Here's What's On Tap Under The Gold Dome On Thursday

Here's what's on tap under the Gold Dome on Thursday (March 19th):



A1104 Hunger-Free Students' Bill of Rights Act-school meal info be provided to parents
A3095 Ballots-provides co. clerks with an addl week to mail, for 2020 primary election
A3813 180-day school year requirement-permits use of virtual or remote instruction
A3840 School meal provision during epidemic-req school district provide during closure
A3841 Income tax or CBT-extends time to file if federal gov extends filing or due date
A3842 Bridging the Digital Divide in Schools Grant Program-establishes
A3843 Coronavirus disease 2019-req. health insurance & Medicaid coverage for testing
A3845 Grants-authorize EDA to make during periods of emergency declared by Governor
A3846 Temp Lost Wage Unemployment Prog-allow claim for lost wages, coronavirus 2019
A3847 Paid leave, local gov employees-provide w/out utilizing accumulated leave, cert
A3848 Infectious disease, time off work-concerns
A3849 Government record availability during emergency-modifies deadline
A3850 Public meetings during period of emergency-allows to conduct by electronic means
A3851 County & municipal budgets-extend deadlines for adoption, certain circumstances
A3852 State government business & session-conduct outside Trenton, period of emergency
A3854 Coronavirus 2019-authorize all licensed health facilities & labs to test
A3855 Public health emergencies-require food access info be displayed on websites
A3856 Healthcare & residential facility sanitation, coronavirus 2019;$10M
A3857 Food banks, grants;$15M
A3858 Cash payments to Work First NJ recipients-issue supplemental, cert circumstances
A3859 Foreclosure & tenant evictions-concerns prohibition during certain emergency
A3860 Telemedicine & telehealth-establish requirements to use to respond to COVID-19
A3861 Corp. hold shareholders' meetings-during state of emerg by remote communications
A3862 Prof or occup lic-expedite individuals during state of emerg or pub health emerg
A3864 Notaries public-authorizes to perform notarial acts remotely
A3865 Food, retail stores-limits return of items
ACR165 DHS apply for federal waivers-facilitate/increase access to SNAP benefits
AJR158 Broadband access-urge FCC to secure for those affected by COVID-19
S432 Workers comp coverage-revises for injuries to volunteer and prof pub safety memb
S687 Hunger-Free Students' Bill of Rights Act-school meal info be provided to parents
S993 Non-teaching staff-submit to binding arbitration for a disciplinary action
S1982 Ballots-provide county clerks w/an addl. week + 1 day if date falls on a holiday
S1990 Government office, unsalaried-allows member of Bd of Public Utilities to serve
S2273 SEHBP-provide plans for public education employees and certain retirees
S2275 Food banks, grants;$15M
S2276 Foreclosure & tenant evictions-concerns prohibition during certain emergency
S2281 School meal provision during epidemic-req school district provide during closure
S2282 Bridging the Digital Divide in Schools Grant Program-establishes
S2283 Coronavirus disease 2019-req. health insurance & Medicaid coverage for testing
S2284 Grants-authorize EDA to make during periods of emergency declared by Governor
S2285 Paid leave, local gov employees-provide w/out utilizing accumulated leave, cert
S2286 Coronavirus 2019-authorize all licensed health facilities & labs to test
S2287 Public health emergencies-require food access info be displayed on websites
S2288 Cash payments to Work First NJ recipients-issue supplemental, cert circumstances
S2289 Telemedicine & telehealth-establish requirements to use to respond to COVID-19
S2290 Corp. hold shareholders' meetings-during state of emerg by remote communications
S2291 Food, retail stores-limits return of items
S2292 180-day school year requirement-permits use of virtual or remote instruction
S2293 Temp Lost Wage Unemployment Prog-allow claim for lost wages, coronavirus 2019
S2294 Public meetings during period of emergency-allows to conduct by electronic means
S2295 County & municipal budgets-extend deadlines for adoption, certain circumstances
S2296 State government business & session-conduct outside Trenton, period of emergency
S2297 Healthcare & residential facility sanitation, coronavirus 2019;$10M
S2298 Prof or occup lic-expedite individuals during state of emerg or pub health emerg
S2299 Notaries public-authorizes to perform notarial acts remotely
S2300 Income tax or CBT-extends time to file if federal gov extends filing or due date
S2301 Infectious disease, time off work-concerns
S2302 Government record availability during emergency-modifies deadline
S2303 Public school districts-concerns subcontracting agreements
SCR65 Earth Day-commemorates 50th anniversary
SCR109 DHS apply for federal waivers-facilitate/increase access to SNAP benefits
SJR77 Broadband access-urge FCC to secure for those affected by COVID-19
 Senate Judiciary  
    Thursday, March 19, 2020 - 10:00 AM  
    Meeting - Committee Room 4, First Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, New Jersey  
  Due to the public health emergency, members of the public will not be allowed at the meeting and the Committee will not be taking oral testimony on any bills or nominations. The public is encouraged to submit written testimony electronically.
Written testimony will be included in the record, but in the case of information concerning the character or qualifications of a person nominated by the Governor, such will remain confidential. Testimony should be submitted to
Bill Abstract   Current Status LDOA  
S84 Timothy J. Piazza's Law-hazing; clarify conduct, incl. forcing alco. consumption   SJU 1/14/2020  
S241 Drug court-makes certain changes   SJU 1/14/2020  
S282 Innocence Study & Review Commission-study & review wrongful convictions   SJU 1/14/2020  
S491 Drug court elig.-estab special probation persons w/previous criminal convictions   SJU 1/14/2020  
S2093 Timothy J. Piazza's Law-expands scope of activities constituting hazing   SJU 3/16/2020  
Nominee Scheduled
Robert Balicki
to be a member of the State Parole Board
Debra S. Behnke
to be a member of the Salem County Board of Taxation
Honorable Maritza Berdote Byrne, J.S.C.
to be a Judge of the Superior Court
Honorable Steven H. Caltabiano
to be a member of the Salem County Board of Taxation
Zenon Christodoulou
to be a member of the New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency
Michael D. Goldberg
to be a member of the Somerset County Board of Taxation
Thomas P. Haaf
to be a member of the State Parole Board
Brenda H. Hall
to be a member of the Salem County Board of Taxation
James B. Jefferson
to be a member of the State Parole Board
Nina Jordan
to be a member of the Somerset County Board of Taxation
Francis P. Linnus
to be a member of the Somerset County Board of Taxation
Colonel Timothy Scott McLaughlin
to be the Brigadier General of the New Jersey Army National Guard
Honorable Kathleen A. Sheedy, J.S.C.
to be a Judge of the Superior Court
Caryl Shoffner
to be a member of the Delaware and Raritan Canal Commission
Clarence Taylor
to be a member of the State Parole Board
Irene Trowell-Harris
to be a member of the New Jersey City University - Board of Trustees
Luke Visconti
to be a member of the New Jersey City University - Board of Trustees
Angela S. Voros
to be a member of the Salem County Board of Taxation


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