Here's What's On Tap Under The Gold Dome On Monday

The New Jersey Statehouse and Capitol Building In Trenton

Here's what's on tap under the Gold Dome on Monday (June 10th):

SENATE SESSION 2:00 PM Senate Chambers

Voting Session:

A1700 [Dancer, Ronald S./Vainieri Huttle, Valerie+6], Areas in need of redevel.-concerns

A3242 [Andrzejczak, Bob/Land, R. Bruce], Deer control cert. activities-permits

A5021 [Quijano, Annette/Bramnick, Jon M.+2], Prenatal care svcs-Medicaid

coverage req

S362 [Rice, Ronald L./Sumter, Shavonda E.+2], Affordable housing cert-deed restriction

S984 [Vitale, Joseph F./Singleton, Troy], Med. records-estab. cert. req.

S1298 [Bucco, Anthony R.], Shared svcs.-tax bill show savings info.

S1403 [Diegnan, Patrick J./Singleton, Troy+3], St.-admin. retir. sys.-SPRS svc. credit

S1583 [Cruz-Perez, Nilsa/Cunningham, Sandra B.+1], Areas in need of redevel.-concerns

S1758 [Weinberg, Loretta/Ruiz, M. Teresa+2], Donated leave prog. for St. emp-codifies

S1761 [Weinberg, Loretta/Singleton, Troy+16], Address Confidentiality Prog-expands

S1799 [Bucco, Anthony R./Bucco, Anthony M.+1], Fire safety comm.-incr. memb.

S1887 [Singleton, Troy/Greenstein, Linda R.+8], Industry-valued credentials-concerns

S2371 [Singleton, Troy/Andrzejczak, Bob+1], Vol. ff-permits incl. health benf. plan

S2389 [Singleton, Troy], Prescrip. drug pricing website-estab.

S2419 [Smith, Bob/Oroho, Steven V.], Deer control cert. activities-permits

S2425 [Singleton, Troy/Andrzejczak, Bob+1], Common interest communities-revise law

S2575 [Diegnan, Patrick J./Greenstein, Linda R.+8], Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act-examine

S3116 [Ruiz, M. Teresa], End-of-life care-concerns

S3118 [Ruiz, M. Teresa], End-of-life planning-concerns

S3124 [Stack, Brian P.], Tenant pymt. of rent-concerns

S3164 [Greenstein, Linda R./Diegnan, Patrick J.], Trans. Corp. Emp. Prot. Act

S3205 [Cunningham, Sandra B./Ruiz, M. Teresa+2], Expungement proc.-revises

S3283 [Sweeney, Stephen M./Smith, Bob+1], First responder affordable housing-estab

S3348 [Weinberg, Loretta], Hemophilia-comply w/treatment provisions

S3375 [Ruiz, M. Teresa/Greenstein, Linda R.+12], Maternal health care pilot prog.-estab.

S3405 [Vitale, Joseph F./Kean, Thomas H.+1], Prenatal care svcs-Medicaid

coverage req

S3465 [Pou, Nellie/Kean, Thomas H.], Mortuary science-revise req. for exam

S3520 [Andrzejczak, Bob/Singleton, Troy], Mayors-auth veto actions mun authorities

S3528 [Scutari, Nicholas P./Codey, Richard J.+1], Civil union-adoption judgement process

S3538 [Singleton, Troy+1], Housing, assisted-concerns rental

S3574 [Scutari, Nicholas P./Kean, Thomas H.+1], Raritan Valley Line-study on cert. svcs.

S3591 [Cryan, Joseph P./Cruz-Perez, Nilsa], Lead-contaminated water lines-loan prog.

S3594 [Singer, Robert W./Singleton, Troy+3], Natl. Guard memb.-prov. cert. emp. prot.

S3661 [Singleton, Troy/Oroho, Steven V.], Real estate devel.-clarify assess. pymt

S3726 [Singleton, Troy], Tax assessors-conflicts of interest

SCR164 [Singleton, Troy/Madden, Fred H.+1], Alzheimer's disease-pub. health crisis

SCR167 [Singleton, Troy], Homeless transgender persons-concerns

SJR40 [Andrzejczak, Bob/Van Drew, Jeff], Wine Wk.-desig last full wk of September

SR75 [Diegnan, Patrick J.+1], Vet, deceased-prev taxes on student loan

SR93 [Gopal, Vin/Codey, Richard J.+1], Execel Mental Health Addiction Treatment

SR144 [Diegnan, Patrick J./Kean, Thomas H.], RR track maintenance-extend tax cred.


ASSEMBLY SESSION 12:30 PM Assembly Chambers

10:00 AM: Group (C) Committees scheduled to meet

2:00 PM: Group (D) Committees scheduled to meet

Voting Session:

A10 [Downey, Joann/Danielsen, Joe+14], Med. cannabis-revise req. to auth/access

A393 [Mosquera, Gabriela M./Murphy, Carol A.], Complaints, public-concerns submittal

A1048 [Houghtaling, Eric/Downey, Joann+12], Prop. tax bills-contain tax relief info

A1220 [McKeon, John F./Vainieri Huttle, Valerie+8], Creative Arts Therapies Lic. Act

A1371 [Kennedy, James J./Johnson, Gordon M.+7], Electric veh. charging infra.-plan

A1380 [Bucco, Anthony M./Coughlin, Craig J.+4], NJ Safe Haven Infant Prot. Act-concerns

A1677 [Dancer, Ronald S./Houghtaling, Eric+5], Small bus.-suspend fines

paperwork viol.

A4781 [Johnson, Gordon M./Conaway, Herb+1], Fuel Cell Task Force-estab.

A4838 [Tully, P. Christopher/Swain, Lisa+5], Telecommunication-terminate cert. svc.

A5000 [Mosquera, Gabriela M./Reynolds-Jackson, Verlina+3], Foreclosure, resid. prop.-concerns

A5011 [Conaway, Herb/Murphy, Carol A.+2], Microbeads-proh manufacture or sale

A5263 [Tully, P. Christopher/Armato, John], FF, cert.-award college credits

A5275 [Armato, John/Mazzeo, Vincent+10], FF training courses-permits online

A5316 [Milam, Matthew W./Zwicker, Andrew+2], Tax lien sales-concerns

A5321 [Benson, Daniel R./DeAngelo, Wayne P.+11], Transp. network companies-display ID

A5322 [Burzichelli, John J./Milam, Matthew W.+6], Hemp, cultivation, handling-

estab prog

ACR221 [Milam, Matthew W./Land, R. Bruce+2], Mil. retir pay-exemp from fed

income tax

AJR101 [Armato, John/Mazzeo, Vincent+3], American Legion-honors on 100th anniv.

AJR166 [Downey, Joann/Houghtaling, Eric+1], Diversity and Unity Day-desig. July 2

S393 [Madden, Fred H./Singleton, Troy+2], Talent Network Prog.-estab.

S606 [Smith, Bob/Greenstein, Linda R.+1], Electric veh. charging infra.-plan

S756 [Diegnan, Patrick J./Turner, Shirley K.+3], Polling place locations-concerns

S844 [Turner, Shirley K./Cruz-Perez, Nilsa+8], TDI-estab. partial return to work prog.

S1126 [Bucco, Anthony R./Doherty, Michael J.+2], NJ Safe Haven Infant Prot. Act-concerns

S1967 [Sweeney, Stephen M./Madden, Fred H.+3], Workers' comp. suppl benf, cert-concerns

SJR86 [Van Drew, Jeff/Singleton, Troy+5], American Legion-honors on 100th anniv.


Assembly Agriculture and Natural Resources Meeting 10:00 AM Committee Room 15, 4th Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ

Chair: Asm. Houghtaling, Eric

A1676 [Dancer, Ronald S./Houghtaling, Eric+4], Native vegetation to area-concerns

A4492 [Houghtaling, Eric/McKeon, John F.], Jersey Native Plants Program-estab

A5014 [Houghtaling, Eric], Native seed grant prog.-estab.

A5015 [Houghtaling, Eric/Johnson, Gordon M.], Native plants-concerns benefits

A5384 [Mazzeo, Vincent/Houghtaling, Eric], Farmland spec. occasion events-allows 14

A5526 [Calabrese, Clinton], Milkweed plants-proh. sale

A5528 [Milam, Matthew W./Land, R. Bruce], Wild native plants-allow seed collection

A5529 [Tully, P. Christopher/Houghtaling, Eric+2], Pollinator Pathway-creates

A5530 [Houghtaling, Eric/Milam, Matthew W.+1], Env. harmful plant species-

report to Leg

A5531 [Swain, Lisa/Houghtaling, Eric+2], Pollinator-friendly-estab. plant label

A5532 [Tully, P. Christopher/Houghtaling, Eric], Pollinator habitat prog-closed landfills

A5533 [Houghtaling, Eric/Milam, Matthew W.], Pollinator habitat-lease St.-owned land

AJR80 [Taliaferro, Adam J./Houghtaling, Eric], Healthy Pollinators Task Force-estab.

AJR165 [Dancer, Ronald S.], Honey Month-desig. September each yr.


Assembly Budget Meeting

Chair: Asw. Pintor Marin, Eliana

The Committee will not meet.


Assembly Education Meeting 10:00 AM

Committee Room 16, 4th Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ

Chair: Asw. Lampitt, Pamela R.

A3775 [Jasey, Mila M./Caputo, Ralph R.], Superintendent of sch.-reg. max. salary

A4446 [Schaer, Gary S./Downey, Joann+4], Mental health-part of ed. curriculum

A4592 [McKeon, John F./Mukherji, Raj+2], Mental health instruct.-sch students req

A4657 [Armato, John/Benson, Daniel R.], Youth apprenticeship pilot prog-estab.

A4865 [Jasey, Mila M./Vainieri Huttle, Valerie+1], Later school start time-estab

pilot prog

A5007 [Wimberly, Benjie E.], HS coaches-concerns emp. rights

A5220 [Murphy, Carol A.], Priv sch, disab students-concern tuition

A5221 [Murphy, Carol A.], Priv sch disab students-concerns expend

A5428 [Lampitt, Pamela R.], Teacher-examine prof. devel. req.

S692 [Ruiz, M. Teresa/Sarlo, Paul A.+2], Superintendent of sch.-reg. max. salary

S2861 [Corrado, Kristin M./Codey, Richard J.+2], Mental health-part of ed. curriculum

S3065 [Ruiz, M. Teresa/Singleton, Troy+2], Youth apprenticeship pilot prog-estab.

S3160 [Codey, Richard J.], Later school start time-estab pilot prog

S3288 [Singleton, Troy], Priv sch disab students-concerns expend


Assembly Environment and Solid Waste Meeting 10:00 AM Committee Room 9, 3rd Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ

Chair: Asw. Pinkin, Nancy J.

A5293 [Pinkin, Nancy J./Zwicker, Andrew], Contaminated sites-changes laws

A5456 [Armato, John/Kennedy, James J.+19], Infrastructure Bank-loans for proj.

A5457 [Danielsen, Joe/Swain, Lisa+19], Env. infra. proj., FY2020-approp. fds.

ACR233 [Timberlake, Britnee N./Freiman, Roy], Finan. Plan-approves FY2020


Assembly Homeland Security and State Preparedness Meeting 2:30 PM Committee Room 14, 4th Floor,

State House Annex, Trenton, NJ

Chair: Asw. Vainieri Huttle, Valerie

A5342 [Quijano, Annette], Nonprofit Security Grant Prog.-estab.

Pending Referral:

A5414 [Vainieri Huttle, Valerie], Bias intimidation law-makes changes


Assembly Human Services Meeting 10:00 AM

Committee Room 12, 4th Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ

Chair: Asw. Downey, Joann

A3331 [Vainieri Huttle, Valerie], Devel disab-forms req other than English

A4386 [Downey, Joann/Houghtaling, Eric], Filial responsibility-section law repeal

AR243 [Peterson, Erik/Vainieri Huttle, Valerie], Special Olympics contrib.-recognizes

S939 [Pou, Nellie+1], Devel disab-forms req other than English

Pending Referral:

AR237 [Downey, Joann/Houghtaling, Eric], Execel Mental Health Addiction Treatment

For Discussion Only:

A5480 [Downey, Joann/Houghtaling, Eric+1], Medicaid prescr. drug svc-concerns


Assembly Judiciary Meeting

Chair: Asw. Quijano, Annette

The Committee will not meet.


Assembly Labor Meeting

Chair: Asm. Egan, Joseph V.

The Committee will not meet.


Assembly Military and Veterans' Affairs Meeting 10:00 AM Committee Room 13, 4th Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ

Chair: Asw. Tucker, Cleopatra G.

A1043 [Houghtaling, Eric/Downey, Joann], Mil Working Dog Handler, Dog Medal

A2451 [Quijano, Annette/DeAngelo, Wayne P.+7], Mil., receiving combat pay-

tax exemp.

A3455 [Kean, Sean T./Murphy, Carol A.], Natl. Guard, NGB-22 form-elig. for benf.

A3841 [Armato, John/Mazzeo, Vincent+1], Securing Electronic Records Vet Ease Act

A4022 [Armato, John/Mukherji, Raj+4], Veterans, homeless-prov. legal svcs.

A4233 [Bucco, Anthony M.], Fed. svc academy, NJ resid-issue St flag

A5390 [Tucker, Cleopatra G./Mukherji, Raj], Servicemember in-St. tuition-provides

ACR55 [Tucker, Cleopatra G./Gove, DiAnne C.+5], Armed Forces, sexual harassment-address

AJR132 [Murphy, Carol A./Verrelli, Anthony S.], Mil. Hunger Prev. Act-Cong. pass

S129 [Corrado, Kristin M./Turner, Shirley K.+3], Mil., receiving combat pay-tax exemp.

S2106 [Bucco, Anthony R.], Fed. svc academy, NJ resid-issue St flag

S2447 [Diegnan, Patrick J./Van Drew, Jeff+2], Securing Electronic Records Vet

Ease Act

S2525 [Singleton, Troy/Cunningham, Sandra B.+5], Veterans, homeless-prov.

legal svcs.

S2538 [Singleton, Troy/Pennacchio, Joseph], Natl. Guard, NGB-22 form-elig. for benf.

SCR120 [Diegnan, Patrick J./Ruiz, M. Teresa+4], Armed Forces, sexual harassment-address

SJR73 [Singleton, Troy/Van Drew, Jeff+2], Mil. Hunger Prev. Act-Cong. pass

Assembly Science, Innovation and Technology Meeting 2:30 PM Committee Room 9, 3rd Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ

Chair: Asm. Zwicker, Andrew

A5301 [Lampitt, Pamela R./Jasey, Mila M.+4], STEM-devel. outreach prog.

A5430 [Zwicker, Andrew/Conaway, Herb], Algorithmic Accountability Act

A5486 [Land, R. Bruce/Zwicker, Andrew], Small bus, farm emp-estab temp loan prog

For Discussion Only:

A5483 [Freiman, Roy/Armato, John], Corp. bus. tax-deduct depreciable assets


Assembly State and Local Government Meeting 10:00 AM Committee Room 7, 2nd Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ

Chair: Asm. Mazzeo, Vincent

A4675 [DePhillips, Christopher P./Schepisi, Holly T.], Co. office vacancies-concerns timeframe

A5375 [Burzichelli, John J.+1], TPAF reenrollment-concerns retired memb.

A5381 [Reynolds-Jackson, Verlina/Verrelli, Anthony S.], Surplus prop.City of


AJR200 [Pintor Marin, Eliana/Speight, Shanique], Puerto Rico Day-desig 3rd Sunday

of Sept

S3107 [Cardinale, Gerald/Sarlo, Paul A.], Co. office vacancies-concerns timeframe


Assembly Transportation and Independent Authorities Meeting 10:00 AM Committee Room 11, 4th Floor,

State House Annex, Trenton, NJ

Chair: Asm. Benson, Daniel R.

A1374 [Kennedy, James J./Vainieri Huttle, Valerie], NJT train-req operator's cabin

be locked

A5023 [McKnight, Angela V./Mukherji, Raj], Signs and permit req, cert.-concerns

A5024 [McKnight, Angela V./Benson, Daniel R.], Transp. network companies –

surge pricing

A5169 [Swain, Lisa/Tully, P. Christopher], Bus driv emp records-req NJT release

A5461 [Benson, Daniel R.], MV subscription svcs.-concerns

A5462 [Milam, Matthew W./Speight, Shanique+1], Infra. Bank-modifies powers

and duties


Assembly Women and Children Meeting

Chair: Asw. Mosquera, Gabriela M.

The Committee will not meet.

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