Here's What Happened Under The Gold Dome On Wednesday

The New Jersey Statehouse and Capitol Building In Trenton

Here's what happened under the Gold Dome on Wednesday (June 27th):


Bills Introduced/Without Reference/Given Second Reading:

S2812    Sweeney,S    Surtax, short-term-impose on corp.

S2813    Sweeney,S    Realty transfer fee, related tax-incr.

S2814    Sweeney,S    Transient accommodation-imposes tax

SCR132    Sweeney,S    Rev. Cert. Bd.-create

Bills Introduced:

S2796    Bucco,A.R.    Mil. Priority Regis. Act   REF SHI

S2797    Bucco,A.R.    Vet. owned, estab. bus-waives cert. fees   REF SMV

S2798    Rice,R    Student finan. aid-concerns elig.   REF SHI

S2799    Cruz-Perez,N    Adulterated candy-proh. sale   REF SHH

S2800    Bucco,A.R.    Vet., disab.-mv regis. fees exemp.   REF SMV

S2801    Greenstein,L    Svc. contracts, cert-allows cancellation   REF SEG

S2802    Diegnan,P    Filial responsibility-section law repeal   REF SHH

S2803    Holzapfel,J    St. sch. aid, cert. co.-concerns   REF SED

S2804    Ruiz,M    Eye exam-req. children entering pub. sch   REF SED

S2805    Smith,B    Water Resources Prot Trust Fd Act   REF SEN

S2806    Lagana,J.A./Gopal,V    Health insur.-concerns   REF SCM

S2807    Cryan,J    Funeral directing-concerns practice   REF SCM

S2808    Singleton,T    Firearm-estab. crime of soliciting   REF SLP

S2809    Singleton,T/Turner,S    Firearm-concerns theft   REF SLP

S2810    Ruiz,M    Reach Out and Read Prog.-develop   REF SHH

S2811    Corrado,K    U text U driv U pay sticker-driv texting   REF SLP

SCR129    Cruz-Perez,N    Camden Co.-approve hist. preserv. proj.   REF SSG

SCR130    Cryan,J    Keep Families Together Act-support   REF SLP

SCR131    Smith,B    Water consumption-rev. to water qual.   REF SEN


The Senate adjourned, to meet again on Friday, June 29, 2018 (SESSION).



Bills Introduced/Without Reference/Given Second Reading:

A4294    Quijano,A/Johnson,G    Transient accommodation-imposes tax

A4295    Coughlin,C    Realty transfer fee, related tax-incr.

A4296    Pintor Marin,E    Surtax, short-term-impose on corp.

Bills Introduced:

A4263    Jones,P    Notaries public-concerns   REF AJU

A4264    Freiman,R    Dogs-allowed, tasting areas of breweries   REF AOF

A4265    Rooney,K/DePhillips,C    Opioid antidotes-concerns admin.   REF AHE

A4266    Jones,P    Civil svc. elig. lists-concerns   REF ASL

A4267    McKeon,J    Solid & haz. waste-concerns regulation   REF AEN

A4268    Dancer,R    Sch. bus .driv. w/mv viol.-concerns   REF ATR

A4269    Lopez,Y/Downey,J    Emp-sexual harassment-force arbitration   REF ALA

A4270    Lopez,Y/Downey,J    Food & Housing Insecurity, Coll Students   REF AHI

A4271    Lopez,Y    Opiod use pub sch-concerns instruct prog   REF AED

A4272    Lopez,Y    Nursing svcs.-concerns health benf.   REF AFI

A4273    Conaway,H    Buprenorphine-health benf. cover   REF AFI

A4274    Conaway,H    Solar panels-new resid. prop., req.   REF AHO

A4275    Benson,D/Tucker,C    Woman Vet.-auth. lic. plate   REF ATR

A4276    Benson,D/Tucker,C    Vet, wartime disab-incr., paid allowance   REF AMV

A4277    Benson,D/Tucker,C+1    Vendor emp. vet.-contract preference   REF ASL

A4278    McGuckin,G/DiMaso,S    St. sch. aid, cert. co.-concerns   REF AED

A4279    Clifton,R    Sch. bus .driv. w/mv viol.-concerns   REF ATR

A4280    Clifton,R    Sch. buses-equip w/tech to avoid crashes   REF ATR

A4281    Swain,L/Tully,P    Sch. bus driv.-share mv record   REF ATR

A4282    Calabrese,C/Jasey,M    Nursing home resid.-concerns complaints   REF AHU

A4283    Chaparro,A    Law enforcement-concerns w/holding info   REF ALP

A4284    Lampitt,P    Sch. threat assess.-concerns   REF AED

A4285    Lopez,Y/Quijano,A    FF-reg. collect cancer incidence data   REF AHE

A4286    Lopez,Y/Vainieri Huttle,V    Child care ctrs-undergo drug testing   REF AWC

A4287    Thomson,E    Prop. tax exemp-concern finan agreements   REF ASL

A4288    Thomson,E    St. aid, cert. sch. dist.-calculate   REF AED

A4289    Thomson,E    Tax exemp info, long term-post, website   REF ASL

A4290    Greenwald,L    Immigrant obtaining prof. lic.-concerns   REF ARP

A4291    Houghtaling,E/DeAngelo,W    Prevailing wage-concerns   REF ALA

A4292    Greenwald,L/Pintor Marin,E    Recalls used/new mv-notify buyers   REF ACO

A4293    Quijano,A/Bramnick,J    Insur. Fair Conduct Act   REF AFI

AJR145    Space,P/Taliaferro,A    Natl Day of the Cowboy-4th Saturday July   REF ASL

AR179    Lampitt,P    Priv. sch. w/disab students-tuition rate   REF AED

Bills Withdrawn From The Files:

A1018    Johnson,G+1    OPRA-makes cert. access changes    FROM AJU


The Assembly Speaker has made the following appointment:


*Effective June 27, 2018


Martin Luther King, Jr. Commission:


Assemblywoman Verlina Reynolds-Jackson (15)


The Assembly adjourned at 7:20 P.M. to meet again on Friday, June 29, 2018 (SESSION).


Bills Passed Both Houses/Sent To Governor:



Bills Signed Into Law Since Last Session (6/25/2018):

P.L.2018, c.43.   S2747    Gopal,V/Sarlo,P    6/27/2018    FY2018 St. approp. act-amends language

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