Here's What Happened Under The Gold Dome On Tuesday (January 10th)

The New Jersey Statehouse and Capitol Building In Trenton

Here's what happened under the Gold Dome on Tuesday (January 10th):

The Members of both Houses of the 220th Legislature met in Joint Session to receive the State of the State Address from the Honorable Phil Murphy, Governor of the State of New Jersey.




Nominations Received and Referred to SJU:



Honorable Jean S. Chetney, J.S.C., of Mannington. Honorable Anthony D'Elia, J.S.C., of Hoboken.

Honorable Robert Lougy, J.S.C., of Cranbury. David A. Nitti, of Tinton Falls.

Honorable Annette Scoca, J.S.C., of Fairfield. Honorable Radames Velazquez, Jr., J.S.C., of Kearny.


Nominations Withdrawn:



Rosemarie A. Grant, of Piscataway, to replace Martin Perez.


Bills Introduced:


S3429 Stack,B Voting period, early-concerns for regular municipal elections in May REF SSG

S3430 Stack,B Voting period, early-extend for primary elections and May municipal elections REF SSG S3431 Stanfield,J Legislature Youth Council-reduce residency req. for certain military children REF SMV S3432 Bucco,A County fire instructors-estab. elig. enrollment in PERS & subsequent retire benf REF SSG S3433 Bucco,A Armed forces-exclude bonuses for reenlistment or vol extension from gross income REF SMV S3434 Bucco,A Veteran owned small business-EDA required to administer and provide loans REF SCM S3435 O'Scanlon,D Debt, State-restricts authorization of new REF SBA

S3436 Cryan,J Board members, institutions of higher education-revise training requirements REF SHI S3437 Cryan,J Grease-require person selling/transporting to possess documentation of origin REF SEN S3438 Cryan,J Cannabis products-establishes THC potency limits REF SJU

S3439 Cryan,J Higher education, 4-year public institution-concerns fiscal performance;$300K REF SHI S3440 Gopal,V Sick leave, school district employee-expand scope of REF SED

S3441 Madden,F Snowplow/de-icing contract-proh from indemnifying against liability, loss/damage REF SCM S3442 Madden,F Cranberry juice-designates as State beverage REF SSG

S3443 Turner,S Clinical Laboratories-authorize to perform test without order from practitioner REF SHH

S3444 Schepisi,H/Lagana,J Water systems-use land preserved for recreation/conservation for water wells REF SCU

S3445 Singleton,T Recreational sports & STEM programs for children-establish grant program;$10M REF SCU

S3446 Bucco,A/Sarlo,P Lineal relatives-exempts all transfers from the Transfer Inheritance Tax REF SBA

S3447 Polistina,V PFRS-require cost of living increase for certain retired members & beneficiaries REF SSG S3448 Corrado,K/Turner,S Non-College Advancement Act-establishes; makes appropriation REF SLA

S3449 Testa,M/Zwicker,A Multi-level marketing companies-estab penal for action relating to operation of REF SCM

S3450 Stanfield,J Animal shelters-allow gross income tax deduction for donations REF SBA

S3451 Stanfield,J/Cryan,J Cyber Crimes Unit, State Police-makes supplemental appropriation;$200K REF SLP

S3452 Pennacchio,J College law, State-amends to remove certain employees from civil service system REF SHI

S3453 Testa,M Jobs lost due to automation-establishes program in DOLWD to address REF SLA

S3454 O'Scanlon,D Motor vehicle theft & carjacking-increase penalties; estab. pretrial detention REF SJU

S3455 O'Scanlon,D Motor vehicle theft-increase penalties; authorize home detention for minors REF SJU

S3456 Polistina,V Minors' alcohol & cannabis use-req temp detention & parent/guardian notification REF SLP

S3457 Polistina,V Tenant property taxes-increase gross income tax relief & establish tax credit REF SBA

S3458 Polistina,V/Ruiz,M Computer & sch supply sale-exempt from "Sales & Use Tax Act";$500 tax deduction REF SED

S3459 Stanfield,J/Zwicker,A Small Business Manual on Wage & Hour Compliance-require DOLWD estab & maintain REF SLA


Concurrent Resolution Passed:


Providing for the Legislature to hold a joint session for the purpose of receiving the Governor's State of the State Address.


Bills Withdrawn From The Files:


S2939 Cryan,J Food and beverage delivery vehicle network companies-regulates FROM SHH


Senate Standing Reference Committee Appointments:

Senate Budget & Appropriations Committee:

Senator Douglas J. Steinhardt (23)

Senate Labor Committee:

Senator Douglas J. Steinhardt (23)


The Senate adjourned at 4:00 P.M. to meet again on Thursday, January 12, 2023 (QUORUM, Committee Group “1” scheduled to meet).




Bills Introduced:


A4988 Freiman,R/Danielsen,J+4 Ice plant operators and dealers, packaged-provide for licensure of REF ACO

A4989 Piperno,M/Eulner,K Jury service-creates new excuse, persons due to developmental disability REF AJU

A4990 Eulner,K/Piperno,M Transportation mobility, person w/physical disab-req DOT/NJT/DHS study/implement REF ATR

A4991 Simonsen,E/DiMaio,J Musicians, classification-concerns for purpose of employment laws REF ALA

A4992 Moen,W Student and Parent Consumer Information Act-revises reporting requirements REF AHI

A4993 Moen,W/Benson,D License plates-auth. MVC enter in contract w/private vendor for marketing & sale REF ATR

A4994 DeAngelo,W/Lopez,Y Home, single-family-estab req if purch & reselling within 1 yr of occupancy cert REF AHO

A4995 Dunn,A Driver's license-requires to display license holder's blood type REF ATR

A4996 Dunn,A Highlands Region Preservation Area municipalities-reduce sales tax REF AEN

A4997 Haider,S Cooperative buildings, cert.-require approvals as condition of sale or transfer REF AHO

A4998 Umba,B/DiMaio,J+2 Board of Education meetings-requires Commissioner of Education to attend REF AED

A4999 Swift,C/Guardian,D Law enforcement officers, Class Three special-permits appt. by county sheriffs REF ALP

A5000 Haider,S Registered nurse license plates-authorizes creation REF ATR

A5001 Umba,B Arts, cultural, historic org.-redirect cert funding to competitive grant program REF ATG A5002 Haider,S Alcoholic bev in resid. redevelopment/rehabilitation areas-allow to issue permit REF AOF

A5003 Torrissi,M Higway safety program-req. DOT implement, increased commercial motor veh parking REF ATR

A5004 Torrissi,M Rectifier and blender license-permit holder to engage in certain retail sales REF AOF

A5005 Torrissi,M Sedation by veterinarian-req. distribution of policy use prior to euthanization REF AAN

A5006 Speight,S/Tully,P Carjacking, theft, and burglary-establishes presumption of pretrial detention REF ALP

A5007 Jasey,M/Umba,B Veterinary medicine loan redemption program-establishes;$500K annually REF AHI

A5008 Umba,B+1 Teacher cert.-permit to submit affidavit to hiring school affirming reqs. met REF AED

A5009 McKnight,A/Tucker,C Veterans, Medicaid eligibility-req. DHS disregard cert. federal pension benefits REF AMV

A5010 Wirths,H/DeAngelo,W+1 Body Armor Replacement Fund-expands eligibility REF ALP

A5011 Wirths,H/Space,P Fiscal Yr 2023 approp act-amends, proh moneys for climate change litigation REF AEN

A5012 McKnight,A/Atkins,R+1 Long-term care facilities-develop person-centered care plans for residents REF ASE

A5013 Atkins,R/Jaffer,S+4 Student caregivers-directs DOE to conduct study REF AED

A5014 Atkins,R/Carter,L+7 Student Learning Standards, Social Studies-provide instruction on labor movement REF AED

A5015 Atkins,R/Carter,L+6 Instruction on grief-require school dist. prov. as part of Learning Standands REF AED

A5016 Atkins,R/Jaffer,S+5 Water supply-require system testing & compliance with drinking water regulations REF AEN

A5017 Caputo,R Boards of education, members-concerns, nonrenewal of nontenured staff REF AED

A5018 Calabrese,C Inheritance taxes transfer on brother and sister of decedent-eliminates REF ACD A5019 Rooney,K Horseback riding permit-prohibits DEP from requiring person under 16 to obtain REF AEN A5020 Moen,W Low Income Household Water Assistance Prog-concerns from taking cert actions REF ATU

A5021 Speight,S Prenatal testing, non-invasive-req for pregnant persons & health insur coverage REF AWC

A5022 Speight,S Preeclampsia & gestational diabetes-require DOH prepare resouce guide REF AWC A5023 Speight,S Period Equity & Menstrual Disorders Study Committee-establish in DOH REF AWC

A5024 Speight,S Elected official & immediate family-estab crimes against; prov police protection REF AJU

A5026 Speight,S Purple Alert System-establishes to assist in finding missing persons REF ALP

A5027 Sauickie,A/Danielsen,J Land use law & planning-req. basic course include warehouse & high-density devel REF ACD

A5028 Sauickie,A/Danielsen,J Warehouse development-concerns regulatory guidance for local approving authority REF ACD

A5029 Sauickie,A School aid, State-estab. Stabilization Aid for cert dist experiencing reductions REF AED

A5030 Sauickie,A Veterans Outdoor Recovery Task Force-require DMVA establish REF AMV

A5031 Sauickie,A Transportation capital project list-concerns inclusion of agricultural concerns REF ATR

A5032 Sauickie,A Deed recording, resid rental prop-req limited liab company disclose certain info REF AHO

A5033 Sauickie,A School dist funds-permit transfer of reserve to general fd for current expenses REF AED

A5034 Tully,P/Speight,S Auto theft trafficking network-upgrades crime of leader of; crime of participant REF ALP

A5035 Speight,S/Tully,P Burglary of residence-upgrades crime of to second degree REF AJU


A5036 Tully,P/Swain,L Electronic Permit Processing Review System-req certain materials for review REF ACE

A5037 Tully,P Science, Innovation & Technology, Comm-prov grants to employee, instit higher ed REF AST

A5038 Tully,P Towing and storage, non-consensual-concerns fees charged REF ATR

A5039 Benson,D Elections, municipal & school board-allow ranked-choice voting options REF ASL A5040 Benson,D/Freiman,R Town Center Microgrid Pilot Program Act REF AST

ACR172 Tucker,C/Conaway,H+2 Civil service hiring preference-extend to veteran who did not serve, time of war REF AMV

AJR206 Stanley,S Native Plants Month-designates April of each year REF AAN

AJR207 Torrissi,M Trucker Appreciation Week-designate second full week in September each year REF ATR

AJR208 Mukherji,R/Conaway,H Curing Stomach Cancer Month-designates November of each year REF AHE

AJR209 Karabinchak,R/Benson,D+5 World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims-designates November 20th REF ATR

AJR210 Jaffer,S/Atkins,R Rural Health Day-designates third thursday of November REF AHE

AR171 Atkins,R/Conaway,H+3 Donating blood, gay & bisexual men-urges FDA to ease restrictions REF AHE


Concurrent Resolution Passed:


Providing for the Legislature to hold a joint session for the purpose of receiving the Governor's State of the State Address.


Bills Received from Governor/Conditional Veto:


A2002 Conaway,H/Jimenez,A Death certificate-St registrar permit county surrogate to provide certified copy


Bills Received from Senate/Concurrence w/Senate Amendments/Given Second Reading:


A256 AcaAcaSa (3R) Munoz,N/DeFuccio,D+4 Surgical smoke-req. health care fac prevent exposure via smoke evacuation system A2722 AcaSca (2R) Matsikoudis,M/Sauickie,A+11 Nurse, licensed-veteran receive credit upon completing military medical training S2396 AcaSa (2R) Madden,F/Zwicker,A+16 Umemployment compensation-prov. for oversight & improvement of administration of


Bills Received from Senate/Referred to Committee:


S652 Oroho,S/Pou,N+1 Local board of health-governing body of mun, population of 30K or less serve REF ASL

S1006 ScaSca (2R) Ruiz,M/Greenstein,L Legionnaires's disease-DEP, DOH, DCA & public water systems prevent/control REF AEN

S1033 ScaSa (2R) Vitale,J/Ruiz,M+9 Alzheimer's & Dementia Care Long-Term Planning Commission-establishes in DHS REF AHE

S1221 ScaSca (2R) Ruiz,M/Gopal,V+3 Feminine hygiene products-school districts provide, cert schools; State pay cost REF AWC

S1311 Sca (1R) Turner,S/Codey,R+1 Parks and Forests Foundation, State-establishes REF ASL

S1680 Pou,N/Ruiz,M+1 SNAP Emp & Training Prog-designate community college provider of allowable svc REF AHU

S3085 Sca (1R) Singleton,T/Greenstein,L Firearm trafficking offenses-expands culpability requirements REF AJU

S3124 Diegnan,P DOT grant program, supply chain shortage-changes definition of eligible contract REF AAP

S3150 Sca (1R) Singleton,T/Greenstein,L Firearm trafficking, result in injury/death-estab strict liab criminal penalties REF AJU

S3348 Sarlo,P/Scutari,N+1 Entertainment venues, large-allow to conduct raffles in certain municipalities REF ATG

SCR61 Sca (1R) Codey,R+1 Organ donation-give registered organ donors priority in organ allocations REF AHE


Bills Received from Senate/Without Reference/Given Second Reading:


S3110 ScaSa (2R) Smith,B/Codey,R+3 Real property & flood notifications-req sellers & landlords make notifications


The Assembly adjourned at 5:09 P.M. to meet again on Thursday, January 12, 2023 (QUORUM, Committee Groups “A” and “B” scheduled to meet).


Bills Passed Both Houses/Sent To Governor:




Bills Signed Into Law Since Last Session (12/19/2022):


P.L.2022, c.130. A3707 Aca (1R) Coughlin,C/Jimenez,A+8 12/20/2022 Child Abuse & Neglect, Task Force-makes various changes to P.L.2022, c.131. A4769 AcaAcaAcaAcs (ACS) Danielsen,J/Greenwald,L+1 12/22/2022 Firearms, sale & possession-makes various revisions to


P.L.2022, c.132. S3241 Aca (1R) Vitale,J/Gopal,V+7 12/22/2022 Basic life support services-extends temporary waiver of crewmember requirements P.L.2022, c.133. A4295 AcaSca (2R) Jaffer,S/Mosquera,G+3 12/22/2022 Tax audit regime, federal partnership-adapts; end COVID-related State


P.L.2022, c.134. A4929 AcaAca (2R) Pintor Marin,E/Greenwald,L+3 12/22/2022 Economic devel programs, State-extend accommodations implemented during COVID-19

P.L.2022, c.135. A4957 Jaffer,S/Kennedy,J+6 12/22/2022 Development projects, capital & park-approp $64.929M, recreation & conservation P.L.2022, c.136. A4958 Chaparro,A/Lampitt,P+9 12/22/2022 Historic preservation projects-dedicate revenues to Historic Trust;$17.288M P.L.2022, c.137. A4959 Spearman,W/Reynolds-Jackson,V+12 12/22/2022 Recreation & conservation, Blue/Green Acres-CBT revenue to


P.L.2022, c.138. S588 ScsAcaAca (SCS/2R) Testa,M/Turner,S+13 1/4/2023 Information literacy instruction-req. in curriculum of students grades K to 12

P.L.2022, c.139. A573 AcsAca (ACS/1R) Karabinchak,R/Freiman,R+20 1/5/2023 Construction inspection program, expedited-establishes P.L.2022, c.140. A1438 Kennedy,J/Mukherji,R+4 1/10/2023 Asbestos violations-increase max penalty; allocates moneys to control & lic prog P.L.2022, c.141. A3444 Aca (1R) Freiman,R/Swain,L 1/10/2023 Organic Farming Advisory Board-establishes in Department of Agriculture P.L.2022, c.142. A4768 Aca (1R) Quijano,A/Atkins,R 1/10/2023 Severance req under Millville Dallas Airmotive Plant Act-effective immediately

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