Here's What Happened Under The Gold Dome On Monday

The New Jersey Statehouse and Capitol Building In Trenton

Here's what happened under the Gold Dome on Monday (January 27th):



Nominations Received and Referred to SJU:


Honorable Bradford M. Bury, J.S.C., of Watchung.

Honorable Mitzy Galis-Menendez, J.S.C., of Cliffside Park.

Honorable Jeffrey R. Jablonski, J.S.C., of Kearny.

Honorable Alan G. Lesnewich, J.S.C., of New Providence.

Honorable Daniel R. Lindemann, J.S.C., of Wayne.

Honorable Marlene Lynch Ford, J.S.C., of Seaside Park.

Honorable Stephen J. Taylor, J.S.C., of Skillman.

Honorable Angela White Dalton, J.S.C., of Howell.

Honorable James P. Wilson, J.S.C., of Plainfield.


William M. Tambussi, of Haddon Heights.

Amy Towers, of Mahwah.


Josh Foote, of Lumberton, to replace Donn C. Lamon.

Sean Kennedy, of Medford.

Dennis Rivell, of Delran, to replace Kimberly Kersey.

Debra Valenzano, of Shamong, to replace Larry Chatzidakis.

Lester Holley, of Edgewater Park, to replace Brian Summerville.


Caryl Shoffner, of South Bound Brook.


Zenon Christodoulou, of North Branch.


Sharon Cross, of Flanders, to replace John Giraud.


Charles Preston Eader, of Bridgewater.

Michael D. Goldberg, of Hillsborough, to replace John M. Lore.

Nina Jordan, of Somerset, to replace Melonie Krisza Marano.

Gail Rosen, of Martinsville.


Kerri E. Cody, of Hammonton.


Kevin D. Walsh, Esq., of Merchantville.


Bills Introduced:

S868 Pennacchio,J Professional & occupational licensing fees-waive for military status individuals REF SCM

S869 Pennacchio,J PIP coverage-automobile insurers provide information regarding premiums REF SCM

S870 Pennacchio,J Medical malpractice judgment-provides certain homestead exemption REF SCM

S871 Pennacchio,J Merchandise, returned-prohibits establishments requiring consumer identification REF SCM

S872 Turner,S CDS, Schedule II-ID required for persons picking up prescriptions REF SHH

S873 Turner,S Opioid Prevention & Rehabilitation Program Fund-establish tax on opioid drugs REF SHH

S874 Stack,B Animal adoption-concerns sourcing of animals; repeal Pet Purchase Protection Act REF SEN

S875 Cryan,J Contractors-concern registration & sets criteria, responsible bidder in pub work REF SLA

S876 Vitale,J FamilyCare, NJ-expands to uninsured children under 19; appropriates $3M REF SHH

S877 Cryan,J/Vitale,J Substance use disorders in correctional facilities-develop peer counseling prog. REF SHH

S878 Cryan,J Rental property-landlord prov. tenant w/notice of conditions, causing damage/haz REF SCU

S879 Cryan,J Prop Tax Lien Pilot Program-allow certain mun greater control over tax lien sale REF SCU

S880 Cryan,J Prenatal care clinics-DOH conduct survey on status REF SHH

S881 Cryan,J Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine Pilot Program-creates REF SHH

S882 Cryan,J Nurse psych advanced-completion of certificate, involuntary treatment commitment REF SHH

S883 Cryan,J Medicaid coverage for certain school-based services-codifies and expands REF SHH

S884 Cryan,J Medicaid/NJ FamilyCare-determiniation no later, 21 days application submission REF SHH

S885 Cryan,J Medicaid recipient's estate-limit authority of DHS to impose liens/seek recovery REF SHH

S886 Cryan,J Health care entities-contracts for sale, honor existing bargaining agreement REF SLA

S887 Sweeney,S/Greenstein,L Prescription drug services, Medicaid-transition managed care to fee-for-service REF SHH

S888 Pou,N Consumer reporting agencies-proh adverse info, emp affected by fed govt shutdown REF SCM

S889 Cryan,J/Scutari,N Landlords-prohibit accepting housing assistance from other states REF SCU

S890 Pou,N Maternal mental health-ID & take appropriate steps to secure fed funding sources REF SHH

S891 Pou,N Devel disab individual forms-req to be available in languages other than English REF SHH

S892 Pou,N Nursing homes-provide training to staff in behavioral health issues REF SHH

S893 Pou,N Senior citizens & persons w/disabilities-creates crime of victimization REF SHH

S894 Pou,N Methylene chloride paint removal-proh sale unless cert safety standards are met REF SEN

S895 Pou,N Tax collectors-concerns certification in collection of property taxes REF SCU

S896 Pou,N Juvenile legal representation-expands Office of Public Defender REF SLP

S897 Cryan,J Chiropractic-provides for temporary travel license to practice REF SCM

S898 Cryan,J Blockchain technology-permits corporations to use for recordkeeping requirements REF SCM

S899 Cryan,J Restrictive covenant-limits certain provisions in and enforceability of REF SLA

S900 Cryan,J Sexual harassment training-restaurant employees required to receive REF SLA

S901 Pou,N Pregnant women-notify if insurance coverage, not subject to 48 hr maternity law REF SHH

S904 Rice,R Pub work contracts w/minority, women, vet owned bus-post on website St fund use REF SSG

S905 Rice,R Diversity and Inclusion, Office-codifies establishment in Department of Treasury REF SSG

S906 Stack,B Mail-in ballot application-include prepaid postage REF SSG

S907 Connors,C Dredging lagoon community waterways-authorizes assessment/bonds to finance REF SEN

S908 Singleton,T/Oroho,S+1 Real estate developments-clarify assessment payment & election participation req REF SCU

S909 Connors,C Dredging account, special-establish, DEP administer account and programs REF SEN

S910 Connors,C Dredged material disposal projects, navigational waterways;$26.14M REF SEN

S911 Connors,C Island Beach & Liberty St Parks-dedicate fees collected to support cert programs REF SEN

S912 Connors,C Bay scallop fishery-DEP authorize and requires assessment of resource REF SEN

S913 Connors,C Surviving spouse, cert blind or disabled vet-annual comp paid from date of death REF SMV

S914 Rice,R/Cunningham,S+4 Motor vehicle Surcharge Community Svc. Prog.-community svc. in lieu of surcharge REF SLP

S915 Singleton,T Cranberry juice-designates as State beverage REF SSG

S916 Singleton,T State debt affordability analysis, annual-include in the State Debt Report REF SBA

S917 Singleton,T Educational assistance programs, employees-allow income tax deduction REF SHI

S918 Singleton,T Lisa's Law-4 yr. pilot prog for electronic monitoring of domestic viol offenders REF SJU

S919 Singleton,T Generic prescription drugs-prohibits excessive increases in prices charged REF SHH

S920 Singleton,T Cats and other animals-prohibits surgical declawing REF SEN

S921 Weinberg,L Fair Workweek Act-concerns fair workweek employment standards REF SLA

S922 Singleton,T/Greenstein,L+1 Municipal water authority dissolution-Local Finance Bd. make cert findings prior REF SCU

S923 Pennacchio,J Flood Control, Mitigation, & Prevention Bond Act-bonds up to $2B; approp. $5K REF SEN

S924 Pennacchio,J Cadaveric fetal tissue, from elective abortion-prohibits cosmetic research REF SHH

S925 Pennacchio,J Highlands Region Preservation Area municipalities-reduce sales tax REF SBA

S926 Pennacchio,J Property assessment appeals-refund excess prop. taxes paid by taxpayer who wins REF SCU

S927 Corrado,K Disabled person-req restricted parking spaces located near youth athletic fields REF SHH

S928 Kean,T Nursing-biennial renewal of lic or certificate is due on professional's birthday REF SHH

S929 Kean,T Veterans, certain-municipality provide free beach access REF SCU

S930 Kean,T Animal protection orders and assignment-provides for in divorce/dissolution REF SJU

S931 Connors,C Photovoltaic technologies, age-restricted community clubhouse fac.-BPU prov. fd. REF SEN

S932 Pennacchio,J Dogs and cats-allows in restaurants if authorized by municipal ordinance REF SCU

S933 Pennacchio,J Ambulatory care facility-deduct Medicaid pymts when calculating receipts assess. REF SHH

S934 Pennacchio,J Ambulatory care facility-deduct Medicaid pymts. when calculating receipts assess REF SHH

S935 Pennacchio,J Office of State Dental Director and NJ Oral Health Commission-establishes REF SHH

S936 Pennacchio,J Managed care plans-allow any clinical laboratory participate in provider network REF SHH

S937 Pennacchio,J Highlands Water Protection & Planning Act-concerns expansion or reconstruction REF SEN

S938 Pennacchio,J Electric veh charging stations-exemp local approval installation at gas stations REF SEN

S939 Pennacchio,J Triploid Grass Carp Commission-study use in freshwater lakes for weed control REF SEN

S940 Stack,B Utility service provider work-require to notify BPU; access online database REF SEG

S941 Stack,B Public utilities-requires to file certain information w/BPU, info. on website REF SEG

S942 Singleton,T Prof & occupational bds-req standards, considering applicants w/crim hist record REF SCM

S943 Singleton,T Portable benf-estab sys for worker, prov svc to consumers thru contracting agent REF SLA

S944 Singleton,T Barbering license-creates alternative option to earn REF SCM

S945 Corrado,K Opioid antidote, administered-require involuntary commitment REF SHH

S946 Corrado,K Dogs and cats euthanized at shelters/pounds-DOH establish reduction REF SHH

S947 Connors,C Public Work Contractor Registration Act-exempt small bus from apprenticeship req REF SLA

S948 Connors,C Intoxicated employees-prevented from receiving worker's compensation REF SLA

S949 Singleton,T Public contracts-incr disclosure of political contributions by business entities REF SSG

S950 Connors,C Breann's Law-children w/catastrophic illnesses provide out of network coverage REF SCM

S951 Connors,C Barnegat Bay Decoy & Baymen's Museum-converts loan to grant REF SEG

S952 Connors,C Defense of Community Standards Act-revises law concerning sexually oriented bus. REF SCU

S953 Connors,C Disabled veteran-exempts from beach buggy permit fees REF SMV

S954 Connors,C Municipal ordinance violation fines-convert into tax liens REF SCU

S955 Connors,C Greenhead fly population-authorizes counties to reduce;$50K REF SCU

S956 Connors,C Veteran's property tax exemption-extends to tenant shareholders in co-ops REF SCU

S957 Connors,C Veterans-municipal development trust funds be spent on affordable assistance REF SCU

S958 Connors,C Disab. vet. prop-cont tax exempt status, homes destroyed by flood/storm reconstr REF SCU

S959 Connors,C Dredging waterways, certain-DEP assume responsibility & provide boat access REF SEN

S960 Rice,R Student financial aid-parent prov. information to Higher Ed. Student Asst. Auth. REF SHI

S961 Singleton,T/Cruz-Perez,N Military nonresidential spouses-concerns licensure and certifications REF SHI

S962 Beach,J Recovery residence certification program-DCA approve credentialing entity devel. REF SHH

S964 Vitale,J Disabled person's residence-mun establish reserved parking zone on adjacent prop REF STR

S965 Vitale,J Licensed plate, special-change current sys. for discontinuance of various types REF STR

S967 Bucco,A Workers' compensation insurance requirement-concerns corporations & partnerships REF SLA

S968 Singleton,T+1 Water, drinking-req. public water systems provide notice of elevated lead levels REF SCU

S969 Ruiz,M/Turner,S Teacher loan redemption prog., cert. field-redeem amounts to asst in failing sch REF SHI

S970 Ruiz,M/Cunningham,S Higher ed instit, governing bd memb-complete a training prog devel by Secretary REF SHI

S971 Lagana,J/Cunningham,S Fair Play Act-allows collegiate student-athletes earn comp, use of name or image REF SHI

S972 Madden,F/Sweeney,S Contractor work, certain industries-concerns a skilled & trained workforce REF SLA

S973 Ruiz,M/Singleton,T+3 Apprenticeship mentoring-estab for women, minorities and persons w/disabilities REF SLA

S974 Weinberg,L/Ruiz,M Alice Paul-State Capitol Joint Mgmt Commission display in State Capitol building REF SBA

SCR39 Greenstein,L/Turner,S 19th Amendment-commemorate 100th anniversary of passage of women's right to vote REF SBA

SCR40 Connors,C Beach easements-establish funding within Shore Protection Fund for acquisition REF SEN

SCR41 Connors,C Property assessment reduction-provide senior citizen relatives living quarters REF SCU

SCR42 Connors,C Federal flood insurance-urges Congress and President to increase subsidies REF SEN

SCR43 Thompson,S Eating Disorders Awareness Week-designates February 25 through March 3, 2018 REF SHH

SJR24 Thompson,S Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Awareness Week-designates September 7-13 each year REF SHH

SJR25 Pennacchio,J Pharmacogenomics Commission-establishes REF SHH

SJR26 Pennacchio,J Eczema Awareness Month-designates October of each year REF SHH

SR22 Pennacchio,J Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act-urges US Congress to pass REF SHH

SR23 Singer,R Most Beautiful Lady in the World: Statue of Liberty Anthem-official anthem REF SSG


Bills Reported from Committee/Given 2nd Reading:

S51 Sca (1R) Singer,R/Diegnan,P+2 Medicaid reimbursement rate change on nursing homes-estab comm to study impact REP/SCA

S89 Bateman,C/Gopal,V Horse-authorizes creation of special license plate and commem. as State animal REP

S228 Diegnan,P/Ruiz,M+1 School bus, electric-powered-EDA establish loan program for certain costs REP

S249 Sca (1R) Singleton,T/Turner,S Pharmacy benefits manager prov. services w/in Medicaid prog-disclose info to DHS REP/SCA

S253 Sca (1R) Singleton,T/Greenstein,L Lead service line inventories and replacement-public water system develop REP/SCA

S320 Scs (SCS) Rice,R Lead service lines-requires residential property contracts to address REP/SCS

S324 Diegnan,P Motor vehicles-authorizes operators to display electronic registration proof REP

S362 Cryan,J Access Link paratransit service during state of emergency-NJT operate REP

S369 Cryan,J/Vitale,J Medicaid-DOC ensure inmates participate in pre-enrollment; card at release REP

S370 Cryan,J/Vitale,J County Jail Rehabilitation and Re-Entry Program-evaluate inmates needs REP

S371 Cryan,J/Vitale,J Medicaid enrollment course for inmates-requires DOC and DHS pre-enroll REP

S374 Sca (1R) Cryan,J/Vitale,J+1 Inmate reentry services committee-each county required to establish REP/SCA

S375 Cryan,J/Vitale,J Inmates, reentry services-authorizes use of county welfare funds REP

S526 Sca (1R) Vitale,J/Pou,N+3 Insulin-health insurers required to limit copayments REP/SCA

S527 Vitale,J/Stack,B Inmates at State & County facilities-offer hepatitis B and hepatitis C testing REP

S528 Vitale,J/Cryan,J Inmates-DOC & county correctional fac to provide w/medication-assisted treatment REP

S562 Madden,F/Addiego,D+1 Wage and hour law-increases certain penalties for violations REP

S619 Sca (1R) O'Scanlon,D Medical marijuana-permits authorization thru telemedicine & telehealth REP/SCA

S647 Scs (SCS) Greenstein,L/Singleton,T Water Quality Accountability Act-revise asset management & related reporting req REP/SCS

S683 Ruiz,M Multiple dwelling owners w/at least 9 units-provide maintenance svc 24 hrs a day REP

S688 Scs (SCS) Ruiz,M/Singleton,T+1 Pre-apprenticeship programs-enhances and allocates funds REP/SCS

S689 Sca (1R) Ruiz,M/Singleton,T NJ PLACE program-concerns & allocates $300K REP/SCA

S695 Sca (1R) Ruiz,M/Cryan,J+1 Legionnaires's disease-DEP, DOH, DCA & public water systems prevent/control REP/SCA

S749 Gopal,V Ovarian cancer-prov. voluntary contributions by taxpayers on income tax returns REP

S845 Pou,N National Practitioner Data Bank-req. health care prof. licensing boards utilize REP

S846 Pou,N/Cardinale,G License Verification System-verify health care professional's license REP

S848 Sca (1R) Pou,N/Gopal,V Health care service firms-revise requirements for financial information reports REP/SCA

S866 Pou,N Income access services-creates certain requirements REP

S877 Cryan,J/Vitale,J Substance use disorders in correctional facilities-develop peer counseling prog. REP

S886 Cryan,J Health care entities-contracts for sale, honor existing bargaining agreement REP

S897 Cryan,J Chiropractic-provides for temporary travel license to practice REP

S908 Singleton,T/Oroho,S+1 Real estate developments-clarify assessment payment & election participation req REP

S922 Singleton,T/Greenstein,L+1 Municipal water authority dissolution-Local Finance Bd. make cert findings prior REP

S942 Singleton,T Prof & occupational bds-req standards, considering applicants w/crim hist record REP

S962 Beach,J Recovery residence certification program-DCA approve credentialing entity devel. REP

S964 Vitale,J Disabled person's residence-mun establish reserved parking zone on adjacent prop REP

S967 Bucco,A Workers' compensation insurance requirement-concerns corporations & partnerships REP

S968 Singleton,T+1 Water, drinking-req. public water systems provide notice of elevated lead levels REP

S972 Madden,F/Sweeney,S Contractor work, certain industries-concerns a skilled & trained workforce REP

S973 Ruiz,M/Singleton,T+3 Apprenticeship mentoring-estab for women, minorities and persons w/disabilities REP

SCR15 Sca (1R) Rice,R/Brown,C Joint Committee on Economic Justice & Equal Employment Opportunity-reconstitutes REP/SCA

SCR36 Pou,N National Practitioner Data Bank-available to health care prof. boards w/out cost REP


Bills Referred/SBA:

S89 Bateman,C/Gopal,V Horse-authorizes creation of special license plate and commem. as State animal

S228 Diegnan,P/Ruiz,M+1 School bus, electric-powered-EDA establish loan program for certain costs

S253 Sca (1R) Singleton,T/Greenstein,L Lead service line inventories and replacement-public water system develop

S369 Cryan,J/Vitale,J Medicaid-DOC ensure inmates participate in pre-enrollment; card at release

S370 Cryan,J/Vitale,J County Jail Rehabilitation and Re-Entry Program-evaluate inmates needs

S371 Cryan,J/Vitale,J Medicaid enrollment course for inmates-requires DOC and DHS pre-enroll

S374 Sca (1R) Cryan,J/Vitale,J+1 Inmate reentry services committee-each county required to establish

S375 Cryan,J/Vitale,J Inmates, reentry services-authorizes use of county welfare funds

S526 Sca (1R) Vitale,J/Pou,N+3 Insulin-health insurers required to limit copayments

S527 Vitale,J/Stack,B Inmates at State & County facilities-offer hepatitis B and hepatitis C testing

S528 Vitale,J/Cryan,J Inmates-DOC & county correctional fac to provide w/medication-assisted treatment

S562 Madden,F/Addiego,D+1 Wage and hour law-increases certain penalties for violations

S647 Scs (SCS) Greenstein,L/Singleton,T Water Quality Accountability Act-revise asset management & related reporting req

S689 Sca (1R) Ruiz,M/Singleton,T NJ PLACE program-concerns & allocates $300K

S695 Sca (1R) Ruiz,M/Cryan,J+1 Legionnaires's disease-DEP, DOH, DCA & public water systems prevent/control

S877 Cryan,J/Vitale,J Substance use disorders in correctional facilities-develop peer counseling prog.

S897 Cryan,J Chiropractic-provides for temporary travel license to practice

S942 Singleton,T Prof & occupational bds-req standards, considering applicants w/crim hist record

S962 Beach,J Recovery residence certification program-DCA approve credentialing entity devel.


Bills Transferred:

S228 Diegnan,P/Ruiz,M+1 School bus, electric-powered-EDA establish loan program for certain costs FROM SED TO STR

S253 Sca (1R) Singleton,T/Greenstein,L Lead service line inventories and replacement-public water system develop FROM SEN TO SCU

S647 Scs (SCS) Greenstein,L/Singleton,T Water Quality Accountability Act-revise asset management & related reporting req FROM SEN TO SCU


Bills Withdrawn From The Files:

S88 Bateman,C/Beach,J Veterans' property tax deduction and exemption-expand eligibility FROM SMV

S90 Bateman,C/Scutari,N Investment Council-adds member from Judicial Retirement System FROM SSG

S91 Bateman,C/Codey,R+1 Recycling Stream Improvement Task Force-establish; recycling program challenges FROM SEN

S377 Weinberg,L Subcontracted transportation center workers-requires certain wage rates/benefits FROM SLA

S398 Weinberg,L Vaccinations-recognizes right of minors aged 14 and older to consent FROM SHH


Co-Sponsors Added:

S365 (Lagana,J; Stack,B) Health care plans-offered by SEHBP and local boards of education

S374 Sca (1R) (Diegnan,P) Inmate reentry services committee-each county required to establish

S429 (Bucco,A) Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act-bans abortion 20 weeks or more

S908 (O’Scanlon,D) Real estate developments-clarify assessment payment & election participation req

S922 (O’Scanlon,D) Municipal water authority dissolution-Local Finance Bd. make cert findings prior

S968 (O’Scanlon,D) Singleton,T+1 Water, drinking-req. public water systems provide notice of elevated lead levels

Co-Sponsors Withdrawn:

SCR22 (Kean,T) State government spending-estab 2 percent cap on annual appropriations increases


Co-Prime Sponsors Added:

S253 Sca (1R) (Greenstein,L) Lead service line inventories and replacement-public water system develop

S254 (Vitale,J) FamilyCare Program-extend to children of eligible State employees

S647 Scs (SCS) (Singleton,T) Water Quality Accountability Act-revise asset management & related reporting req

S846 (Cardinale,G) License Verification System-verify health care professional's license

SCR22 (Kean,T) State government spending-estab 2 percent cap on annual appropriations increases

SR15 (Testa,M) Natl Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, 1986-US Health/Human Svcs fulfill obligations

Third Prime Sponsors Added:

S193 (Greenstein,L) Sex offenders, re-offense-prosecutor req to determine risk prior to release

S205 (Greenstein,L) Megan's law-requires use of electronic mail for community notification

S971 (Weinberg,L) Fair Play Act-allows collegiate student-athletes earn comp, use of name or image

S974 (Cunningham,S) Alice Paul-State Capitol Joint Mgmt Commission display in State Capitol building

Fourth Prime Sponsors Added:

S974 (Addiego,D) Alice Paul-State Capitol Joint Mgmt Commission display in State Capitol building

Fifth Prime Sponsors Added: S974 (Corrado,K) Alice Paul-State Capitol Joint Mgmt Commission display in State Capitol building

Sixth Prime Sponsors Added:

S974 (Cruz-Perez,N) Alice Paul-State Capitol Joint Mgmt Commission display in State Capitol building

Seventh Prime Sponsors Added:

S974 (Gill,N) Alice Paul-State Capitol Joint Mgmt Commission display in State Capitol building

Eight Prime Sponsors Added:

S974 (Greenstein,L) Alice Paul-State Capitol Joint Mgmt Commission display in State Capitol building

Ninth Prime Sponsors Added:

S974 (Pou,N) Alice Paul-State Capitol Joint Mgmt Commission display in State Capitol building

Tenth Prime Sponsors Added:

S974 (Turner,S) Alice Paul-State Capitol Joint Mgmt Commission display in State Capitol building

Democratic Leadership:

(Additional Leadership to be announced)

Senator Stephen M. Sweeney (3), Senate President

Senator Loretta Weinberg (37), Senate Majority Leader

Senator M. Teresa Ruiz (29), Senate President Pro Tempore Senator Sandra B. Cunningham (31), Deputy Majority Leader

Senator Paul A. Sarlo (36), Deputy Majority Leader

Senator James Beach (6), Assistant Majority Leader

Senator Linda R. Greenstein (14), Assistant Majority Leader

Senator Vin Gopal (11), Majority Conference Leader

Senator Nicholas P. Scutari (22), Majority Whip Page 6. January 27, 2020


The Senate President has made the following re-appointments:

*Effective January 22, 2020

State Capitol Joint Management Commission:

Kevin Drennan, of Hamilton.

Christine Shipley, of Hopewell.

The Senate Minority Leader has made the following re-appointments:

*Effective January 23, 2020

Joint Legislative Committee on Ethical Standards:

Dr. Frederick M. Herrmann, of Lawrenceville.

Hon. John J. Harper, of Convent Station.


The Senate adjourned at 6:15 P.M. to meet again on Thursday, January 30, 2020 (Quorum, Committee Groups “3” and “4” scheduled to meet).



Bills Introduced:

A2266 Greenwald,L/Pintor Marin,E+3 Violence prevention counseling services, professional-Medicaid cover REF AHU

A2267 Greenwald,L/Verrelli,A Fairness in Bidding Act-designates, pub contract bid ads contain certified costs REF ASL

A2268 Greenwald,L Group insurance benefits for their employees-mun. and bds of ed jointly contract REF ASL

A2269 Armato,J/Caputo,R+1 Opioid addiction risk-hospitals include warning in patient discharge papers REF AHU

A2270 Mazzeo,V/Armato,J Recovery residence certification program-DCA approve credentialing entity devel. REF AHU

A2271 Armato,J/Murphy,C+2 Suicide prevention-require additional sch dist personnel, complete training prog REF AED

A2272 Armato,J/Mazzeo,V Unclaimed electric & gas utility deposit-dedicate to nonprofit energy asst. org. REF ATU

A2273 Mazzeo,V/Armato,J Disaster Victims Protection Act-Governor allocate federal/State disaster aid REF AHS

A2274 Mazzeo,V/Armato,J Farm markets, seasonal-permits sale of certain alcoholic beverages REF AAN

A2275 Mazzeo,V County-based real property assessment pilot program to AC-extends REF ASL

A2276 Mazzeo,V/Armato,J Municipal liens on residential property-facilitates ID cert seniors/disab person REF ASE

A2277 Mazzeo,V Common Sense Shared Services Pilot Prog. Act-authorizes sharing mun. court admin REF ASL

A2278 Mazzeo,V Property Tax Assessment Study Commission-establish REF ASL

A2279 Mazzeo,V/Vainieri Huttle,V Opioid use disorders-establish pilot program for integrated system of treatment REF AHE

A2280 Armato,J/Murphy,C Substance use disorder treatment fac-proh paying fee or commissions for referral REF AHE

A2281 Armato,J/Mazzeo,V SNAP application process for senior citizens-streamline REF ASE

A2282 Armato,J/Mazzeo,V+1 Superstorm Sandy-DEP study St.'s response & preparedness for future storm events REF AHS

A2283 Mazzeo,V/Armato,J Opioid antidotes-county health department maintain reserve stock REF AHE

A2284 Mazzeo,V County ordinances-permits transmittal of certain proposed by electronic mail REF ASL

A2285 Armato,J/Vainieri Huttle,V SNAP-establishes standard medical expense deduction for senior citizens REF ASE

A2286 Moen,W/Caputo,R Student loan repayment programs, income-contingent-provide information REF AHI

A2287 Moen,W/Greenwald,L Student loan refinancing loan programs-permits county improvement auth. estab. REF AHI

A2288 Moen,W/Vainieri Huttle,V Intergenerational Poverty Reduction Act-estab Commission on Elim & Econ Security REF AHU

A2289 Moen,W Handicapped placard-qualified person w/post traumatic stress disorder obtain REF ATR

A2290 Moen,W Neighborhood Scholar Revitalization Pilot Program-establishes REF ACD

A2291 Moen,W/Verrelli,A Motor vehicle registration-exempts 100% disabled veterans from payment of fees REF AMV

A2292 Moen,W/Caputo,R E-ZPass-exempts customer from certain fees if motor vehicle is stolen REF ATR

A2293 Jasey,M/Kennedy,J+1 Suicide prevention programs-require institutions of higher education implement REF AHI

A2294 Kennedy,J/Pinkin,N Bisphenol A-prohibits use of receipt paper containing REF AEN

A2295 Pintor Marin,E/Vainieri Huttle,V Medication-assisted treatment-establish initiatives to expand availability REF ALP

A2296 Pintor Marin,E/Speight,S+1 Driver's license renewal-permits incarcerated person, use existing picture w/MVC REF ALP

A2297 Pintor Marin,E/Speight,S Electronic health info exchange-reentry to civilian life, incarcerated persons REF ALP

A2298 Pintor Marin,E/Quijano,A+1 Medicaid enrollment for inmates-participate in session 60 days prior to release REF ALP

A2299 Pintor Marin,E/Jimenez,A+1 Child support obligations, certain-directs the suspension, by operation of law REF ALP

A2300 Sumter,S Regional sch district-apportionment of bd membership, amount of district costs REF AED

A2301 Pintor Marin,E Economic Devel. Authority-augment State's investment in tech start-ups;$25M REF AST

A2302 Pintor Marin,E Creative crosswalks pilot program-establishes REF ATR

A2303 Johnson,G Office of State Dental Director and NJ Oral Health Commission-establishes REF AHE

A2304 Johnson,G Arthritis Quality of Life Initiative & Advisory Council on Arthritis-re-estab. REF ASE

A2305 Vainieri Huttle,V Transportation services-provide notice to riders concerning video recording REF ATR

A2306 Vainieri Huttle,V/Moen,W+1 Affordable and senior citizen housing-establishes centralized directory REF ASE

A2307 Vainieri Huttle,V Eviction of residential tenants-prohibits from December through February REF AHO

A2308 Vainieri Huttle,V Applications for professional & occupational licensure-concerns names REF ARP

A2309 Vainieri Huttle,V/Pinkin,N School buses-requires to be equipped with interior and exterior cameras REF ATR

A2310 Vainieri Huttle,V Anti-discrimination & anti-harassment policy-require certain candidates adopt REF ASL

A2311 Calabrese,C Higher ed instit & mun mutually beneficial relationship-exam by study commission REF AHI

A2369 Pinkin,N State House Complex-requires environmental sustainability plan REF AEN

A2371 Kennedy,J/Pinkin,N Food waste generators, large-required to separate and recycle waste REF AEN

A2374 Mukherji,R Energy, water & storm resiliency proj-establish prog for public or private finan REF AEN

ACR92 Pintor Marin,E/Lopez,Y+2 Commission on Reentry Services for Women-establishes REF ALP

AJR64 Vainieri Huttle,V Resiliency Week-designates first week in September REF AHS

AJR65 Vainieri Huttle,V Bruce Springsteen Day-designates September 23 REF ATG


Bills Reported from Committee/Given 2nd Reading:

A492 Webber,J/Houghtaling,E+2 Economic development subsidy-business loan overdue, prohibits awarding REP

A516 Jimenez,A/Rooney,K EMT certification, certain out-of-State-provide reciprocity REP

A543 Aca (1R) Jimenez,A/Giblin,T Psychologist training requirements-revises REP/ACA

A702 Sumter,S/Mazzeo,V+1 State info tech contracts-req software use to document contractor computer use REP

A723 Johnson,G/Wimberly,B+2 Bus. for certification-prohibits disqual. of certain minority and women owned REP

A744 Johnson,G Law enforce agency-prov internal affair/personnel file of police, other agencies REP

A853 Chiaravalloti,N/Karabinchak,R+6 Temporary businesses-prohibits municipal licensure of children operating REP

A863 Chiaravalloti,N/Johnson,G+1 Bias intimidation offenses-requires AG report to FBI for hate crime statistics REP

A876 Giblin,T/Benson,D+4 On-line courses-Secretary of Higher Education study prevalence, cost and quality REP

A1145 Freiman,R/Egan,J+11 Electronic Permit Processing Review System-establishes REP

A1229 Schaer,G/Mosquera,G+9 Homeless prevention programs-DCA make information available on its website REP

A1459 Aca (1R) Moriarty,P/Johnson,G+3 Children's products-prohibits sale containing lead, mercury or cadmium REP/ACA

A1653 Quijano,A/Pinkin,N+10 Vehicle-fueling and charging infrastructure, zero-emission-development projects REP

A2311 Calabrese,C Higher ed instit & mun mutually beneficial relationship-exam by study commission REP

AJR28 Giblin,T/Vainieri Huttle,V Eating Disorders Awareness Week-permanently designates last week in February REP

AJR32 Freiman,R/Zwicker,A Autoimmune Encephalitis Awareness Day-designates February 22 of each year REP

AR17 Tucker,C/McKnight,A Violence-declares public health crisis REP


Bills Reported Referred/AAP:

A218 Tucker,C/Taliaferro,A+2 Service or guide dogs-concerns employee training, access to public facilities REP REF AAP

A1176 Acs (ACS) Zwicker,A/Freiman,R Angioplasty, elective procedures-estab. req, issue licenses to certain hospitals REP/ACS REF AAP

A1238 Schaer,G/Timberlake,B+1 Asbestos inspection-establish licensing and permit req., adoptions of standards REP REF AAP

A1301 Mosquera,G/Jimenez,A+1 Pawnbroker-required to file transaction reports online REP REF AAP

A1483 Aca (1R) Moriarty,P/Quijano,A Vehicle trade-in and title releases-regulates pay-off REP/ACA REF AAP

A2185 Mukherji,R/Speight,S+2 Housing Choice Vouchers Program, federal, pre-application-continuously maintain REP REF AAP

A2204 McKeon,J/Chiaravalloti,N+1 Green building-permits developer to qualify for low-interest loan from NJEDA REP REF AAP


Bills Transferred:

A702 Sumter,S/Mazzeo,V+1 State info tech contracts-req software use to document contractor computer use FROM ASL TO ACD


Bills Withdrawn From The Files:

A1092 Murphy,C/Downey,J+20 Sexual harassment-requires Legislature to adopt/distribute policy prohibiting FROM ASL

A1107 Murphy,C/Karabinchak,R+7 Maximizing Employment for People with Disabilities Task Force-establishes FROM ALA


Co-Sponsors Added:

A164 (Stanfield,J) Illegal immigrants-prohibits release from correctional facilities

A192 (Benson,D) STEM Scholars Grant Pilot Program-establish in DOE

A217 (Benson,D) Public employee, served in military-modifies law regarding leave of absence comp

A218 (Timberlake,B; Murphy,C) Service or guide dogs-concerns employee training, access to public facilities

A222 (Benson,D) Military veterans or homeless-hospitals and shelters prov info on svcs/resources

A235 (Benson,D) County college-establish income tax credit for attendance

A408 (DePhillips,C) Census-based funding-eliminates use, special education aid in school funding law

A496 (Scharfenberger,G) Charitable org., NJ-based-allow income tax deduction for charitable contribution

A588 (Stanfield,J) BB guns-clarifies are not firearms under NJ law

A631 (Stanfield,J) Non-teaching staff-submit to binding arbitration for a disciplinary action

A680 (Benson,D) Long-term care facilities-estab requirements concerning rights of LGBT residents

A798 (Pinkin,N) Drug overdose fatality review team-establish in each county in the State

A853 (Johnson,G; Timberlake,B; Wimberly,B) Temporary businesses-prohibits municipal licensure of children operating

A863 (McKnight,A) Bias intimidation offenses-requires AG report to FBI for hate crime statistics

A917 (Stanfield,J) Senior citizen or veteran identity theft-increase penalties

A969 (Zwicker,A) Student, mandatory immunizations-clarifies statutory exemptions

A1137 (Freiman,R) Health care plans-offered by SEHBP and local boards of education

A1145 (Benson,D) Electronic Permit Processing Review System-establishes

A1229 (Murphy,C) Homeless prevention programs-DCA make information available on its website

A1332 (Moen,W) Veteran coordinator, higher ed instit-work w/DMVA, ensure all available access

A1358 (Moen,W) School bus recordings tampering-criminalize; school bus video monthly inspection

A1438 (Stanfield,J) State Auditor-authorizes cost-benefit analyses of certain programs & initiatives

A1459 Aca (1R) (Murphy,C; McKnight,A; Timberlake,B) Children's products-prohibits sale containing lead, mercury or cadmium

A1482 (Swain,L) Fair Repair Act-concerns repairs to certain consumer electronics

A1646 (Moen,W) Security Deposit Assistance Pilot Program-establish

A1653 (Moen,W) Vehicle-fueling and charging infrastructure, zero-emission-development projects

A1669 (Timberlake,B) Insulin-health insurers required to limit copayments

A1716 (Benson,D) Handicapped parking-allows primary caregiver of handicapped person to apply

A1749 (Moen,W) Hate crimes-amend statute that crim. display of symbols/exposing threats of viol

A1807 (Stanfield,J) Firearm trans-reasonableness standard for persons who deviate from travel course

A1971 (Benson,D) Electric school bus pilot program-directs BPU develop and implement

A2185 (McKnight,A; Wimberly,B) Housing Choice Vouchers Program, federal, pre-application-continuously maintain

A2204 (Moen,W) Green building-permits developer to qualify for low-interest loan from NJEDA

A2266 (Vainieri Huttle,V; Moen,W; Benson,D) Violence prevention counseling services, professional-Medicaid cover

A2271 (Moen,W; Verrelli,A) Suicide prevention-require additional sch dist personnel, complete training prog

A2282 (Caputo,R) Superstorm Sandy-DEP study St.'s response & preparedness for future storm events

A2293 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Suicide prevention programs-require institutions of higher education implement

A2296 (Reynolds-Jackson,V) Driver's license renewal-permits incarcerated person, use existing picture w/MVC

A2298 (Speight,S) Medicaid enrollment for inmates-participate in session 60 days prior to release

A2299 (Speight,S) Child support obligations, certain-directs the suspension, by operation of law

A2306 (Verrelli,A) Affordable and senior citizen housing-establishes centralized directory

ACR92 (Reynolds-Jackson,V; Vainieri Huttle,V) Commission on Reentry Services for Women-establishes

Co-Sponsors Withdrawn:

A1337 (DeAngelo,W) Sex offenders-loc government registration notification req, proh living near sch

A1338 (DeAngelo,W) Megan's law-requires use of electronic mail for community notification

A1659 (Peterson,E) Insurance Fair Conduct Act-unreasonable prices for business insurance

Prime Sponsors Withdrawn:

A169 (Wirths,H) Student journalist at public schools-concerns speech rights

Second Prime Sponsors Added:

A169 (Wirths,H) Student journalist at public schools-concerns speech rights

A375 (Stanfield,J) Opioid antidote, administered-require involuntary commitment

A376 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Mental health screening, annual-require health insurance coverage

A516 (Rooney,K) EMT certification, certain out-of-State-provide reciprocity

A687 (Benson,D) HIV prophylaxis-authorizes pharmacists to dispense w/out individual prescription

A863 (Johnson,G) Bias intimidation offenses-requires AG report to FBI for hate crime statistics

A1301 (Jimenez,A) Pawnbroker-required to file transaction reports online

A1337 (DeAngelo,W) Sex offenders-loc government registration notification req, proh living near sch

A1483 Aca (1R) (Quijano,A) Vehicle trade-in and title releases-regulates pay-off

A1671 (Benson,D) Hearing impaired-law enforcement agency training & contract w/qual. interpreters

A1688 (Calabrese,C) Rental property, residential-expands municipal authority to license and inspect

A1968 (Benson,D) Green home improvement-prov tax deduction for increasing building sys resiliency

A1974 (Benson,D) Energy storage analysis-BPU and electric public utilities to conduct

A1993 (Benson,D) Electric veh. charging stations-developers offer option in new home construction

A2198 (Reynolds-Jackson,V) Water Infrastructure Improvement Bond Act of 2018-authorize bonds for $400M

AR17 (McKnight,A) Violence-declares public health crisis


Third Prime Sponsors Added:

A224 (Benson,D) Natl. Guard, active duty-allows corp. bus. tax credit paying salary differential

A228 (Benson,D) School security expenditures-excludes cert increase from tax levy and approp cap

A233 (Benson,D) Electric veh charging stations-prov corp bus tax credit, installation/purchase

A376 (Bramnick,J) Mental health screening, annual-require health insurance coverage

A492 (Calabrese,C) Economic development subsidy-business loan overdue, prohibits awarding

A637 (Houghtaling,E) Sports pools operators-revises permit and license

A863 (Murphy,C) Bias intimidation offenses-requires AG report to FBI for hate crime statistics

A1176 Acs (ACS) (Reynolds-Jackson,V) Angioplasty, elective procedures-estab. req, issue licenses to certain hospitals

A1249 (Moen,W) Succeed in NJ-estab student loan reimb prog, resid employed in designated fields

A1301 (Murphy,C) Pawnbroker-required to file transaction reports online

A1338 (DeAngelo,W) Megan's law-requires use of electronic mail for community notification

A1490 (Quijano,A) Merchandise offered in advertisements-req. disclosure of usual/customary price

A1662 (Danielsen,J) Mallory's Law-revise provision, sch dist anti-bullying policy; parent civil liab

A1919 (McKnight,A) Fair Chance in Housing Act-estab cert housing rights, persons w/criminal records

A2063 (Verrelli,A) Prisoner reentry transitional housing-requires DCA establish standards

A2109 (Zwicker,A) Dogs and cats euthanized at shelters/pounds-DOH establish reduction

A2185 (Timberlake,B) Housing Choice Vouchers Program, federal, pre-application-continuously maintain

A2266 (Reynolds-Jackson,V) Violence prevention counseling services, professional-Medicaid cover

A2271 (Caputo,R) Suicide prevention-require additional sch dist personnel, complete training prog

A2276 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Municipal liens on residential property-facilitates ID cert seniors/disab person

A2279 (Benson,D) Opioid use disorders-establish pilot program for integrated system of treatment

A2280 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Substance use disorder treatment fac-proh paying fee or commissions for referral

A2281 (Vainieri Huttle,V) SNAP application process for senior citizens-streamline

A2282 (Pinkin,N) Superstorm Sandy-DEP study St.'s response & preparedness for future storm events

A2283 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Opioid antidotes-county health department maintain reserve stock

A2287 (Caputo,R) Student loan refinancing loan programs-permits county improvement auth. estab.

A2292 (Dancer,R) E-ZPass-exempts customer from certain fees if motor vehicle is stolen

A2293 (Moen,W) Suicide prevention programs-require institutions of higher education implement

A2296 (Quijano,A) Driver's license renewal-permits incarcerated person, use existing picture w/MVC

A2297 (Reynolds-Jackson,V) Electronic health info exchange-reentry to civilian life, incarcerated persons

A2298 (Reynolds-Jackson,V) Medicaid enrollment for inmates-participate in session 60 days prior to release

A2299 (Chaparro,A) Child support obligations, certain-directs the suspension, by operation of law

A2306 (Caputo,R) Affordable and senior citizen housing-establishes centralized directory

A2309 (Caputo,R) School buses-requires to be equipped with interior and exterior cameras

ACR92 (Quijano,A) Commission on Reentry Services for Women-establishes

AJR28 (Timberlake,B) Eating Disorders Awareness Week-permanently designates last week in February

AR17 (Murphy,C) Violence-declares public health crisis


The following are the 2020/2021 Assembly Standing Reference Committees:

Agriculture (AAN)

Appropriations (AAP)

Budget (ABU)

Community Development and Affairs (ACD)

Commerce and Economic Development (ACE)

Consumer Affairs (ACO)

Education (AED)

Environment and Solid Waste (AEN)

Financial Institutions and Insurance (AFI)

Health (AHE)

Higher Education (AHI)

Homeland Security and State Preparedness (AHS)

Housing (AHO)

Human Services (AHU)

Judiciary (AJU)

Labor (ALA)

Law and Public Safety (ALP)

Military and Veterans' Affairs (AMV)

Oversight, Reform and Federal Relations (AOF)

Regulated Professions (ARP)

Senior Services (ASE)

Science, Innovation and Technology (AST)

State and Local Government (ASL)

Telecommunications and Utilities (ATU)

Tourism, Gaming and the Arts (ATG)

Transportation and Independent Authorities (ATR)

Women and Children (AWC)

The Assembly Speaker has made the following Committee appointments:

*Effective January 21, 2020


Community Development and Affairs (ACD)

Shavonda E. Sumter (35) Chair

Britnee N. Timberlake (34) Vice-Chair

William W. Spearman (5)

Annette Chaparro (33)

Ryan E. Peters (8)

Erik K. Simonsen (1)

Consumer Affairs (ACO)

Paul D. Moriarty (4) Chair

Verlina Reynolds-Jackson (15) Vice-Chair

Annette Quijano (20)

Pedro Mejia (32)

John Catalano (10)

Kevin J. Rooney (40)

Financial Institutions and Insurance (AFI)

John F. McKeon (27) Chair

Pamela R. Lampitt (6) Vice-Chair

Carol A. Murphy (7)

Joann Downey (11)

Roy Freiman (16)

Joe Danielsen (17)

Yvonne Lopez (19)

Gary S. Schaer (36)

Lisa Swain (38)

Robert Auth (39)

Betty Lou DeCroce (26)

Christopher P. DePhillips (40)

Jay Webber (26)

Health (AHE)

Herb Conaway, Jr. (7) Chair

Angelica M. Jimenez (32) Vice-Chair

John P. Armato (2)

Daniel R. Benson (14)

Anthony S. Verrelli (15)

Nancy J. Pinkin (18)

Jamel C. Holley (20)

Angela V. McKnight (31)

  1. Christopher Tully (38)

Nancy F. Munoz (21)

Erik Peterson (23)

Brian E. Rumpf (9)

Holly T. Schepisi (39)

Higher Education (AHI)

Mila M. Jasey (27) Chair

Linda S. Carter (22) Vice-Chair

Andrew Zwicker (16)

Thomas P. Giblin (34)

DiAnne C. Gove (9)

Gerry Scharfenberger (13)

Telecommunications and Utilities (ATU)

Wayne P. DeAngelo (14) Chair

Clinton Calabrese (36) Vice-Chair

Joseph V. Egan (17)

Robert J. Karabinchak (18)

Raj Mukherji (33)

Brian Bergen (25)

Serena DiMaso (13)

Edward H. Thomson (30)

Tourism, Gaming and the Arts (ATG)

Ralph R. Caputo (28) Chair

James J. Kennedy (22) Vice-Chair

Vincent Mazzeo (2)

Eric Houghtaling (11)

Valerie Vainieri Huttle (37)

Ronald S. Dancer (12)

Antwan L. McClellan (1)


Appropriations (AAP)

John J. Burzichelli (3) Chair

Gary S. Schaer (36) Vice-Chair

Gabriela M. Mosquera (4)

Herb Conaway, Jr. (7)

Wayne P. DeAngelo (14)

Cleopatra G. Tucker (28)

Eliana Pintor Marin (29)

Jay Webber (26)

Brian Bergen (25)

Antwan L. McClellan (1)

Kevin J. Rooney (40)

Commerce and Economic Development (ACE)

Gordon M. Johnson (37) Chair

Robert J. Karabinchak (18) Vice-Chair

William F. Moen, Jr. (5)

Verlina Reynolds-Jackson (15)

Annette Quijano (20)

Nicholas A. Chiaravallotti (31)

Robert Auth (39)

John Catalano (10)

John DiMaio (23)

Housing (AHO)

Benjie E. Wimberly (35) Chair

William W. Spearman (5) Vice-Chair

Mila M. Jasey (27)

Britnee N. Timberlake (34)

Clinton Calabrese (36)

Robert D. Clifton (12)

Holly T. Schepisi (39)

Law and Public Safety (ALP)

Adam J. Taliaferro (3) Chair

Annette Chaparro (33) Vice-Chair

Nancy J. Pinkin (18)

Linda S. Carter (22)

Shavonda E. Sumter (35)

Lisa Swain (38)

Serena DiMaso (13)

Jean Stanfield (8)

Erik Peterson (23)

Oversight, Reform and Federal Relations (AOF)

Joe Danielsen (17) Chair

Eric Houghtaling (11) Vice-Chair

Carol A. Murphy (7)

Yvonne Lopez (19)

Ronald S. Dancer (12)

Brian E. Rumpf (9)

Regulated Professions (ARP)

Thomas P. Giblin (34) Chair

Angelica M. Jimenez (32) Vice-Chair

Paul D. Moriarty (4)

Andrew Zwicker (16)

Pedro Mejia (32)

Ryan E. Peters (8)

Edward H. Thomson (30)

Sean T. Kean (30)

Senior Services (ASE)

Valerie Vainieri Huttle (37) Chair

Shanique Speight (29) Vice-Chair

Angela V. McKnight (31)

  1. Christopher Tully (38)

Betty Lou DeCroce (26)

DiAnne C. Gove (9)


Education (AED)

Pamela R. Lampitt (6) Chair

Mila M. Jasey (27) Vice-Chair

Annette Quijano (20)

Ralph R. Caputo (28)

Erik K. Simonsen (1)

Jean Stanfield (8)

Judiciary (AJU)

Raj Mukherji (33) Chair

Carol A. Murphy (7) Vice-Chair

Nicholas A. Chiaravallotti (31)

Gordon M. Johnson (37)

Robert Auth (39)

Christopher P. DePhillips (40)

Labor (ALA)

Joseph V. Egan (17) Chair

Anthony S. Verrelli (15) Vice-Chair

Vincent Mazzeo (2)

Paul D. Moriarty (4)

Eric Houghtaling (11)

Shavonda E. Sumter (35)

John Catalano (10)

Gerry Scharfenberger (13)

Parker Space (24)

Military and Veterans’ Affairs (AMV)

Cleopatra G. Tucker (28) Chair

Wayne P. DeAngelo (14) Vice-Chair

John P. Armato (2)

Joe Danielsen (17)

Ronald S. Dancer (12)

DiAnne C. Gove (9)


Transportation and Independent Authorities (ATR)

Daniel R. Benson (14) Chair

Yvonne Lopez (19) Vice-Chair

William F. Moen, Jr. (5)

Roy Freiman (16)

James J. Kennedy (22)

Annette Chaparro (33)

Thomas P. Giblin (34)

Benjie E. Wimberly (35)

Robert D. Clifton (12)

Betty Lou DeCroce (26)

John DiMaio (23)

Gregory P. McGuckin (10)

Women and Children (AWC)

Gabriela M. Mosquera (4) Chair

Lisa Swain (38) Vice-Chair

Shanique Speight (29)

Nancy F. Munoz (21)


Agriculture (AAN)

Eric Houghtaling (11) Chair

Adam J. Taliaferro (3) Vice-Chair

John P. Armato (2)

Lisa Swain (38)

Ronald S. Dancer (12)

Parker Space (24)

Budget (ABU)

Eliana Pintor Marin (29) Chair

John J. Burzichelli (3) Vice-Chair

Carol A. Murphy (7)

Daniel R. Benson (14)

Verlina Reynolds-Jackson (15)

John F. McKeon (27)

Benjie E. Wimberly (35)

William W. Spearman (5)

Gordon M. Johnson (37)

Harold J. “Hal” Wirths (24)

Robert D. Clifton (12)

Serena DiMaso (13)

Nancy F. Munoz (21)


Environment and Solid Waste (AEN)

Nancy J. Pinkin (18) Chair

James J. Kennedy (22) Vice-Chair

Yvonne Lopez (19)

John F. McKeon (27)

Lisa Swain (38)

John DiMaio (23)

Gerry Scharfenberger (13)

Homeland Security and State Preparedness (AHS)

Angela V. McKnight (31) Chair

Jamel C. Holley (20) Vice-Chair

Gary S. Schaer (36)

Angelica M. Jimenez (32)

Gregory P. McGuckin (10)

Antwan L. McClellan (1)

Human Services (AHU)

Joann Downey (11) Chair

Nicholas A. Chiaravallotti (31) Vice-Chair

Shanique Speight (29)

Cleopatra G. Tucker (28)

Valerie Vainieri Huttle (37)

Jean Stanfield (8)

Science, Innovation and Technology (AST)

Andrew Zwicker (16) Chair

Linda S. Carter (22) Vice-Chair

Herb Conaway, Jr. (7)

Raj Mukherji (33)

Betty Lou DeCroce (26)

Christopher P. DePhillips (40)

State and Local Government (ASL)

Vincent Mazzeo (2) Chair

Roy Freiman (16) Vice-Chair

William F. Moen, Jr. (5)

Robert J. Karabinchak (18)

Edward H. Thomson (30)

Erik K. Simonsen (1)


The Assembly Speaker has made the following appointments:

*Effective January 21, 2020

New Jersey Puerto Rico Commission:

Assemblywoman Yvonne Lopez (19)

Assemblywoman Nancy F. Munoz (21)

The Assembly Speaker has made the following appointments:

*Effective January 22, 2020

State Capitol Joint Management Commission:

Anthony J. Cimino, of Hamilton.

Mark H. Duffy, of Pennington.


The Assembly Republican Leader has made the following appointments:

*Effective January 24, 2020

Asian American Study Foundation – Board of Trustees:

Assemblyman Robert Auth (39)

Council on Local Mandates:

David Fiore, of Newton.

Ellis Island Advisory Commission:

Assemblywoman Holly Schepisi (39)

Joint Legislative Committee on Ethical Standards:

Michael J. Mitzner, of Watchung. Patrick P. Toscano, Jr., of Fairfield.

New Jersey Civic Information Consortium Board of Directors:

Assemblyman Kevin J. Rooney (40)

New Jersey Military Skills Council:

Assemblyman Ronald S. Dancer (12)

The Assembly adjourned at 5:32 P.M. to meet again on Monday, February 3, 2019 (Quorum, Committee Groups “C” and “D” scheduled to meet).


Bills Pocket Vetoed:

A491 Prieto,V/Jimenez,A+2 1/21/2020 PFRS-enhances accidental death pension for surviving spouses, min. $50K annually

A1044 Houghtaling,E/Downey,J+4 1/21/2020 Homestead prop. tax reimb. claimant-examine info. system, verify prop. tax paid

A1045 AcaSca (2R) Houghtaling,E/Downey,J+7 1/21/2020 Horse-boarding businesses-clarifies sales tax collection responsibilities

A1526 ScaSaSa (3R) Zwicker,A/Johnson,G+5 1/21/2020 Independent contractors-concerns comp earned according to work terms agreed upon A2731 Taliaferro,A/Space,P+2 1/21/2020 Beaver-removes statutory permit limitations for taking beavers

A4382 Aca (1R) Pinkin,N/Lopez,Y+9 1/21/2020 Architectural Paint Stewardship Act; paint producers implement or participate

A4463 Freiman,R/Egan,J+13 1/21/2020 Electronic Permit Processing Review System-establishes

A4788 Aca (1R) Karabinchak,R/Freiman,R+7 1/21/2020 Expedited construction inspection program-establishes

A5072 Sca (1R) Karabinchak,R/Johnson,G+4 1/21/2020 Thefts, unlawful taking-ugrades; require penalty or restitution & community svc. A5446 Aca (1R) Land,R/Reynolds-Jackson,V+13 1/21/2020 Opioid deaths-concerns reporting

A5629 Sa (1R) Pintor Marin,E/Munoz,N+9 1/21/2020 Discrimination or harassment complaints-clarify provisions concerning disclosure

A5922/5923 Acs (ACS) Conaway,H/Vainieri Huttle,V+8 1/21/2020 Tobacco & vapor products-revise sale requirements; incr penalties for proh sales S691 Ruiz,M/Pou,N+6 1/21/2020 Sch district-satisfy 80% of effectiveness, St. must return area to local control

S1083 ScaSaAca (3R) Cruz-Perez,N/Gopal,V+5 1/21/2020 Vineyards, wineries new-estab loan program and provide CBT and income tax credit S2421 ScaAa (2R) Smith,B/Bateman,C+5 1/21/2020 Electric veh charging stations-require community associations allow installation S2425 ScaAca (2R) Singleton,T/Andrzejczak,B..+1 1/21/2020 Common interest communities-revise law relating to

S2429 Aa (1R) Scutari,N/Pou,N+1 1/21/2020 Auto insurers-disclose policy limits upon attorney request

S2835 ScaSca (2R) Singleton,T/Ruiz,M+14 1/21/2020 Students w/depression-public schools required to administer written screenings

S2897 Sa (1R) Madden,F/Singer,R+15 1/21/2020 Mold hazard-DCA required to establish procedures for inspection and abatement

S2957 Sca (1R) Stack,B/Mukherji,R 1/21/2020 Residential rental premises-establishes 5 year moratorium on conversions

S2958 ScaSca (2R) Sarlo,P/Oroho,S+11 1/21/2020 Energy Infrastructure Public-Private Partnership Act-establish

S3062 ScaScaAca (3R) Ruiz,M/Greenstein,L+4 1/21/2020 Apprenticeships, registered-prov. CBT and income tax credits for bus that employ S3063 ScaSca (2R) Ruiz,M/Armato,J+12 1/21/2020 Apprenticeship course-provides tuition fee waiver

S3137 ScaAcaAa (3R) Sweeney,S/Oroho,S+8 1/21/2020 Electronic Bidding Construction Act

S3252 Aa (1R) Greenstein,L/Stack,B+3 1/21/2020 New Townhouse Fire Safety Act; requires automatic fire prinklers system

S3263 ScaAcaAa (3R) Kean,T/Diegnan,P+2 1/21/2020 Deaf and Hard of Hearing Advisory Council-revises and updates membership

S3270 ScaSaSa (3R) Pou,N/McKeon,J+3 1/21/2020 Small employers-prohibits insurers from offering stop loss insurance

S3393 Aca (1R) Sarlo,P/Addiego,D+8 1/21/2020 Farms, preserved-allow certain to hold 14 special occasion events per year

S3770 Sarlo,P/Oroho,S+5 1/21/2020 Economic & Fiscal Policy Review Commission-establish; provide ongoing review S3888 Aca (1R) Ruiz,M/Dancer,R 1/21/2020 Economic Redevelopment & Growth Grant Program-extends submission deadlines

S4035 Pou,N/Singleton,T+6 1/21/2020 Thomas Edison State University;$1.7M

S4281 Smith,B/Diegnan,P+4 1/21/2020 Piscataway Regional Day School-requires State to sell land and improvements

S4331 Diegnan,P/Madden,F+2 1/21/2020 Drivers-req to watch video on rights and responsibilities when stopped by police

Bills Passed Both Houses/Sent To Governor:


Bills Signed Into Law Since Last Session (1/14/2020):

P.L.2019, c.362. S2252 ScsScs (SCS) Smith,B/Greenstein,L+34 1/17/2020 Veh., plug-in electric-estab. goals, initiatives & prog to encourage/support use

P.L.2019, c.363. S48 ScaSaSa (3R) Pou,N/Turner,S+7 1/20/2020 Juvenile incarceration and parole-imposes restrictions

P.L.2019, c.364. S761 ScaAcaAcaSa (4R) Cunningham,S/Ruiz,M+19 1/20/2020 Earn Your Way Out Act-devel. inmate reentry plan; establish information database

P.L.2019, c.365. S3309 Aa w/GR (2R) Vitale,J/Greenstein,L+17 1/20/2020 Violence Intervention Program-fund violence reduction initiatives P.L.2019, c.366. S4226 Madden,F/Singleton,T+3 1/20/2020 State wage, benefit and tax laws-DOLWD post information of person who violates P.L.2019, c.367. S4228 Sca (1R) Lagana,J.A./Madden,F+2 1/20/2020 Tax data sharing between State Treasury and DOLWD-concerns

P.L.2019, c.368. A1028 Aca (1R) Johnson,G/Pinkin,N+16 1/20/2020 Police-establishes training program to prevent suicide by officers

P.L.2019, c.369. A2604 Aa (1R) DeAngelo,W/Thomson,E+16 1/20/2020 Blue Alert System-estab.; apprehend person suspected of killing a police officer P.L.2019, c.370. A3890 AcaAca (2R) Houghtaling,E/Downey,J+11 1/20/2020 Slow Down or Move Over, It's the Law Act-imposes motor vehicle penalty points P.L.2019, c.371. A4970 AcaScaSca (3R) Chiaravalloti,N/Sumter,S+3 1/20/2020 Seized property, certain-revises law governing forfeiture

P.L.2019, c.372. A5838 Aca (1R) DeAngelo,W/Danielsen,J+1 1/20/2020 Stop-work orders-issue against employer in violation of any State wage tax law

P.L.2019, c.373. A5839 Aca (1R) Moriarty,P/Verrelli,A+2 1/20/2020 Employee misclassification-penalties for State wage, benefit & tax law violation P.L.2019, c.374. A5840 AcaAca (2R) Carter,L/Moriarty,P 1/20/2020 Employer tax law-concerns joint liability for payment

P.L.2019, c.375. A5843 Speight,S/Verrelli,A+6 1/20/2020 Employee misclassification-employers required to post notice

P.L.2019, c.376. S62 Singleton,T/Oroho,S+7 1/21/2020 Public Works Contractor Registration Act-require certain contractors to register P.L.2019, c.377. S358 SaAca (2R) Rice,R/Sumter,S+1 1/21/2020 Public office-establish database w/certain information about elected individuals P.L.2019, c.378. S376 Madden,F/Gopal,V+6 1/21/2020 Public safety worker, killed on duty-elim. time limit on tuition benf for spouse

P.L.2019, c.379. S497 Vitale,J/Madden,F+1 1/21/2020 Child abuse & termination of parental rights-allows child statements as evidence P.L.2019, c.380. S498 ScaSca (2R) Vitale,J/Oroho,S+8 1/21/2020 Criminal Injuries Compensation Act of 1971- makes various changes

P.L.2019, c.381. S521 Aca (1R) Kean,T/Brown,C+12 1/21/2020 Artist District-State Council on Arts establish

P.L.2019, c.382. S589 ScaAca (2R) Weinberg,L/Mosquera,G+11 1/21/2020 Online voter registration-estab a secure Internet website auth digital signature

P.L.2019, c.383. S700 ScaScaAca (3R) Ruiz,M/Cunningham,S+1 1/21/2020 Higher Ed. Citizenship Equality Act- domicile for dependent student, St loan elig

P.L.2019, c.384. S721 Greenstein,L/Cunningham,S+4 1/21/2020 School buses, electric-authorize use

P.L.2019, c.385. S758 Cunningham,S/Cruz-Perez,N+11 1/21/2020 Redistricting-incarcerated person be counted at residential address P.L.2019, c.386. S765 Aca (1R) Cunningham,S/Kean,T+7 1/21/2020 College Loans to Assist State Students Loan Program-concern settlement agreement P.L.2019, c.387. S782 ScaAca (2R) Sarlo,P/Scutari,N+3 1/21/2020 Hand or foot loss-increase workers' compensation

P.L.2019, c.388. S834 w/GR (1R) Scutari,N/Greenstein,L 1/21/2020 Diabetes test devices-prohibits resale by pharmacists

P.L.2019, c.389. S939 AaAa (2R) Pou,N/Vainieri Huttle,V+7 1/21/2020 Devel disab individual forms-req to be available in languages other than English

P.L.2019, c.390. S974 Sa (1R) Singleton,T/Kean,T+6 1/21/2020 Spinal muscular atrophy-requires newborn infants be screened

P.L.2019, c.391. S1032 ScaAa (2R) Vitale,J/Gopal,V+9 1/21/2020 Mental health screening service-concerns expansion of services by DOH P.L.2019, c.392. S1146 Sca (1R) Codey,R/Rice,R+11 1/21/2020 Dementia-patient's med record incl note if confusion or behavioral problem risk P.L.2019, c.393. S1298 Aca (1R) Bucco,A/Singleton,T+5 1/21/2020 Prop. tax bills-mun. provide info. concerning tax dollars saved thru shared svcs P.L.2019, c.394. S1318 ScaSa (2R) Ruiz,M/Scutari,N+5 1/21/2020 Family justice centers-establish; provide coordinated assistance to crime victim P.L.2019, c.395. S1505 Vitale,J/Vainieri Huttle,V+6 1/21/2020 Child Abuse and Neglect Task Force-expands membership

P.L.2019, c.396. S1647 Sca (1R) Diegnan,P/Codey,R+11 1/21/2020 Tobacco and vapor products-prohibits use of coupons, price rebates in sales

P.L.2019, c.397. S1683 ScaSaAca (3R) Smith,B/Greenstein,L+4 1/21/2020 Solid & hazardous waste, soil & debris recycling industries-concerns regulations

P.L.2019, c.398. S1703 Connors,C/Holzapfel,J+8 1/21/2020 Disabled veteran-exempts from beach buggy permit fees

P.L.2019, c.399. S1791 Weinberg,L/Johnson,G 1/21/2020 Wages-requires employers to disclose information to employees

P.L.2019, c.400. S1796 ScaSca (2R) Addiego,D/Sweeney,S+1 1/21/2020 Marine Academy of Sci. & Technology- sch. dist of resid prov aid in-lieu of trans P.L.2019, c.401. S1832 SaAca (2R) Ruiz,M/Sarlo,P+7 1/21/2020 Public school teachers-loan redemption program

P.L.2019, c.402. S2267 Sweeney,S/Corrado,K+6 1/21/2020 Lottery winner, State-gives option to remain anonymous indefinitely

P.L.2019, c.403. S2303 ScaScaAa (3R) Sweeney,S/Ruiz,M+7 1/21/2020 High labor-demand industries-Work & Learn Consortiums, estab certificate program P.L.2019, c.404. S2389 Sca w/GR (2R) Singleton,T/Quijano,A+6 1/21/2020 Prescription drug pricing disclosure website-State Board of Pharmacy establish P.L.2019, c.405. S2428 Aca (1R) Scutari,N/Quijano,A+1 1/21/2020 Massage and bodywork therapists-required to carry professional liab. insurance

P.L.2019, c.406. S2469 Sca (1R) Singleton,T/Oroho,S+6 1/21/2020 Federal contract barred-prohibits person from contracting for public work P.L.2019, c.407. S2511 Madden,F/Mazzeo,V+3 1/21/2020 Conservation police officer-new title change in DEP

P.L.2019, c.408. S2521 ScaSa (2R) Cryan,J/Greenstein,L+4 1/21/2020 Inmate abuse, by employees-establish reporting and investigation program P.L.2019, c.409. S2522 Sa (1R) Cryan,J/Greenstein,L+2 1/21/2020 Strip searches in State correctional facilities- limits cross gender

P.L.2019, c.410. S2532 Sa (1R) Greenstein,L/Cruz-Perez,N+5 1/21/2020 Correctional police officers-20 hrs in-svc training incl 4 hrs sexual misconduct

P.L.2019, c.411. S2555 Sca (1R) Gopal,V/Ruiz,M+7 1/21/2020 H1 visa held by parent-student qualify for in-State tuition prov criteria is met

P.L.2019, c.412. S2564 ScaSaAa (3R) Turner,S/Singleton,T+6 1/21/2020 Restorative Justice in Education Pilot Program-establish in Education Department

P.L.2019, c.413. S2599 Scs (SCS) Bateman,C/Beach,J+20 1/21/2020 Veterans' property tax deduction and exemption-expand eligibility P.L.2019, c.414. S2826 ScaSa (2R) Bucco,A/Greenstein,L+3 1/21/2020 Dogs or cats used for ed. or research-offer to animal rescue org. for adoption P.L.2019, c.415. S2849 Bucco,A/Bucco,A+6 1/21/2020 Seeing Eye dog-designates as State Dog

P.L.2019, c.416. S3036 ScaSca (2R) Lagana,J.A./Scutari,N 1/21/2020 Worker's compensation medical charges- prohibits reporting to reporting agencies P.L.2019, c.417. S3061 ScaScaAca (3R) Ruiz,M/Greenstein,L+9 1/21/2020 Apprenticeship programs-CBT & income tax credits for businesses who participate P.L.2019, c.418. S3065 ScaAca (2R) Ruiz,M/Singleton,T+8 1/21/2020 Youth apprenticeship pilot prog-establish in Department of Education P.L.2019, c.419. S3067 SaAca (2R) Ruiz,M/Singleton,T+7 1/21/2020 Apprentice Assistance Support Services Pilot Program-establishes 5 year P.L.2019, c.420. S3116 ScaSaAca (3R) Ruiz,M/Speight,S+6 1/21/2020 End-of-life planning and training-certain facilities required to undertake P.L.2019, c.421. S3117 ScaAca (2R) Ruiz,M/Speight,S+4 1/21/2020 Palliative care for patients-requires emergency departments take cert. measures

P.L.2019, c.422. S3126 Gopal,V/Benson,D+2 1/21/2020 Railroad crossing-driver required to stop when on-track equipment is approaching P.L.2019, c.423. S3170 ScaScaAa (3R) Cryan,J/Pou,N+8 1/21/2020 Plant closings, mass layoffs-incr. prenotification time & requires severance pay P.L.2019, c.424. S3227 Sa (1R) Gopal,V/Tully,P+4 1/21/2020 Food allergies-restaurants post signs advising customers to notify servers P.L.2019, c.425. S3265 Sca (1R) Turner,S/Codey,R+14 1/21/2020 Smoking flavored electronic devices and products-prohibits sale or distribution P.L.2019, c.426. S3330 ScaSaAca w/GR (4R) Addiego,D/Singleton,T+9 1/21/2020 Child care svcs. operating in pub. sch fac-estab pilot program; DCF study impact P.L.2019, c.427. S3422 Sca (1R) Singer,R/Kean,T+5 1/21/2020 Code Blue alert-req when Natl Weather Svc predict 32 degrees Fahrenheit or lower P.L.2019, c.428. S3468 ScaAa (2R) Sweeney,S/Singleton,T+14 1/21/2020 Maximizing Employment for People with Disabilities Task Force-establishes P.L.2019, c.429. S3511 Aca (1R) Singer,R/Kean,T+7 1/21/2020 Code Blue alert-authorizes health care and social service resources be available P.L.2019, c.430. S3581 Sa (1R) Singleton,T/Lopez,Y+1 1/21/2020 Business financing-proh contracts that contain confession by judgment provisions P.L.2019, c.431. S3685 ScaAca (2R) Sarlo,P/Singleton,T+17 1/21/2020 Sci & engineering workforce-estab prog to incr participation of underrep student P.L.2019, c.432. S3756 Ruiz,M/Sarlo,P+4 1/21/2020 Regional school districts, limited purpose-coordinate w/constituent districts

P.L.2019, c.433. S3763 Addiego,D/Bateman,C+3 1/21/2020 Joint meetings-renames as regional service agencies; grandfathers existing P.L.2019, c.434. S3869 Sarlo,P/Burzichelli,J 1/21/2020 Alarm company-prohibits local governments from imposing fines

P.L.2019, c.435. S3871 Aa (1R) Bateman,C/Scutari,N+1 1/21/2020 Investment Council-adds member from Judicial Retirement System P.L.2019, c.436. S3878 Scs (SCS) Ruiz,M/Weinberg,L+2 1/21/2020 Law Against Discrim-reaffirms & clarify; AG may initiate Superior court actions P.L.2019, c.437. S3920 Sca w/GR (2R) Pou,N/Wimberly,B 1/21/2020 Manufacturing fac-concern provisions of energy by prov cert energy related taxes P.L.2019, c.438. S3923 Sca (1R) Madden,F/Singleton,T+4 1/21/2020 Labor harmony agreements for hospitality projects-concerns

P.L.2019, c.439. S3939/3944 ScsSa (SCS/1R) Smith,B/Greenstein,L+9 1/21/2020 Recycling Market Development Council-establish

P.L.2019, c.440. S3985 Sa (1R) Smith,B/McKeon,J+5 1/21/2020 Qualified offshore wind project-expands definition

P.L.2019, c.441. S4025 Pou,N/Wimberly,B 1/21/2020 Grants for Urban Parks to Hinchliffe Stadium, Paterson;$1M

P.L.2019, c.442. S4162 ScaSa (2R) Smith,B/Greenstein,L+8 1/21/2020 Climate Change Resource Center at Rutgers University-establish;$2M

P.L.2019, c.443. S4165 ScaAa (2R) Rice,R/Giblin,T+5 1/21/2020 University Hospital board of directors membership-increase from 11 to 13

P.L.2019, c.444. S4188 Beach,J/Murphy,C+7 1/21/2020 Lindsay's Law-provdie tax benefits to organ and bone marrow donation & employers P.L.2019, c.445. S4200 Aa (1R) Ruiz,M/Turner,S+7 1/21/2020 Breakfast or lunch, reduced price-State pay difference

P.L.2019, c.446. S4247 Sca (1R) Gopal,V/O'Scanlon,D+4 1/21/2020 Community Food Bank of NJ-establish criteria for distribution of FY2020 funding P.L.2019, c.447. S4264 Pou,N/Wimberly,B+5 1/21/2020 William J Pascrell Jr. Highway-designates State Highway Route 19

P.L.2019, c.448. S4275 Smith,B/Greenstein,L 1/21/2020 Class I renewable energy-allows BPU to increase cost to customers 2022 thru 2024 P.L.2019, c.449. S4276 Sca (1R) Corrado,K/Bateman,C+3 1/21/2020 Agriculture Development Committee- farmland preservation purposes;$31.153M P.L.2019, c.450. S4277 Greenstein,L/Bateman,C+6 1/21/2020 CBT revenues to St. Agric Devel Committee-mun planning incentive farmland grants

P.L.2019, c.451. S4278 Greenstein,L/Bateman,C+5 1/21/2020 CBT revenues to St. Agric Devel Committee-co. planning incentive farmland grants P.L.2019, c.452. S4279 Smith,B/Bateman,C+4 1/21/2020 CBT rev. to State Agric Devel Committee-non-profit organizations farmland grants P.L.2019, c.453. S4286 Sca (1R) Vitale,J/Swain,L 1/21/2020 Child support, over age 19-clarifies procedures concerning collection

P.L.2019, c.454. S4309 Turner,S/Cruz-Perez,N+5 1/21/2020 Historic preservation projects and associated administrative expenses;$13.902M P.L.2019, c.455. S4310 Codey,R/Bateman,C+4 1/21/2020 Nonprofit entities develop lands for recreation & conservation purposes;$8.872M P.L.2019, c.456. S4311 Greenstein,L/Bateman,C+5 1/21/2020 Open space acquisition and park development projects;$77.450M

P.L.2019, c.457. S4312 Smith,B/Bateman,C+5 1/21/2020 State capital and park development projects;$36.143M

P.L.2019, c.458. S4313 Corrado,K/Bateman,C+4 1/21/2020 Recreation and conservation purposes including Blue Acres projects;$33.915M P.L.2019, c.459. S4315 Scs (SCS) Beach,J/Turner,S+1 1/21/2020 Mail-in ballot procedure-creates fund to reimburse counties for cost P.L.2019, c.460. A344 Murphy,C/McKeon,J+3 1/21/2020 Individual Development Account Program-revises certain aspects

P.L.2019, c.461. A1040 Sa (1R) Houghtaling,E/Andrzejczak,B..+1 1/21/2020 Landowner of the Year award program-establishes

P.L.2019, c.462. A1146 AcaSa (2R) Wimberly,B/Muoio,E+3 1/21/2020 Investing in You Promise Neighborhood Commission-establish P.L.2019, c.463. A1277 Tucker,C/Holley,J+7 1/21/2020 Military veterans or homeless-hospitals and shelters prov info on svcs/resources P.L.2019, c.464. A1449 Benson,D/DeAngelo,W+5 1/21/2020 Organ and bone marrow donors-provides job security

P.L.2019, c.465. A1477 Aca (1R) Chaparro,A/Vainieri Huttle,V+9 1/21/2020 Zackhary's Law-Hit & Run Advisory Program; fleeing motor vehicle accident scene P.L.2019, c.466. A1478 AcaSca (2R) Chaparro,A/Gusciora,R+13 1/21/2020 Theater liquor license-revises law

P.L.2019, c.467. A1604 ScaSca (2R) Conaway,H/Murphy,C+2 1/21/2020 Recreational Therapists Licensing Act

P.L.2019, c.468. A1796 Sca (1R) McKeon,J/Eustace,T+18 1/21/2020 Gay/transgender defense-prev. criminal defendant from asserting to reduce charge P.L.2019, c.469. A1924 Aca (1R) Mukherji,R/Bucco,A+11 1/21/2020 Insurance producer licensing fee-exempts honorable discharged mil veterans P.L.2019, c.470. A1992 Sa (1R) Sumter,S/Eustace,T+13 1/21/2020 Call Center Jobs Act-concerns relocation to a foreign country

P.L.2019, c.471. A2183 Sca (1R) Andrzejczak,B../Land,R+10 1/21/2020 Music Therapist Licensing Act

P.L.2019, c.472. A2431 Acs w/GR (ACS/1R) Benson,D/Jimenez,A+14 1/21/2020 Prescr. drug coverage-health insurers prov plans that limit patient cost-sharing P.L.2019, c.473. A2444/2656 AcsAca (ACS/1R) Benson,D/Lampitt,P+11 1/21/2020 Tobacco cessation benefits- provides Medicaid coverage P.L.2019, c.474. A2767 ScaSa (2R) Greenwald,L/Mosquera,G+11 1/21/2020 Sexual assault-amends provisions to clarify elements necessary for conviction P.L.2019, c.475. A3312 Aca (1R) Murphy,C/Lagana,J.A.+20 1/21/2020 Sexual harassment-requires Legislature to adopt/distribute policy prohibiting P.L.2019, c.476. A3670 AcaScaSca (3R) Benson,D/Giblin,T+9 1/21/2020 Stroke ready hospitals, acute-desig; estab Stroke Care Advisory Panel & database P.L.2019, c.477. A4136 AcsAaSca (ACS/2R) Andrzejczak,B../Land,R+1 1/21/2020 Possession in Excess of Daily Limit Vessel Lic., black sea bass/summer flounder

P.L.2019, c.478. A4147 AcaSa (2R) Lampitt,P/Houghtaling,E+13 1/21/2020 Sch dist bldgs-conduct audit of security features-submit to Homeland Security P.L.2019, c.479. A4150 AcaSca (2R) Lampitt,P/Jones,P+9 1/21/2020 Suspension-student meet w/school psychologist, ID behavior/health difficulties P.L.2019, c.480. A4151 Aca (1R) Swain,L/Tully,P+10 1/21/2020 School security training-employed in substitute capacity & emp/vol of youth prog

P.L.2019, c.481. A4260 Timberlake,B/Giblin,T+5 1/21/2020 Toy guns and imitation firearms-prohibits certain sales

P.L.2019, c.482. A4370 Carroll,M/Bucco,A+3 1/21/2020 Washington Association of NJ-increases membership of board of trustees

P.L.2019, c.483. A4377 Aca (1R) Benson,D/Land,R+6 1/21/2020 Public Use Airports Task Force-estab; develop materials concerning capabilities

P.L.2019, c.484. A4517 Sca (1R) Wimberly,B/Speight,S+7 1/21/2020 Eviction Crisis Task Force-study recent trends in eviction actions against resid P.L.2019, c.485. A4529 Aca (1R) Mazzeo,V/Armato,J+11 1/21/2020 Superstorm Sandy-impacted homeowners, subjected to contractor fraud-reimb. P.L.2019, c.486. A4563 AcaSca (2R) Zwicker,A/Benson,D+7 1/21/2020 Bot, used for commercial or election purposes to deceive-prohibits use P.L.2019, c.487. A4564 AcaSca (2R) Zwicker,A/Freiman,R+1 1/21/2020 Voting Precinct Transparency Act-filing ward boundary data for website posting P.L.2019, c.488. A4699 Sa (1R) Moriarty,P/Burzichelli,J 1/21/2020 Soliciting clients-regulate annual report filing services, make cert disclosures P.L.2019, c.489. A4803 Aca (1R) Greenwald,L/Johnson,G+10 1/21/2020 Victims of firearm & stabbing crimes-bill VCCO for counseling services

P.L.2019, c.490. A4822 Aca (1R) Wimberly,B/Tully,P+8 1/21/2020 Tiny home occupancy-municipalities lease vacant municipal land

P.L.2019, c.491. A4904 AcaSa w/GR (3R) Mukherji,R/Quijano,A+20 1/21/2020 Property taxes overdue-mun. proof of agency shutdown, budget impasse-no interest P.L.2019, c.492. A4954 AcaSca (2R) Quijano,A/Murphy,C+8 1/21/2020 Emergency services personnel-revise requirements for counseling and support svcs P.L.2019, c.493. A4972 AcsScaSa (ACS/2R) Moriarty,P/Beach,J+1 1/21/2020 Arbitration organizations-establish certain consumer protections P.L.2019, c.494. A4978 AcaAaAa w/GR (4R) Timberlake,B/Zwicker,A+3 1/21/2020 Education services online- prohibits using and disclosing certain information P.L.2019, c.495. A5023 Sca (1R) McKnight,A/Mukherji,R 1/21/2020 Signs not located in protected areas-exempts from DOT permitting requirements P.L.2019, c.496. A5028 Mukherji,R/Conaway,H+2 1/21/2020 James Nicholas Rentas's Law-revises NJ Smoke- Free Air Act

P.L.2019, c.497. A5029 Aca (1R) Sumter,S/Reynolds-Jackson,V+8 1/21/2020 African-American women-study sexual and reproductive health P.L.2019, c.498. A5031 AcaScaSa (3R) Speight,S/McKnight,A+4 1/21/2020 Hospital emergency department-ask person of childbearing age pregnancy history

P.L.2019, c.499. A5314 AcaSca (2R) Zwicker,A/Milam,M+21 1/21/2020 Social isolation-DHS required to study occurring in certain population groups P.L.2019, c.500. A5344 Mukherji,R/Vainieri Huttle,V+8 1/21/2020 Veteran-establish uniform standards for acceptable proof of status for ID cards P.L.2019, c.501. A5388 Speight,S/Pintor Marin,E+4 1/21/2020 Police dept., cert areas-req specialized in-svc training regarding crime victims P.L.2019, c.502. A5389 Aca (1R) Speight,S/Pintor Marin,E+4 1/21/2020 Crime Victim Comp. Review Bd-req training or experience in crime victim's rights P.L.2019, c.503. A5432 AcaSca (2R) Milam,M/Land,R 1/21/2020 Menhaden purse seine fishery-establish individual transferable quota system P.L.2019, c.504. A5445 Sca (1R) Swain,L/Tully,P+11 1/21/2020 Fentanyl-AG establish program to detect in State's illegal drug supply P.L.2019, c.505. A5511 AcaAca (2R) Spearman,W/Jones,P+4 1/21/2020 Snowmobile, all-terrain vehicle/dirt bike- revise penalties for illegal operation P.L.2019, c.506. A5580 AcaAaSa (3R) Johnson,G/Moriarty,P+9 1/21/2020 Film & digital media content expenses- extend availability period for tax credits

P.L.2019, c.507. A5583 AcaSca (2R) Pinkin,N/Lopez,Y+6 1/21/2020 Greenhouse gases or hydrofluorocarbons- prohibits equipment containing P.L.2019, c.508. A5630 ScaSa (2R) Pintor Marin,E/Munoz,N+12 1/21/2020 Discrimination & harassment-Civil Service Commission estab/maintain hotline P.L.2019, c.509. A5667 AcaAca (2R) Mukherji,R/Vainieri Huttle,V+8 1/21/2020 Charlie's Law-prescription drugs and medications-furnish with disposal info P.L.2019, c.510. A5801 AcaSa (2R) Coughlin,C/Houghtaling,E+1 1/21/2020 Wage claims against subcontractors- concerns responsibility of owners P.L.2019, c.511. A5817 Aca (1R) Mazzeo,V/Armato,J 1/21/2020 Casino key employee license & regis.-concerns drug offense disqualification P.L.2019, c.512. A5916 Aca (1R) Chiaravalloti,N/McKnight,A 1/21/2020 Hospitals, certain-authorize DOH notify elected officials of financial distress P.L.2019, c.513. A5918 AcaSa (2R) Chiaravalloti,N/McKnight,A 1/21/2020 Hospitals-expands reporting requirements

P.L.2019, c.514. A5970 Lopez,Y/Speight,S+29 1/21/2020 Environmental infra. projects-amends list approved for long-term FY2020 funding P.L.2019, c.515. A5971 Mukherji,R/Pintor Marin,E+24 1/21/2020 Environmental infrastructure projects-authorizes NJ Infra. Bank to make loans P.L.2019, c.516. A5972 Aca (1R) Pinkin,N/Benson,D+2 1/21/2020 Infrastructure Bank's enabling act-makes changes

P.L.2019, c.517. A5977 AcaSca (2R) Greenwald,L/Downey,J 1/21/2020 Regional Health Hub Program-replace Medicaid Accountable Care Org. Demo. Project P.L.2019, c.518. A6119 Aca (1R) Egan,J/Houghtaling,E+1 1/21/2020 Public Works Contractor Registration Act- amends apprenticeship prog. definition

P.L.2019, JR-26. SJR51 Rice,R/Turner,S+7 1/21/2020 State Commission on Urban Violence-establishes; study sources of violence in NJ P.L.2019, JR-27. SJR65 Weinberg,L/Addiego,D+19 1/21/2020 Women in Public Office Day-designates March 19th

P.L.2019, JR-28. SJR80 Lagana,J.A./Weinberg,L+9 1/21/2020 Gateway Program-improve Northeast Corridor rail by providing funding to complete P.L.2019, JR-29. SJR125 Sca (1R) Gopal,V/Codey,R+4 1/21/2020 Obesity Care Week-designates the second week of October of each year P.L.2019, JR-30. AJR35 McKnight,A/Chaparro,A+11 1/21/2020 Domestic Violence Services Awareness Week-designates third full week in March P.L.2019, JR-31. AJR103 Rooney,K/DePhillips,C 1/21/2020 NUT Carcinoma Awareness Month-permanently designates January

P.L.2019, JR-32. AJR118 McKnight,A/Timberlake,B+3 1/21/2020 Financial Literacy Month-designates April of each year

P.L.2019, JR-33. AJR180 DeAngelo,W/McKnight,A+8 1/21/2020 Career and Technical Education Month- designates February in each year

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