Here's What's On Tap Under The (Virtual) Gold Dome On Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday

Here's what's on tap under the Gold Dome on Monday (May 11th), Tuesday (May 12th), and Thursday (May 14th):
MONDAY, MAY 11, 2020
SENATE QUORUM 12:00 PM Senate Chambers
Committees at the Call of the Senate President
Senate Judiciary Meeting 11:00 AM Committee Room 4, 1st Floor,
State House Annex, Trenton, NJ
Chair: Sen. Scutari, Nicholas P.
Due to the public health emergency, the State House Annex remains closed and the
public will not be allowed to attend the meeting in person. The Committee will take oral
testimony on bills or nominations, by telephone, and/or video limited to 3 minutes.
If you are interested in testifying orally, you should fill out the SJU Committee
Registration Form located above on the 'Register to Testify' link. The form must be
submitted by 3:00 pm, Friday May 8, 2020.
Committee contact information will be forwarded to you. The public is encouraged to
submit testimony electronically in lieu of oral testimony.
Written testimony will be included in the record, but in the case of information
concerning the character or qualifications of a person nominated by the Governor, such
will remain confidential. Testimony should be submitted to
to be a member of the Burlington County Board of Taxation:
Lester Holley of Edgewater Park to replace Brian Summerville, for the term
prescribed by law.
Josh Foote of Lumberton to replace Donn C. Lamon, for the term prescribed by law.
Sean Kennedy of Medford to succeed himself, for the term prescribed by law.
Debra Valenzano of Shamong to replace Larry Chatzidakis, for the term prescribed
by law.
to be a member of the Delaware and Raritan Canal Commission:
John J. Reiser, Jr. of North Brunswick to replace Mary Allessio Leck, for the term
prescribed by law.
to be a member of the Hudson County Board of Taxation:
Robert G. Doria of Bayonne to succeed himself, for the term prescribed by law.
to be a member of the Marine Fisheries Council:
Joseph M. Rizzo of West Creek to succeed himself, for the term prescribed by law.
Patrick F. Donnelly of Brick to replace Joseph A. Zaborowski, for the term prescribed
by law.
Kevin W. Wark of Barnegat Light to replace Frances Puskas, for the term prescribed
by law.
to be a member of the New Jesey State Board of Cosmetology and Hairstyling:
Brigitte F. Nzali of Lindenwold for the term prescribed by law.
to be a member of the Shellfisheries Council:
Richard J. Malinowski of Salem to succeed himself, for the term prescribed by law.
Walter L. Johnson, III of Manahawkin to succeed himself, for the term prescribed by
John J. Maxwell of Germania to succeed himself, for the term prescribed by law.
to be a member of the Thomas Edison State University Board of Trustees:
Brian T. Maloney of Flemington to succeed himself, for the term prescribed by law.
to be a member of the Veterans' Services Council:
Larry S. Rosenthal of Hamilton to replace Richard Clark, for the term prescribed by
to be a Judge of the Superior Court:
Honorable Samuel J. Ragonese, J.S.C. of Glassboro for the term prescribed by law.
to be a member of the NJ Transit Corporation:
Janna Chernetz of Scotch Plains to replace Bruce Meisel, for the term prescribed by
Michael D. Beson of Ocean to replace Myron Shevell, for the term prescribed by law.
ASSEMBLY QUORUM 12:00 PM Assembly Chambers
Committees at the Call of the Speaker
Assembly Appropriations Meeting 1:00 PM Committee Room 11,
4th Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ
Chair: Asm. Burzichelli, John J.
Due to the public health emergency, the State House Annex remains closed to visitors
and the public will not be allowed to attend the meeting in person. The Committee will
take oral testimony on bills, by telephone and/or video, limited to three minutes.
If you are interested in testifying orally, you should fill out the AAP Committee
Registration Form located above on the 'Register to Testify' link. The form must be
submitted by 3:00 pm 5/8/20. Committee contact info will be forwarded to you.
The public is encouraged to submit testimony electronically in lieu of oral testimony.
Written testimony will be included in the committee record and distributed to the
Committee members.
Written testimony will be included in the committee record and distributed to the
committee members. Written testimony should be submitted to
A3945 [Murphy, Carol A./Chaparro, Annette+4], Accidental disability & death benefitsextend
elig, PFRS/PERS during st of emerg
A3969 [Danielsen, Joe], Local government deadlines, meetings and acceptance of
prop tax payments
A3996 [Lopez, Yvonne], Pub contract penalties/terms-provides for waivers &
modification due to COVID-19
A4030 [Mukherji, Raj/Benson, Daniel R.], Employment & Business-Related Tax
Deferral Assistance Program-establishes
A4126 [Egan, Joseph V.], Utility pymt, water/sewer-authorities waive interest & lien
enforce during emerg
A4127 [Speight, Shanique], Local govts & school districts-allow to engage in borrowing
to aid w/COVID-19
A4128 [Verrelli, Anthony S./Mukherji, Raj], Remote meetings, certain-concerns
participation during state of emergency
A4129 [Spearman, William W./Vainieri Huttle, Valerie], COVID-19-req. health care fac.
report data related to workers & first responders
A4131 [Karabinchak, Robert J./McKnight, Angela V.], Hotel sanitization-require DOH
establish guidelines
A4132 [Taliaferro, Adam J.], Workers benefits and leave-enhances certain rights
S2347 [Sweeney, Stephen M./Greenstein, Linda R.+8], Employment & Business-
Related Tax Deferral Assistance Program-establishes
TUESDAY, MAY 12, 2020
Senate Budget and Appropriations Meeting 2:00 PM Committee
Room 4, 1st Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ
Chair: Sen. Sarlo, Paul A.
Due to the public health emergency, the State House Annex remains closed to visitors
and the public will not be allowed to attend the meeting in person. The Committee will
take oral testimony on bills, by telephone and/or video, limited to three minutes.
If you are interested in testifying orally, you should fill out the Senate Budget and
Appropriations Committee Registration Form located on the NJ Legislature home page.
The form must be submitted by 3:00 PM Monday May 11, 2020. The public is
encouraged to submit testimony electronically in lieu of oral testimony. Written
testimony will be included in the committee record and distributed to the Committee
members. Written testimony should be submitted to:
S2360 [Kean, Thomas H./Singleton, Troy+1], Charitable contributions, cert-allow gross
income tax deduction during COVID-19
S2384 [Greenstein, Linda R.+4], COVID-19-req. health care fac. report data related to
workers & first responders
S2392 [Sarlo, Paul A.+3], Local government deadlines, meetings and acceptance of
prop tax payments
S2413 [Gopal, Vin/O'Scanlon, Declan J.+2], Alcoholic beverage-allows certain delivery
& sale during state of emergency
S2423 [Pou, Nellie], Bankruptcy proceedings-concerns exemptions
S2436 [Gopal, Vin/Greenstein, Linda R.+1], Coronavirus disease 2019 testingauthorizes
pharmacists to order and administer
S2437 [Gopal, Vin], Food takeout & delivery, third-party-limits service fees during state
of emerg.
Pending Introduction and or Referral:
S2361 [Corrado, Kristin M.], Infectious disease terroristic threats, COVID-19-establish
second degree crime
S2477 [Sweeney, Stephen M.], Civil Service, Sate employees-permits tranfer in certain
Senate Labor Meeting 3:30 PM Committee Room 4, First Floor,
State House Annex, Trenton, NJ
Chair: Sen. Madden, Fred H.
Due to the public health emergency, the State House Annex remains closed to visitors
and the public will not be allowed to attend the meeting in person. The Committee will
take oral testimony on bill, by telephone and/or video, limited to three minutes.
If you are interested in testifying orally, you should fill out the Senate Labor Committee
Registration Form located on the NJ Legislature home page. The form must be
submitted by 3:00 p.m. on 5/11/2020. Committee contact info will be forwarded to you.
The public is encouraged to submit testimony electronically in lieu of oral testimony.
Written testimony will be included in the committee record and distributed to the
Committee members. Written testimony should be submitted to:
S2380 [Sweeney, Stephen M./Singer, Robert W.], Essential employees contracted
infection-concerns employment benefits
S2478 [Sweeney, Stephen M.], Casinos-require DOH establish guidelines
S2479 [Sweeney, Stephen M.], Hotel sanitization-require DOH establish guidelines
S2380 [Sweeney, Stephen M./Singer, Robert W.], Essential employees contracted
infection-concerns employment benefits
S2478 [Sweeney, Stephen M.], Casinos-require DOH establish guidelines
S2479 [Sweeney, Stephen M.], Hotel sanitization-require DOH establish guidelines
Senate Law and Public Safety Meeting 10:00 AM Committee
Room 4, 1st Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ
Chair: Sen. Greenstein, Linda R.
Due to the public health emergency, the State House Annex remains closed to visitors
and the public will not be allowed to attend the meeting in person. The committee will
take oral testimony on bills, by telephone and/or video.
If you are interested in testifying orally, you should fill out the SLP Committee
Registration Form located on the NJ Legislature home page. The form must be
submitted by 3:00 PM on 5/11/20. Committee contact information will be forwarded to
you. The public is encouraged to submit testimony electronically in lieu of oral
testimony. Written testimony will be included in the committee record and distributed to
the committee members. Written testimony should be submitted to:
The Committee will hear testimony from invited guests concerning the results of the
Investigation of the Edna Mahan Correctional Facility for Women by the US Dept. of
Justice & discuss the causes and consequences of sexual abuse at the facility.
SJR79 [Greenstein, Linda R.], Sexual assault by staff against inmates in St correctional
fac-create study comm
THURSDAY, MAY 14, 2020
10:00 AM: Committees at the Call of the Senate President
Voting Session (remote) Board list to be announced
A2963 [Johnson, Gordon M./Tully, P. Christopher], Government office, unsalariedallows
member of Bd of Public Utilities to serve
A3905 [Timberlake, Britnee N./Vainieri Huttle, Valerie+1], Work First program-revises
requirements for cash assistance benefits;$17M
A3919 [Calabrese, Clinton/Spearman, William W.+5], Permits, certain-extends during
COVID-19 emergency
A3942 [Mukherji, Raj/Vainieri Huttle, Valerie+4], Childbirth-requires hospital permit
individual accompany woman during
A3945 [Murphy, Carol A./Chaparro, Annette+4], Accidental disability & death benefitsextend
elig, PFRS/PERS during st of emerg
A3946 [Jasey, Mila M./Caputo, Ralph R.+6], Student financial aid-provide relief due to
2020 health state of emergency
A3956 [Chaparro, Annette/Mukherji, Raj+3], 2020 NJ Emergency Rental Assistance
A3959 [Mukherji, Raj/Vainieri Huttle, Valerie+2], Hospitality Emergency Loan Prog.-
provide no-interest loan to qual small business
A3964 [Quijano, Annette/Coughlin, Craig J.+1], Marriage/civil union lic, patients w/lifethreatening
symptoms-permit remote app
A3965 [Moen, William F./Murphy, Carol A.], Alcoholic beverages, small producersexpand
existing EDA loan program to include
A3966 [Burzichelli, John J./Freiman, Roy+9], Alcoholic beverage-allows certain delivery
& sale during state of emergency
A3969 [Danielsen, Joe], Local government deadlines, meetings and acceptance of
prop tax payments
A3970 [Reynolds-Jackson, Verlina/Quijano, Annette+1], Prescr. drug refills during state
of emerg.-req Medicaid & health insur coverage
A3971 [Benson, Daniel R./Coughlin, Craig J.+2], Coronavirus relief bonds-authorizes
the issuance of by municipalities & counties
A3996 [Lopez, Yvonne], Pub contract penalties/terms-provides for waivers &
modification due to COVID-19
A4126 [Egan, Joseph V.], Utility pymt, water/sewer-authorities waive interest & lien
enforce during emerg
A4128 [Verrelli, Anthony S./Mukherji, Raj], Remote meetings, certain-concerns
participation during state of emergency
A4131 [Karabinchak, Robert J./McKnight, Angela V.], Hotel sanitization-require DOH
establish guidelines
A4132 [Taliaferro, Adam J.], Workers benefits and leave-enhances certain rights
S1990 [Weinberg, Loretta/Lagana, Joseph A.], Government office, unsalaried-allows
member of Bd of Public Utilities to serve
S2332 [Stack, Brian P./Sweeney, Stephen M.+12], 2020 NJ Emergency Rental
Assistance Program-establishes;$100M
S2344 [Pou, Nellie/Singer, Robert W.+7], Prescr. drug refills during state of emerg.-req
Medicaid & health insur coverage
S2356 [Cunningham, Sandra B./Kean, Thomas H.+6], Student financial aid-provide
relief due to 2020 public health state emergency