Here's What Happened Under The Gold Dome On Thursday

The New Jersey Statehouse and Capitol Building In Trenton

Here's what happened under the Gold Dome on Thursday (January 12th):




Bills Introduced:


S3460 Pou,N/Ruiz,M Businesses owned by LGBTQ+ persons-establishes certification program REF SCM

S3461 Beach,J Mental Health and Addiction Services-establishes Office of Ombudsman REF SHH

S3462 Holzapfel,J TikTok application-prohibit download/use of on State-issued electronic device REF SSG

S3463 Singer,R Common interest community property transfer, certain-prohibit penalizing members REF SCU

S3464 Bramnick,J Motorcycle road test-requires MVC waiver for certain veterans REF STR

S3465 Bucco,A/Cryan,J Veterans' income tax exemption-indexes amount for inflation REF SMV

S3466 Stanfield,J Legal notices, certain newspapers-permits municipalities to publish REF SCU

S3467 Thompson,S Land use law & planning-req. basic course include warehouse & high-density devel REF SCU

S3468 Thompson,S Warehouse development-concerns regulatory guidance for local approving authority REF SCU

S3469 O'Scanlon,D Juvenile delinquency cases-expands ability to motion for transfer to adult court REF SJU

S3470 O'Scanlon,D Hemp-derived cannabinoids, certain-requires registration & regulation of REF SJU

S3471 O'Scanlon,D Special probation-permit court to incarcerate persons who violate conditions of REF SJU

S3472 O'Scanlon,D Pretrial release-requires detention of defendant who violates conditions of REF SJU

S3473 O'Scanlon,D Mental health/substance abuse evaluation-req court prov cert defendants referral REF SJU

S3474 Singleton,T/Sarlo,P Alcoholic bev licensing-allow mun to transfer inactive lic for use in cert areas REF SLP

S3475 Cryan,J+1 Courtesy license, temporary-allows for issuance for nonresident military spouses REF SCM

S3476 Beach,J Security officer companies-concerns licensing of REF SLP

S3477 Bucco,A/Gopal,V Lake management activities, recreation & conservation-make suppl approp;$17M REF SEN

S3478 Gopal,V Health care svc funded by public employer-permit credit against contract cost REF SCM

S3479 Gopal,V Volunteer firefighter/first aid & rescue squad memb-provide $1K tax deduction REF SLP S3480 Vitale,J Small Business Health Insurance Affordability Act-revises certain requirements REF SCM

SCR134 Bucco,A Volunteer first responder, partial prop tax exemption-constit amendment auth mun REF SCU


Bills Reported from Committee/Given 2nd Reading:


A428 Aca (1R) Thomson,E Planning and zoning board members-satisfy training requirements on the Internet REP

A684 AcaSca (2R) Verrelli,A/Chaparro,A+10 Homelessness Prevention Prog agencies-req to remain open during pub health emerg REP/SCA

A1223 Pintor Marin,E Dwellings-municipalities adjust deadline to apply for short-term exemp/abatement REP

A1550 Moriarty,P/Benson,D+8 Motor veh. regis certificate-auth surviving spouse/family use until cert expires REP

A1791 DeAngelo,W/Verrelli,A+9 Career & Tech. Education Scholar Awards-estab. annually recognize cert. students REP

A4488 Sca (1R) Lopez,Y Common interest community regulation of certain vehicles-limits REP/SCA

A4757 AcaSca (2R) Jimenez,A/Tucker,C+7 Rental Asst Navigation Prog-req Resource Navigators conduct survey & report data REP/SCA

S335 Singleton,T/Gopal,V First-Time Home Buyer Savings Account Program-establishes REP

S378 Turner,S/Rice,R+2 Dwellings-municipalities adjust deadline to apply for short-term exemp/abatement REP

S530 Sca (1R) Ruiz,M School meal info.-prov to pub sch students' parents; dist request families apply REP/SCA

S531 Sca (1R) Ruiz,M/Vitale,J+2 School breakfast and lunch nutrition standards-public schools comply REP/SCA

S1222 Sca (1R) Ruiz,M/Gopal,V National School Lunch and breakfast programs-establish online applications REP/SCA

S2662 Sca (1R) Singleton,T Common interest community regulation of certain vehicles-limits REP/SCA

S2957 Singer,R/Cruz-Perez,N Planning and zoning board members-satisfy training requirements on the Internet REP

S3005 Sca (1R) Bucco,A Warren E. Wilhide Interchange-desig Harter Road Interchange of Highway Rt 287 as REP/SCA

S3213 Sca (1R) Johnson,G/Cruz-Perez,N Registered nurse license plates-authorizes creation REP/SCA

S3220 Scs (SCS) Gopal,V/Zwicker,A High Efficiency Accelerated Learning Grant Prog. & Tutoring Advisory Comm.-estab REP/SCS

S3263 Sca (1R) Burgess,R Rental Asst Navigation Prog-req Resource Navigators conduct survey & report data REP/SCA

S3274 Sca (1R) Stack,B Homelessness Prevention Prog agencies-req to remain open during pub health emerg REP/SCA

S3285 Gopal,V Special education svc, group setting-req info included in individualized ed prog REP

S3306 Turner,S/Greenstein,L+1 Career & Tech. Education Scholar Awards-estab. annually recognize cert. students REP

S3335 Sca (1R) Johnson,G/Diegnan,P Crash reports-concerns electronic transmission REP/SCA

S3349 Sca (1R) Sarlo,P/Cryan,J Public school tuition, non-resident-require payment of actual cost per pupil REP/SCA

S3374 Lagana,J Towing and storage, non-consensual-concerns fees charged REP

S3383 Sca (1R) Scutari,N Motor vehicle services-provide electronically to certain individuals & entities REP/SCA

S3424 Diegnan,P/Corrado,K+2 Motor veh. regis certificate-auth surviving spouse/family use until cert expires REP

S3444 Schepisi,H/Lagana,J Water systems-use land preserved for recreation/conservation for water wells REP

SJR109 Diegnan,P World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims-designates November 20th REP


Bills Referred/SBA:


A684 AcaSca (2R) Verrelli,A/Chaparro,A+10 Homelessness Prevention Prog agencies-req to remain open during pub health emerg

S335 Singleton,T/Gopal,V First-Time Home Buyer Savings Account Program-establishes

S1222 Sca (1R) Ruiz,M/Gopal,V National School Lunch and breakfast programs-establish online applications

S3213 Sca (1R) Johnson,G/Cruz-Perez,N Registered nurse license plates-authorizes creation

S3220 Scs (SCS) Gopal,V/Zwicker,A High Efficiency Accelerated Learning Grant Prog. & Tutoring Advisory Comm.-estab

S3274 Sca (1R) Stack,B Homelessness Prevention Prog agencies-req to remain open during pub health emerg

S3335 Sca (1R) Johnson,G/Diegnan,P Crash reports-concerns electronic transmission

S3349 Sca (1R) Sarlo,P/Cryan,J Public school tuition, non-resident-require payment of actual cost per pupil

S3374 Lagana,J Towing and storage, non-consensual-concerns fees charged

S3383 Sca (1R) Scutari,N Motor vehicle services-provide electronically to certain individuals & entities

S3424 Diegnan,P/Corrado,K+2 Motor veh. regis certificate-auth surviving spouse/family use until cert expires


The Senate adjourned at 4:00 P.M. to meet again on Thursday, January 19 2023 (QUORUM, Committee Group “2” scheduled to meet).




Bills Introduced:


A5041 Mosquera,G/Dunn,A Unsolicited nude images-creates offense for electronically sending REF AJU

A5042 Scharfenberger,G/Flynn,V Immunization Information System-prohibits automatic registration REF AHE

A5043 Matsikoudis,M Public hearings during declarations-req. Gov. hold under Emerg Health Powers Act REF AHE

A5044 Speight,S/Conaway,H Blood pressure monitoring-req insurers cover monitoring patient w/ preeclampsia REF AFI

A5045 Matsikoudis,M Public school student screening-estab standard for height/weight/blood pressure REF AED

A5046 Matsikoudis,M Governor and legislative leaders-meet quarterly REF ASL

A5047 Dunn,A Veterans, disab-qual. for toll rate & motor vehicle registration fee exemptions REF ATR

A5048 Torrissi,M Realty transfer fee-exempts surviving spouses, civil union partners & disab vets REF AMV

A5049 Torrissi,M Farm Vitality Planning Reimb Grant Program-req Dept of Agriculture establish;$1M REF AAN

A5050 Umba,B Rural Broadband Infrastructure Grant Program-establish;$2.5M in federal funds REF ATU

A5051 Sauickie,A Polling place-req school used if pub/private/commercial location not available REF ASL

A5052 Umba,B Workforce Industry Needs Scholarship-establishes REF AHI

A5053 Scharfenberger,G/Flynn,V Real Estate Comm soliciting owners regarding home sale-req initial text message REF ARP

A5054 Torrissi,M Entry-Level Driver Training Grant Program-directs DOLWD to establish REF ALA

A5055 Scharfenberger,G/Flynn,V Medical records, minor patients-require parents/guardians be provided access REF AHE

A5056 DePhillips,C Angel Investor Tax Credit Act-increase credits, investments in tech businesses REF ACE

A5057 Thomson,E Adult day care centers-req to provide reasonable accommodations for cert persons REF AHE

A5058 Eulner,K/Piperno,M Catalytic converter, theft-upgrade to one degree higher than underlying offense REF AJU

A5059 Reynolds-Jackson,V/Verrelli,A+4 Mental Health Court Pilot Program-establish in several vicinages REF AJU

A5060 Reynolds-Jackson,V/Lampitt,P+3 Sick leave, school district employee-expands scope of REF ALA

A5061 Matsikoudis,M Domestic violence & sexual assault-estab minimum level of training for judges REF AJU

A5062 Carter,L/Atkins,R Women's business enterprises-prov. definition include owned in whole or in part REF ACE

A5063 Carter,L/Atkins,R Innovation Partnership-provides funding for emerging technology businesses REF AST

A5064 Carter,L/Atkins,R Firearm trafficking, result in injury/death-estab strict liab criminal penalties REF AJU

A5086 Coughlin,C SNAP Minimum Benefit Program-increase monthly benefit from $50 to $95 REF AHU

ACR173 Matsikoudis,M Affordable housing obligations-provide that only Legislature may determine REF AHO


Bills Reported from Committee/Given 2nd Reading:


A1507 Aca (1R) McKnight,A/Carter,L+1 Cosmetology and hairstyling or ancillary services-permits chair or booth rental REP/ACA

A4616 Moriarty,P/Greenwald,L+1 Respiratory therapist-allow passage of examination to qualify for licensure REP

A4798 Murphy,C/McKnight,A Cosmetology & hairstyling lic-allow teaching experience considered for out-of-st REP

A4942 Aca (1R) Murphy,C "Pet Insurance Act"-concerns REP/ACA

ACR156 Pintor Marin,E/Benson,D Female/minority/vet-owned small bus. participation in contracts, cert-urge incrs REP

AJR29 Reynolds-Jackson,V/Atkins,R Black Business Month-designates August REP

AJR157 Jaffer,S/Schaer,G Arab American Heritage Month-designates April REP

AR147 Conaway,H/McKnight,A+1 Nursing fac. & home office data, skilled-urge Medicare/Medicaid increase access REP

SCR18 Ruiz,M+1 Female/minority/vet-owned small bus. participation in contracts, cert-urge incrs REP


Bills Reported Referred/AAP:


A1004 Reynolds-Jackson,V/Wimberly,B Urban & Rural Centers Unsafe Buildings Demolition Revolving Loan Fund;$35M REP REF AAP A4963 Moriarty,P/Spearman,W+1 Private detectives-require to register their foreign employers with State Police REP REF AAP


Bills Reported Referred/ACE:


A4785 Aca (1R) McKeon,J/Flynn,V Foreign investments, certain-permit certain insurance companies to make REP/ACA REF ACE


Bills Reported Referred/AFI:


A4913 Conaway,H/Stanley,S Health insur carriers-req reimb providers using check/electronic fund transfer REP REF AFI


Bills Reported Referred/AHE:


A4619 Aca (1R) Greenwald,L/Conaway,H+1 Health care professionals, certain-codifies & extends authorization to practice REP/ACA REF AHE


Bills Reported Referred/AJU:


A4961 Moriarty,P+1 Consumer contract claim-bars limitation that are allowed to proceed at same time REP REF AJU


Bills Reported Referred/ARP:


A4962 Moriarty,P/Dunn,A+1 Real estate listing contracts, long-term-create requirements for REP REF ARP


Bills Reported Referred/ASE:


A4484 Aca (1R) Conaway,H/McKnight,A+1 Nursing homes-revises reporting req. concerning financial disclosure & ownership REP/ACA REF ASE




Bills Reported Referred/ASL:


A4501 Park,E School district borrowing-auth. issue bonds to repair natural disaster damages REP REF ASL

S1892 Johnson,G/Schepisi,H School district borrowing-auth. issue bonds to repair natural disaster damages REP REF ASL


Bills Transferred:


A4484 Aca (1R) Conaway,H/McKnight,A+1 Nursing homes-revises reporting req. concerning financial disclosure & ownership FROM ASE TO AHE A4501 Park,E School district borrowing-auth. issue bonds to repair natural disaster damages FROM AED TO AFI

A4913 Conaway,H/Stanley,S Health insur carriers-req reimb providers using check/electronic fund transfer FROM AFI TO AHE


Bills Withdrawn From The Files:


A4339 Aca (1R) Conaway,H/Speight,S+1 Food and beverage delivery vehicle network companies-regulates FROM AAP


The Assembly adjourned at 5:11 P.M. to meet again on Thursday, January 19, 2023 (QUORUM, Committee Groups “C” and “D” scheduled to meet).

Bills Passed Both Houses/Sent To Governor:




Bills Signed Into Law Since Last Session (1/10/2023):


P.L.2023, c.1. S1034 ScaAcaAca (3R) Vitale,J/Ruiz,M+10 1/12/2023 Siblings' Bill of Rights-establishes

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