Here's What's On Tap Under The Gold Dome On Thursday

Here's what's on tap under the Gold Dome on Thursday (March 19th):
A1104 | Hunger-Free Students' Bill of Rights Act-school meal info be provided to parents |
A3095 | Ballots-provides co. clerks with an addl week to mail, for 2020 primary election |
A3813 | 180-day school year requirement-permits use of virtual or remote instruction |
A3840 | School meal provision during epidemic-req school district provide during closure |
A3841 | Income tax or CBT-extends time to file if federal gov extends filing or due date |
A3842 | Bridging the Digital Divide in Schools Grant Program-establishes |
A3843 | Coronavirus disease 2019-req. health insurance & Medicaid coverage for testing |
A3845 | Grants-authorize EDA to make during periods of emergency declared by Governor |
A3846 | Temp Lost Wage Unemployment Prog-allow claim for lost wages, coronavirus 2019 |
A3847 | Paid leave, local gov employees-provide w/out utilizing accumulated leave, cert |
A3848 | Infectious disease, time off work-concerns |
A3849 | Government record availability during emergency-modifies deadline |
A3850 | Public meetings during period of emergency-allows to conduct by electronic means |
A3851 | County & municipal budgets-extend deadlines for adoption, certain circumstances |
A3852 | State government business & session-conduct outside Trenton, period of emergency |
A3854 | Coronavirus 2019-authorize all licensed health facilities & labs to test |
A3855 | Public health emergencies-require food access info be displayed on websites |
A3856 | Healthcare & residential facility sanitation, coronavirus 2019;$10M |
A3857 | Food banks, grants;$15M |
A3858 | Cash payments to Work First NJ recipients-issue supplemental, cert circumstances |
A3859 | Foreclosure & tenant evictions-concerns prohibition during certain emergency |
A3860 | Telemedicine & telehealth-establish requirements to use to respond to COVID-19 |
A3861 | Corp. hold shareholders' meetings-during state of emerg by remote communications |
A3862 | Prof or occup lic-expedite individuals during state of emerg or pub health emerg |
A3864 | Notaries public-authorizes to perform notarial acts remotely |
A3865 | Food, retail stores-limits return of items |
ACR165 | DHS apply for federal waivers-facilitate/increase access to SNAP benefits |
AJR158 | Broadband access-urge FCC to secure for those affected by COVID-19 |
S432 | Workers comp coverage-revises for injuries to volunteer and prof pub safety memb |
S687 | Hunger-Free Students' Bill of Rights Act-school meal info be provided to parents |
S993 | Non-teaching staff-submit to binding arbitration for a disciplinary action |
S1982 | Ballots-provide county clerks w/an addl. week + 1 day if date falls on a holiday |
S1990 | Government office, unsalaried-allows member of Bd of Public Utilities to serve |
S2273 | SEHBP-provide plans for public education employees and certain retirees |
S2275 | Food banks, grants;$15M |
S2276 | Foreclosure & tenant evictions-concerns prohibition during certain emergency |
S2281 | School meal provision during epidemic-req school district provide during closure |
S2282 | Bridging the Digital Divide in Schools Grant Program-establishes |
S2283 | Coronavirus disease 2019-req. health insurance & Medicaid coverage for testing |
S2284 | Grants-authorize EDA to make during periods of emergency declared by Governor |
S2285 | Paid leave, local gov employees-provide w/out utilizing accumulated leave, cert |
S2286 | Coronavirus 2019-authorize all licensed health facilities & labs to test |
S2287 | Public health emergencies-require food access info be displayed on websites |
S2288 | Cash payments to Work First NJ recipients-issue supplemental, cert circumstances |
S2289 | Telemedicine & telehealth-establish requirements to use to respond to COVID-19 |
S2290 | Corp. hold shareholders' meetings-during state of emerg by remote communications |
S2291 | Food, retail stores-limits return of items |
S2292 | 180-day school year requirement-permits use of virtual or remote instruction |
S2293 | Temp Lost Wage Unemployment Prog-allow claim for lost wages, coronavirus 2019 |
S2294 | Public meetings during period of emergency-allows to conduct by electronic means |
S2295 | County & municipal budgets-extend deadlines for adoption, certain circumstances |
S2296 | State government business & session-conduct outside Trenton, period of emergency |
S2297 | Healthcare & residential facility sanitation, coronavirus 2019;$10M |
S2298 | Prof or occup lic-expedite individuals during state of emerg or pub health emerg |
S2299 | Notaries public-authorizes to perform notarial acts remotely |
S2300 | Income tax or CBT-extends time to file if federal gov extends filing or due date |
S2301 | Infectious disease, time off work-concerns |
S2302 | Government record availability during emergency-modifies deadline |
S2303 | Public school districts-concerns subcontracting agreements |
SCR65 | Earth Day-commemorates 50th anniversary |
SCR109 | DHS apply for federal waivers-facilitate/increase access to SNAP benefits |
SJR77 | Broadband access-urge FCC to secure for those affected by COVID-19 |