Here's What's On Tap Under The Gold Dome On Thursday

Here's whats on tap under the Gold Dome on Thursday (May 30th):
SENATE SESSION 2:00 PM Senate Chambers
Voting Session:
A10 [Downey, Joann/Danielsen, Joe+7], Med. cannabis-revise req. to auth/access
A1048 [Houghtaling, Eric/Downey, Joann+9], Prop. tax bills-contain tax relief info
A1190 [Jones, Patricia Egan/Giblin, Thomas P.+3], Human remains-concerns disposition
A1369 [Kennedy, James J./DeAngelo, Wayne P.+9], Svc. contracts, cert-allows cancellation
A1526 [Zwicker, Andrew/Johnson, Gordon M.+4], Freelance workers-concerns pymt.
A1700 [Dancer, Ronald S./Vainieri Huttle, Valerie+6], Areas in need of redevel.-concerns
A3766 [Armato, John/Houghtaling, Eric+17], Pub. off., cert. offense-forfeit pension
A3832 [Mukherji, Raj/McKnight, Angela V.+4], Arts & culture-dedicate mun. tax levy
A4095 [Houghtaling, Eric/Downey, Joann+2], Peddler's lic.-concerns vets.
A4710 [Lampitt, Pamela R./Zwicker, Andrew+9], Strengthening Gifted and Talented Ed Act
A4744 [Greenwald, Louis D./Armato, John+12], Medication asst. treatment benf-prog req
A4918 [Murphy, Carol A.], One-stop event planning contact-desig.
A4938 [Tucker, Cleopatra G./Pinkin, Nancy J.+8], My Life, My Plan-estab. prog.
A5162 [Speight, Shanique/Reynolds-Jackson, Verlina], Co. bds. of election-incr. memb.
A5321 [Benson, Daniel R./DeAngelo, Wayne P.+8], Transp. network companies-display ID
AJR26 [Downey, Joann/Houghtaling, Eric+10], Youth Suicide Prev. Awareness Mo-Sept.
AJR87 [Murphy, Carol A./Mosquera, Gabriela M.+6], Alice Paul Day-desig. January 11
AJR196 [Pintor Marin, Eliana/Speight, Shanique+3], Portugal Day-desig. June 10
S10 [Vitale, Joseph F./Scutari, Nicholas P.+4], Med. cannabis-revise req. to auth/access
S362 [Rice, Ronald L./Sumter, Shavonda E.+2], Affordable housing cert-deed restriction
S756 [Diegnan, Patrick J./Turner, Shirley K.+3], Polling place locations-concerns
S760 [Cunningham, Sandra B./Pou, Nellie], College degree completion-concerns
S785 [Sarlo, Paul A.+3], Correction officers-req. police training
S855 [Turner, Shirley K./Stack, Brian P.+1], Prop. tax bills-contain tax relief info
S1048 [Vitale, Joseph F.], Freelance workers-concerns pymt.
S1214 [Ruiz, M. Teresa/Cruz-Perez, Nilsa+9], NJ Land Bank Law
S1331 [Gopal, Vin/Madden, Fred H.+1], Vet. prop. tax deductions-extend elig.
S1493 [Stack, Brian P./Singleton, Troy], Tenants rent pymt.-concerns
S1583 [Cruz-Perez, Nilsa/Cunningham, Sandra B.+1], Areas in need of redevel.-concerns
S1753 [Beach, James/Cruz-Perez, Nilsa], Human remains-concerns disposition
S1758 [Weinberg, Loretta/Ruiz, M. Teresa+2], Donated leave prog. for St. emp-codifies
S1833 [Ruiz, M. Teresa/Cunningham, Sandra B.], Higher ed. gov bd memb-training prog req
S1967 [Sweeney, Stephen M./Madden, Fred H.+3], Workers' comp. suppl benf, cert-concerns
S2459 [Cryan, Joseph P./Stack, Brian P.+1], Arts & culture-dedicate mun. tax levy
S2557 [Singleton, Troy/Oroho, Steven V.+14], Prevailing wage-allows stop-work orders
S2595 [Corrado, Kristin M.+2], Pub. off., cert. offense-forfeit pension
S2601 [Singer, Robert W./Corrado, Kristin M.+4], Cremains disposal-concerns claiming
S2784 [Beach, James/Cruz-Perez, Nilsa+1], Gold Star Family Member-concerns id
S2801 [Greenstein, Linda R./Addiego, Dawn Marie], Svc. contracts, cert-allows cancellation
*SENATE SESSION (continued)
S2944 [Ruiz, M. Teresa/Cunningham, Sandra B.], Mun council aides-concerns
S2986 [Weinberg, Loretta/Greenstein, Linda R.+8], Panic button for hotel emp.-concerns
S2994 [Ruiz, M. Teresa], Guaranteed asset prot. waivers-refund
S3126 [Gopal, Vin], RR crossings-concern driv responsibility
S3146 [Singleton, Troy/Addiego, Dawn Marie+3], Civil animal cruelty penalties
S3205 [Cunningham, Sandra B./Ruiz, M. Teresa+1], Expungement proc.-revises
S3258 [Beach, James/Turner, Shirley K.+2], Strengthening Gifted and Talented Ed Act
S3306 [Beach, James], One-stop event planning contact-desig.
S3314 [Vitale, Joseph F./Cryan, Joseph P.+1], Medication asst. treatment benf-prog req
S3375 [Ruiz, M. Teresa/Greenstein, Linda R.+12], Maternal health care pilot prog.-estab.
S3376 [Ruiz, M. Teresa/Greenstein, Linda R.+1], My Life, My Plan-estab. prog.
S3449 [Pennacchio, Joseph/Bucco, Anthony R.], Frank J. Druetzler Station-Morris Plains
S3465 [Pou, Nellie/Kean, Thomas H.], Mortuary science-revise req. for exam
S3511 [Singer, Robert W./Kean, Thomas H.+1], Code Blue alert-concerns
S3529 [Gopal, Vin+1], Peddler's lic.-concerns vets.
S3538 [Singleton, Troy+1], Housing, assisted-concerns rental
S3554 [Beach, James], Co. bd. of elections-incr. memb.
S3661 [Singleton, Troy/Oroho, Steven V.], Real estate devel.-clarify assess. pymt
S3687 [Diegnan, Patrick J./Greenstein, Linda R.+1], Transp. network companies-display ID
SCR110 [Gopal, Vin/Madden, Fred H.+4], Vet. prop. tax deduction-extend elig.
SCR156 [Singleton, Troy/Bateman, Christopher+2], Drinking water-DEP adopt standards
SJR47 [Pou, Nellie/Codey, Richard J.], Youth Suicide Prev. Awareness Mo-Sept.
SJR59 [Doherty, Michael J./Madden, Fred H.+2], Civil War Vet Recognition Mo-desig May
SJR60 [Singleton, Troy/Addiego, Dawn Marie], Alice Paul Day-desig. January 11
SJR81 [Gopal, Vin/Kean, Thomas H.], 529 Opening Path Our Nations Student Act
SJR127 [Ruiz, M. Teresa/Gopal, Vin], Portugal Day-desig. June 10
SR121 [Ruiz, M. Teresa/Weinberg, Loretta], Birth standards-encourage DOH dev.
SR133 [Weinberg, Loretta/Cardinale, Gerald], Suez North America-replace water lines
Senate Judiciary Meeting 11:00 AM
Committee Room 4, 1st Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ
Chair: Sen. Scutari, Nicholas P.
to be a member and Chair of the NJ Public Employment Relations Commission:
Joel M. Weisblatt of Skillman to replace Dr. P. Kelly Hatfield, for the term prescribed by law.
to be a member of the Passaic Valley Sewerage Commission:
Hector C. Lora of Passaic to replace Kenneth John Lucianin, resigned, for the term prescribed by law.
Brendan Murphy of Totowa to replace Scott M. Heck, for the term prescribed by law.
to be a member of the State Board of Agriculture:
Ernest Beier, III of Mickleton to replace Mitchell D. Jones, for the term prescribed by law.
David DeFrange, II of Frenchtown to replace Ed Overdevest, for the term prescribed by law.
Paul Hlubik of Wrightstown to replace Angelo Trapani, for the term prescribed by law.
to be a member of the State Investment Council:
Wasseem Boraie of East Brunswick to replace James E. Hanson, II, for the term prescribed by law.
to be a member of the State Lottery Commission:
Marilyn T. Blazovsky of Montgomery to replace Thomas Tucci, for the term prescribed by law.
Robert James D'Anton of Toms River to succeed himself, for the term prescribed by law.
to be a member of the Warren County Board of Taxation:
Samir M. Elbassiouny of Belvidere to succeed himself, for the term prescribed by law.
Elizabeth Kelly Gittins of Stewartsville to replace Robert E. Moore, for the term prescribed by law.
Robert E. Stead of Hackettstown to replace Jane M. Santini, for the term prescribed by law.
to be the Passaic County Deputy Superintendent of Elections:
Ronald S. Fava of Clifton to replace Shona L. Mack-Pollock, for the term prescribed by law.
to be the Passaic County Superintendent of Elections:
Shona L. Mack-Pollock of Wanaque to replace Sherine El-Abd, for the term prescribed by law.
to be a Judge of the Superior Court:
Stacey Dawn Adams of Colts Neck for the term prescribed by law.
Honorable Michael J. Blee, J.S.C. of Linwood for the term prescribed by law.
Honorable Cristen D'Arrigo, J.S.C. of Bridgeton for the term prescribed by law.
Honorable Louis S. Sceusi, J.S.C. of Rockaway for the term prescribed by law.
to be a member of the NJ Board of Public Utilities:
Honorable Joseph L. Fiordaliso of Livingston to succeed himself, for the term prescribed by law.
to be a member of the NJ Sports and Exposition Authority:
Woody Knopf of Rumson to replace George Kolber, for the term prescribed by law.
S3528 [Scutari, Nicholas P./Codey, Richard J.+1], Civil union-adoption judgement process