Here's What's On Tap Under The Gold Dome On Thursday And Monday

Here's what's on tap under the Gold Dome on Thursday (February 20th) and Monday (February 24th):
ASSEMBLY QUORUM 1:00 PM Assembly Chambers
Committees at the Call of the Speaker
Assembly Telecommunications and Utilities Meeting 10:00 AM Committee Room 9, 3rd Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ
Chair: Asm. DeAngelo, Wayne P.
A229 [DeAngelo, Wayne P./Wimberly, Benjie E.+1], Telecommunications company-prov prorated refunds, svc outages longer than 24 hrs
A312 [Danielsen, Joe/Mukherji, Raj+4], Public utility termination-provide customer certified letter 10 days prior
A1725 [Kennedy, James J./Benson, Daniel R.], Pub. util. & cable tv svc providers-notify public entities of svc discontinuance
A2101 [Swain, Lisa/Tully, P. Christopher+4], Public utilities infrastructure projects-provide notice prior to initiating
Pending Referral:
A2371 [Kennedy, James J./Pinkin, Nancy J.], Food waste generators, large-required to separate and recycle waste
Disparity in State Procurement Study Commission
Meeting 10:00 AM Committee Room 10,
3rd Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ
NJ Law Revision Commission Meeting 4:30 PM
Commission Offices, 153 Halsey St., 7th Floor, Newark, NJ
Senate Select Committee on New Jersey Transit Meeting
11:00 AM Committee Room 4, 1st Floor,
State House Annex, Trenton, NJ
Chair: Sen. Sweeney, Stephen M.
The Committee has invited New Jersey Transit Corporation President and CEO
Kevin Corbett and other New Jersey Transit employees to testify concerning
efforts to improve service, manage operations, upgrade infrastructure, implement various reforms and accurately identify capital and operating funding needs.
SENATE QUORUM 12:00 PM Senate Chambers
10:00 AM: Group (3) Committees scheduled to meet
1:00 PM: Group (4) Committees scheduled to meet
Senate Economic Growth Meeting 10:30 AM
Committee Room 1, 1st Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ
Chair: Sen. Cruz-Perez, Nilsa
S594 [Beach, James/Greenstein, Linda R.], Life Sciences Internship Challenge-creates program, tax credit to cert companies
S828 [Lagana, Joseph A./Greenstein, Linda R.], Public utilities infrastructure projects-provide notice prior to initiating
S1157 [Ruiz, M. Teresa], Emerging Technology Urban Grant Program in EDA-establishes
S1245 [Gopal, Vin], Equine-related farm employee housing with horses-establishes Right to Farm
SR27 [Kean, Thomas H.], Foreign-based companies-encourages to make direct investment in NJ
Senate Environment and Energy Meeting 10:00 AM
Committee Room 6, 1st Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ
Chair: Sen. Smith, Bob
S232 [Singleton, Troy/Weinberg, Loretta], Environmental permits in burdened communities-concerns
S331 [Smith, Bob/Codey, Richard J.+2], State House Complex-requires environmental sustainability plan
S337 [Smith, Bob/Greenstein, Linda R.], Sch dist bldgs-NJ infrastr Bank issue bonds
to finan cost-effective improvements
S349 [Smith, Bob], Electric veh. charging stations-developers offer option in new
home construction
S766 [Gopal, Vin], Chloe's Pet Access Law-permits dogs in outdoor seating areas
of restaurants
S920 [Singleton, Troy], Cats and other animals-prohibits surgical declawing
S1016 [Smith, Bob], Neonicotinoid pesticides-directs DEP to classify as restricted
use pesticide
Senate Higher Education Meeting
Chair: Sen. Cunningham, Sandra B.
The Committee will not meet.
Senate Judiciary Meeting
Chair: Sen. Scutari, Nicholas P.
The Committee will not meet.
Senate Law and Public Safety Meeting 1:00 PM
Committee Room 10, 3rd Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ
Chair: Sen. Greenstein, Linda R.
S120 [Holzapfel, James W.+2], Firearm, loaded-incr criminal penalties w/in access of minors resulting in death
S551 [Codey, Richard J.], Municipal emergency management coordinators, non-resident-permits appointment
S700 [Ruiz, M. Teresa], Sexual assault training for law enforcement-expand scope
S746 [Gopal, Vin], Firearms-prohibits possession by person convicted of animal cruelty
S896 [Pou, Nellie], Juvenile legal representation-expands Office of Public Defender
S1661 [Greenstein, Linda R.], Prisoner reentry peer support hotline-establishes
SCR53 [Ruiz, M. Teresa/Cunningham, Sandra B.+1], Commission on Reentry Services for Women-establishes
SJR41 [Cruz-Perez, Nilsa/Addiego, Dawn Marie], Gun Violence Awareness Day-designates June 2 of each year
Senate Military and Veterans' Affairs Meeting 1:00 PM Committee Room 1, 1st Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ
Chair: Sen. Gopal, Vin
S60 [Singer, Robert W./Singleton, Troy], Military Pro Bono Program-provide legal representation, active-duty service memb
S61 [Singer, Robert W./Singleton, Troy], Prof lic/application fees-concerns spouse/dependent of active duty servicemember
S170 [Corrado, Kristin M.+1], Veterans Assistance Grant Prog-estab nonprofit organizations, provide cert. svcs
S717 [Addiego, Dawn Marie/Singleton, Troy+1], Veteran, surviving spouse-provides income tax deduction
S913 [Connors, Christopher J.], Surviving spouse, cert blind or disabled vet-annual comp paid from date of death
S1002 [Vitale, Joseph F.], Postage for sending goods to Armed Forces-income tax credit for cost
S1235 [Turner, Shirley K.], Veterans, disabled-exempts from municipal parking meter fee payment
S1251 [Gopal, Vin], Birth certificate to military veteran-requires issuance of 1 free copy
Pending Introduction and Referral:
S1866 [Gopal, Vin], St. contracts for service-disabled veteran-owned business-estab price preference
Senate State Government, Wagering, Tourism & Historic Preservation Meeting
Chair: Sen. Beach, James
The Committee will not meet.
ASSEMBLY SESSION 1:00 PM Assembly Chambers
Voting Session:
A242 [DeAngelo, Wayne P./Downey, Joann+1], Legal signature-clarifies person w/disab sign w/finger or other identifying mark
A270 [Armato, John/Mazzeo, Vincent], F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Jets-air quality studies, support campaign;$50K
A377 [Danielsen, Joe/McKeon, John F.], Cannabis-related businesses-creates certain protections for insurers
A492 [Webber, Jay/Houghtaling, Eric+3], Economic development subsidy-business loan overdue, prohibits awarding
A516 [Jimenez, Angelica M./Rooney, Kevin J.], EMT certification, certain out-of-State-provide reciprocity
A543 [Jimenez, Angelica M./Giblin, Thomas P.], Psychologist training requirements-revises
A702 [Sumter, Shavonda E./Mazzeo, Vincent+1], State info tech contracts-req software use to document contractor computer use
A703 [Sumter, Shavonda E./Mukherji, Raj+2], Probation officers-union officials who represent participate in union activities
A723 [Johnson, Gordon M./Wimberly, Benjie E.+3], Bus. for certification-prohibits disqual. of certain minority and women owned
A724 [Johnson, Gordon M./Vainieri Huttle, Valerie+6], False public alarms-includes crime as form of bias intimidation
A741 [Johnson, Gordon M./Conaway, Herb+4], Fuel Cell Task Force-establishes and increases use of fuel cells in State
A744 [Johnson, Gordon M.+1], Law enforce agency-prov internal affair/personnel file of police, other agencies
A745 [Johnson, Gordon M./Pinkin, Nancy J.+7], Transportation network company driver-pretending, fraudulent, criminalizes
A853 [Chiaravalloti, Nicholas/Karabinchak, Robert J.+9], Temporary businesses-prohibits municipal licensure of children operating
A860 [Chiaravalloti, Nicholas/Karabinchak, Robert J.+4], Supportive Technology for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities Task Force
A863 [Chiaravalloti, Nicholas/Johnson, Gordon M.+2], Bias intimidation offenses-requires AG report to FBI for hate crime statistics
A1104 [Murphy, Carol A./McKnight, Angela V.+4], Hunger-Free Students' Bill of Rights Act-school meal info be provided to parents
A1145 [Freiman, Roy/Egan, Joseph V.+11], Electronic Permit Processing Review System-establishes
A1176 [Zwicker, Andrew/Freiman, Roy], Cardiac procedures, full service adult-DOH license certain qualifying hospitals
A1229 [Schaer, Gary S./Mosquera, Gabriela M.+11], Homeless prevention programs-DCA make information available on its website
A1263 [Schaer, Gary S./Johnson, Gordon M.], Life insurance, stranger-originated-prohibits act, practice or arrangement
A1296 [Mosquera, Gabriela M./Murphy, Carol A.+4], Complaints, public-State department required to provide a link on its website
A1369 [Benson, Daniel R./Zwicker, Andrew], Patrolman Billie D Ellis Memorial Highway-desig. portion of Rt 27 in Princeton
A1443 [DeCroce, BettyLou/Benson, Daniel R.+5], Suicide prevention training-required for mental health practitioners
A1459 [Moriarty, Paul D./Johnson, Gordon M.+3], Children's products-prohibits sale containing lead, mercury or cadmium
A1630 [Lampitt, Pamela R./Greenwald, Louis D.+8], School meals, bill in arrears-clarifies school dist cannot restrict meal access
A1632 [Lampitt, Pamela R./Reynolds-Jackson, Verlina+7], School Meal Fund-sch district establish to assist student w/meal bill in arrears
A1993 [Pinkin, Nancy J./Benson, Daniel R.+1], Electric veh. charging stations-developers offer option in new home construction
A2116 [Tully, P. Christopher/Swain, Lisa+6], Fed. fds for St agencies-St Treasurer submit report to Leg identifying deadlines
A2775 [Houghtaling, Eric], Wineries on preserved farmland-pilot program authorizing special occasion events
ACR127 [Pinkin, Nancy J./Reynolds-Jackson, Verlina], 19th Amendment-commemorate 100th anniversary of passage of women's right to vote
AJR28 [Giblin, Thomas P./Vainieri Huttle, Valerie], Eating Disorders Awareness Week-permanently designates last week in February
AJR30 [Murphy, Carol A./Mosquera, Gabriela M.+10], Domestic Violence & Legal Access Task Force-establishes; study unmet legal needs
AJR32 [Freiman, Roy/Zwicker, Andrew], Autoimmune Encephalitis Awareness Day-designates February 22 of each year
AR17 [Tucker, Cleopatra G./McKnight, Angela V.+2], Violence-declares public health crisis
AR38 [Conaway, Herb/Zwicker, Andrew+3], Hydrogen fuel cell vehicle-provide funding & incentives to promote usage
AR78 [Mosquera, Gabriela M./Moen, William F.+4], 2020 Census Complete Count Committees-urges counties and municipalities create
AR79 [Mosquera, Gabriela M./Holley, Jamel C.+4], Get Out the Count Week-designates March 12 thru 20; encourage full Census count
SCR39 [Greenstein, Linda R./Turner, Shirley K.+1], 19th Amendment-commemorate 100th anniversary of passage of women's right to vote