Hoboken Requires Vaccinations for All Municipal Employees

Hoboken Mayor Bhalla

Mayor Ravi S. Bhalla today signed an Executive Order requiring that all municipal employees in the City of Hoboken be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 by August 9, or submit to regular testing. Employees who are not fully vaccinated will be required to take and submit to the City weekly COVID-19 tests and wear a face-covering in both indoor settings and when interacting with the public.

The vaccination or testing requirement aims to promote safety and prevent the spread of COVID-19 in municipal buildings and within the Hoboken community, as many public employees regularly come into contact with residents and community stakeholders.

“Given the recent increase of cases and the Delta variant in our region, the requirement we’re adopting today has become necessary to help keep our community safe,” said Mayor Bhalla. “I ask all Hoboken businesses and companies to consider implementing similar measures, to protect their own employees and members of the public. The vaccines have been proven to be highly effective and I strongly encourage every person who has not yet done so, to get vaccinated as soon as possible.”

Earlier this week, the United States Department of Justice declared that federal law does not prohibit private businesses or public agencies from imposing COVID-19 vaccination requirements for employees. Local Hoboken businesses that choose to implement a vaccine mandate, or a vaccine or testing requirement are permitted to do so.

“The vaccines have been proven effective and are saving lives,” said Dr. John Rimmer, Chief Medical Officer of Hoboken University Medical Center. “With the spread of the Delta variant – we are all faced with two options – get the vaccine, or inevitably get the virus.  Without question, the vaccine is currently the safer option.”

The City is continuing to offer weekly testing and vaccine clinics to anyone who lives, works, or goes to school in Hoboken.

The Hoboken Health Department will provide free vaccinations to all municipal employees on Tuesday, August 4, through Medicine Man Pharmacy at 605 Jackson St. from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m.

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