Here's What's On Tap Under The Gold Dome On Monday

Here's what's on tap under the Gold Dome on Monday October 19th:
SENATE QUORUM 12:00 PM Senate Chambers
10:00 AM: Group (3) Committees scheduled to meet 1:00 PM: Group (4) Committees scheduled to meet
Senate Economic Growth Meeting Chair: Sen. Cruz-Perez, Nilsa I.
This Committee will not meet.
*Senate Environment and Energy Meeting 10:00 AM Committee Room 6, 1st Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ Chair: Sen. Smith, Bob
Due to the public health emergency, the State House Annex remains closed to visitors and members of the public will not be allowed to attend the meeting in person, unless properly registered to testify on a bill under consideration. The public may monitor the Committee proceedings on the New Jersey Legislature home page, at The Committee will take in person testimony on bills for those members of the public who properly register. If you are interested in registering your position with the Committee, please fill out the Registration Form located on the New Jersey Legislature home page under the applicable Committee heading. If you wish to testify, check the box 'Do you wish to testify?' on the form. The form must be submitted by 3:00 PM on October 16, 2020. The public is encouraged to submit written testimony electronically in lieu of oral testimony. Written testimony will be included in the Committee record and distributed to the Committee members. Written testimony should be submitted to
S894 [Pou, Nellie], Methylene chloride paint removal-proh sale unless cert safety standards are met
S975 [Kean, Thomas H.], Trunk fighting-establish as animal cruelty offense and third degree crime
S1034 [Stack, Brian P.], Compassion for Community Cats Law-spaying/neutering stray/feral cats; estab fund
S2515 [Smith, Bob], Packaging products-estab recycled content requirements; proh sale of polystyrene
*Senate Higher Education Meeting 10:00 AM
Committee Room 4, 1st Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ Chair: Sen. Cunningham, Sandra B.
Due to the public health emergency, the State House Annex remains closed to visitors and members of the public will not be allowed to attend the meeting in person, unless properly registered to testify on a bill under consideration. The public may monitor the Committee proceedings on the New Jersey Legislature home page, at The Committee will take in person testimony on bills for those members of the public who properly register. If you are interested in registering your position with the Committee, please fill out the Registration Form located on the New Jersey Legislature home page under the applicable Committee heading. If you wish to testify, check the box 'Do you wish to testify?' on the form. The form must be submitted by 3:00 PM on October 16, 2020. Instructions for providing testimony will be forwarded to you. The public is encouraged to submit written testimony electronically in lieu of oral testimony. Written testimony will be included in the Committee record and distributed to the Committee members. Written testimony should be submitted to
A1070 [Jasey, Mila M./Benson, Daniel R.+3], STEM students-concerns recruitment and retention
S1070 [Corrado, Kristin M.], College Mental Health Services Act-grant prog., concerns mental health on campus
S2706 [Gopal, Vin], Higher ed. instit. tuition & fees-limit responsibility to refund due to COVID-19
S2739 [Ruiz, M. Teresa], Student reps. on boards of trustees, instit. of higher edu.- elim citizenship req
S2743 [Cunningham, Sandra B.+3], Community College Opportunity Grant Program-establishes
S2793 [Ruiz, M. Teresa/Pou, Nellie], Higher ed instit. to improve campus diversity-develop guidance
S2892 [Pou, Nellie], STEM students-concerns recruitment and retention
Senate Judiciary Meeting Chair: Sen. Scutari, Nicholas P.
This Committee will not meet.
Senate Law and Public Safety Meeting 1:00 PM
Committee Room 4, 1st Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ Chair: Sen. Greenstein, Linda R.
Due to the public health emergency, the State House Annex remains closed to visitors and members of the public will not be allowed to attend the meeting in person. The public may monitor the Committee proceedings on the New Jersey Legislature home page, at The public is encouraged to submit written testimony electronically in lieu of oral testimony. Written testimony will be included in the Committee record and distributed to the Committee members. Written testimony should be submitted to The Committee will hear from invited guests concerning issues currently confronting this State's utility companies, including their response to power outages resulting from Tropical Storm Isaias.
Senate Military and Veterans' Affairs Meeting 11:00 AM Committee Room 4, 1st Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ Chair: Sen. Gopal, Vin
Due to the public health emergency, the State House Annex remains closed to visitors and members of the public will not be allowed to attend the meeting in person, unless properly registered to testify on a bill under consideration. The public may monitor the Committee proceedings on the New Jersey Legislature home page, at The Committee will take in person testimony on bills for those members of the public who properly register. If you are interested in registering your position with the Committee, please fill out the Registration Form located on the New Jersey Legislature home page under the applicable Committee heading. If you wish to testify, check the box 'Do you wish to testify?' on the form. The form must be submitted by October 16 at 3:00 PM. The public is encouraged to submit written testimony electronically in lieu of oral testimony. Written testimony will be included in the Committee record and distributed to the Committee members. Written testimony should be submitted to
S171 [Corrado, Kristin M.], Veteran, homeless shelters-establish grant program S1454 [Holzapfel, James W.], Beaches-provide spouse and dependent children of veteran reduced cost access
S2736 [Singleton, Troy/Gopal, Vin], Disabled veteran, totally/permanently-provide income tax credit for rent
S2821 [Bucco, Anthony M.+1], Vets.-create prog., receive evaluation & treatment for PTSD & total brain injury
S2910 [Kean, Thomas H.+1], Veterans-prov. free admission to St parks/forests/historic sites on Veterans Day
S2968 [Gopal, Vin/Corrado, Kristin M.], Veteran for civil service hiring preference-
changes definition
SCR97 [Lagana, Joseph A.], Veteran, civil service hiring-provide preference, received badge, medal, ribbon
SJR80 [Gopal, Vin], Veteran memorial homes, DMVA-release funds to offset COVID- 19 related losses
Senate State Government, Wagering, Tourism & Historic Preservation Hearing 12:00 PM Committee Room 6,
1st Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ Chair: Sen. Beach, James
Due to the public health emergency, the State House Annex remains closed to visitors and members of the public will not be allowed to attend the meeting in person, unless properly registered to testify on a bill under consideration. The public may monitor the Committee proceedings on the New Jersey Legislature home page, at The Committee will take in person testimony on bills for those members of the public who properly register. If you are interested in registering your position with the Committee, please fill out the Registration Form located on the New Jersey Legislature home page under the applicable Committee heading. If you wish to testify, check the box 'Do you wish to testify?' on the form. The form must be submitted by 3:00 PM on Friday, October 16, 2020. Instructions for providing testimony will be forwarded to you. The public is encouraged to submit written testimony electronically in lieu of oral testimony. Written testimony will be included in the Committee record and distributed to the Committee members. Written testimony should be submitted to
A public hearing will be held in accordance with Article IX, paragraph 1 of the New Jersey Constitution and Rule 24:3 of the New Jersey Senate on the following Concurrent Resolution:
SCR96 [Rice, Ronald L./Cunningham, Sandra B.], Slavery or involuntary servitude- amends State Constitution to prohibit
Senate State Government, Wagering, Tourism & Historic Preservation Meeting (Immediately following the Public Hearing) Committee Room 6, 1st Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ Chair: Sen. Beach, James
S487 [Sacco, Nicholas J./Stack, Brian P.+1], PFRS-enhances accidental death pension for surviving spouses, min. $50K annually
S758 [Gopal, Vin], Workers' comp judges-enrollment in PERS required; requires JRS rights/benf apply
S2644 [Bateman, Christopher/Beach, James], Libraries-allows disposal of certain materials without advertising for bids
S2923 [Turner, Shirley K./Gill, Nia H.], Law enforcement presence at polling places & ballot drop boxes-limits
S2973 [Beach, James], Office of deputy superintendent of election-creates in counties of fifth class
S2974 [Beach, James/Bateman, Christopher], Ballot drop boxes-permits use of decommissioned letter collection boxes
SJR-95 [Lagana, Joseph A.], Fred Korematsu Day of Civil Liberties & the Constitution- designates January 30
Pending Introduction and Referral:
SR-94 [Gill, Nia H.], Urges Rutgers to memorialize Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
ASSEMBLY QUORUM 12:00 PM Assembly Chambers
Committees at the Call of the Speaker
Assembly Consumer Affairs Meeting 9:00 AM Chair: Asm. Moriarty, Paul D.
Due to the public health emergency, the State House Annex remains closed to visitors. The public may not attend the Committee meeting in person but may view and participate in the meeting via the New Jersey Legislature home page at The Committee will take oral testimony on bills, by telephone and video. If you are interested in registering your position with the Committee, please fill out the Registration Form located on the New Jersey Legislature Home Page under the applicable Committee heading. For those individuals who wish to testify, please check the box "Do you wish to testify?" on the Registration Form.
Instructions for testifying before the Committee will be forwarded to you after you submit your Registration Form. The form must be submitted by 3:00 PM on October 16, 2020. The public may also submit written testimony electronically in lieu of oral testimony. Written testimony will be included in the Committee record and distributed to all the Committee members. Written testimony should be submitted to
A2140 [Tully, P. Christopher/Vainieri Huttle, Valerie+1], Health care service firms-revise requirements for financial information reports
A2161 [Mukherji, Raj/Benson, Daniel R.+2], Charitable food contributions, made from business inventory-income tax deduction
A4580 [Zwicker, Andrew/Thomson, Edward H.], Home baked goods-establish requirements for sale
AR170 [Moen, William F./Vainieri Huttle, Valerie], Small businesses-urges residents to patronize once COVID-19 has concluded
S73 [Bateman, Christopher/Sarlo, Paul A.+6], Home baked goods-establish requirements for sale
S848 [Pou, Nellie/Gopal, Vin], Health care service firms-revise requirements for financial information reports
Assembly Financial Institutions and Insurance Meeting 9:15 AM Chair: Asm. McKeon, John F.
Due to the public health emergency, the State House Annex remains closed to visitors. The public may not attend the Committee meeting in person but may view and participate in the meeting via the New Jersey Legislature home page at The Committee will take oral testimony on bills, by telephone and video. If you are interested in registering your position with the Committee, please fill out the Registration Form located on the New Jersey Legislature Home Page under the applicable Committee heading. For those individuals who wish to testify, please check the box "Do you wish to testify?" on the Registration Form.
Instructions for testifying before the Committee will be forwarded to you after you submit your Registration Form. The form must be submitted by 3:00 PM on October 16, 2020. The public may also submit written testimony electronically in lieu of oral testimony. Written testimony will be included in the Committee record and distributed to all the Committee members. Written testimony should be submitted to
A3199 [Murphy, Carol A./Benson, Daniel R.+3], Organ donors, living-prohibits discrimination against
A3384 [McKeon, John F.], Uniform Voidable Transactions Act-renamed Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act
A3450 [Johnson, Gordon M.], Income access services & related provider contracts- creates certain requirements
A4538 [Lampitt, Pamela R./Quijano, Annette], Dental insurers-prov. credits for reduced usage during coronavirus 2019 pandemic
For Discussion Only:
A4402 [McKeon, John F.], Financial transactions-imposes tax on high quantity processors at $0.0025 per
Assembly Homeland Security and State Preparedness Meeting 11:30 AM
Chair: Asw. McKnight, Angela V.
Due to the public health emergency, the State House Annex remains closed to visitors. The public may not attend the Committee meeting in person, but may view and participate in the meeting via the New Jersey Legislature home page at The Committee will take oral testimony on bills, by telephone and video. If you are interested in registering your position with the Committee, please fill out the Registration Form located on the New Jersey Legislature Home Page under the applicable Committee heading. For those individuals who wish to testify, please check the box "Do you wish to testify?" on the Registration Form.
Instructions for testifying before the Committee will be forwarded to you after you submit your Registration Form. The form must be submitted by 3:00 PM on October 16, 2020. The public may also submit written testimony electronically in lieu of oral testimony. Written testimony will be included in the Committee record and distributed to all the Committee members. Written testimony should be submitted to The Committee will hear testimony from Director Jared Maples of the New Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness regarding State plans to protect the integrity of the 2020 general election.
A1106 [Murphy, Carol A./Stanfield, Jean+1], Jr Firefighter Auxiliary members- promulgate reg pertaining to training/duties
A1173 [Zwicker, Andrew/Pinkin, Nancy J.+1], Residents w/special needs-establish central registry for use during emergencies
A1226 [Schaer, Gary S./Jimenez, Angelica M.+17], Medical facilities-electric public utilities provide priority power restoration
A2454 [Benson, Daniel R./Pinkin, Nancy J.], Electric public utilities-required to file emergency response plan with BPU
A2913 [Webber, Jay/Vainieri Huttle, Valerie+1], Community Emergency Response Team members-perform traffic duties
AR139 [Vainieri Huttle, Valerie/Murphy, Carol A.], Hate and bias crime-condemns S238 [Singleton, Troy/Sarlo, Paul A.+5], Jr Firefighter Auxiliary members-promulgate reg pertaining to training/duties
Assembly State and Local Government Meeting 10:30 AM Chair: Asm. Mazzeo, Vincent
Due to the public health emergency, the State House Annex remains closed to visitors. The public may not attend the Committee meeting in person but may view and participate in the meeting via the New Jersey Legislature home page at The Committee will take oral testimony on bills, by telephone and video. If you are interested in registering your position with the Committee, please fill out the Registration Form located on the New Jersey Legislature Home Page under the applicable Committee heading. For those individuals who wish to testify, please check the box "Do you wish to testify?" on the Registration Form.
Instructions for testifying before the Committee will be forwarded to you after you submit your Registration Form. The form must be submitted by 3:00 PM on October 16, 2020. The public may also submit written testimony electronically in lieu of oral testimony. Written testimony will be included in the Committee record and distributed to all the Committee members. Written testimony should be submitted to
A1995 [Pinkin, Nancy J.], Student exchange visitor placement org, international- register w/Secretary of St
A2991 [Burzichelli, John J./Mazzeo, Vincent+1], Business personal property, local exchange telephone companies-local taxation
A4446 [Benson, Daniel R./Vainieri Huttle, Valerie+3], Mental health, behavioral health & addiction svcs.-req provisions in St contract
A4544 [Caputo, Ralph R.], School nurse, return to employment-permit for 2 years w/out TPAF reenrollment
A4655 [Reynolds-Jackson, Verlina/Wimberly, Benjie E.], Law enforcement presence at polling places & ballot drop boxes-limits
Pending Introduction and Referral:
A4830 [Zwicker, Andrew], Early voting, in person-require for certain elections; makes appropriation
*Assembly Telecommunications and Utilities Meeting 12:30 PM Chair: Asm. DeAngelo, Wayne P.
Due to the public health emergency, the State House Annex remains closed to visitors. The public may not attend the Committee meeting in person but may view and participate in the meeting via the New Jersey Legislature home page at The Committee will take oral testimony on bills, by telephone and video. If you are interested in registering your position with the Committee, please fill out the Registration Form located on the New Jersey Legislature Home Page under the applicable Committee heading. For those individuals who wish to testify, please check the box "Do you wish to testify?" on the Registration Form.
Instructions for testifying before the Committee will be forwarded to you after you submit your Registration Form. The form must be submitted by by 3:00 PM on Friday, October 16, 2020. The public may also submit written testimony electronically in lieu of oral testimony. Written testimony will be included in the Committee record and distributed to all the Committee members. Written testimony should be submitted to
A4145 [Zwicker, Andrew], BPU electronic docketing sys-require to estab & maintain online document access
A4556 [Karabinchak, Robert J./Pinkin, Nancy J.], BPU-estab. electronic public records access; provide notice of meetings/hearings
A4671 [Schaer, Gary S./Swain, Lisa+4], Utilities, pub & local-prov notice, available relief measures during coronavirus
AR92 [DeAngelo, Wayne P./Wirths, Harold J.+1], Community Broadband Act-urges Congress to pass
For Discussion Only:
A108 [DePhillips, Christopher P./Rooney, Kevin J.+6], Public utility franchise process- revise/
A2360 [Chaparro, Annette], Vehicle, electric-concerns electric public utility service rates for charging
Assembly Women and Children Meeting 3:00 PM Chair: Asw. Mosquera, Gabriela M.
Due to the public health emergency, the State House Annex remains closed to visitors. The public may not attend the Committee meeting in person but may view and participate in the meeting via the New Jersey Legislature home page at The Committee will take oral testimony on bills, by telephone and video. If you are interested in registering your position with the Committee, please fill out the Registration Form located on the New Jersey Legislature Home Page under the applicable Committee heading. For those individuals who wish to testify, please check the box "Do you wish to testify?" on the Registration Form.
Instructions for testifying before the Committee will be forwarded to you after you submit your Registration Form. The form must be submitted by 3:00 PM, October 16, 2020. The public may also submit written testimony electronically in lieu of oral testimony. Written testimony will be included in the Committee record and distributed to all the Committee members. Written testimony should be submitted to
A3277 [Vainieri Huttle, Valerie], Child absent-parent call; unexcused absence-notify parent or guardian
S559 [Codey, Richard J./Cryan, Joseph P.+3], Child absent-parent call; unexcused absence-notify parent or guardian
For Discussion Only:
A4747 [Mosquera, Gabriela M./Vainieri Huttle, Valerie], Child care deserts-require DHS
develop incentives, encourage private investment