Hey Conservatives, Bashaw is All Right

Hey conservatives, Curtis Bashaw is all right.

That's the message that came Wednesday night from the Morris County chapter of Moms for Liberty.

This is meaningful because Bashaw by his own admission does not fit in a box when it comes to conventional conservative belief. As he tells everyone in a TV ad, he is pro-choice and gay.

This has caused some problems with the more conservative, or MAGA wing, of the Republican Party.

Mike Crispi of the America First Republicans, for example, sharply criticized one of his debate performances.

With that in mind, Kristen Cobo, the Morris County chair of Moms for Liberty, says she had a virtual discussion with Bashaw.

And he apparently passed the test. She said Bashaw agreed to sign the organization's parents pledge.

Here is Cobo's release:

"There is a fundamental disconnect that exists between families and “the system." Parents often feel they are up against a machine, unheard and frustrated. We are leading the effort to close that gap and effect lasting

During this unprecedented time, moms and dads have had to stand up and fight for the fundamental right to direct the upbringing of our own children. A right that should be inherent in this beautiful and free nation that
we are blessed to live. As parents on the front line of this fight against government overreach, we need to engage and hold elected officials accountable to implement policies that will further our mission: to strengthen parental involvement and decision-making, increase transparency, defend against government overreach and secure parental rights at all levels of government.
Today (Wednesday) I was happy to meet virtually with Curtis Bashaw, U.S. Senate Candidate in NJ. I pressed Mr. Bashaw about the concerns I have regarding dangerous policies coming down from the Department of Education, laws being passed that not only threaten parental rights and harm our most vulnerable, but also dismantle the most sacred system, that of the family.
While I understand that some conservatives have questioned the stance of Mr. Bashaw on certain issues, my focus today was hearing his stance on the teaching of gender ideology in schools, the inclusion of sexually
explicit material in school, allowing biological males in our girls’ bathrooms, locker rooms and sports - as these issues directly impact our ability to provide a safe and prosperous environment for our children.
Mr. Bashaw not only enthusiastically expressed his support of the parental rights movement, he was aligned on all the above issues and signed our Moms for Liberty Parent Pledge. We look forward to continuing these
important conversations and working together to restore parental rights for the safety of our children." 

Polls give Democrat Andy Kim a healthy lead in the U.S. Senate race. That makes it imperative for Bashaw to have all Republicans on his side if he has any chance of pulling off an upset.

This type of support can help.


Previous comments for: Hey Conservatives, Bashaw is All Right

  1. Thomas Jefferson says:

    The Southern Poverty Law Center is nothing but a lawfare operation against Republicans and Conservatives. The SPLC is actually a "hate group" themselves. They started as an anti-KKK group and eliminated the KKK (or so we think). Then, when they had no more money coming in, they became an anti-hate group targeting Republicans and Conservatives. The money poured in from unknown major Democrat donors. Since then, it has been found that anti-Americans like George Soros, and other anti-American billionaires, those like actor George Clooney & his wife, and JP Morgan Bank have donated large sums to go after their political enemies--conservatives and Republicans. SPLC has made it a habit of suing and going after parents, especially mothers, who don't want their children subjected to the LBGTQ & Trans propaganda being fed in schools. According to the New Yorker magazine the SPLC is a racist organization. Blacks are given low-level jobs. All of their attorneys are white. Even employees say that the SPLC is a company of contradiction. Their found, Morris Dees, was fired because he was sexually harassing and possibly assaulting the young women who came to work for the SPLC. https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/the-reckoning-of-morris-dees-and-the-southern-poverty-law-center So, before extollling the "virtues" of the Southern Poverty Law Center as targeting valid parents' groups, learn about the history of this group of bigots.

  2. Bob says:

    'Moms for Liberty and its nationwide chapters combat what they consider the “woke indoctrination” of children by advocating for book bans in school libraries and endorsing candidates for public office that align with the group's views. They also use their multiple social media platforms to target teachers and school officials, advocate for the abolition of the Department of Education, advance a conspiracy propaganda, and spread hateful imagery and rhetoric against the LGBTQ community.' https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/group/moms-liberty

  3. Kathleen Demarest says:

    This is an act of desperation on the part of Curtis Bashaw. The Southern Poverty Law Center has designated Moms for Liberty as a hate group. My opinion: WIN OR LOSE, CURTIS BASHAW GOES FORWARD WITHOUT HONOR.

  4. Henry says:

    LOL, he speaks to you with a forked tongue! He supports LGBTQ, so-called pride month, and abortion up till birth! I have a bridge to sell your organization. $15 for each car to cross over.

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