Under the Hood in War-Torn Hudson


HOBOKEN - The source sat in shadow in the back of Antique Bakery.

Near the ovens.

The eyes darted once, when a waitress walked by and strayed close to the table.

Otherwise he kept it strictly eyeball to eyeball.

He's a Hudson insider, the kind of guy who shows up with both ears dutifully glued to his surroundings.

He said he thinks state Senator Brian Stack (D-33) will replace Hudson County Executive Tom DeGise with state Senator Sandy Cunningham (D-31).

"[Hudson Freeholder] Billy O'Dea wants the job, sure, but Brian's making it clear in public statements he's made about the old white male look and feel of the party that it's time to go in another direction. My guess is Sandy," he added. "And that gives him some cover for his next move."

The source said he suspected Stack would back Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop to replace U.S. Rep. Albio Sires (D-8).

"The kid [Fulop] - he's smart, but he's a legislator, not an administrator," the source conjectured. "Perfect for Washington."

Would Stack and Fulop get involved in Bayonne in time for the May 8th nonpartisan mayor's contest?

"I don't know," said the source, shrugging. "I don't think they need to. People will push and shove, sure. [Jason] O'Donnell will nudge. But they have the votes. Stack has the party votes in the committee. There's no real reason for him to stick his nose in Bayonne right now. Unless he's sure O'Donnell's going to win.

"Or," the source added with a grin, "if he's just looking to have fun. But remember, Brian felt burned by Hoboken. He backed [Dawn] Zimmer and then she bailed on him. That irritated Brian. Got him thinking. Why start throwing punches locally?"


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