Here's What's On Tap Under The Gold Dome On Monday

Here's what's on tap under the Gold Dome on Monday (February 3rd):
SENATE QUORUM 12:00 PM Senate Chambers
ASSEMBLY QUORUM 1:00 PM Assembly Chambers
10:00 AM: Group (C) Committees scheduled to meet
2:00 PM: Group (D) Committees scheduled to meet
Assembly Agriculture Meeting
Chair: Asm. Houghtaling, Eric
The Committee will not meet.
Assembly Budget Meeting
Chair: Asw. Pintor Marin, Eliana
The Committee will not meet.
Assembly Education Meeting
Chair: Asw. Lampitt, Pamela R.
The Committee will not meet.
Assembly Environment and Solid Waste Meeting 2:00 PM Committee Room 12, 4th Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ
Chair: Asw. Pinkin, Nancy J.
A1075 [Speight, Shanique/Vainieri Huttle, Valerie], Legionnaires's disease-DEP,
DOH, DCA & public water systems prevent/control
A1089 [Murphy, Carol A./Conaway, Herb], Dumping dredge spoils-prohibits around islands without municipal approval
A1514 [Rooney, Kevin J./Pinkin, Nancy J.+4], Recycling bins-provide bins in
State buildings
A1993 [Pinkin, Nancy J./Benson, Daniel R.], Electric veh. charging stations-
developers offer option in new home construction
A2369 [Pinkin, Nancy J.], State House Complex-requires environmental
sustainability plan
A2371 [Kennedy, James J./Pinkin, Nancy J.], Food waste generators, large-
required to separate and recycle waste
Assembly Homeland Security and State Preparedness Meeting
Chair: Asw. McKnight, Angela V.
The Committee will not meet.
Assembly Human Services Meeting 2:00 PM
Committee Room 16, 4th Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ
Chair: Asw. Downey, Joann
A242 [DeAngelo, Wayne P./Downey, Joann], Legal signature-clarifies person w/disab sign w/finger or other identifying mark
A860 [Chiaravalloti, Nicholas/Karabinchak, Robert J.+2], Supportive Technology for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities Task Force
A1033 [Downey, Joann/Houghtaling, Eric+1], Psychiatrists who contract with DCF-provides tuition reimbursement
A1443 [DeCroce, BettyLou/Benson, Daniel R.+5], Suicide prevention training-required for mental health practitioners
A1847 [Timberlake, Britnee N./Speight, Shanique], Mental Illness Crisis Resource Hotline-establish 24 hour, toll-free hotline
A2270 [Mazzeo, Vincent/Armato, John], Recovery residence certification program-DCA approve credentialing entity devel.
Assembly Judiciary Meeting
Chair: Asm. Mukherji, Raj
The Committee will not meet.
Assembly Labor Meeting
Chair: Asm. Egan, Joseph V.
The Committee will not meet.
Assembly Military and Veterans' Affairs Meeting 10:00 AM Committee Room 13, 4th Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ
Chair: Asw. Tucker, Cleopatra G.
The Committee will receive testimony from invited guests on services provided to military families when they relocate to New Jersey.
A270 [Armato, John/Mazzeo, Vincent], F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Jets-air quality studies, support campaign;$50K
A2131 [Tully, P. Christopher/DePhillips, Christopher P.+1], Global War on Terrorism Medal-creates
A2244 [Dancer, Ronald S./Murphy, Carol A.+12], Veterans cremains-revise provisions concerning claiming and proper disposal
Assembly Science, Innovation and Technology Meeting 2:00 PM Committee Room 9, 3rd Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ
Chair: Asm. Zwicker, Andrew
The Committee will take testimony from stakeholders on facial recognition technology and surveillance, its intended uses, its prevalence in New Jersey communities, the potential risks posed to civil liberties and rights, and the elevated consequences for minority communities.
A192 [Carter, Linda S./Kennedy, James J.+3], STEM Scholars Grant Pilot Program-establish in DOE
A740 [Johnson, Gordon M.], Fuel cells-req State agencies in awarding contracts to consider when purch items
A741 [Johnson, Gordon M./Conaway, Herb+3], Fuel Cell Task Force-establishes and increases use of fuel cells in State
AR38 [Conaway, Herb/Zwicker, Andrew+1], Hydrogen fuel cell vehicle-provide funding & incentives to promote usage
For Discussion Only:
A1210 [Zwicker, Andrew/Conaway, Herb], Facial recognition technology use by law enforcement agency-public hearings
Assembly State and Local Government Meeting 1:00 PM Committee Room 13, 4th Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ
Chair: Asm. Mazzeo, Vincent
A678 [Vainieri Huttle, Valerie/Quijano, Annette], Zoning officers & land use board administrators-establish certification program
A1126 [Coughlin, Craig J./Sumter, Shavonda E.+1], State agencies, certain-sell Internet ads on agencies' websites as pilot program
A1296 [Mosquera, Gabriela M./Murphy, Carol A.+3], Complaints, public-State department required to provide a link on its website
A2116 [Tully, P. Christopher/Swain, Lisa+6], Fed. fds for St agencies-St Treasurer submit report to Leg identifying deadlines
Assembly Transportation and Independent Authorities Meeting 10:00 AM Committee Room 11, 4th Floor,
State House Annex, Trenton, NJ
Chair: Asm. Benson, Daniel R.
A652 [Armato, John+1], Veterans, certain-exempt from driver's, motorcycle and digitized picture fees
A745 [Johnson, Gordon M./Pinkin, Nancy J.+3], Transportation network company driver-pretending, fraudulent, criminalizes
A1153 [Freiman, Roy/Benson, Daniel R.+3], E-ZPass-opt in to receive real-time electronic toll notification
A1359 [Benson, Daniel R./Tucker, Cleopatra G.+3], Woman Veteran-authorizes creation of license plates
A1369 [Benson, Daniel R./Zwicker, Andrew], Patrolman Billie D Ellis Memorial Highway-desig. portion of Rt 27 in Princeton
Assembly Women and Children Meeting 10:00 AM
Committee Room 9, 3rd Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ
Chair: Asw. Mosquera, Gabriela M.
The Committee will hold a hearing on the upcoming 2020 Census and will hear
from invited guests on the importance of a complete count and how accurate
results will help children and families.
Pending Introduction and Referral:
AR78 [Mosquera, Gabriela M.], 2020 Census Complete Count Committees-
urges counties and municipalities create
AR79 [Mosquera, Gabriela M.], Get Out the Count Week-designates March 12
thru 20; encourage full Census count