Here's What's On Tap Under The Gold Dome Today

Here's what's on tap under the Gold Dome today (July 16th):
SENATE SESSION 11:00 AM Senate Chambers
Voting Session:
A4175 [Pintor Marin, Eliana/McKeon, John F.+1], COVID-19 Emergency Bond Act authorizes issuance of State bonds totaling $9.9B
S2697 [Sweeney, Stephen M./Sarlo, Paul A.], COVID-19 Emergency Bond Act authorizes issuance of State bonds totaling $9.9B
Senate Community and Urban Affairs Meeting 12:00 PM
Committee Room 4, 1st Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ
Chair: Sen. Singleton, Troy
Due to the public health emergency, the State House Annex remains closed to visitors
and members of the public will not be allowed to attend the meeting in person, unless
properly registered to testify on a bill under consideration.
The public may monitor the committee proceedings on the New Jersey Legislature
home page, at The Committee will take in person
testimony on bills for those members of the public who properly register.
If you are interested in registering your position with the Committee, please fill out the
Registration Form located on the New Jersey Legislature home page under the
applicable Committee heading. If you wish to testify, check the box 'Do you wish to
testify?' on the form. The form must be submitted by 5:00 PM on 7/15/2020.
Instructions for providing testimony will be forwarded to you.
The public is encouraged to submit written testimony electronically in lieu of oral
testimony. Written testimony will be included in the Committee record and distributed to
the Committee members. Written testimony should be submitted to
A1049 [Jasey, Mila M./Quijano, Annette+16], Residential Foreclosure Transformation
Act-transfer to affordable housing
S250 [Singleton, Troy], Fair Chance in Housing Act-estab cert housing rights, persons
w/criminal records
S855 [Sweeney, Stephen M./Pennacchio, Joseph+1], Board of chosen freeholders- change title to board of county commissioners
S956 [Connors, Christopher J./Stack, Brian P.+1], Veteran's property tax exemption –extends to tenant shareholders in co-ops
S1382 [Connors, Christopher J.], Wharves, piers repair-auth. municipalities to adopt
ordinances req. maintenance
S1513 [Cruz-Perez, Nilsa/Singleton, Troy], Residential Foreclosure Transformation
Act-transfer to affordable housing
S1767 [Singer, Robert W.], Property tax appeals, third-party-prohibits
S2130 [Gill, Nia H.], Community Wealth Preservation Prog-expand access, purch prop
from sheriff's sale
S2248 [Holzapfel, James W.], Real estate devel., new-requires installation of
emergency power to common areas
S2572 [Rice, Ronald L.], Purchasing agents, local-concerns requirements
SR76 [Singleton, Troy], Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rule-opposes proposed
ASSEMBLY SESSION 1:00 PM Assembly Chambers
Voting Session:
A4175 [Pintor Marin, Eliana/McKeon, John F.+1], COVID-19 Emergency Bond Actauthorizes issuance of State bonds totaling $9.9B