Here's What's On Tap Under The Gold Dome On Monday

The New Jersey Statehouse and Capitol Building In Trenton

Here's what's on tap under the Gold Dome on Monday (June 18th):


SENATE QUORUM 12:00 PM Senate Chambers

Committees at the Call of the Senate President


Senate Budget and Appropriations Meeting 1:00 PM

Committee Room 4, 1st Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ

Chair: Sen. Sarlo, Paul A.

A538 [Mazzeo, Vincent/Murphy, Carol A.+1], Prop. assess.-revise calendar

A1531 [Zwicker, Andrew/Lopez, Yvonne+4], Prof. lic.-revises reciprocity law

A2041 [Coughlin, Craig J./Holley, Jamel C.+4], Econ Redevel Growth Grant

Bond Finan Act

A3292 [Armato, John/Mazzeo, Vincent+11], Opioid med. warning sticker-req.

A3652 [Zwicker, Andrew/Coughlin, Craig J.+9], Sci., Innovation & Tech.


A3754 [McKnight, Angela V./Speight, Shanique+8], Hair braiding estab.-lic. exemp.

S2 [Sweeney, Stephen M./Thompson, Samuel D.], Sch. dist.-concerns finan.

S276 [Stack, Brian P.], Low-income person-reduce sewerage rates

S489 [Vitale, Joseph F./Rice, Ronald L.+3], Work First NJ-incr. benf. amount

S490 [Vitale, Joseph F./Rice, Ronald L.+2], Work First NJ prog.-repeals family cap

S522 [Kean, Thomas H./Singer, Robert W.], Prof. lic.-revises reciprocity law

S1046 [Vitale, Joseph F./Gopal, Vin], Unemp. comp. and labor disputes-concerns

S1073 [Smith, Bob/Bateman, Christopher], Stormwater util.-auth. mun, co. estab.

S1074 [Smith, Bob/Bateman, Christopher+1], Public's rights-prot, pub trust doctrine

S1231 [Sarlo, Paul A.], Raffles at large sporting venues-conduct

S1317 [Ruiz, M. Teresa], Disab. leave, temp.-revise law

S1630 [Diegnan, Patrick J./Ruiz, M. Teresa], Dual language prog.-estab. grant

S1840 [Vitale, Joseph F./Gopal, Vin+1], Econ Redev Growth Grant Bond Fin Act

S2129 [Cruz-Perez, Nilsa+2], Energy asst. prog-auth grants

S2167 [Pennacchio, Joseph/Pou, Nellie], Vessel regis.-donate, Greenwood Lake Fd

S2244 [Gopal, Vin/Corrado, Kristin M.], Opioid med. warning sticker-req.

S2257 [Cruz-Perez, Nilsa+1], Prop. assess.-revise calendar

S2303 [Sweeney, Stephen M./Ruiz, M. Teresa], High labor-demand industry-

degree prog.

S2329 [Sarlo, Paul A./Singer, Robert W.+1], Sci., Innovation & Tech. Comm.-re-estab.

S2510 [Madden, Fred H./Pennacchio, Joseph+1], Hair braiding estab.-lic. exemp.

S2528 [Sweeney, Stephen M./Diegnan, Patrick J.], Family leave, temp. disab.-

revise law

S2532 [Greenstein, Linda R./Cruz-Perez, Nilsa], Correctional police off.-concerns

S2533 [Greenstein, Linda R./Cruz-Perez, Nilsa], Victim-Witness Advocacy


S2579 [Sweeney, Stephen M.], Parking meters, digital-concerns

S2660 [Gopal, Vin/Sarlo, Paul A.], Teachers, cert.-salary reimb. prog.

S2661 [Van Drew, Jeff], Swimming pool-concerns

S2662 [Sweeney, Stephen M./Bateman, Christopher], Heating oil tanks-concerns liab.

S2663 [Sweeney, Stephen M./Singleton, Troy], St. admin investments-req rules

S2722 [Cruz-Perez, Nilsa], Sch dist, renaissance-concern enrollment

S2723 [Sarlo, Paul A.], STEM Loan Redemption Prog.-estab.

Pending Referral:

S709 [Pou, Nellie], Resid. Mortgage Lending Act-revises

S1865 [Weinberg, Loretta/Kean, Thomas H.], Prescription drugs-health benf. coverage


*Senate Commerce Meeting 1:00 PM

Committee Room 6, 1st Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ

Chair: Sen. Pou, Nellie

S709 [Pou, Nellie], Resid. Mortgage Lending Act-revises

S1042 [Vitale, Joseph F./Pou, Nellie], AIDS or HIV-prov drug regimen treatments

S1865 [Weinberg, Loretta/Kean, Thomas H.], Prescription drugs-health benf. coverage

S1869 [Scutari, Nicholas P.], Alarm business signs/decals-proh. sale

S2507 [Singleton, Troy/Pou, Nellie], Health care prov network-proh. cert sale

S2594 [Singleton, Troy], DOBI emp.-crim. history check req.

S2665 [Pou, Nellie], Internet ticket sales-concerns

For Discussion Only:

S675 [Bateman, Christopher/Vitale, Joseph F.+4], Drama Therapists Lic. Act


Senate Environment and Energy Meeting 10:00 AM

Committee Room 10, 3rd Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ

Chair: Sen. Smith, Bob

S607 [Smith, Bob/Greenstein, Linda R.], Solar energy sys.-building fee exempt

S1821 [Singleton, Troy], Flood control structures-concerns

S2292 [Smith, Bob/Bateman, Christopher], St House Complex-env sustainability plan

S2552 [Bateman, Christopher/Smith, Bob], Pollinator habitat on farms-bus tax cred

S2689 [Cryan, Joseph P.], Animal cruelty provisions-revise

S2716 [Smith, Bob/Greenstein, Linda R.], Renewable energy sys.-concerns

S2728 [Codey, Richard J./Oroho, Steven V.], Recreation, Blue Acre-dedicate CBT rev.

S2729 [Greenstein, Linda R.], Capital/Park devel proj-dedicate CBT rev


Senate Higher Education Meeting 10:00 AM

Committee Room 7, 2nd Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ

Chair: Sen. Cunningham, Sandra B.

S1282 [Cruz-Perez, Nilsa], Sexual Assault Viol. in Ed. Act

S1397 [Van Drew, Jeff/Oroho, Steven V.], Garden St Young Farmers Loan Redemption

S1604 [Pou, Nellie/Singleton, Troy], NJBEST prog-tax deduct

S1794 [Addiego, Dawn Marie], Higher ed.-concerns student debt

S1833 [Ruiz, M. Teresa/Cunningham, Sandra B.], Higher ed. gov bd memb-

training prog req

S1834 [Ruiz, M. Teresa/Cunningham, Sandra B.], Higher ed. instit-post budget

on website

S2135 [Beach, James], Co. coll. attendance-estab. tax credit

S2317 [Weinberg, Loretta/Diegnan, Patrick J.+3], Civic Info. Consortium-estab.

S2516 [Kean, Thomas H.], Higher Ed. Funding Formula Comm.


Senate Judiciary Meeting 10:00 AM

Committee Room 4, 1st Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ

Chair: Sen. Scutari, Nicholas P.


to be a Judge of the Superior Court:

Honorable Patrick J. Arre, J.S.C. of Hoboken for the term prescribed by law.

Honorable Thomas M. Brown, J.S.C. of West Trenton for the term prescribed by law.

Honorable Regina Caulfield, J.S.C. of Berkeley Heights for the term prescribed

by law.

Honorable Randal C. Chiocca, J.S.C. of Wayne for the term prescribed by law.

Honorable Mark P. Ciarrocca, J.S.C. of Westfield for the term prescribed by law.

Honorable Kathleen M. Delaney, J.S.C. of Haddonfield for the term prescribed by law.

Honorable Madelin F. Einbinder, J.S.C. of Toms River for the term prescribed by law.

Honorable Donna Gallucio, J.S.C. of Prospect Park for the term prescribed by law.

Honorable Lawrence M. Maron, J.S.C. of Wayne for the term prescribed by law.

Honorable Sohail Mohammed, J.S.C. of Clifton for the term prescribed by law.

Honorable Lisa Rose, J.S.C. of West New York for the term prescribed by law.

Honorable Janet Z. Smith, J.S.C. of Cinnaminson for the term prescribed by law.

Honorable Daniel J. Yablonsky, J.S.C. of North Haledon for the term prescribed

by law.

S116 [Weinberg, Loretta/Singleton, Troy+1], Domestic viol. cases-prosecutor training

S117 [Weinberg, Loretta/Singleton, Troy+2], Domestic viol training prosecutors-mand.

SR19 [Weinberg, Loretta+2], Domestic Viol. Tech. Task Force

SR20 [Weinberg, Loretta], Co. Domestic Viol. Working Groups-memb.

SR21 [Weinberg, Loretta], Atty, matrimonial-domestic viol training


Senate Transportation and Assembly Transportation and

Independent Authorities Joint Meeting 10:00 AM

Committee Room 6, 1st Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ

Chairs: Sen. Diegnan, Patrick J./Asm. Benson, Daniel R.

The Committees will meet to hear testimony from invited guests regarding

school bus safety.


ASSEMBLY QUORUM 1:00 PM Assembly Chambers

Committees at the Call of the Speaker


Assembly Budget Meeting 12:00 PM

Committee Room 11, 4th Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ

Chair: Asw. Pintor Marin, Eliana

A2 [Coughlin, Craig J./Greenwald, Louis D.], Sch. dist.-concerns finan.

A997 [Rooney, Kevin J./Johnson, Gordon M.+1], Pension fds.-proh. cert. investments

A1186 [Jones, Patricia Egan/Lampitt, Pamela R.+1], Mail-in ballots-reg voters,

receive auto

A2762 [Greenwald, Louis D./Mukherji, Raj+1], Disab. leave, temp.-revise law

A2764 [Greenwald, Louis D./DeAngelo, Wayne P.], TDI, family leave-design a webinar

A3438 [Karabinchak, Robert J./Coughlin, Craig J.], Tax amnesty, 45 day period-estab

A3676 [Mazzeo, Vincent/Armato, John], Garden St Growth Zone-creates AC Airport

A3861 [Quijano, Annette/DeAngelo, Wayne P.+2], Unemp. comp. and labor


A3975 [Quijano, Annette/Giblin, Thomas P.+1], Family leave, temp. disab.-revise law

A4065 [Lopez, Yvonne], Surplus prop, Woodbridge Twp-St. sell

A4113 [Burzichelli, John J.], Limits Liab-cert heating oil deliveries

A4118 [Swain, Lisa/Tully, P. Christopher+1], TDI and family temp. disab.-concerns

A4133 [Freiman, Roy], Bus. filing statutes-modernizes

A4169 [Pintor Marin, Eliana/Mukherji, Raj], Env. infra. proj.-expend cert. sums

A4170 [Taliaferro, Adam J./Carter, Linda S.], Env. infra. proj., FY2019-approp. fds.

A4173 [Pinkin, Nancy J./McKeon, John F.], Infra. Bank enabling act-makes changes

A4210 [Armato, John/Freiman, Roy+6], Recreation, Blue Acre-dedicate CBT rev.

A4211 [Reynolds-Jackson, Verlina/Chiaravalloti, Nicholas+2], Capital/Park devel proj-dedicate CBT rev

ACR178 [Murphy, Carol A.], Infra. Bank-approves FY 2019

S647 [Beach, James/Cruz-Perez, Nilsa+1], Mail-in ballots-reg voters, receive auto

S1208 [Beach, James/Oroho, Steven V.+3], Pension fds.-proh. cert. investments

Pending Referral:

A4163 [Chiaravalloti, Nicholas/Mukherji, Raj], Emp payroll tax-concerns


Assembly Commerce and Economic Development Meeting

2:00 PM Committee Room 16, 4th Floor,

State House Annex, Trenton, NJ

Chair: Asm. Johnson, Gordon M.

A1677 [Dancer, Ronald S./Houghtaling, Eric+3], Small bus.-suspend fines

paperwork viol.

A2805 [McKeon, John F.], Green bldg. loan-qualifications

A4102 [Johnson, Gordon M./DeAngelo, Wayne P.], Cigar bars-concerns

AJR61 [DeAngelo, Wayne P.+1], Small Bus. Mo.-desig. May of each year

AR11 [DeAngelo, Wayne P.], Loc. bus. and org.-NJ resid. support

SJR27 [Gopal, Vin/Corrado, Kristin M.], Small Bus. Mo.-desig. May of each year


Assembly Education Meeting 10:00 AM

Committee Room 15, 4th Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ

Chair: Asw. Lampitt, Pamela R.

A533 [Mazzeo, Vincent/Burzichelli, John J.+3], Athletic event official-background ck.

A1414 [McKnight, Angela V./Chiaravalloti, Nicholas+2], Finan. literacy instr.-concerns

A3519 [Benson, Daniel R./McKnight, Angela V.], Restorative Justice, Ed Pilot Prog-est

A3765 [Houghtaling, Eric/Downey, Joann+3], Sch. safety specialist-desig.

A3902 [Benson, Daniel R./Burzichelli, John J.+6], Securing Our Children's Future

Bond Act

A4076 [Jasey, Mila M.], Recess, pub. elementary sch.-concerns

A4112 [Schaer, Gary S.], Sch. Bd.-prov. law enforce. w/sch. maps

A4147 [Lampitt, Pamela R./Houghtaling, Eric+1], Sch. safety audit-submit

Homeland Sec.

A4148 [Lampitt, Pamela R./Jasey, Mila M.], Juv-family crisis info.-concerns

A4149 [Lampitt, Pamela R./Reynolds-Jackson, Verlina], At-risk youths-law

enforcement assist

A4150 [Lampitt, Pamela R./Jones, Patricia Egan], Suspension, student-meet

w/sch. psych.

A4151 [Swain, Lisa/Tully, P. Christopher], Sch. secutiry taining-concerns

S847 [Turner, Shirley K./Diegnan, Patrick J.+2], Pub. sch. dist-concerns recess

S2293 [Sweeney, Stephen M./Oroho, Steven V.+3], Securing Our Children's Future Bond Act


Assembly Financial Institutions and Insurance Meeting 10:00 AM Committee Room 16, 4th Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ

Chair: Asm. McKeon, John F.

A401 [Mosquera, Gabriela M./Wimberly, Benjie E.], Mortgage loan discrimination-proh.

A602 [Danielsen, Joe/Holley, Jamel C.], Minor, cash payroll ck.-finan instit req

A3366 [Pintor Marin, Eliana/Calabrese, Clinton], Foreclosed resid. prop.-concerns sale


Assembly Higher Education Meeting 10:00 AM

Committee Room 9, 3rd Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ

Chair: Asw. Jasey, Mila M.

A327 [Pinkin, Nancy J./Jasey, Mila M.+1], College textbooks-req. buyback at 50%

A841 [Land, R. Bruce/Andrzejczak, Bob], Emp, regional-coll devel prog meet needs

A1149 [Wimberly, Benjie E./McKnight, Angela V.], Open textbooks avail-req no charge

A1890 [Muoio, Elizabeth Maher/Jimenez, Angelica M.+1], Higher ed. degrees-

permits estab.

A3254 [Taliaferro, Adam J.], Textbooks, open-devel. plan to offer

A3634 [Jasey, Mila M.], Assoc. and baccalaureate degree-concerns

A3829 [Jasey, Mila M.], Communication camp.-estab.

S767 [Cunningham, Sandra B./Sweeney, Stephen M.+4], Communication camp.-estab.

S768 [Cunningham, Sandra B./Cruz-Perez, Nilsa+5], Open textbooks avail-req

no charge

S869 [Sweeney, Stephen M./Cunningham, Sandra B.+4], Higher ed. degrees-

permits estab.

S1265 [Turner, Shirley K./Cruz-Perez, Nilsa+1], Assoc. and baccalaureate



Assembly Labor Meeting 10:00 AM

Committee Room 12, 4th Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ

Chair: Asm. Egan, Joseph V.

A1449 [Benson, Daniel R./DeAngelo, Wayne P.+1], Organ, bone marrow

donors-job security

A1849 [Lampitt, Pamela R.], Health benf plans-unlawful emp practices

A2507 [DeAngelo, Wayne P.], Emp. reporting req., cert.-concerns

A2653 [Lampitt, Pamela R./DeAngelo, Wayne P.], Co Coll Consortium,

Workforce Fd-concern

A3417 [DeAngelo, Wayne P./Murphy, Carol A.], Talent Network Prog.-estab.

A3871 [Chiaravalloti, Nicholas], Unemp benf.-concerns disqualif.


Assembly State and Local Government Meeting 1:00 PM Committee Room 13, 4th Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ

Chair: Asm. Mazzeo, Vincent

A1048 [Houghtaling, Eric/Downey, Joann+2], Prop. tax bills-contain tax relief info

A1186 [Jones, Patricia Egan/Lampitt, Pamela R.+1], Mail-in ballots-reg voters,

receive auto

A3463 [Murphy, Carol A./Downey, Joann+1], Voter-dist election bd report every 2hrs

A4128 [Tully, P. Christopher/Swain, Lisa], Fed. fds.-St. Ombudsman oversee receipt

ACR134 [Benson, Daniel R./Murphy, Carol A.], Vet. prop. tax deduction-extend elig.

S647 [Beach, James/Cruz-Perez, Nilsa+1], Mail-in ballots-reg voters, receive auto


Assembly Transportation and Independent Authorities and

Senate Transportation Joint Meeting 10:00 AM

Committee Room 6, 1st Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ

Chairs: Asm. Benson, Daniel R./ Sen. Diegnan, Patrick J./

The Committees will meet to hear testimony from invited guests regarding

school bus safety.


TUESDAY, JUNE 19, 2018


Assembly Transportation and Independent Authorities Meeting 10:00 AM Committee Room 16, 4th Floor,

State House Annex, Trenton, NJ

Chair: Asm. Benson, Daniel R.

Pending Introduction and or Referral:

A1888 [Muoio, Elizabeth Maher/Benson, Daniel R.+1], Special needs sch. bus-req. min. aides

A2436 [Benson, Daniel R.], Sch dist transp supervisors-concerns

A4110 [Lopez, Yvonne/Benson, Daniel R.+1], Sch. buses-req. seat and lap belts

A4195 [Benson, Daniel R.], Criminalizes tampering with school bus recordings

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