Here's What Happened Under The (Virtual) Gold Dome on Monday

Here's what happened under the Gold Dome (virtually) on Monday April 13th:
Bills Introduced/Without Reference/Given Second Reading:
S2329 Ruiz,M Work First program-revises requirements for cash assistance benefits;$25M
S2330 Pou,N/Cryan,J COVID-19 Financial Security for Consumers Act
S2331 Sweeney,S/Cunningham,S Inmate reentry-assists in obtaining necessary reentry benefits
S2332 Stack,B/Sweeney,S 2020 NJ Emergency Rental Assistance Program-establishes;$100M
S2333 Kean,T/Sweeney,S Civil & criminal immunity during st of emergency-provide cert. health care prof.
S2334 Pou,N/Vitale,J Prof. & occupational license boards-reactivate licensure during state of emerg.
S2336 Greenstein,L/Gopal,V+1 Remote notarial acts-allows during public health emergency & state of emergency
S2337 Cardinale,G/Beach,J Flexible instruction days-permits virtual/remote instruction to meet 180-day req
S2338 Sarlo,P/Oroho,S COVID-19 Fiscal Mitigation Act-clarify filing & payment deadline for CBT/GIT
S2339 Cunningham,S/Ruiz,M Workers benefits and leave-enhances certain rights
S2340 Singleton,T/Oroho,S Resid prop owner/tenant prot, emerg impact-mortgage forbearance & rent reduction
S2341 Vitale,J/Thompson,S Tenants, commercial & residential-concerns protections; restrict rent increases
S2342 Bucco,A/Greenstein,L Nonprofit corp-allow members to participate in meetings by remote communication
S2343 Holzapfel,J/Gopal,V+2 Violating social mitigation strategy during health emerg-create monetary penalty
S2344 Pou,N/Singer,R Prescr. drug refills during state of emerg.-req Medicaid & health insur coverage
S2345 Cryan,J/Bateman,C Transient space reservations-req. refund/credit during pub health or st of emerg
S2346 Sarlo,P/Sweeney,S Permits, certain-extends during COVID-19 emergency
S2347 Sweeney,S/Greenstein,L Employment & Business-Related Tax Deferral Assistance Program-establishes
S2348 Sweeney,S/Kean,T Taxpayers that retain employees during COVID-19-allows CBT & GIT tax credits
S2349 Beach,J Primary 2020 election-changes date from June 2 to July 7
S2351 Scutari,N/Greenstein,L Employment protection-affords to certain emergency medical responders
S2352 Gopal,V/Lagana,J Counterfeit drugs & medical devices-enhanced penalty during state of emergency
S2353 Cryan,J Mass layoff due to coronavirus 2019 pandemic-exclude from severance requirements
S2354 Greenstein,L/Oroho,S Insurance policy cancellation-prohibits for at least 60 days, cert circumstances
S2355 Gopal,V/Bateman,C Mandatory retirement in SPRS-delays when it occurs during state of emergency
S2356 Cunningham,S Student financial aid-provide relief due to 2020 public health state emergency
S2357 Rice,R/Gill,N COVID-19 demographic data-require hospitals to report
S2363 Greenstein,L Small business tenant, cert-Gov permit emergency rent suspension during COVID-19
S2374 Sweeney,S Family leave benefits-concerns benefits during epidemic-related emergencies
S2376 Greenstein,L Public emp.-concerns hiring & benefits during health hazard posed by coronavirus
SR64 Cryan,J/Pou,N Finan. instit. fees & payments-urge to waive/suspend during coronavirus pandemic
SR65 Sarlo,P/Greenstein,L COVID-19 Business & Employee Continuity & Recovery Fund-urges federal creation
Bills Introduced:
S2305 Singleton,T Victim Info. & Notification Everyday System-notify domestic viol victims through REF SJU
S2306 Beach,J Beach access fee-provides free or reduced to certain National Guard members REF SCU
S2307 Bucco,A COVID-19 pandemic-establish sales tax holiday for state of emergency duration REF SBA
S2308 Holzapfel,J Internet-requires State agencies to review operations and implement use REF SSG
S2309 O'Scanlon,D/Oroho,S Prop tax, State-deduct amount paid on principal resid from income tax obligation REF SBA
S2310 Cryan,J/Singleton,T Worker reinstatement-concerns taking family leave REF SLA
S2311 Rice,R Bus. for certification-prohibits disqual. of certain minority and women owned REF SSG
S2312 Diegnan,P Transportation agencies-establish procedures for awarding design-build contracts REF STR
S2313 Singleton,T Employee contributions, state retir. sys.-concerns actuarial valuation treatment REF SSG
S2314 Diegnan,P Stenographic transcript-revises per page rate and other court recordings REF SJU
S2315 Beach,J Organ donors, living-prohibits discrimination against REF SHH
S2316 Rice,R Guardian, temp.-expand role, place incapacitated person in less restrictive env. REF SHH
S2317 Rice,R Camp. contrib. disclosure-req. business entity file w/ELEC, receive $50K or more REF SSG
S2318 Gopal,V Theft $500K or more-upgrades crime to first degree REF SJU
S2319 Gopal,V Third-party delivery svc-bans non-consensual use of intellectual prop/trademarks REF SCM
S2320 Gopal,V Beach umbrellas-require to anchor at public beaches; post signs regarding risks REF SCU
S2321 Gopal,V Equalization Aid, DOE-FY2021 suppl. approp from Property Tax Relief Fund;$200M REF SED
S2322 Gopal,V Media content, deceptive-prohibits of pub off candidate w/in 60 days of election REF SSG
S2323 Gopal,V Opioids-requires antidote prescriptions for certain patients REF SHH
S2324 Gopal,V Centers for Independent Living-DOLWD for continued assistance;$750k REF SHH
S2325 Gopal,V Public utility service discontinuances, certain-prohibits during cert epidemics REF SEG
S2326 Beach,J One Strike, You're Ours-adds Internet as aggravating factor in child sex crimes REF SJU
S2327 O'Scanlon,D Domestic violence/child endangerment, state of emerg.-classified 1 degree higher REF SJU
S2328 Holzapfel,J State of emerg. essential individuals & businesses-exempt from cert requirements REF SCM
S2358 Cunningham,S Private education lenders-requires registration; estab protections for borrowers REF SHI
SCR110 Rice,R/Turner,S Federal opportunity zones-urge Congress req transparency & promote social equity REF SEG
SJR78 Gopal,V Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Awareness Month-designates November of each year REF SHH
SR63 Gopal,V Mortgage borrower forbearance-urges finan instit provide during coronavirus 2019 REF SCM
Bills Received from Assembly/Without Reference/Given Second Reading:
A3901 Chiaravalloti,N/Kennedy,J+4 Prof. & occupational license boards-reactivate licensure during state of emerg.
A3902 Wimberly,B/Coughlin,C Deadline extensions to local gov. units-permits under emergency circumstances
A3903 Downey,J/Houghtaling,E+2 Notarial acts, remote-allows during Public Health Emergency & State of Emergency
A3904 Burzichelli,J/Schepisi,H+4 Flexible instruction days-permits virtual/remote instruction to meet 180-day req
Co-Sponsors Added:
S526 Sca (1R) (Gopal,V) Insulin purchase-not subject to deductible; health insurers limit copayment
S866 (Scutari,N) Income access services-creates certain requirements
S989 (Diegnan,P) Healthy Terminals Act-req. airport/train station workers be paid cert wages/benf
S2285 (Turner,S) Paid leave, local gov employees-provide w/out utilizing accumulated leave, cert
S2336 (Bucco,A) Remote notarial acts-allows during public health emergency & state of emergency
S2343 (Connors,C) Violating social mitigation strategy during health emerg-create monetary penalty
Co-Prime Sponsors Added:
S1410 (Bucco,A) Deferred compensation-exclude public school/federal tax-exempt org. employee
S2039 (Greenstein,L) Price discrimination-prohibits gender-based
S2129 (Greenstein,L) Motor vehicles, self-driv-clarify owner comply w/existing insurance requirements
The Senate adjourned at 3:30 P.M. on Friday, April 10, 2020, to meet again on Monday, April 13, 2020 (SESSION).
Bills Introduced/Without Reference/Given Second Reading:
A3905 Timberlake,B Work First program-revises requirements for cash assistance benefits;$25M
A3906 Coughlin,C Hotel facilities-require state lease as isolation centers for COVID-19 emergency
A3908 Jasey,M/Reynolds-Jackson,V COVID-19 Financial Security for Consumers Act
A3910 Kennedy,J/Burzichelli,J Civil & criminal immunity during st of emergency-provide cert. health care prof.
A3912 Pintor Marin,E/Quijano,A Inmate reentry-assists in obtaining necessary reentry benefits
A3913 Zwicker,A/Egan,J Family leave benefits-concerns benefits during epidemic-related emergencies
A3914 Taliaferro,A/Moen,W Public emp.-concerns hiring & benefits during health hazard posed by coronavirus
A3915 Dunn,A/Bergen,B Nonprofit corp-allow members to participate in meetings by remote communication
A3916 DiMaso,S/Dunn,A Domestic viol./child endangerment-classified 1 degree higher during st. of emerg
A3917 Catalano,J/McGuckin,G+4 Violating social mitigation strategy during health emerg-create monetary penalty
A3918 Pintor Marin,E/Wirths,H COVID-19 Fiscal Mitigation Act-clarify filing & payment deadline for CBT/GIT
A3919 Calabrese,C/Spearman,W Permits, certain-extends during COVID-19 emergency
A3920 Bramnick,J/Freiman,R Insurance policy cancellation-prohibits for at least 60 days, cert circumstances
A3921 Benson,D Small business tenant, cert-Gov permit emergency rent suspension during COVID-19
A3922 Coughlin,C Primary 2020 election-changes date from June 2 to July 7
A3924 Kennedy,J Employment protection-affords to certain emergency medical responders
A3943 Wimberly,B COVID-19 demographic data-require hospitals to report
A3954 Downey,J Counterfeit drugs & medical devices-enhanced penalty during state of emergency
Bills Withdrawn From The Files:
A361 Kean,S/Egan,J+2 P.I.C.K. Awareness Act-authorize special license plate to support recovery FROM ATR
A1714 Burzichelli,J Class I renewable energy-allows BPU to increase cost to customers 2022 thru 2024 FROM AEN
Co-Sponsors Added:
A1116 (Calabrese,C) Small wireless facility deployment-provides for uniform regulation
A1571 (Danielsen,J) Prevailing wage-public work on properties receiving tax abatement or exemptions
A2101 Aca (1R) (Reynolds-Jackson,V) Public utilities infrastructure projects-provide notice prior to initiating
A2540 (Dunn,A) Safe school resource off/Class Three special law enforcement off-sch dist employ
A2542 (Dunn,A) Telemarketers-provide name, address and phone number and company name
A2632 (DiMaio,J; Karabinchak,R) Alzheimer's disease public awareness campaign-DOH establish
A2921 (Space,P) Home-school students-allow participation in school-sponsored activities
A2981 (Space,P) Tax abatement agreements-municipalities file copies w/in 10 days of execution
A2988 (Armato,J) Vehicles, State-requires reduction in number over 5 fiscal years
A3199 (Moen,W) Organ donors, living-prohibits discrimination against
A3265 (Benson,D) Personal Care Assistance Task Force-establish in Department of Human Services
A3266 (Benson,D) Medicaid-req. managed care organizations to notify beneficiaries of max coverage
A3591 (Johnson,G; Dunn,A; Danielsen,J) Voting by mail-permits county clerk to remove voters; increase public awareness
A3629 (Holley,J; Stanfield,J; Verrelli,A; Vainieri Huttle,V; Rooney,K) School district employees-provide automatic rating to protect tenure
A3710 (Wirths,H) Bee nesting habitat, native-DEP designate areas of State parks and forests
A3754 (Bergen,B; Wirths,H; Space,P; Stanfield,J; Rooney,K) CBT rate-grdually reduces
A3800 (Holley,J) Pediatric cancer research-provide voluntary contributions on income tax returns
A3805 (DeAngelo,W) Troops to College Grant Programs-establishes
A3844 (Mukherji,R; Danielsen,J; Sumter,S) Business interruption insurance-concerns coronavirus 2019 state of emergency
A3866 (DePhillips,C) COVID-19 pandemic-establish sales tax holiday for state of emergency duration
A3872 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Tuition and fees at higher education institutions-concerns
A3878 (Karabinchak,R) Public utility service discontinuances, certain-prohibits during cert epidemics
A3884 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Alice Paul-State Capitol Joint Mgmt Commission display in State Capitol building
A3885 (McKnight,A) Professional services, direct support-persons between 18-21 w/disab are eligible
A3889 (McKnight,A) Lease requirements-require landlord attach certificate of inspection/occupancy
ACR24 (Dunn,A) State government spending-estab 2 percent cap on annual appropriations increases
ACR26 (Catalano,J; McGuckin,G) Veteran property tax deduction-constitutional amendment to increase to $500
ACR123 (Space,P) Minor children medical procedures-regarding parental notification; pregnancy
ACR142 (Murphy,C) Earth Day-commemorates 50th anniversary
AJR71 (Space,P; Wirths,H) Agriculture Day-designates March 20th of each year
AJR72 (Wirths,H) Armistice, World War I-commemorates 100th anniversary
AJR134 (DeAngelo,W) Fishing and Boating Week-designates first full week of June each year
AR115 (Johnson,G) National Infrastructure Bank-urges President and Congress to create
AR147 (Vainieri Huttle,V; McKnight,A) Pregnant Workers Fairness Act-urges Congress to pass
Second Prime Sponsors Added:
A2476 (Dunn,A) Homeschooling expenses, certain-provides gross income tax credit
A2698 (DeAngelo,W) Veterans, peacetime-creates civil service preference
A2837 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Teaching staff member assessment-limit use of student progress, no more than 10%
A2904 (DiMaio,J) Handgun permit-revise procedures for securing
A2911 (Rooney,K) Crimes, during state of emergency-upgrade to first degree
A2916 (Space,P) US flag and recite Pledge of Allegiance-required at the beginning of meetings
A2930 (Rooney,K) State Debt Capacity Advisory Commission-establish
A2933 (Wirths,H) S corporations-eliminate $375 minimum CBT with gross receipts of less than $100K
A2936 (DiMaio,J) Wrongful life/birth suits-prohibits
A2974 (Mazzeo,V) Counties, mun. shared services-priority consideration of permit applications
A2981 (Wirths,H) Tax abatement agreements-municipalities file copies w/in 10 days of execution
A3335 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Phishing or soliciting-prohibits for personal identifying information
A3574 (Dancer,R) Tick research and control;$250K
A3619 (Dancer,R) Farming activity complaints-award farmer, defending against bad faith complaints
A3629 (Jasey,M) School district employees-provide automatic rating to protect tenure
A3797 (Johnson,G) Bias Crime Offender Registry-establishes
A3869 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Opioids-requires antidote prescriptions for certain patients
A3872 (Jasey,M) Tuition and fees at higher education institutions-concerns
A3885 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Professional services, direct support-persons between 18-21 w/disab are eligible
A3887 (Conaway,H) Trichloropropane in drinking water-DEP establish maximum contaminant level
ACR123 (DiMaio,J) Minor children medical procedures-regarding parental notification; pregnancy
ACR162 (Space,P) Death penalty-restore under certain circumstances
AJR148 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Social-Emotional Learning Day-designates last Friday in March of every year
AJR160 (Johnson,G) Chinese & Asian American communites-supports during coronavirus 2019 epidemic
AR140 (Verrelli,A) Steel channel markers, Intracoastal Waterway-Cong. appropriate funds to replace
AR149 (McKnight,A) Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program-urges President to continue
Third Prime Sponsors Added:
A2014 (Dunn,A) Vehicles, donated-provides gross income tax deduction
A2904 (Rooney,K) Handgun permit-revise procedures for securing
A2916 (Wirths,H) US flag and recite Pledge of Allegiance-required at the beginning of meetings
A2921 (Wirths,H) Home-school students-allow participation in school-sponsored activities
A3150 (Benson,D) Military spouse-extend validity of temporary instructional certificate to 1 year
A3173 (Dunn,A) Library Network for continuation of services;$750K
A3591 (Mukherji,R) Voting by mail-permits county clerk to remove voters; increase public awareness
A3629 (Mukherji,R) School district employees-provide automatic rating to protect tenure
A3872 (Dancer,R) Tuition and fees at higher education institutions-concerns
A3884 (Stanfield,J) Alice Paul-State Capitol Joint Mgmt Commission display in State Capitol building
A3885 (Chiaravalloti,N) Professional services, direct support-persons between 18-21 w/disab are eligible
A3887 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Trichloropropane in drinking water-DEP establish maximum contaminant level
A3897 (DiMaso,S) Waterfowl Stamps-increases fee
ACR123 (Wirths,H) Minor children medical procedures-regarding parental notification; pregnancy
ACR162 (Wirths,H) Death penalty-restore under certain circumstances
AJR90 (DeAngelo,W) 529 Opening Paths to Invest in Our Nation's Students Act-urges to enact
AJR99 (Wirths,H) Remembering Victims of Communism Day-designates November 7 of each year
AJR160 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Chinese & Asian American communites-supports during coronavirus 2019 epidemic
AR96 (DeAngelo,W) PATH Act-urges Congress pass; expand pre-apprenticeship programs
AR136 (Benson,D) Mental health report-boards of education urged to adopt recommendations
AR147 (Stanfield,J) Pregnant Workers Fairness Act-urges Congress to pass
The Assembly adjourned at 4:02 P.M. on Friday, April 10, 2020, to meet again on Monday, April 13, 2020 (SESSION).
Bills Passed Both Houses/Sent To Governor:
Bills Signed Into Law Since Last Session (3/25/2020):
P.L.2020, c.17. S2304 Sweeney,S/Scutari,N+8 3/25/2020 Family leave & disability benefits during epidemic-related emergencies-concerns