Here's What's On Tap Under The Gold Dome On Thursday

The New Jersey Statehouse and Capitol Building In Trenton

Here's what's on tap under the Gold Dome on Thursday:

SENATE QUORUM 12:00 PM Senate Chambers
10:00 AM: Group (3) Committees scheduled to meet
1:00 PM: Group (4) Committees scheduled to meet

Senate Economic Growth Meeting 10:30 AM
Committee Room 1, 1st Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ
Chair: Sen. Cruz-Perez, Nilsa
A809 [Andrzejczak, Bob/Houghtaling, Eric+2], Agric. Devel. Committee-auth. farmers
A1954 [Bramnick, Jon M./Moriarty, Paul D.+13], Telemarketers-concerns
A3353 [DeAngelo, Wayne P./Benson, Daniel R.+4], Pub water sys-req publish info
AJR113 [Dancer, Ronald S./Andrzejczak, Bob+5], Dairy Week-desig. last full week
of June
S255 [Van Drew, Jeff/Cruz-Perez, Nilsa], Agric. Devel Committee memb-auth farmers
S2061 [Greenstein, Linda R.], Pub water sys-req publish certain info
S2256 [Cruz-Perez, Nilsa/Singleton, Troy], Main St. Assist. Prog-estab. bus. devel.
S3029 [Vitale, Joseph F./Cruz-Perez, Nilsa+1], Linda's Law-life-sustaining equipm
S3032 [Lagana, Joseph A./Greenstein, Linda R.], Telemarketers-concerns
S3221 [Beach, James], Jersey Fresh pilot prog.-approp. $500K
SJR116 [Andrzejczak, Bob], Dairy Week-desig. last full week of June

Senate Environment and Energy Meeting 10:00 AM
Committee Room 6, 1st Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ
Chair: Sen. Smith, Bob
The Committee will receive an update on the progress of the task force investigating natural resource damage issues from the chairs of the task force.
A4416 [Swain, Lisa/Karabinchak, Robert J.+5], Asbestos-proh. sale or distrib.
S1700 [Singleton, Troy/Weinberg, Loretta], Env. permits, cert. areas-concerns
S2920 [Smith, Bob/Bateman, Christopher], CBT-concerns dedication of rev.
S3130 [Pou, Nellie], Methylene chloride paint-proh sale
S3262 [Kean, Thomas H./Greenstein, Linda R.], Asbestos-proh. sale or distrib.

Senate Higher Education Meeting
Chair: Sen. Cunningham, Sandra B.
The Committee will not meet.

Senate Judiciary Meeting
Chair: Sen. Scutari, Nicholas P.
The Committee will not meet.

Senate Law and Public Safety Meeting
Chair: Sen. Greenstein, Linda R.
The Committee will not meet.

Senate Military and Veterans' Affairs Meeting 1:00 PM Committee Room 1, 1st Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ
Chair: Sen. Gopal, VinS2451 [Diegnan, Patrick J.+1], Physician assist, mil training-lic.
S2452 [Diegnan, Patrick J.+1], Vet, wartime disab-incr., paid allowance
S2930 [Bucco, Anthony R./Beach, James+1], Insur. producer lic. fee-concerns
S2937 [Greenstein, Linda R./Singleton, Troy], Battlefield to Boardroom Act
S3266 [Turner, Shirley K.+1], Parking meter fees-exempts vets

Senate State Government, Wagering, Tourism & Historic Preservation Meeting
Chair: Sen. Beach, James
The Committee will not meet.

ASSEMBLY QUORUM 1:00 PM Assembly Chambers
10:00 AM: Group (C) Committees scheduled to meet
2:00 PM: Group (D) Committees scheduled to meet

Assembly Agriculture and Natural Resources Meeting 1:00 PM Committee Room 15, 4th Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ
Chair: Asm. Houghtaling, Eric
A810 [Andrzejczak, Bob/Houghtaling, Eric+1], Farm mgmt. disputes-concerns fees
A2201 [Webber, Jay/Jones, Patricia Egan+6], Baked goods sold at farm markets-concern
A3592 [Space, Parker/Andrzejczak, Bob+1], Food hubs-Dept. of Agric. auth. & advise
A3673 [Murphy, Carol A.], Horses, sold at auction-disclose id info
A3764 [Houghtaling, Eric/Downey, Joann], Triploid grass carp-permits stocking
A4387 [Houghtaling, Eric/Downey, Joann], Agric. Literacy Wk.-estab.
S410 [Pennacchio, Joseph/Bucco, Anthony R.+1], Baked goods sold at farm markets-concern
S455 [Addiego, Dawn Marie/Singleton, Troy], Horses, sold at auction-disclose id info
S1953 [Oroho, Steven V./Cruz-Perez, Nilsa+1], Food hubs-Dept. of Agric. auth. & advise

Assembly Budget Meeting
Chair: Asw. Pintor Marin, Eliana
The Committee will not meet.

Assembly Education Meeting 10:00 AM
Committee Room 16, 4th Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ
Chair: Asw. Lampitt, Pamela R.
The Committee will receive testimony from invited guests on gifted and talented education programs in New Jersey.
A3679 [Quijano, Annette/Howarth, Joe], Sch. bus driv.-admin. epinephrine
A4679 [Wimberly, Benjie E./Vainieri Huttle, Valerie+1], Sensitivity training-
athletic dir, coach
A4710 [Lampitt, Pamela R./Zwicker, Andrew], Strengthening Gifted and Talented
Ed Act
A4799 [Lopez, Yvonne/Coughlin, Craig J.], Meds. self-admin.-permits certain
A4848 [Karabinchak, Robert J.], Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act-examine
S2575 [Diegnan, Patrick J./Greenstein, Linda R.], Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights

Assembly Environment and Solid Waste Meeting 2:00 PM Committee Room 12, 4th Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ
Chair: Asw. Pinkin, Nancy J.
The Committee will hear testimony from James Smith, William and Edna MacAleer Professor of Engineering and Applied Science at Princeton Environmental Institute, Princeton University, concerning the United Nation's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report on global warming and the potential effects climate change and global warming may have on New Jersey. Professor Smith's research focuses on extreme rainfall and major flooding events.A2417 [Quijano, Annette], Coastal Climate Change Comm.-creates
A3804 [Webber, Jay/McKeon, John F.], Vessel regis.-donate, Greenwood Lake Fd
A4821 [Vainieri Huttle, Valerie/Pinkin, Nancy J.+1], Global Warming Resp. Act-new timeframes
ACR199 [Pinkin, Nancy J./Swain, Lisa], Veh. emission standards-reduce
S2167 [Pennacchio, Joseph/Pou, Nellie], Vessel regis.-donate, Greenwood Lake Fd
Pending Referral:
A4606 [Zwicker, Andrew/Mukherji, Raj+1], Global warming-concerns

Assembly Homeland Security and State Preparedness Meeting 1:00 PM Committee Room 14, 4th Floor,
State House Annex, Trenton, NJ
Chair: Asw. Vainieri Huttle, Valerie
A1744 [Quijano, Annette], Crim. Justice Info. Sharing Env. Council
A2838 [Dancer, Ronald S.], Cell phone-proh. unauth. surveillance
For Discussion Only:
Pending Referral:
A4640 [Vainieri Huttle, Valerie/Holley, Jamel C.], Id info, personal-security standards

Assembly Human Services Meeting 2:00 PM
Committee Room 16, 4th Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ
Chair: Asw. Downey, Joann
A4482 [Verrelli, Anthony S./Murphy, Carol A.], Devel. disab. sexual abuse-task force
A4547 [Lopez, Yvonne/Vainieri Huttle, Valerie+2], Crimes against elderly/disab.-concerns
A4744 [Greenwald, Louis D./Armato, John+2], Medication asst. treatment benf-
prog req
AJR158 [Houghtaling, Eric/Downey, Joann], Medicaid Fin Resources Limits-task force
AR191 [Verrelli, Anthony S./Mejia, Pedro+1], SNAP elig req-expand to higher ed instit
AR218 [Downey, Joann], Fed. gov. shutdown-condemns

Assembly Judiciary Meeting
Chair: Asw. Quijano, Annette
The Committee will not meet.

Assembly Labor Meeting 10:00 AM
Committee Room 4, 1st Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ
Chair: Asm. Egan, Joseph V.
A15 [Coughlin, Craig J./Tucker, Cleopatra G.+1], Min. wage-raises rate $15
A2903 [Quijano, Annette/Lampitt, Pamela R.+4], Wages, failure to pay-concerns law

Assembly Military and Veterans' Affairs Meeting 10:00 AM Committee Room 13, 4th Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ
Chair: Asw. Tucker, Cleopatra G.
A787 [Andrzejczak, Bob/Mosquera, Gabriela M.], Vet. coordinators-concerns
A1041 [Houghtaling, Eric/Downey, Joann+5], Motorcycle driv. lic.-concerns mil.
A1924 [Mukherji, Raj/Bucco, Anthony M.+1], Insur. producer lic. fee-concerns
A2172 [Armato, John/Mazzeo, Vincent], Vet-incr allowance, cert. wartime disab.
A3093 [Mazzeo, Vincent], Maritime training-waives boat safety req

Assembly Regulated Professions Meeting 1:00 PM
Committee Room 11, 4th Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ
Chair: Asm. Giblin, Thomas P.
A380 [Jimenez, Angelica M./Giblin, Thomas P.], Massage, Body Therapist Lic.
A2380 [Schaer, Gary S.], Asbestos inspection-estab. reg.
A4608 [Zwicker, Andrew/Downey, Joann+3], Behavior Analyst Lic. Act
A4884 [Giblin, Thomas P.], Pub. movers viol.-revise penal.

Assembly State and Local Government Meeting 1:00 PM Committee Room, 13, 4th Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ
Chair: Asm. Mazzeo, Vincent
A346 [Murphy, Carol A./Benson, Daniel R.+1], Donated leave prog. for St. emp-codifies
A2005 [Karabinchak, Robert J.], Devel. proj.-epedite processes
A3238 [Pinkin, Nancy J./Jasey, Mila M.+1], Thomas Alva Edison-desig. St. Inventor
A4741 [Pintor Marin, Eliana], Suppl. zoning bd. of adjustment-estab.
S756 [Diegnan, Patrick J./Turner, Shirley K.], Polling place locations-concerns
S1758 [Weinberg, Loretta/Ruiz, M. Teresa], Donated leave prog. for St. emp-codifies
S1857 [Turner, Shirley K./Diegnan, Patrick J.], Thomas Alva Edison-desig. St. Inventor
Pending Introduction and or Referral: A4439 [Armato, John/Mazzeo, Vincent], Panic button for hotel emp.-concerns
A4929 [Calabrese, Clinton], Polling place locations-concerns

Assembly Science, Innovation and Technology Meeting 2:00 PM Committee Room 9, 3rd Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ
Chair: Asm. Zwicker, Andrew
The Committee will receive testimony from invited guests on the innovation economy and its impact on businesses in New Jersey.

Assembly Transportation and Independent Authorities Meeting 10:00 AM Committee Room 11, 4th Floor,
State House Annex, Trenton, NJ
Chair: Asm. Benson, Daniel R.
A1777 [Clifton, Robert D.], Omnibus driv.-inspect bus, disab person
A4275 [Benson, Daniel R./Tucker, Cleopatra G.], Woman Vet.-auth. lic. plate
A4353 [Murphy, Carol A./Mukherji, Raj], Nondiscrim. policy-NJT adopt
AR57 [Clifton, Robert D./Munoz, Nancy F.+1], Amtrak, NY PA Station-
examine operations

Assembly Women and Children Meeting
Chair: Asw. Mosquera, Gabriela M.
The Committee will not meet.

New Jersey Legislative Select Oversight Meeting 10:30 AM Committee Room 4, 1st Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ
Co-Chairs: Sen. Weinberg, Loretta/Asw. Pintor Marin, Eliana
The Committee will take testimony from invited guests.

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