Here's What Happened on Thursday In Trenton

Here's what happened yesterday, July 13th, under the Gold Dome...the Senate held a voting session and passed S3422 to provide back-pay to state workers impacted by the government shutdown. The Assembly held a quorum call yesterday and multiple pieces of legislation were introduced, including the state worker's back-pay bill, sponsored by Assembly members Muioi/Giblin/Mazzeo/Gusciora/Benson; the Assembly has a voting session schedule for July 31st to take up the bill.
SENATE (session)
Bills Introduced/Without Reference/Given Second Reading:
S3422 Sweeney,S/Greenstein,L+2 FY2018 approp-retro. salary pymt, St emp
Bills Introduced:
S3423 Lesniak,R/Greenstein,L+17 Voter Privacy Act REF SSG
Bills On Emergency Resolution:
S3422 Sweeney,S/Greenstein,L+2 FY2018 approp-retro. salary pymt, St emp (32-0) (Greenstein)
Bills Passed:
A1661 AcaSa (2R) Schaer,G/Danielsen,J+2 Med. parole for inmates-expands elig. (21-9)
S183 Bateman,C Driv. lic, suspended-clarify restoration (31-0)
S1731 Aa (1R) Gordon,R/Allen,D+3 Smoking, pub. places-estab. civil penal. (28-2)
S3422 Sweeney,S/Greenstein,L+2 FY2018 approp-retro. salary pymt, St emp (32-0)
Bills Substituted:
A1661 AcaSa (2R) Schaer,G/Danielsen,J+2 Med. parole for inmates-expands elig. SUB FOR S3217 (1R)
S3217 Sa (1R) Cunningham,S Med. parole for inmates-expands elig. SUB BY A1661 (2R)
Bills Received from Governor/Absolute Veto:
S587 Cunningham,S/Sumter,S+1 Redist-incarcerated person resid address
S3006 Aa (1R) Weinberg,L/Gordon,R+5 PANYNJ-proh assist, banning US entry
Bills Received from Governor/Conditional Veto:
S677 ScaAca (2R) Rice,R/Turner,S+6 Racial and ethnic impact statement-req.
S806 Aca (1R) Weinberg,L/Gordon,R+4 Haz materials trans by rail-cleanup plan
The Senate adjourned at 12:20 P.M. to meet again at a date and time to be announced.
ASSEMBLY (quorum)
Bills Introduced/Without Reference/Given Second Reading:
A18 Muoio,E/Giblin,T FY2018 approp-retro. salary pymt, St emp
A5128 McKeon,J/Vainieri Huttle,V St. parks open-failure to enact approp.
A5131 Wisniewski,J Beach house, Island Beach St. Park-rent
A5132 Wisniewski,J St resid prop-Gov proh, no annual approp
Bills Introduced:
A5077 Pintor Marin,E Health svc. corp.-concerns REF AJU
A5078 Clifton,R/Vainieri Huttle,V Overdose Fatality, Near Fatality Review REF AHE
A5079 Clifton,R Com. mv-auth. specialty lic. plate REF ATR
A5080 Rooney,K Pharmacy benf. mgrs.-restricts practices REF AFI
A5081 Rooney,K Vet. preference retro civil svc emp list REF AMV
A5082 Chiaravalloti,N Work zone speed enforcement-pilot prog. REF ATR
A5083 Schaer,G Higher Ed. Manufacturing Grant Prog. REF AHI
A5084 Schaer,G Cancer Research-tax return vol. contrib. REF AHE
A5085 Schaer,G Electronic Plan Review Sys.-estab. REF AHO
A5086 Jasey,M/McKeon,J Twp. of So. Orange Village-change name REF ASL
A5087 Karabinchak,R Devel. proj.-epedite processes REF ASL
A5088 DeCroce,B Ret law enforcement off.-carry handgun REF ALP
A5089 Singleton,T Nursing svcs, priv. duty-Medicaid reimb. REF AHE
A5090 Eustace,T Hepatitis C-health insur. prov. coverage REF AFI
A5091 Eustace,T Physicals for cert. students-concerns REF AED
A5092 Eustace,T AIDS or HIV-prov drug regimen treatments REF AFI
A5093 Eustace,T Electric generation fac.-concerns REF ATU
A5094 DeAngelo,W/Houghtaling,E Vet honorably discharged-estab lic plate REF ATR
A5095 DeAngelo,W/Houghtaling,E Constr. contracts-req. prompt pymt. REF ALA
A5096 Quijano,A Towed mv-MVC estab. registry REF ATR
A5097 Quijano,A Victim/witness intimidation-concerns REF AJU
A5098 Quijano,A Judges-proh pub home address on internet REF AJU
A5099 Quijano,A Tenant credit report- proh. discrim. REF AHO
A5100 Quijano,A Defendants, cert.-concerns REF AJU
A5101 Quijano,A Emerg. veh.-concerns REF ALP
A5102 Quijano,A Higher Ed. Student Assist. Auth. Review REF AHI
A5103 Quijano,A Manufacturing bus, cert.-concerns assist REF ACE
A5104 Eustace,T/Zwicker,A DEP-proh. amending cert. regulations REF AEN
A5105 Eustace,T/Zwicker,A Fed. lands-concerns REF AEN
A5106 Brown,C/Peterson,E+4 Woman vet. lic. plates-auth. REF ATR
A5107 Caride,M/Eustace,T Sch. bus. driv.-display id info. REF ALP
A5108 Eustace,T/Caride,M Tuition-free co. coll. scholarship prog. REF AHI
A5109 Eustace,T Income share prog.-concerns REF AHI
A5110 Downey,J/Houghtaling,E Health insur benf, labor dispute-concern REF ALA
A5111 Vainieri Huttle,V/Wisniewski,J Traffic signs maintenance-concerns REF ATR
A5112 Vainieri Huttle,V/Sumter,S Campus Sexual Assault-estab. Task Force REF AHI
A5113 Webber,J Baked goods sold at farm markets-concern REF AAN
A5114 Benson,D/Sumter,S Co corrections officers-estab. comp prog REF ALP
A5115 Wisniewski,J St, loc elections-limits on money raised REF AJ
A5116 Singleton,T Disabled vet.-concerns prop. tax REF AMV
A5117 Vainieri Huttle,V/Greenwald,L Epilepsy meds.-concerns REF AHE
A5118 Vainieri Huttle,V Epilepsy-concerns driv. med. review REF ATR
A5119 Vainieri Huttle,V/Greenwald,L Epilepsy-concerns outreach efforts REF AHE
A5120 Land,R/Andrzejczak,B Juv. offender reentry prog.-coll. devel. REF AHI
A5121 Land,R/Andrzejczak,B Emp, regional-coll devel prog meet needs REF AHI
A5122 Land,R/Andrzejczak,B Marine Sci. Instit-determine feasibility REF AHI
A5123 Mukherji,R/Singleton,T Edison Innovation Sci. and Tech. Fd. REF AHI
A5124 Space,P/Bucco,A.M. Workers' comp. elig.-concerns REF ALA
A5125 Benson,D/Vainieri Huttle,V Emp. insur.-concerns availability REF AHU
A5126 Mazzeo,V/Land,R Casinos-concerns declared St of emerg. REF ATG
A5127 Bramnick,J Annual approp-fine leg, failure to enact REF ASL
A5130 Space,P/Andrzejczak,B Farm equip.-concerns right to repair REF AAN
ACR251 Munoz,N/Clifton,R+1 MV fees-dedicate rev. to transit sys. REF ATR
ACR252 Greenwald,L/Conaway,H Health care-estab affordable health care REF AHE
ACR253 Wisniewski,J Elections-limit money raised REF AJU
AJR168 McKeon,J Drunk & Impaired Driv. Comm.-estab. REF ALP
AR279 Vainieri Huttle,V/Lampitt,P Backpacks, heavy-take proactive measures REF AED
AR280 Danielsen,J+1 Fed. Energy Reg. Comm.-strenuous concern REF ATU
AR281 Benson,D/Muoio,E+2 Info. Tech. Office-oppose Gov reorg plan REF ATU
AR282 Pinkin,N/Karabinchak,R Natl. monument-concerns prot. REF ARO
AR283 Auth,R/McKeon,J+21 Amtrak svc. disruption-cost recovery REF AJU
Bills Received from Governor/Absolute Veto:
A4701 Eustace,T/Zwicker,A+6 Greenhouse Gas Initiative-St participate
Bills Received from Governor/Conditional Veto:
A1855 Wimberly,B/Prieto,V+9 Minorities, women-constr. training
Bills Received from Senate/Concurrence w/Senate Amendments/Given Second Reading:
A1661 AcaSa (2R) Schaer,G/Danielsen,J+2 Med. parole for inmates-expands elig.
A2511 AcsSca (ACS/1R) Eustace,T/Turner,S+2 Life insur.-concerns
A3433 AcaAaSca (3R) Greenwald,L/Jones,P+1 Uniform Fiduciary Access Digital Assets
Bills Received from Senate/Referred to Committee:
S183 Bateman,C Driv. lic, suspended-clarify restoration REF ALP
S278 ScaSa (2R) Vitale,J Ambulatory care fac.-concerns lic. REF AHE
S2820 ScaSca (2R) Vitale,J/Addiego,D Quinn Wilson's law-stillbirth, tax. cred REF AAP
S2929 Diegnan,P.J.+1 Jury svc.-concerns comp. REF AJU
S3212 Sca (1R) Ruiz,M/Cruz-Perez,N+1 2-1-1 phone sys.-prov. info. to tenants REF AHO
S3377 Sarlo,P/Scutari,N Will-concerns powers of appt. REF AJU
SJR23 Vitale,J/Oroho,S+2 First responder, vol-study stabilization REF AHS
SJR38 ScaSaSa (3R) Turner,S/Rice,R+2 St. Commission on Urban Violence-estab. REF ALP
Bills Received from Senate/Without Reference/Given Second Reading:
S2485 SaSa (2R) Diegnan,P.J./Turner,S Computer science-sch. dist. offer course
S2804 Sca (1R) Gordon,R/Stack,B+2 First-time Home Buyer Savings Acct. Prog
S3422 Sweeney,S/Greenstein,L+2 FY2018 approp-retro. salary pymt, St emp
The Assembly Speaker has made the following appointments: *Effective July 7, 2017
Disparity in State Procurement Study Commission:
Assemblywoman Annette Chapparo (33)
Assemblyman Tim Eustace (38)
Assemblyman Jamel C. Holley (20)
Assemblywoman Elizabeth Maher Muoio (15)
The Assembly adjourned at 5:19 P.M. to meet again on Monday, July 31, 2017 for a session.
Bills Passed Both Houses/Sent To Governor:
S1731 Aa (1R) Gordon,R/Allen,D+3 Smoking, pub. places-estab. civil penal.
Bills Signed Into Law Since Last Session (7/4/2017):
P.L.2017, c.101. S956 w/GR (1R) Gordon,R/Bateman,C+3 7/7/2017 Mun. consolidation-special emerg. approp
P.L.2017, c.102. A4352 Aca w/GR (2R) Burzichelli,J/Taliaferro,A+2 7/7/2017 Non-operating sch. dist.-concerns cert.
P.L.2017, c.103. S1451 Sa (1R) Ruiz,M/Allen,D 7/13/2017 Special ed decision-available on website
P.L.2017, c.104. S2059 ScaSca (2R) Weinberg,L/Vainieri Huttle,V+1 7/13/2017 Fetal death cert.-concerns fed standards
P.L.2017, c.105. S2348 Ruiz,M/Diegnan,P.J.+32 7/13/2017 Student head injuries-concerns
P.L.2017, c.106. S2492 ScaAcaAaAa (4R) Gordon,R/O'Toole,K+12 7/13/2017 Voting participation right-enhance resid
P.L.2017, c.107. S2878 Vitale,J/Codey,R+2 7/13/2017 Health care facilities-share cert space
P.L.2017, c.108. A374 Sca (1R) Auth,R/Prieto,V+21 7/13/2017 Duplicate driv. lic, id cards-concerns
P.L.2017, c.109. A2181 Caride,M/Schaer,G 7/13/2017 Pedestrian bridges-concerns
P.L.2017, c.110. A2690 AcaAa (2R) Johnson,G/Rible,D+7 7/13/2017 Law enforcement off-handgun carry permit
P.L.2017, c.111. A4334 Aa (1R) Conaway,H/Pinkin,N 7/13/2017 Pymt. alternative models-DOH reg.
P.L.2017, c.112. A4350 Aca (1R) Eustace,T/Karabinchak,R 7/13/2017 Sewage disposal sys.-concerns cert. req.
P.L.2017, c.113. A4583 Zwicker,A/Conaway,H+19 7/13/2017 Hist. preserv. proj.-prov capital grants
P.L.2017, c.114. S3239 Sca (1R) Sweeney,S/Whelan,J+1 7/13/2017 John R Elliott HERO Campaign Way
P.L.2017, c.115. A4999 Taliaferro,A/DiMaio,J 7/13/2017 John D. Burzichelli Bridge-desig. Rt.44
P.L.2017, JR-8. SJR50 Aca (1R) Weinberg,L/Gordon,R+2 7/13/2017 Genocide Awareness Mo.-desig. April
P.L.2017, JR-9. SJR62 Codey,R/Eustace,T+3 7/13/2017 Mental Health Awareness Mo.-desig. May
P.L.2017, JR-10. AJR27 Muoio,E/Gusciora,R+4 7/13/2017 Asthma Awareness Mo.-desig. May