Here’s What’s On Tap Under The Gold Dome On Thursday
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On Tuesday, January 15th, Governor Murphy will deliver the State of the State at 2pm. Here’s what’s on tap under the Gold Dome on Thursday, January 17th:
SENATE QUORUM 12:00 PM Senate Chambers
10:00 AM: Group (1) Committees scheduled to meet
1:00 PM: Group (2) Committees scheduled to meet
Senate Budget and Appropriations Meeting 1:00 PM
Committee Room 4, 1st Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ
Chair: Sen. Sarlo, Paul A.
A1992 [Sumter, Shavonda E./Eustace, Tim+8], Call Center Jobs Act
S778 [Cunningham, Sandra B./Kean, Thomas H.+3], Campus Sexual Assault Commission-estab.
S1780 [Diegnan, Patrick J./Turner, Shirley K.+2], Call Center Jobs Act
S1796 [Addiego, Dawn Marie/Sweeney, Stephen M.+1], Marine Academy Sci
& Tech-concerns trans
S2684 [Van Drew, Jeff/Cunningham, Sandra B.+2], Law enforce. off, retired-
tuition assist
S2891 [Lagana, Joseph A./Singleton, Troy+5], Secure Choice Savings Prog. Act
S3042 [Sarlo, Paul A./Oroho, Steven V.], SHBP, SEHBP-creates trust fds.
S3061 [Ruiz, M. Teresa/Greenstein, Linda R.], Apprenticeship prog.-corp. bus. tax cred
S3063 [Ruiz, M. Teresa+1], Apprenticeship course-tuition fee waiver
S3065 [Ruiz, M. Teresa/Singleton, Troy+1], Youth apprenticeship pilot prog-estab.
S3292 [Sweeney, Stephen M.], 2019-2020 budget message-extend deadline
Pending Referral:
A4134 [Freiman, Roy/Mukherji, Raj+15], Secure Choice Savings Prog. Act
S1500 [Singleton, Troy/Greenstein, Linda R.], Campaign finan. disclosures-concerns
Senate Commerce Meeting 1:00 PM
Committee Room 6, 1st Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ
Chair: Sen. Pou, Nellie
A2031 [Coughlin, Craig J./Vainieri Huttle, Valerie+27], Behavioral health svcs.-
expand coverage
S1339 [Gordon, Robert M./Kean, Thomas H.+6], Behavioral health care svcs-
expand insur
S1589 [Singleton, Troy/Gill, Nia H.], Prof. occup. bd.-req. crim. hist .
S2241 [Gopal, Vin], NJ-Made-dev. desig.
S2428 [Scutari, Nicholas P.], Massage therapists-prof. liab. insur.
S2475 [Sweeney, Stephen M.], Insur. producers-proh. cert. standards
S2690 [Cryan, Joseph P./Beach, James+2], Pharmacy benf.-concerns
S2727 [Ruiz, M. Teresa/Turner, Shirley K.], Pharm benf managers-concerns
S2807 [Cryan, Joseph P./Cruz-Perez, Nilsa+1], Funeral directing-concerns practice
Senate Community and Urban Affairs Meeting 10:00 AM Committee Room 1, 1st Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ
Chair: Sen. Singleton, Troy
A448 [Schaer, Gary S./Mosquera, Gabriela M.+10], Homeless prev. prog-available
on website
A3937 [DeAngelo, Wayne P./Reynolds-Jackson, Verlina+1], Water sys. emp.-
reside in same mun.
S58 [Singleton, Troy], Tax abatement agreements-mun file copies
S915 [Connors, Christopher J.], Vet. affordable housing-concerns
S1150 [Ruiz, M. Teresa/Stack, Brian P.], Hotel, multi dwelling inspections-req.
S1211 [Ruiz, M. Teresa], 2-1-1 phone sys.-prov. info. to tenants
S1583 [Cruz-Perez, Nilsa/Cunningham, Sandra B.+1], Areas in need of
S2631 [Turner, Shirley K.], Water sys. emp.-reside in same mun.
S2947 [Singleton, Troy], Loc. Pub. Contracts Law-release bid list
S3242 [Singleton, Troy], Homeless prev. prog-available on website
Senate Education Meeting
Chair: Sen. Ruiz, M. Teresa
The Committee will not meet.
Senate Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Meeting
1:00 PM Committee Room 1, 1st Floor,
State House Annex, Trenton, NJ
Chair: Sen. Vitale, Joseph F.
A4101 [Downey, Joann/Wimberly, Benjie E.+8], SNAP-outreach plan to inform students
S1759 [Codey, Richard J./Weinberg, Loretta], Perinatal anxiety-pub awareness campaign
S2470 [Singleton, Troy+1], Medicaid reimb., nursing homes-review
S2788 [Rice, Ronald L./Greenstein, Linda R.], Child care ctrs-undergo drug testing
S2889 [Vitale, Joseph F.], SNAP-outreach plan to inform students
S3043 [Madden, Fred H./Oroho, Steven V.+1], Family day care prov.-crim. hist. check
S3100 [Weinberg, Loretta], Hemophilia treatment prog.-concerns
S3202 [Lagana, Joseph A./Gopal, Vin], Breast cancer,reconstructive surgery-req
S3210 [Ruiz, M. Teresa/Greenstein, Linda R.], Family leave info.-req. distribution
S3238 [Ruiz, M. Teresa/Cunningham, Sandra B.+1], Food surplus donation-DHS
estab portal
S3240 [Singer, Robert W.], Charlie’s Law-concerns prescr medication
Pending Introduction and or Referral:
A4285 [Lopez, Yvonne/Quijano, Annette+10], Firefighters cancer data-req. registry
A4701 [Spearman, William W./Chiaravalloti, Nicholas+12], Food surplus donation-DHS estab portal
S3313 [Vitale, Joseph F./Singleton, Troy], Firefighters cancer data-req. registry
Senate Labor Meeting
Chair: Sen. Madden, Fred H.
The Committee will not meet.
Senate Transportation Meeting 10:30 AM
Committee Room 7, 2nd Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ
Chair: Sen. Diegnan, Patrick J.
AJR164 [Benson, Daniel R./Zwicker, Andrew+5], Advanced Autonomous Veh
Task Force-estab
S1874 [Ruiz, M. Teresa], Breast cancer awareness-estab. lic plate
S3138 [Turner, Shirley K.], Mil. personnel-clairify extension dates
SJR105 [Diegnan, Patrick J.], Advanced Autonomous Vehicle Task Force
SR101 [Lagana, Joseph A./Codey, Richard J.], Gateway Prog. funding-urges approval
ASSEMBLY QUORUM Assembly Chambers
10:00 AM: Group (A) Committees scheduled to meet
2:00 PM: Group (B) Committees scheduled to meet
NJ Law Revision Commission Meeting 10:00 AM
Commission Offices, 153 Halsey St., 7th Floor, Newark, NJ
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