Here’s What’s On Tap Under The Gold Dome On Monday

The New Jersey Statehouse and Capitol Building In Trenton

Here’s what’s on tap under the Gold Dome on Monday April 13th (via electronic voting session):


A3901 Prof. & occupational license boards-reactivate licensure during state of emerg.
A3903 Notarial acts, remote-allows during Public Health Emergency & State of Emergency
A3904 Flexible instruction days-permits virtual/remote instruction to meet 180-day req
S2329 Work First program-revises requirements for cash assistance benefits;$25M
S2330 COVID-19 Financial Security for Consumers Act
S2331 Inmate reentry-assists in obtaining necessary reentry benefits
S2332 2020 NJ Emergency Rental Assistance Program-establishes;$100M
S2333 Civil & criminal immunity during st of emergency-provide cert. health care prof.
S2334 Prof. & occupational license boards-reactivate licensure during state of emerg.
S2336 Remote notarial acts-allows during public health emergency & state of emergency
S2337 Flexible instruction days-permits virtual/remote instruction to meet 180-day req
S2338 COVID-19 Fiscal Mitigation Act-clarify filing & payment deadline for CBT/GIT
S2339 Workers benefits and leave-enhances certain rights
S2340 Resid prop owner/tenant prot, emerg impact-mortgage forbearance & rent reduction
S2341 Tenants, commercial & residential-concerns protections; restrict rent increases
S2342 Nonprofit corp-allow members to participate in meetings by remote communication
S2344 Prescr. drug refills during state of emerg.-req Medicaid & health insur coverage
S2345 Transient space reservations-req. refund/credit during pub health or st of emerg
S2346 Permits, certain-extends during COVID-19 emergency
S2347 Employment & Business-Related Tax Deferral Assistance Program-establishes
S2348 Taxpayers that retain employees during COVID-19-allows CBT & GIT tax credits
S2351 Employment protection-affords to certain emergency medical responders
S2352 Counterfeit drugs & medical devices-enhanced penalty during state of emergency
S2353 Mass layoff due to coronavirus 2019 pandemic-exclude from severance requirements
S2354 Insurance policy cancellation-prohibits for at least 60 days, cert circumstances
S2355 Mandatory retirement in SPRS-delays when it occurs during state of emergency
S2356 Student financial aid-provide relief due to 2020 public health state emergency
S2357 COVID-19 demographic data-require hospitals to report
SR64 Finan. instit. fees & payments-urge to waive/suspend during coronavirus pandemic
SR65 COVID-19 Business & Employee Continuity & Recovery Fund-urges federal creation


A3901 Prof. & occupational license boards-reactivate licensure during state of emerg.
A3903 Notarial acts, remote-allows during Public Health Emergency & State of Emergency
A3904 Flexible instruction days-permits virtual/remote instruction to meet 180-day req
A3906 Hotel facilities-require state lease as isolation centers for COVID-19 emergency
A3908 COVID-19 Financial Security for Consumers Act
A3912 Inmate reentry-assists in obtaining necessary reentry benefits
A3915 Nonprofit corp-allow members to participate in meetings by remote communication
A3919 Permits, certain-extends during COVID-19 emergency
A3920 Insurance policy cancellation-prohibits for at least 60 days, cert circumstances
A3921 Small business tenant, cert-Gov permit emergency rent suspension during COVID-19
A3938 Mass layoff due to coronavirus 2019 pandemic-exclude from severance requirements
A3901 Prof. & occupational license boards-reactivate licensure during state of emerg.
A3903 Notarial acts, remote-allows during Public Health Emergency & State of Emergency
A3904 Flexible instruction days-permits virtual/remote instruction to meet 180-day req
A3906 Hotel facilities-require state lease as isolation centers for COVID-19 emergency
A3908 COVID-19 Financial Security for Consumers Act
A3912 Inmate reentry-assists in obtaining necessary reentry benefits
A3915 Nonprofit corp-allow members to participate in meetings by remote communication
A3919 Permits, certain-extends during COVID-19 emergency
A3920 Insurance policy cancellation-prohibits for at least 60 days, cert circumstances
A3921 Small business tenant, cert-Gov permit emergency rent suspension during COVID-19
A3938 Mass layoff due to coronavirus 2019 pandemic-exclude from severance requirements
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