Here's What's On Tap Under The Gold Dome On Monday

Here's what's on tap under the Gold Dome on Monday April 13th (via electronic voting session):
A3901 | Prof. & occupational license boards-reactivate licensure during state of emerg. |
A3903 | Notarial acts, remote-allows during Public Health Emergency & State of Emergency |
A3904 | Flexible instruction days-permits virtual/remote instruction to meet 180-day req |
S2329 | Work First program-revises requirements for cash assistance benefits;$25M |
S2330 | COVID-19 Financial Security for Consumers Act |
S2331 | Inmate reentry-assists in obtaining necessary reentry benefits |
S2332 | 2020 NJ Emergency Rental Assistance Program-establishes;$100M |
S2333 | Civil & criminal immunity during st of emergency-provide cert. health care prof. |
S2334 | Prof. & occupational license boards-reactivate licensure during state of emerg. |
S2336 | Remote notarial acts-allows during public health emergency & state of emergency |
S2337 | Flexible instruction days-permits virtual/remote instruction to meet 180-day req |
S2338 | COVID-19 Fiscal Mitigation Act-clarify filing & payment deadline for CBT/GIT |
S2339 | Workers benefits and leave-enhances certain rights |
S2340 | Resid prop owner/tenant prot, emerg impact-mortgage forbearance & rent reduction |
S2341 | Tenants, commercial & residential-concerns protections; restrict rent increases |
S2342 | Nonprofit corp-allow members to participate in meetings by remote communication |
S2344 | Prescr. drug refills during state of emerg.-req Medicaid & health insur coverage |
S2345 | Transient space reservations-req. refund/credit during pub health or st of emerg |
S2346 | Permits, certain-extends during COVID-19 emergency |
S2347 | Employment & Business-Related Tax Deferral Assistance Program-establishes |
S2348 | Taxpayers that retain employees during COVID-19-allows CBT & GIT tax credits |
S2351 | Employment protection-affords to certain emergency medical responders |
S2352 | Counterfeit drugs & medical devices-enhanced penalty during state of emergency |
S2353 | Mass layoff due to coronavirus 2019 pandemic-exclude from severance requirements |
S2354 | Insurance policy cancellation-prohibits for at least 60 days, cert circumstances |
S2355 | Mandatory retirement in SPRS-delays when it occurs during state of emergency |
S2356 | Student financial aid-provide relief due to 2020 public health state emergency |
S2357 | COVID-19 demographic data-require hospitals to report |
SR64 | Finan. instit. fees & payments-urge to waive/suspend during coronavirus pandemic |
SR65 | COVID-19 Business & Employee Continuity & Recovery Fund-urges federal creation |
A3901 | Prof. & occupational license boards-reactivate licensure during state of emerg. |
A3903 | Notarial acts, remote-allows during Public Health Emergency & State of Emergency |
A3904 | Flexible instruction days-permits virtual/remote instruction to meet 180-day req |
A3906 | Hotel facilities-require state lease as isolation centers for COVID-19 emergency |
A3908 | COVID-19 Financial Security for Consumers Act |
A3912 | Inmate reentry-assists in obtaining necessary reentry benefits |
A3915 | Nonprofit corp-allow members to participate in meetings by remote communication |
A3919 | Permits, certain-extends during COVID-19 emergency |
A3920 | Insurance policy cancellation-prohibits for at least 60 days, cert circumstances |
A3921 | Small business tenant, cert-Gov permit emergency rent suspension during COVID-19 |
A3938 | Mass layoff due to coronavirus 2019 pandemic-exclude from severance requirements |
A3901 | Prof. & occupational license boards-reactivate licensure during state of emerg. |
A3903 | Notarial acts, remote-allows during Public Health Emergency & State of Emergency |
A3904 | Flexible instruction days-permits virtual/remote instruction to meet 180-day req |
A3906 | Hotel facilities-require state lease as isolation centers for COVID-19 emergency |
A3908 | COVID-19 Financial Security for Consumers Act |
A3912 | Inmate reentry-assists in obtaining necessary reentry benefits |
A3915 | Nonprofit corp-allow members to participate in meetings by remote communication |
A3919 | Permits, certain-extends during COVID-19 emergency |
A3920 | Insurance policy cancellation-prohibits for at least 60 days, cert circumstances |
A3921 | Small business tenant, cert-Gov permit emergency rent suspension during COVID-19 |
A3938 | Mass layoff due to coronavirus 2019 pandemic-exclude from severance requirements |