Here's What's On Tap Under The Gold Dome On Monday

Here's what's on tap under the Gold Dome on Monday (June 3rd):
SENATE QUORUM 12:00 PM Senate Chambers
10:00 AM: Group (1) Committees scheduled to meet
1:00 PM: Group (2) Committees scheduled to meet
Senate Budget and Appropriations Meeting
Chair: Sen. Sarlo, Paul A.
The Committee will not meet.
Senate Commerce Meeting 1:00 PM
Committee Room 6, 1st Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ
Chair: Sen. Pou, Nellie
S49 [Pou, Nellie], Medicaid, health insur. plan-concerns
S562 [Gill, Nia H./Singleton, Troy], Health insur. benf.-concerns
S626 [Vitale, Joseph F./Diegnan, Patrick J.+1], Health insur. policies-concerns
S3651 [Pou, Nellie/Singleton, Troy], Medicare suppl. coverge-revise law
S3802 [Pou, Nellie/Weinberg, Loretta], Health insur dependent coverage-concerns
S3803 [Pou, Nellie/Ruiz, M. Teresa], Prev. svcs., cert.-req health benf cover
S3804 [Ruiz, M. Teresa/Pou, Nellie], Contraceptives-revise req, insur. cover
S3805 [Ruiz, M. Teresa/Pou, Nellie], Breastfeeding-req. benf. coverage
S3806 [Vitale, Joseph F./Cryan, Joseph P.], Individ. Health Coverage Prog-enrollment
S3807 [Gill, Nia H./Vitale, Joseph F.+1], Health insur.-concerns
S3808 [Singleton, Troy/Diegnan, Patrick J.], Health benf. plans-repeals statute
S3809 [Pou, Nellie/Lagana, Joseph A.], Health insur., cert. rate incr.-concerns
S3810 [Singleton, Troy/Lagana, Joseph A.], Health benf plan-concerns rating factors
S3811 [Gopal, Vin/Diegnan, Patrick J.], Small Emp. Health Benf. Prog.-concerns
S3812 [Cryan, Joseph P./Diegnan, Patrick J.], Health insur. plans-concerns
Senate Community and Urban Affairs Meeting 10:00 AM Committee Room 1, 1st Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ
Chair: Sen. Singleton, Troy
S897 [Connors, Christopher J.], Wharves, piers repair-auth. maintenance
S1151 [Ruiz, M. Teresa/Turner, Shirley K.], Rental housing-concerns
S2371 [Singleton, Troy/Andrzejczak, Bob+1], Vol. ff-permits incl. health benf. plan
S2425 [Singleton, Troy/Andrzejczak, Bob+1], Common interest communities-revise law
S2437 [Diegnan, Patrick J./Greenstein, Linda R.], Resid. tenancy security
S3124 [Stack, Brian P.], Tenant pymt. of rent-concerns
S3283 [Sweeney, Stephen M./Smith, Bob+1], First responder affordable housing-estab
S3520 [Andrzejczak, Bob/Singleton, Troy], Mayors-auth veto actions mun authorities
S3591 [Cryan, Joseph P./Cruz-Perez, Nilsa], Lead-contaminated water lines-loan prog.
S3726 [Singleton, Troy], Tax assessors-conflicts of interest
SCR167 [Singleton, Troy], Homeless transgender persons-concerns
Senate Community and Urban Affairs Hearing (Immediately following the Committee meeting) Committee Room 1,
1st Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ
Chair: Sen. Singleton, Troy
SCR115 [Singleton, Troy], Surplus Gross Income Tax Rev Acct-estab.
Senate Education Meeting 1:30 PM
Committee Room 4, 1st Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ
Chair: Sen. Ruiz, M. Teresa
The Committee will receive testimony from invited guests on the status of the establishment of the procedures for the review and approval of, and eligibility criteria for, grants under the "Securing Our Children's Future Bond Act," approved by the voters on November 6, 2018, and the "New Jersey Library Construction Bond Act," approved by the voters on November 7, 2017.
*Senate Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Meeting
1:00 PM Committee Room 1, 1st Floor,
State House Annex, Trenton, NJ
Chair: Sen. Vitale, Joseph F.
A5369 [Chiaravalloti, Nicholas/Vainieri Huttle, Valerie+6], Patient Prot. Act-health
care svc. req.
S81 [Bucco, Anthony R.+1], Retail food estab.-donate unused goods
S938 [Pou, Nellie], Nursing homes-behavioral health training
S984 [Vitale, Joseph F./Singleton, Troy], Med. records-estab. cert. req.
S993 [Vitale, Joseph F.], Sexually transmitted disease-treatment
S1733 [Weinberg, Loretta/Madden, Fred H.], Nursing svcs, priv. duty-Medicaid reimb.
S1961 [Vitale, Joseph F.+3], Consumer Access to Health Care Act
S2389 [Singleton, Troy], Prescrip. drug pricing website-estab.
S2424 [Andrzejczak, Bob/Van Drew, Jeff], Michael Fischer Law-defibrillator
S3491 [Ruiz, M. Teresa/Codey, Richard J.+2], Personal care svcs.-Medicaid reimb. rate
S3816 [Singleton, Troy/Sweeney, Stephen M.], Patient Prot. Act-health care svc. req.
SCR164 [Singleton, Troy/Madden, Fred H.+1], Alzheimer's disease-pub. health crisis
SR93 [Gopal, Vin/Codey, Richard J.+1], Execel Mental Health Addiction Treatment
Senate Labor Meeting
Chair: Sen. Madden, Fred H.
The Committee will not meet.
*Senate Transportation Meeting 11:00 AM
Committee Room 10, 3rd Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ
Chair: Sen. Diegnan, Patrick J.
S2934 [Greenstein, Linda R./Bucco, Anthony R.+1], Public Use Airports Task
S3164 [Greenstein, Linda R./Diegnan, Patrick J.], Transit Emp. prot., rights-concerns
S3574 [Scutari, Nicholas P./Kean, Thomas H.+1], Raritan Valley Line-study on
cert. svcs.
SR144 [Diegnan, Patrick J./Kean, Thomas H.], RR track maintenance-extend tax cred.
SENATE QUORUM 12:00 PM Senate Chambers
10:00 AM: Group (3) Committees scheduled meet
1:00 PM: Group (4) Committees scheduled to meet Page 2 of 2
Senate Economic Growth Meeting
Chair: Sen. Cruz-Perez, Nilsa
The Committee will not meet.
Senate Environment and Energy Meeting 10:00 AM
Committee Room 6, 1st Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ
Chair: Sen. Smith, Bob
S2288 [Smith, Bob/Bateman, Christopher+1], Neonicotinoid pesticides-restrict use
S3670 [Smith, Bob/Singleton, Troy], Mun. master plans-concerns
S3818 [Smith, Bob], Infra. Bank-modifies powers and duties
S3819 [Greenstein, Linda R.], Infrastructure Bank-loans for proj.
S3820 [Codey, Richard J.], Env. infra. proj., FY2020-approp. fds.
SCR168 [Corrado, Kristin M.], Infra. Bank-approve FY2020 Finan. Plan
For Discussion Only:
S3682 [Smith, Bob/Bateman, Christopher], Contaminated sites-changes laws
Senate Higher Education Meeting 10:00 AM
Committee Room 7, 2nd Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ
Chair: Sen. Cunningham, Sandra B.
A1991 [Sumter, Shavonda E./Munoz, Nancy F.+3], Meningitis, higher ed instit-immunize
A4115 [Benson, Daniel R./DeAngelo, Wayne P.+3], NJ STARS-clarifies cert elig
S941 [Singer, Robert W./Gordon, Robert M.+1], Meningitis, higher ed instit-immunize
S2555 [Gopal, Vin], Tuition rates, cert. students-concerns
S2787 [Greenstein, Linda R.], NJ STARS-clarifies cert elig
S3685 [Sarlo, Paul A./Singleton, Troy], Engineering, science careers-access
S3722 [Ruiz, M. Teresa/Cunningham, Sandra B.], Ed. Opportunity Fd.-create database
SCR166 [Ruiz, M. Teresa/Cunningham, Sandra B.], Ed. Opportunity Fd. Bd.-
modernize reg.
Senate Judiciary Meeting
Chair: Sen. Scutari, Nicholas P.
The Committee will not meet.
Senate Military and Veterans' Affairs Meeting
Chair: Sen. Gopal, Vin
The Committee will not meet.
Senate State Government, Wagering, Tourism & Historic Preservation Meeting 1:00 PM Committee Room 7,
2nd Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ
Chair: Sen. Beach, James
The Committee will hear testimony from invited guests on the state of casino industry regulations in New Jersey. The Committee will also hear testimony from invited
guests about artificial reefs in the State.
A4882 [Kennedy, James J./Holley, Jamel C.+13], Accidental disab retir allowance-concern
S3474 [Scutari, Nicholas P./Lagana, Joseph A.+3], Accidental disab retir allowance-concern
SR137 [Beach, James/Thompson, Samuel D.], Taiwan Relations Act-commem.
40th anniv.
ASSEMBLY QUORUM Assembly Chambers
10:00 AM: Group (A) Committees scheduled to meet
2:00 PM: Group (B) Committees scheduled to meet