Here's What's On Tap Under The Gold Dome On Thursday

The New Jersey Statehouse and Capitol Building In Trenton

Here's what's on tap under the Gold Dome on Thursday (June 21st):


SENATE SESSION 12:00 PM Senate Chambers

Voting Session:

A764 [Caputo, Ralph R./Tucker, Cleopatra G.+22], Alyssa's Law-sch., equip. w/panic alarm

S2 [Sweeney, Stephen M./Ruiz, M. Teresa], Sch. dist.-concerns finan.

S5 [Sweeney, Stephen M./Kean, Thomas H.+3], PFRS-transfers mgmt. to Bd. of Trustees

S64 [Singleton, Troy/Turner, Shirley K.], Investment mgmt. svc.-concerns taxation

S122 [Weinberg, Loretta/Sarlo, Paul A.+16], Garden St. Film & Digital Media Jobs Act

S276 [Stack, Brian P.], Low-income person-reduce sewerage rates

S365 [Rice, Ronald L./Ruiz, M. Teresa+3], Alyssa's Law-sch., equip. w/panic alarm

S402 [Sweeney, Stephen M./Pennacchio, Joseph+1], Bd. of chosen freeholders-rename

S408 [Pennacchio, Joseph/Ruiz, M. Teresa+1], Child sexual abuse-sch dist estab policy

S410 [Pennacchio, Joseph/Bucco, Anthony R.+1], Baked goods sold at farm markets-concern

S489 [Vitale, Joseph F./Rice, Ronald L.+3], Work First NJ-incr. benf. amount

S490 [Vitale, Joseph F./Rice, Ronald L.+2], Work First NJ prog.-repeals family cap

S709 [Pou, Nellie/Cruz-Perez, Nilsa], Resid. Mortgage Lending Act-revises

S749 [Diegnan, Patrick J./Sarlo, Paul A.], Transient accommodation fee-impose tax

S858 [Turner, Shirley K./Diegnan, Patrick J.], Teacher-concerns instructional cert.

S865 [Sweeney, Stephen M./Oroho, Steven V.+2], Bldg./hwy. infrastructure proj.-concerns

S875 [Sweeney, Stephen M./Greenstein, Linda R.+2], Sexual Assault Victim's Bill of Rights

S879 [Sweeney, Stephen M./Burzichelli, John J.], Haz. waste fac., major-amends definition

S976 [Vitale, Joseph F./Bateman, Christopher+5], Revised St. Med. Examiner Act

S1073 [Smith, Bob/Bateman, Christopher], Stormwater util.-auth. mun, co. estab.

S1074 [Smith, Bob/Bateman, Christopher+1], Public's rights-prot, pub trust doctrine

S1129 [Bucco, Anthony R./Corrado, Kristin M.], Child abuse record checks-concerns

S1202 [Weinberg, Loretta/Bateman, Christopher], Crime victims-expands rights

S1317 [Ruiz, M. Teresa/Singleton, Troy+1], Disab. leave, temp.-revise law

S1735 [Weinberg, Loretta/Ruiz, M. Teresa], Lactation room availbilty-cert. pub. fac

S1841 [Diegnan, Patrick J.], Tax amnesty, 45 day period-estab

S1966 [Sweeney, Stephen M.], PFRS, SPRS-incr. death benf, active memb

S1968 [Pou, Nellie/Wimberly, Benjie E.+1], Econ Redevel, Growth-concerns tax cred

S2019 [Sarlo, Paul A.], St budget FY2018/2019-St$36.5B/Fed$16.5B

S2051 [Singleton, Troy], Retailers, cert.-concerns sales tax

S2129 [Cruz-Perez, Nilsa+2], Energy asst. prog-auth grants

S2167 [Pennacchio, Joseph/Pou, Nellie], Vessel regis.-donate, Greenwood Lake Fd

S2169 [Weinberg, Loretta/Sarlo, Paul A.], Non-driv photo id-apply through co clerk

S2303 [Sweeney, Stephen M./Ruiz, M. Teresa], High labor-demand industry-degree prog.

S2307 [Sweeney, Stephen M./Van Drew, Jeff+2], Garden St Growth Zone-creates AC Airport

S2317 [Weinberg, Loretta/Diegnan, Patrick J.+3], Civic Info. Consortium-estab.

S2489 [Cruz-Perez, Nilsa/Turner, Shirley K.+1], Child abuse hotline-sch. posting req.

S2533 [Greenstein, Linda R./Cruz-Perez, Nilsa], Victim-Witness Advocacy Office-concerns

S2550 [Cryan, Joseph P./Sweeney, Stephen M.], HVACR contractors-clarify training req.

S2600 [Ruiz, M. Teresa], Carryout bags-estab. and dedicate fees

S2621 [Singleton, Troy], Lottery-adjust rate dedicated to pension

S2645 [Singleton, Troy+2], Infra. Bank enabling act-makes changes

S2646 [Sweeney, Stephen M.+2], Env. infra. proj., FY2019-approp. fds.

S2647 [Stack, Brian P.], Env. infra. proj.-expend cert. sums

S2657 [Sarlo, Paul A.], Medicaid reimb.-concerns

S2662 [Sweeney, Stephen M./Bateman, Christopher+1], Heating oil tanks-concerns liab.

S2711 [Ruiz, M. Teresa/Madden, Fred H.], Child abuse training-teaching certif.

S2713 [Madden, Fred H./Ruiz, M. Teresa], Teacher misconduct-report to Leg.

S2714 [Ruiz, M. Teresa/Madden, Fred H.], Sch staff, fail to report abuse-concerns

S2715 [Madden, Fred H./Ruiz, M. Teresa], Sch surveilance-devel protocol footage

S2723 [Sarlo, Paul A.+1], STEM Loan Redemption Prog.-estab.

S2724 [Vitale, Joseph F.], Surplus prop, Woodbridge Twp-St. sell

S2728 [Codey, Richard J./Oroho, Steven V.+1], Recreation, Blue Acre-dedicate CBT rev.

S2729 [Greenstein, Linda R./Bateman, Christopher], Capital/Park devel proj-dedicate CBT rev

S2731 [Sarlo, Paul A.], Nicotine, liquid-impose tax

S2738 [Weinberg, Loretta], US 250th anniv.-estab. commem. prog.

S2746 [Sweeney, Stephen M.], Corp. bus. tax liab.-impose surtax

S2747 [Gopal, Vin/Sarlo, Paul A.], FY2018 St. approp. act-amends language

S2752 [Gopal, Vin/Sarlo, Paul A.], Sports wagering-changes use

S2758 [Vitale, Joseph F./Ruiz, M. Teresa], Co. Option Hosp. Fee Pilot Prog.-estab.

S2759 [Ruiz, M. Teresa], Hosp. admission charge-expends

S2763 [Scutari, Nicholas P.], Plainfield-revise special charter

S2767 [Cruz-Perez, Nilsa], Prearranged rides-impose surcharge

S2771 [Singleton, Troy], Medicare Primary Assignment, Audit Prog.

S2772 [Sarlo, Paul A.], Meadowlands tax sharing prog.-concerns

SCR122 [Thompson, Samuel D.+2], Infra. Bank-approves FY 2019

SJR14 [Pou, Nellie/Ruiz, M. Teresa+1], Hispanic Journalist Pride Day-Sept 20th

SJR80 [Lagana, Joseph A./Weinberg, Loretta], Gateway Prog.-prov. funding to complete

SJR85 [Pou, Nellie], World Refugee Day-desig. June 20th

SR19 [Weinberg, Loretta+2], Domestic Viol. Tech. Task Force

SR20 [Weinberg, Loretta], Co. Domestic Viol. Working Groups-memb.

SR21 [Weinberg, Loretta], Atty, matrimonial-domestic viol training

SR77 [Singleton, Troy/Ruiz, M. Teresa], Trump-oppose transgender from mil. svc.

SR88 [Cryan, Joseph P./Ruiz, M. Teresa], Immigrant children-condemns separation


ASSEMBLY SESSION 12:00 PM Assembly Chambers

Voting Session:

A2 [Coughlin, Craig J./Greenwald, Louis D.+2], Sch. dist.-concerns finan.

A591 [Moriarty, Paul D./Reynolds-Jackson, Verlina], Cash-paying consumers-proh. discrim.

A602 [Danielsen, Joe/Holley, Jamel C.], Minor, cash payroll ck.-finan instit req

A781 [Andrzejczak, Bob/Land, R. Bruce+4], Animal cruelty viol.-recover costs

A841 [Land, R. Bruce/Andrzejczak, Bob+1], Emp, regional-coll devel prog meet needs

A997 [Rooney, Kevin J./Johnson, Gordon M.+2], Pension fds.-proh. cert. investments

A1048 [Houghtaling, Eric/Downey, Joann+2], Prop. tax bills-contain tax relief info

A1186 [Jones, Patricia Egan/Lampitt, Pamela R.+2], Mail-in ballots-reg voters, receive auto

A1299 [Greenwald, Louis D./Coughlin, Craig J.+9], Bldg./hwy. infrastructure proj.-concerns

A1429 [McKnight, Angela V./Vainieri Huttle, Valerie], Dry drowning-mun. req. to prov. info.

A1526 [Zwicker, Andrew/Johnson, Gordon M.+2], Freelance workers-concerns pymt.

A1753 [Quijano, Annette/Vainieri Huttle, Valerie+1], Hotel occupancy fee-impose sales tax

A1888 [Muoio, Elizabeth Maher/Benson, Daniel R.+1], Special needs sch. bus-req. min. aides

A1980 [Sumter, Shavonda E./Mukherji, Raj+5], TDI-estab. partial return to work prog.

A2169 [Mazzeo, Vincent/Armato, John+7], Controlled dangerous substance-crim cert

A2401 [Wimberly, Benjie E./Mukherji, Raj], Delta Sigma Theta lic. plate-Auth

A2510 [DeAngelo, Wayne P./Downey, Joann+1], Worker's comp. awards-concern atty. fees

A2601 [DeAngelo, Wayne P./Benson, Daniel R.], U text U driv U pay sticker-driv texting

A2697 [McKeon, John F./Pinkin, Nancy J.], Lead svc line inventories-req. certain

A2726 [Giblin, Thomas P.], Real estate lic., cert.-concerns

A2732 [Andrzejczak, Bob/Dancer, Ronald S.], Wildlife control-non-lethal methods

A2762 [Greenwald, Louis D./Mukherji, Raj+1], Disab. leave, temp.-revise law

A2763 [Greenwald, Louis D.], Temp. disab. insur. report-req addl data

A2764 [Greenwald, Louis D./DeAngelo, Wayne P.+1], TDI, family leave-design a webinar

A2779 [Greenwald, Louis D./Mukherji, Raj], Connection fees-auth. loc. gov. util.

A3063 [Lopez, Yvonne/Mukherji, Raj+2], Postage for goods, Armed Forces-tax cred

A3084 [Greenwald, Louis D./Moriarty, Paul D.+9], Income tax agreement reciprocal-concerns

A3088 [Prieto, Vincent/Jimenez, Angelica M.], Earned Income Tax Cred.-incr.

A3112 [Benson, Daniel R./Mukherji, Raj], Loc. Unit Electronic Procurement Act

A3121 [Burzichelli, John J.], Brewing training prog.-concerns

A3267 [Vainieri Huttle, Valerie/Pinkin, Nancy J.+1], Carryout bags-estab. and dedicate fees

A3366 [Pintor Marin, Eliana/Calabrese, Clinton], Foreclosed resid. prop.-concerns sale

A3373 [Conaway, Herb/Pinkin, Nancy J.+3], Soil, drinking water-reduce exposure

A3438 [Karabinchak, Robert J./Coughlin, Craig J.], St. tax amnesty prog.-concerns

A3463 [Murphy, Carol A./Downey, Joann+1], Voter-dist election bd report every 2hrs

A3627 [Munoz, Nancy F.], Homestead prop. tax reimb.-concerns

A3628 [Greenwald, Louis D./Moriarty, Paul D.+10], Civic Info. Consortium-estab.

A3634 [Jasey, Mila M.], Assoc. and baccalaureate degree-concerns

A3654 [Lopez, Yvonne/Benson, Daniel R.+2], Real estate econ. devel. office-estab.

A3676 [Mazzeo, Vincent/Armato, John+1], Garden St Growth Zone-creates AC Airport

A3703 [DeAngelo, Wayne P.], HVACR lic law-revise ownership standards

A3704 [DeAngelo, Wayne P.], HVACR contractors-clarify training req.

A3861 [Quijano, Annette/DeAngelo, Wayne P.+4], Unemp. comp. and labor disputes-concerns

A3871 [Chiaravalloti, Nicholas/Egan, Joseph V.], Unemp benf.-concerns disqualif.

A3902 [Benson, Daniel R./Burzichelli, John J.+6], Securing Our Children's Future Bond Act

A3904 [McKeon, John F./Jasey, Mila M.], Tommy's Law-incidents w/pub. transp.

A3975 [Quijano, Annette/Giblin, Thomas P.+2], Family leave, temp. disab.-revise law

A4061 [Chiaravalloti, Nicholas/Mukherji, Raj], Transp. svcs., cert.-impose fee

A4065 [Lopez, Yvonne/Mukherji, Raj], Surplus prop, Woodbridge Twp-St. sell

A4073 [Holley, Jamel C./Carter, Linda S.+1], Jerry Green Memor. Hwy-desig. Rt.27

A4076 [Jasey, Mila M./Murphy, Carol A.+1], Recess, pub. elementary sch.-concerns

A4101 [Downey, Joann/Wimberly, Benjie E.], SNAP-outreach plan to inform students

A4102 [Johnson, Gordon M./DeAngelo, Wayne P.], Cigar bars-concerns

A4110 [Lopez, Yvonne/Benson, Daniel R.+1], Sch. buses-req. seat and lap belts

A4118 [Swain, Lisa/Tully, P. Christopher+1], TDI and family temp. disab.-concerns

A4119 [Pintor Marin, Eliana/Burzichelli, John J.], Lottery-adjust rate dedicated to pension

A4120 [Pintor Marin, Eliana/Tucker, Cleopatra G.], Water serv lines-auth spec.assessments

A4121 [Pinkin, Nancy J./Pintor Marin, Eliana+4], Lead test results-estab online reporting

A4132 [Pintor Marin, Eliana/Timberlake, Britnee N.], Liquid nicotine-impose tax

A4133 [Freiman, Roy/Mukherji, Raj], Bus. filing statutes-modernizes

A4135 [Andrzejczak, Bob/Land, R. Bruce], Parking meters, digital-concerns

A4163 [Chiaravalloti, Nicholas/Mukherji, Raj], Emp payroll tax-concerns

A4169 [Pintor Marin, Eliana/Mukherji, Raj], Env. infra. proj.-expend cert. sums

A4170 [Taliaferro, Adam J./Carter, Linda S.], Env. infra. proj., FY2019-approp. fds.

A4173 [Pinkin, Nancy J./McKeon, John F.], Infra. Bank enabling act-makes changes

A4176 [McKeon, John F.], Pub. officials, elected-concerns benf.

A4181 [Jones, Patricia Egan/Barclay, Arthur], Sch dist, renaissance-concern enrollment

A4191 [Andrzejczak, Bob/Land, R. Bruce], Swimming pool-comply w/regulations

A4194 [Coughlin, Craig J.], US 250th anniv.-estab. commem. prog.

A4195 [Benson, Daniel R./Jones, Patricia Egan], Sch. bus recordings-crim. tampering

A4200 [Pintor Marin, Eliana/Burzichelli, John J.], St budget FY2018/2019-St$36.5B/Fed$16.5B

A4201 [Pintor Marin, Eliana], FY2018 St. approp. act-amends language

A4202 [Pintor Marin, Eliana], Corp. bus. tax liab.-impose surtax

A4206 [Quijano, Annette], Retailers, cert.-concerns sales tax

A4207 [Greenwald, Louis D.], Medicaid reimb.-concerns

A4208 [Jasey, Mila M.], Complete Court Comm.-estab.

A4210 [Armato, John/Freiman, Roy+10], Recreation, Blue Acre-dedicate CBT rev.

A4211 [Reynolds-Jackson, Verlina/Chiaravalloti, Nicholas+2], Capital/Park devel proj-dedicate CBT rev

A4220 [Carter, Linda S./Kennedy, James J.], Plainfield-revise special charter

A4224 [Tully, P. Christopher/Swain, Lisa], Sch bus passenger safety-study

A4225 [Benson, Daniel R.], Animal cruelty provisions-revise

A4228 [Murphy, Carol A.], Medicare Primary Assignment, Audit Prog.

A4229 [Calabrese, Clinton], Meadowlands tax sharing prog.-concerns

A4230 [Burzichelli, John J./Mukherji, Raj], Sports wagering-changes use

ACR134 [Benson, Daniel R./Murphy, Carol A.+1], Vet. prop. tax deduction-extend elig.

ACR178 [Murphy, Carol A./Benson, Daniel R.], Infra. Bank-approves FY 2019

ACR180 [Vainieri Huttle, Valerie], Keep Families Together Act-support

AJR113 [Dancer, Ronald S./Andrzejczak, Bob+2], Dairy Week-desig. last full week of June

AJR114 [Houghtaling, Eric/Taliaferro, Adam J.+1], Buy Local Week-desig. last full wk, July

AJR137 [Pinkin, Nancy J.], Smart Irrigation Mo.-desig. July

AR11 [DeAngelo, Wayne P./Tully, P. Christopher+1], Loc. bus. and org.-NJ resid. support

AR29 [Andrzejczak, Bob/Land, R. Bruce], Drone Test Site Prog-urge Congress to fd

AR52 [Chaparro, Annette/Mukherji, Raj], Stafford Act-Cong. amend.

AR76 [Quijano, Annette/Holley, Jamel C.], Gas supply-ensure stability in emerg.

AR156 [Taliaferro, Adam J./Dancer, Ronald S.+2], Dairy product-incr export. other nations

AR160 [Schaer, Gary S./Bucco, Anthony M.+11], Jewish people-historical connection

AR175 [Vainieri Huttle, Valerie], Immigrant families-condemns separation

S5 [Sweeney, Stephen M./Kean, Thomas H.+3], PFRS-transfers mgmt. to Bd. of Trustees

S122 [Weinberg, Loretta/Sarlo, Paul A.+16], Garden St. Film & Digital Media Jobs Act

S430 [Pou, Nellie/Oroho, Steven V.+2], Real estate lic., cert.-concerns

S647 [Beach, James/Cruz-Perez, Nilsa+1], Mail-in ballots-reg voters, receive auto

S767 [Cunningham, Sandra B./Sweeney, Stephen M.+4], Communication camp.-estab.

S844 [Turner, Shirley K./Cruz-Perez, Nilsa+2], TDI-estab. partial return to work prog.

S847 [Turner, Shirley K./Diegnan, Patrick J.+2], Pub. sch. dist-concerns recess

S878 [Madden, Fred H./Sweeney, Stephen M.+2], Income tax agreement reciprocal-concerns

S879 [Sweeney, Stephen M./Burzichelli, John J.], Haz. waste fac., major-amends definition

S976 [Vitale, Joseph F./Bateman, Christopher+5], Revised St. Med. Examiner Act

S1208 [Beach, James/Oroho, Steven V.+3], Pension fds.-proh. cert. investments

S1247 [Rice, Ronald L./Kean, Thomas H.+1], Connection fees-auth. loc. gov. util.

S1265 [Turner, Shirley K./Cruz-Perez, Nilsa+1], Assoc. and baccalaureate degree-concerns

S1968 [Pou, Nellie/Wimberly, Benjie E.+1], Econ Redevel, Growth-concerns tax cred

S2145 [Scutari, Nicholas P./Sweeney, Stephen M.], Worker's comp. awards-concern atty. fees

S2293 [Sweeney, Stephen M./Oroho, Steven V.+3], Securing Our Children's Future Bond Act

S2333 [Gordon, Robert M.], Real estate econ. devel. office-estab.

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