity/gender

P.L.2021, c.406. S3672 AcaAcaAca (3R) Singleton,T/Turner,S+3 1/18/2022 Civil svc. law enforce exam req.-permit exemption for county correctional police

P.L.2021, c.407. S3673 Sca (1R)   Gopal,V/Greenstein,L+7   1/18/2022   Breweries, limited & craft distilleries-auth sell at retail; offer for sampling

P.L.2021, c.408. S3685 ScaAca (2R) Ruiz,M/Codey,R+5 1/18/2022 School teacher retired from TPAF-permits return to emp during COVID-19 emerg

P.L.2021, c.409. S3707 ScaSca (2R) Vitale,J/Ruiz,M+4 1/18/2022 Disease, purposely transmit in sexual penetration act-disorderly persons offense

P.L.2021, c.410. S3764 Sca (1R) Gopal,V/Weinberg,L+35   1/18/2022   Asian Heritage-establish Commission in DOE

P.L.2021, c.411. S3810 ScaSaSaSca (4R) Sweeney,S/Addiego,D+21 1/18/2022 Responsible Collective Negotiations Act-concerns public employment relations

P.L.2021, c.412. S3968 Aa (1R) Singleton,T/Beach,J 1/18/2022 State contracting process-increases from $25K to $250K purchasing threshold

P.L.2021, c.413.   S3975 ScaSa (2R)   Greenstein,L/Oroho,S+4   1/18/2022   Congenital cytomegalovirus-requires newborn infants to be screened

P.L.2021, c.414. S4004 w/GR (1R) Weinberg,L/Greenstein,L+5 1/18/2022 Appointed positions & elected offices,certain-establishes database

P.L.2021, c.415. S4020 Gopal,V/Cunningham,S+2 1/18/2022 Higher ed. instit.--expand bonding auth., permit finan for general funding needs

P.L.2021, c.416. S4021 Aca (1R) Gopal,V/Ruiz,M+40   1/18/2022   Asian Amer & Pacific Islander instruct on history & contrib-req sch dist provide

P.L.2021, c.417. S4043 ScaAca (2R) Cunningham,S/Jasey,M+2 1/18/2022 College and university contracts, State-concerns the awarding of

P.L.2021, c.418. S4063 Sca (1R) Sweeney,S/Giblin,T 1/18/2022 Maritime Pilot & Docking Pilot Comm.-concerns compensation & health benefits

P.L.2021, c.419. S4068 SaSca (2R) Sarlo,P/Oroho,S+6 1/18/2022 Elective pass-through business alternative income tax-revises calculation

P.L.2021, c.420. S4074 w/GR (1R) Ruiz,M/Beach,J+6 1/18/2022 Teacher certification-allow alternative eval in place of basic skill testing req

P.L.2021, c.421. S4102 ScsAca (SCS/1R) Sweeney,S/Ruiz,M+6 1/18/2022 Direct support prof.-develop training prog; county college administer prog;$450K

P.L.2021, c.422. S4128 Aca (1R) Sweeney,S/Pou,N+1 1/18/2022 Fruit & vegetables grown & packaged in NJ, only-req, labeled as local to State

P.L.2021, c.423. S4207 ScaScaSa (3R) Sweeney,S/Beach,J 1/18/2022 Public works contractors-concerns apprenticeship programs P.L.2021, c.424. S4210 Sca (1R) Sweeney,S/Greenstein,L+8 1/18/2022 Loan prog., assist businesses to prov accommodations for

disab emp-req EDA estab

P.L.2021, c.425. S4211 Sca (1R) Sweeney,S/Corrado,K+10 1/18/2022 County college-based adult ctr, transition individuals w/devel disab-estab;$4.5M

P.L.2021, c.426. S4218 Sca (1R) Scutari,N/Reynolds-Jackson,V+3   1/18/2022   NAACP NJ State Conference;$2M

P.L.2021, c.427. S4233 Aa (1R) Scutari,N/Gopal,V+1 1/18/2022 Patient medical & billing records-limits fees charged for copies of P.L.2021, c.428. S4252 Madden,F/Murphy,C+2 1/18/2022 Mandatory retirement from SPRS-limits extension to 90 days during


P.L.2021, c.429. A259 DeAngelo,W/Mukherji,R+6 1/18/2022 Military service members-provides civil service preference for expedition medal

P.L.2021, c.430. A798 SaSa (2R) Verrelli,A/Vainieri Huttle,V+14 1/18/2022 Drug overdose fatality review team-establish in each county in the State

P.L.2021, c.431. A802 AcaSca (2R) Verrelli,A/Reynolds-Jackson,V+4 1/18/2022 Gift card fraud-requires certain retailers to train employees

P.L.2021, c.432. A862 Aa w/GR (2R) Chiaravalloti,N/Karabinchak,R+2 1/18/2022 Property assessment appeals-refund excess prop. taxes paid by taxpayer who wins

P.L.2021, c.433. A953 Karabinchak,R/Houghtaling,E   1/18/2022   Architects-disclose insurance coverage

P.L.2021, c.434. A998/2349 AcsSa (ACS/1R) Moen,W/Downey,J+2 1/18/2022 New Jersey Social Innovation Act-establishs social innovation loan pilot program

P.L.2021, c.435. A1121 Aca (1R) Murphy,C/Dancer,R+9 1/18/2022 Veteran of US or organized militia misrepresentation-upgrades certain crimes


P.L.2021, c.436.   A1219 AcaAa w/GR (3R)   Chaparro,A/McKnight,A+5   1/18/2022    Rabies-owner notification of testing protocol prior to testing animals

P.L.2021, c.437. A1229 w/GR (1R) Schaer,G/Mosquera,G+19 1/18/2022 Homeless prevention programs-DCA make information available on its website

P.L.2021, c.438. A1293 AcaSa (2R) Greenwald,L/Burzichelli,J+10 1/18/2022 Brewery, distillery industries-estab advisory council; funding thru alco bev tax

P.L.2021, c.439. A1663 AcaAca (2R) Quijano,A/Vainieri Huttle,V+13 1/18/2022 Nonprofit Security Grant Program-establishes P.L.2021, c.440. A2186 Aca (1R) Mukherji,R/Chaparro,A+8 1/18/2022 Homeless shelter-establish Statewide database of beds P.L.2021, c.441. A2360 AcaAaSa (3R) Chaparro,A/Karabinchak,R+6 1/18/2022 Vehicle, electric-concerns electric public utility

service rates for charging

P.L.2021, c.442. A2685 w/GR (1R) Armato,J/Mazzeo,V+1 1/18/2022 Property condition disclosure statement-concerns information P.L.2021, c.443. A2772 Aa (1R) Downey,J/Houghtaling,E+1 1/18/2022 Medicaid benefits-concerns recipients remote participation

in meetings

P.L.2021, c.444. A2877 AcaSca (2R) Dancer,R/Vainieri Huttle,V+13 1/18/2022 Property, vacant and abandoned-requires registration with municipalities

P.L.2021, c.445. A3007 AcaAa (2R) Lampitt,P/Dunn,A+16 1/18/2022 Higher education institutions-prov. students w/access to mental health care prog

P.L.2021, c.446.   A3392 AcaSa (2R)   Reynolds-Jackson,V/Timberlake,B+9   1/18/2022    Student representative-be appointed to board of education of school district

P.L.2021, c.447. A3804 Sca (1R) Armato,J/Murphy,C+14 1/18/2022 9-1-1 first responder dispatcher-redesignates 9-1-1 operators or dispatchers

P.L.2021, c.448. A3870 Karabinchak,R/Johnson,G+12 1/18/2022 Defense Against Porch Pirates Act; amends theft statute P.L.2021, c.449. A3950 AcaAcaSca w/GR (4R) Verrelli,A/Benson,D+5 1/18/2022 Employer use of tracking device in employee

operated veh.-crime of fourth degree

P.L.2021, c.450. A4002 Sa w/GR (2R) Caputo,R/Dancer,R 1/18/2022 Sports wagering-allows deduction of promotional gaming credit from gross revenue

P.L.2021, c.451. A4232 Houghtaling,E/Dancer,R 1/18/2022 Deer fencing on certain farmland-creates program in Department of Agriculture

P.L.2021, c.452. A4238 AcaSca (2R) Chiaravalloti,N/Schaer,G+12 1/18/2022 Adult medical day care services-establish minimum Medicaid reimbursement rate

P.L.2021, c.453. A4241 AcaSca (2R) Downey,J/Vainieri Huttle,V+3 1/18/2022 SNAP evaluation-require DHS to conduct survey on experience

P.L.2021, c.454. A4253 AcsAcaScaSaAa (ACS/4R) Conaway,H/Pinkin,N+4 1/18/2022 Clinical labs & electronic med record companies-include gender, race, ethnicity

P.L.2021, c.455. A4366 AcaSa (2R) Taliaferro,A/Sumter,S+7 1/18/2022 Police training-contract with crisis intervention training center P.L.2021, c.456. A4434 Sa w/GR (2R) Greenwald,L/Lampitt,P+23 1/18/2022 Student Wellness Grant Program-establishes in DOE P.L.2021, c.457. A4478 AcaScaSaSa (4R) Vainieri Huttle,V/Speight,S+21 1/18/2022 Nursing homes-estab addl. req. for DOH to

assess sanctions & impose penalties

P.L.2021, c.458. A4569 AcaSca (2R) Reynolds-Jackson,V/Benson,D+4 1/18/2022 Electric generation/gas supply svc.-receive signature prior to provision switch

P.L.2021, c.459.   A4655 AcaAaAcsSaSa (ACS/2R)   Reynolds-Jackson,V/Wimberly,B+7   1/18/2022    Police presence at polling places & ballot drop boxes-limits

P.L.2021, c.460. A4771 Sca (1R) Downey,J/Armato,J+18 1/18/2022 Drug court-expands offenses eligible for expungement upon successful discharge

P.L.2021, c.461.   A4856 AcaAcaSca (3R)   Lampitt,P/Benson,D+18    1/18/2022   School websites & web services-req. to be accessible to persons w/disabilities

P.L.2021, c.462. A5033 ScaSa w/GR (3R) Benson,D/Dancer,R+14 1/18/2022 Motor vehicle dealers-authorize to sell online & obtain electronic signatures

P.L.2021, c.463. A5075 AcsAaSca w/GR (ACS/3R) Burzichelli,J/Dancer,R+6 1/18/2022 Fire museum and Fallen Firefighter Memorial-remove; estab. as independent org.

P.L.2021, c.464. A5160 AcaScaSa (3R) DeAngelo,W/Conaway,H+25 1/18/2022 Energy & water efficiency-establish minimum standards for certain products

P.L.2021, c.465. A5294 Sa (1R) Speight,S/Vainieri Huttle,V+14 1/18/2022 Persons w/significant disab-prov fast track hiring & emp opportunities by State

P.L.2021, c.466. A5296   Speight,S/Vainieri Huttle,V+17   1/18/2022   Persons w/disabilities-provides for employment by State P.L.2021, c.467. A5322 AcaAa (2R) Mosquera,G/Vainieri Huttle,V+12 1/18/2022 Human trafficking victim-provides for process to

vacate and expunge

P.L.2021, c.468. A5336 Aca w/GR (2R) Benson,D/Freiman,R+9 1/18/2022 Transportation svc. for devel. disab persons-estab payment programs for purchase

P.L.2021, c.469. A5439 Caputo,R/Dancer,R+1 1/18/2022 Racing Commission-changes deadline for annual report to end of State fiscal year

P.L.2021, c.470. A5694 Aca (1R) Houghtaling,E/Downey,J+6 1/18/2022 Military dependents-permits school enrollment prior to relocation to district

P.L.2021, c.471.   A5814 AcaSa (2R)   Swain,L/Tully,P+8   1/18/2022    School Bus Safety Ombudsman-creates position in Department of Education


P.L.2021, c.472. A5864 AcaSa w/GR (3R) Speight,S/Pintor Marin,E+10 1/18/2022 Body worn camera recordings-law enforcement officers review prior to report

P.L.2021, c.473. A5997 Coughlin,C/Lopez,Y 1/18/2022 Manual of the Legislature of NJ-remove requirement concerning the purchase of

P.L.2021, c.474. A6012 Moen,W/Murphy,C+4 1/18/2022 USS NJ Commissioning Committee-support comm. of boat & assigned personnel;$500K

P.L.2021, c.475. A6020 Conaway,H/Jimenez,A+4 1/18/2022 Tobacco product retailers-req stock & sell nicotine replacement therapy products

P.L.2021, c.476. A6060 Aca (1R) Tucker,C/Caputo,R+1 1/18/2022 Funeral, burial, crematory services-suppl. approp, increase reimb Work First;$8M

P.L.2021, c.477. A6073 Aca (1R) Verrelli,A/Vitale,J 1/18/2022 Basic life support services crewmember-temporarily waives certain requirements

P.L.2021, c.478. A6093 Aca (1R) Stanley,S/Benson,D+9 1/18/2022   Cancer screenings, firefighters-mandate access through health care benefits plan

P.L.2021, c.479. A6108 Aca w/GR (2R) DeAngelo,W/Egan,J 1/18/2022 Electrical Contractors, Bd of Examiner-update licenses offered by & cert lic req

P.L.2021, c.480. A6132 Schaer,G/Greenwald,L+3 1/18/2022 Paramedics, volunteer-permit to operate within mobile intensive care units P.L.2021, c.481. A6133 Bramnick,J/Mukherji,R 1/18/2022 Wrongful death-allows cert. persons not yet estate administrator, pursue


P.L.2021, c.482. A6150   DeAngelo,W/Karabinchak,R+2   1/18/2022   Professional & occupational licenses, certain-revises penalties for transfer

P.L.2021, c.483. A6159 Coughlin,C/McKnight,A   1/18/2022   Food Insecurity Advocate, Office-revises and renames

P.L.2021, c.484. A6162 AcaAa (2R) Benson,D/Stanley,S 1/18/2022 Motor vehicle dealers, certain-concerns certain licensure requirements

P.L.2021, c.485. A6205 Coughlin,C/McKeon,J 1/18/2022 Insurance holding companies-amends certain requirements concerning P.L.2021, c.486. A6206 w/GR (1R) Wimberly,B/Diegnan,P+2 1/18/2022 Real estate broker-salespersons/salespersons-codify right to

define relationship

P.L.2021, c.487. A6207 Greenwald,L/Lampitt,P+4 1/18/2022 Schools for students w disabilities, private-elim. req to set cert tuition rates

P.L.2021, c.488. A6208 Mosquera,G/DeAngelo,W+3 1/18/2022 Farmland preservation-approp. CBT rev to St Agriculture Devel Committee;$60.940M

P.L.2021, c.489. A6209 Freiman,R/Spearman,W 1/18/2022 Farmland preservation-approp. CBT rev. for county planning incentive grants;$18M

P.L.2021, c.490. A6210 Taliaferro,A/Moriarty,P+2 1/18/2022 Farmland preservation-approp CBT revenue for mun planning incentive grants;$4.5M

P.L.2021, c.491.   A6211   Houghtaling,E/Reynolds-Jackson,V+4   1/18/2022    Farmland preservation-approp. CBT revenues for grants to certain nonprofit orgs

P.L.2021, c.492. A6212 Jimenez,A/Swain,L+4 1/18/2022 St Capital & park devel proj-dedicate CBT rev for recreation/conservation;$54.5M

P.L.2021, c.493. A6213 Kennedy,J/Carter,L+9 1/18/2022 Land, recreation & conserv. including Blue/Green Acres-approp. CBT rev.;$49.932M

P.L.2021, c.494. A6214 Danielsen,J/Zwicker,A+8 1/18/2022 Open space acquisition and park development projects;$80.359M P.L.2021, c.495. A6215 Stanley,S/Murphy,C+4 1/18/2022 Land, recreation/conservation-approp CBT rev, grants to cert nonprofit


P.L.2021, c.496. A6246 Aca (1R) Karabinchak,R/Sweeney,S 1/18/2022 Hotels & disruption of hotel services-concerns changes in control of

P.L.2021, c.497. A6257 Aca (1R) McKnight,A/Sweeney,S 1/18/2022 Hotel occupancy, cert cities-impose temp surcharge to fund public safety service

P.L.2021, c.498. A6262 Burzichelli,J/Reynolds-Jackson,V 1/18/2022 PERS retiree-permit return to Legislature employment after retirement

P.L.2021, c.499. A6263 Burzichelli,J/Reynolds-Jackson,V   1/18/2022   Legislative Services Commission;$2M

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