Here's What Happened Under The Gold Dome On Thursday

The New Jersey Statehouse and Capitol Building In Trenton

Here's what happened under the Gold Dome on Thursday (January 26th):




Bills Introduced:


S3496 Holzapfel,J Board of Ed, members-req to attend meetings in person to be recorded as present REF SED

S3497 Stanfield,J Domestic violence, child exposed-estab. Statewide program, provide treatment svc REF SJU

S3498 Singleton,T Single family residences-impose tax on investment ownership by certain entities REF SCU

S3499 Corrado,K Facial recognition technology-prohibit use except for legitimate safety purpose REF SCM

S3500 Corrado,K/Cryan,J Emergency medical technician-streamline certification process for cert veterans REF SHH

S3501 Stanfield,J Farm income averaging credit-permits under the NJ gross income tax REF SEG

S3502 Stanfield,J Agriculture, community supported-take various actions to publicize & promote REF SEG

S3503 Stanfield,J Historical projects-promote on website and collect donations for projects REF SSG

S3504 Stanfield,J Veterans, surviving spouse-allows income tax deduction REF SMV

S3505 Corrado,K/Diegnan,P Veterans, disab-qual. for toll rate & motor vehicle registration fee exemptions REF SMV

S3506 Testa,M/Cruz-Perez,N Urban Enterprise Zone Microloan Program-establish to help certain businesses;$5M REF SEG

S3507 Zwicker,A NJCLASS-req report to include info on delinquency & admin wage garnishments REF SHI

S3508 Johnson,G+1 Credit card surcharge-proh. for transaction greater than cost to process payment REF SCM

S3509 Gopal,V Career and Technical Education Partnership Grant Program-establish 4 years REF SED

S3510 Gopal,V Alcoholic beverages-adopt ordinance concerning consumption by pedicab passenger REF SLP

S3511 Gopal,V Alcohol and substance use-replace statutory terms REF SHH

S3512 Lagana,J Consumer Legal Funding Act-concerns REF SCM

S3513 Ruiz,M Airports-req. PANYNJ post info concerning services for human trafficking victims REF SLP

S3514 Cruz-Perez,N Forensic Science Laboratory, Rutgers University-Camden-establishes;$500K REF SLP

S3515 Cruz-Perez,N/Ruiz,M Commercial farms-prov exemp from permit fees rebuilding from natural disaster REF SEG

S3516 Cruz-Perez,N/Turner,S Smoke Control System Act-require routine maintenance and operational testing REF SEG

S3517 Ruiz,M Blood pressure monitoring-req insurers cover monitoring patient w/ preeclampsia REF SHH

S3518 Ruiz,M Office of Learning Loss Czar-establish REF SED

SJR113 Zwicker,A/Greenstein,L Antisemitism-establish working definition REF SSG

SR107 Zwicker,A National Aeronautics & Space Admin-urge Congress & President increase funding REF SSG

SR108 Greenstein,L/Ruiz,M+3 Sikhism instruction-urge incorporation into social studies curriculum REF SED

SR109 Johnson,G National infrastructure bank-urges Congress to establish REF SCM


Bills Reported from Committee/Given 2nd Reading:


A4749 Coughlin,C/Swain,L+10 Business Action Center-req. to collect & produce info to assist small businesses REP

A4751 Aca (1R) Mosquera,G/Speight,S+18 Mentorship program-establishes for new businesses and start-ups REP

A4753 Sca (1R) Freiman,R/Park,E+15 Businesses, certain violations-allows cure period to address and resolve REP/SCA

S921 Sca (1R) Bramnick,J/Pou,N+1 Telemarketers-provide name, address and phone number and company name REP/SCA

S1619 Sca (1R) Ruiz,M/Oroho,S+2 Fruit and vegetable donations-provides CBT and income tax credits for value REP/SCA

S2824 Scs (SCS) Vitale,J/Pou,N Health benefits plans, individual & small employer-revises various requirements REP/SCS

S3013 Scutari,N Women's business enterprises-prov. definition include owned in whole or in part REP

S3157 Madden,F+1 Respiratory therapist-allow passage of examination to qualify for licensure REP

S3204 Zwicker,A/Turner,S Business Action Center-req. to collect & produce info to assist small businesses REP

S3208 Sca (1R) Gopal,V/Zwicker,A Businesses, certain violations-allows cure period to address and resolve REP/SCA

S3400 Zwicker,A/Ruiz,M+1 Mentorship program-establishes for new businesses and start-ups REP

S3409 Sca (1R) Pou,N/Oroho,S Foreign investments, certain-permit certain insurance companies to make REP/SCA

S3413 Sca (1R) Singer,R/Diegnan,P+1 Telecommunications & Internet service providers-terminate service contracts REP/SCA

S3460 Sca (1R) Pou,N/Ruiz,M Businesses owned by LGBTQ+ persons-establishes certification program REP/SCA

S3480 Vitale,J/Pou,N Small Business Health Insurance Affordability Act-revises certain requirements REP

S3491 Ruiz,M/Cruz-Perez,N+1 SNAP Minimum Benefit Program-increase monthly benefit from $50 to $95 REP

S3516 Cruz-Perez,N/Turner,S Smoke Control System Act-require routine maintenance and operational testing REP


Bills Referred/SBA:


A4751 Aca (1R) Mosquera,G/Speight,S+18 Mentorship program-establishes for new businesses and start-ups

S1619 Sca (1R) Ruiz,M/Oroho,S+2 Fruit and vegetable donations-provides CBT and income tax credits for value

S2824 Scs (SCS) Vitale,J/Pou,N Health benefits plans, individual & small employer-revises various requirements

S3157 Madden,F+1 Respiratory therapist-allow passage of examination to qualify for licensure

S3400 Zwicker,A/Ruiz,M+1 Mentorship program-establishes for new businesses and start-ups

S3460 Sca (1R) Pou,N/Ruiz,M Businesses owned by LGBTQ+ persons-establishes certification program S3491 Ruiz,M/Cruz-Perez,N+1 SNAP Minimum Benefit Program-increase monthly benefit from $50 to $95

S3516 Cruz-Perez,N/Turner,S Smoke Control System Act-require routine maintenance and operational testing


Bills Received from Assembly/Concurrence w/Assembly Amendments/Given Second Reading:


S428 Aca (1R) Smith,B/Oroho,S+12 Right to Farm Act-extends protections to certain aquaculture activities

S435 Aca (1R) Smith,B/Greenstein,L Sewerage auth pub hearing records-distribute live recordings, lieu of transcript


Bills Received from Assembly/Referred to Committee:


A1368 Wimberly,B Lottery tickets-permits validation via Internet, mobile app, or electronic means REF SSG

A1729 Aca (1R) Speight,S/Reynolds-Jackson,V+9 Human Trafficking & Underserved Communities Unit-require AG establish REF SLP

A1884 Aa (1R) Tully,P/Swain,L+20 Telecommunications & Internet service providers-terminate service contracts REF SCM

A2347 Mukherji,R/Guardian,D+3 Marriage or civil union license-permit issued & solemnized via audio-visual tech REF SJU

A2777 Freiman,R/Benson,D+10 Veteran suicide prevention public service announcements-DMVA receive vol contrib REF SMV

A2790 Conaway,H/Benson,D+11 Autism spectrum disorder-establish certification card for diagnosed individuals REF SHH

A3142 Moen,W/Moriarty,P+17 Abandoned homes for homeless veterans-authorizes grants to purchase/rehab REF SBA

A3250 Conaway,H/Benson,D+3 Trans. svcs. prov to DHS clients-DHS employ Trans Planning Coordinator to manage REF SHH

A3772 Mukherji,R/Stanley,S+6 Emerg Medical Technician Training Fund-revise requirements concerning reimb elig REF SHH

A3867 Aca (1R) Murphy,C/Mukherji,R+8 Fertility fraud-establishes crime; violation a sex offense under Megan's Law REF SLP

A4132 Aca (1R) Stanley,S/Jaffer,S+6 Agricultural Literacy Week-establish REF SEG

A4268 McKnight,A/Wimberly,B+3 Emergency assistance recipients-permits temporary rental assistance REF SHH

A4616 Moriarty,P/Greenwald,L+1 Respiratory therapist-allow passage of examination to qualify for licensure REF SCM

A4729 Aca (1R) Sauickie,A/Freiman,R+8 Famland appraisals, acquired for farmland preservation purposes-revises method REF SEG

A4740 Mukherji,R/DeAngelo,W+8 Employee access to employment records on file with DOLWD-provides REF SBA

A4770 Schaer,G/Mosquera,G+10 Lead in water, property providing childcare svc-install & maintain water filters REF SCU

A4772 Aca (1R) Verrelli,A/Egan,J+4 Unemployment insurance benefits during labor disputes-concerns REF SLA

A4798 Murphy,C/McKnight,A+4 Cosmetology & hairstyling lic-allow teaching experience considered for out-of-st REF SCM

A4814 Moen,W/Wimberly,B+2 Institutional financial aid-removes unexpected family contrib. from calculation REF SHI

A4836 Aca (1R) Speight,S/Atkins,R+5 Internet outage caused by cyberattack or disaster-develop emerg. response plan REF SLP

A4935 Aca (1R) Benson,D/Spearman,W+1 Crash reports-concerns electronic transmission REF SBA

ACR140 Park,E/Jaffer,S+8 Korean veterans of Vietnam War-honors REF SMV

AJR200 Park,E/Freiman,R+4 Kimchi Day-designates November 22 of each year REF SSG


Bills Received from Assembly/Without Reference/Given Second Reading:


A343 Dunn,A/Jimenez,A+13 Sexual extortion using explicit sexual images to extort victims-establish crime

A2583 AcaAca (2R) Greenwald,L/Conaway,H+2 Seizure first-aid-requires DOH to disseminate information to employers

A5086 Coughlin,C/McKnight,A+7 SNAP Minimum Benefit Program-increase monthly benefit from $50 to $95

AJR171 Aca (1R) Mosquera,G/Lampitt,P+2 Week of the Young Child-permanently designates first full week in April


Bills Transferred:


S3491 Ruiz,M/Cruz-Perez,N+1 SNAP Minimum Benefit Program-increase monthly benefit from $50 to $95 FROM SHH TO SEG


The Senate adjourned at 5:00 P.M. to meet again on Monday, January 30, 2023 (QUORUM, Committee Group “4” scheduled to meet).




Bills Introduced:


A5114 Wimberly,B Residential tenant displacement-estab cert notice & compensation for renovation REF AHO

A5115 Greenwald,L Alcoholic beverage license-permit to issue regardless of population limitation REF AOF

A5116 Sauickie,A Abortions, insurance coverage-estab opt-out coverage under health benefits plans REF AFI

A5117 Sauickie,A Transitional housing, reserved for veterans-permit fair share bonus credit REF AHO

A5118 Sauickie,A/Murphy,C Code Blue Shelter Matching Grant Prog-estab to support community-based nonprofit REF ACD

A5119 Sauickie,A/Caputo,R Veterans facility-require DMVA establish in Ocean or Monmouth County REF AMV

A5120 Sauickie,A/DiMaio,J Agricultural land-prohibit ownership by foreign governments and persons REF AAN

A5121 Sauickie,A/Freiman,R Commercial building, abandoned-provide CBT & income tax credit for replacement REF ACE

A5122 Sauickie,A/Freiman,R Beginning farmers-estab mentoring programs & resell farmland at reduced price REF AAN

A5123 Sauickie,A/Freiman,R Large warehouses-limit development until 500K acres of farmland are preserved REF ASL

A5158 Tully,P/Murphy,C Advertisement grant program-establish for emerging businesses REF AST

A5159 Tully,P/Freiman,R Financial Assistance, Office-establish in EDA to help access opportunities REF AST

A5160 Tully,P/Murphy,C Needs-matching website-require EDA create for entities engaged in innovation REF AST

A5161 Tully,P/Park,E Grant program to promote NJ as innovation hub-require to establish REF AST




A4268 McKnight,A/Wimberly,B+3 Emergency assistance recipients-permits temporary rental assistance To Aa (DePhillips)

A4268 McKnight,A/Wimberly,B+3 Emergency assistance recipients-permits temporary rental assistance To Table Aa (41-32-0) (Greenwald)


Bills Passed:


A256 AcaAcaSa (3R) Munoz,N/DeFuccio,D+7 Surgical smoke-req. health care fac prevent exposure via smoke evacuation system (78-0-0)

A343 Dunn,A/Jimenez,A+13 Sexual extortion using explicit sexual images to extort victims-establish crime (78-0-0)

A1368 Wimberly,B Lottery tickets-permits validation via Internet, mobile app, or electronic means (78-0-0)

A1729 Aca (1R) Speight,S/Reynolds-Jackson,V+9 Human Trafficking & Underserved Communities Unit-require AG establish (78-0-0)

A1884 Aa (1R) Tully,P/Swain,L+20 Telecommunications & Internet service providers-terminate service contracts (76-0-0)

A2347 Mukherji,R/Guardian,D+3 Marriage or civil union license-permit issued & solemnized via audio-visual tech (68-8-1)

A2583 AcaAca (2R) Greenwald,L/Conaway,H+2 Seizure first-aid-requires DOH to disseminate information to employers (78-0-0)

A2722 AcaSca (2R) Matsikoudis,M/Sauickie,A+16 Nurse, licensed-veteran receive credit upon completing military medical training (78-0-0)

A2777 Freiman,R/Benson,D+10 Veteran suicide prevention public service announcements-DMVA receive vol contrib (77-0-0)

A2790 Conaway,H/Benson,D+11 Autism spectrum disorder-establish certification card for diagnosed individuals (78-0-0)

A3142 Moen,W/Moriarty,P+17 Abandoned homes for homeless veterans-authorizes grants to purchase/rehab (78-0-0)

A3250 Conaway,H/Benson,D+3 Trans. svcs. prov to DHS clients-DHS employ Trans Planning Coordinator to manage (77-0-0)

A3772 Mukherji,R/Stanley,S+6 Emerg Medical Technician Training Fund-revise requirements concerning reimb elig (78-0-0)

A3867 Aca (1R) Murphy,C/Mukherji,R+8 Fertility fraud-establishes crime; violation a sex offense under Megan's Law (78-0-0)

A4132 Aca (1R) Stanley,S/Jaffer,S+6 Agricultural Literacy Week-establish (77-1-0)

A4268 McKnight,A/Wimberly,B+3 Emergency assistance recipients-permits temporary rental assistance (75-2-0)

A4616 Moriarty,P/Greenwald,L+1 Respiratory therapist-allow passage of examination to qualify for licensure (78-0-0)

A4729 Aca (1R) Sauickie,A/Freiman,R+8 Famland appraisals, acquired for farmland preservation purposes-revises method (78-0-0)

A4740 Mukherji,R/DeAngelo,W+8 Employee access to employment records on file with DOLWD-provides (78-0-0)

A4770 Schaer,G/Mosquera,G+10 Lead in water, property providing childcare svc-install & maintain water filters (78-0-0)

A4772 Aca (1R) Verrelli,A/Egan,J+4 Unemployment insurance benefits during labor disputes-concerns (56-22-0)

A4798 Murphy,C/McKnight,A+4 Cosmetology & hairstyling lic-allow teaching experience considered for out-of-st (78-0-0)

A4814 Moen,W/Wimberly,B+2 Institutional financial aid-removes unexpected family contrib. from calculation (78-0-0)

A4836 Aca (1R) Speight,S/Atkins,R+5 Internet outage caused by cyberattack or disaster-develop emerg. response plan (78-0-0)

A4935 Aca (1R) Benson,D/Spearman,W+1 Crash reports-concerns electronic transmission (78-0-0)

A5086 Coughlin,C/McKnight,A+7 SNAP Minimum Benefit Program-increase monthly benefit from $50 to $95 (72-5-0)

ACR140 Park,E/Jaffer,S+8 Korean veterans of Vietnam War-honors (77-0-0)

AJR171 Aca (1R) Mosquera,G/Lampitt,P+2 Week of the Young Child-permanently designates first full week in April (78-0-0)

AJR200 Park,E/Freiman,R+4 Kimchi Day-designates November 22 of each year (75-1-0)

AR106 Conaway,H/McKnight,A+6 SNAP & WIC for diaper purchases-call upon federal government to permit use (74-0-4)

AR147 Conaway,H/McKnight,A+3 Nursing fac. & home office data, skilled-urge Medicare/Medicaid increase access (77-0-1)

S297 Sca (1R) Greenstein,L/Madden,F+6 Cybersecurity incident-req pub agency report to Homeland Security & Preparedness (76-0-2)

S428 Aca (1R) Smith,B/Oroho,S+12 Right to Farm Act-extends protections to certain aquaculture activities (78-0-0)

S435 Aca (1R) Smith,B/Greenstein,L Sewerage auth pub hearing records-distribute live recordings, lieu of transcript (77-0-1)

S743 Sa (1R) Lagana,J/Johnson,G+11 E-ZPass website-req publication of certain information related to toll discounts (78-0-0)

S757 AcaSa w/GR (3R) Sarlo,P/Oroho,S+8 Farmland, preserved-authorizes special occasion events under certain conditions (75-3-0)

S2709 Cruz-Perez,N/Singer,R Alternate deputy registrars-permits appointment of additional (78-0-0)

S3124 Diegnan,P/Benson,D DOT grant program, supply chain shortage-changes definition of eligible contract (76-0-2)

SCR18 Ruiz,M/Pintor Marin,E+7 Female/minority/vet-owned small bus. participation in contracts, cert-urge incrs (75-1-1)


Bills Substituted:


A189 Aca (1R) Rooney,K/McKeon,J+10 E-ZPass website-req publication of certain information related to toll discounts SUB BY S743 (1R)

A392 Aca (1R) Danielsen,J Sewerage auth pub hearing records-distribute live recordings, lieu of transcript SUB BY S435 (1R)

A493 Aca (1R) Murphy,C/Benson,D+3 Cybersecurity incident-req pub agency report to Homeland Security & Preparedness SUB BY S297 (1R)

A3039 Acs (ACS) Thomson,E/Dancer,R+10 Right to Farm Act-extends protections to certain aquaculture activities SUB BY S428 (1R)

A4524 Moen,W Alternate deputy registrars-permits appointment of additional SUB BY S2709

A4792 Benson,D/Spearman,W DOT grant program, supply chain shortage-changes definition of eligible contract SUB BY S3124

ACR156 Pintor Marin,E/Benson,D+6 Female/minority/vet-owned small bus. participation in contracts, cert-urge incrs SUB BY SCR18

S297 Sca (1R) Greenstein,L/Madden,F+6 Cybersecurity incident-req pub agency report to Homeland Security & Preparedness SUB FOR A493 (1R)

S428 Aca (1R) Smith,B/Oroho,S+12 Right to Farm Act-extends protections to certain aquaculture activities SUB FOR A3039 (ACS)

S435 Aca (1R) Smith,B/Greenstein,L Sewerage auth pub hearing records-distribute live recordings, lieu of transcript SUB FOR A392 (1R)

S743 Sa (1R) Lagana,J/Johnson,G+11 E-ZPass website-req publication of certain information related to toll discounts SUB FOR A189 (1R)

S2709 Cruz-Perez,N/Singer,R Alternate deputy registrars-permits appointment of additional SUB FOR A4524

S3124 Diegnan,P/Benson,D DOT grant program, supply chain shortage-changes definition of eligible contract SUB FOR A4792

SCR18 Ruiz,M/Pintor Marin,E+7 Female/minority/vet-owned small bus. participation in contracts, cert-urge incrs SUB FOR ACR156


Bills Returned Second Reading/Amended:


A1100 AaAa (2R) Calabrese,C/Mukherji,R+10 Abandoned lines-req cert entities remove from poles & other structures (Wimberly)

A2813 AcaAa (2R) Calabrese,C/Haider,S+3 State House grounds-create gallery space for display of certain art works (Wimberly)

A4198 Aa (1R) Moriarty,P/McKnight,A+7 Personal identifying info-proh public disclosure from unemployment claim appeals (Wimberly)

A4444/4471 AcsAa (ACS/1R) Jasey,M/Flynn,V+7 Sports officials-upgrades certain types of assault to aggravated assault (Wimberly)

A4519 AcaAa (2R) Moriarty,P/Danielsen,J+1 Motor vehicle subscriptions-prohibits manufacturer or dealer from requiring (Wimberly)

A4783 AcaAa (2R) McKeon,J/Kennedy,J+4 Real property & flood notifications-req sellers & landlords make notifications (Wimberly)

S3110 ScaSaAa (3R) Smith,B/Codey,R+3 Real property & flood notifications-req sellers & landlords make notifications (Wimberly)


The Assembly adjourned at 4:28 P.M. to meet again on Monday, February 6, 2023 (QUORUM, Committee Groups “A” and “B” scheduled to meet).


Bills Passed Both Houses/Sent To Governor:


A256 AcaAcaSa (3R) Munoz,N/DeFuccio,D+7 Surgical smoke-req. health care fac prevent exposure via smoke evacuation system A2722 AcaSca (2R) Matsikoudis,M/Sauickie,A+16 Nurse, licensed-veteran receive credit upon completing military medical training S297 Sca (1R) Greenstein,L/Madden,F+6 Cybersecurity incident-req pub agency report to Homeland Security & Preparedness S743 Sa (1R) Lagana,J/Johnson,G+11 E-ZPass website-req publication of certain information related to toll discounts

S757 AcaSa w/GR (3R) Sarlo,P/Oroho,S+8 Farmland, preserved-authorizes special occasion events under certain conditions S2709 Cruz-Perez,N/Singer,R Alternate deputy registrars-permits appointment of additional

S3124 Diegnan,P/Benson,D DOT grant program, supply chain shortage-changes definition of eligible contract


Bills Signed Into Law Since Last Session (1/23/2023):



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