Hudson Co's (surprisingly uncontroversial) ICE Detention Camps

Last week, the Hudson County Freeholders Commissioners approved a 10 year ICE contract to warehouse immigrants in the US illegally. The final tally, 6 votes to 3, came after a contentious 10+ hour hearing that (mostly) outlined why Hudson's ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) detention camps are among American's most squalid.
Amy Torres of Jersey City is on the Hudson County Progressive Alliance.
“Following a historic national election that served as a referendum against racism and family separation, Hudson County’s Democratic Freeholders voted to deny justice and safety for immigrant communities by extending their ICE contract for 10 years, the maximum period of time allowed by law,” Ms Torres said. "These Democratic lawmakers, who preside over one of the most diverse counties in the nation, proved that no amount of moral imperative, public participation, or sound reasoning can overcome the control wielded by the current political apparatus.”
She's not wrong.
With its diverse and liberal population, Hudson County is an unlikely place to carry out Donald Trump's mean-spirited, ineffective immigration policies. But thanks to conservative democrats like Commissioner Anthony Romano, ICE got another 1o-year hitch. Consequences will be negligible. Mr Romano's reelection is all but assured thanks to the coveted "county line" on the ballot that's designed and perfected to protect incumbents like him.
New Jersey is the only state in the nation that structures its primary ballots to favor candidates who receive party backing, giving them a large edge, disadvantaging opponents and confusing many voters, a new report contends.
Hector Oseguera is an anti-machine liberal born and raised in Hudson County.
"I live in one of the bluest districts of one of the bluest states in the country, yet often find myself clashing with local Democrats on issues where nationally, Democrats clash with Republicans," Mr Oseguera told InsiderNJ. "This ICE contract is a perfect example. The all-Democratic Freeholders who voted for the ICE contract don’t care about the will of the people, or the values we hold dear. Their loyalty lies with the machine that guarantees re-election through the county line."
(Note: "Freeholder" is a Jersey-centric term that, until very recently, was officially used to describe County Commissioners.)
Mr. Oseguera scored 18,557 votes when he challenged Congressman Albio Sires in last spring's democratic primary. Sires, who's been mum on ICE detention camps in his own district, went on to win re-election handily with the full backing of the Hudson County democratic machine.
As the chairperson on the Hudson County Democratic Organization, Amy DeGise is technically the gatekeeper awarding the party line that, by design, practically ensures Election Day success. Ms. DeGise's ascent to lead Hudson Co democratic politics was a hopeful sign for many. Liberals delighted seeing a self-described progressive feminist at the helm. Especially considering Ms. DeGise's vanquished foe, Brian Stack, is a long- serving dual office holder more emblematic of an Old Boy's Network.
But if Chairwoman DeGise has opinions about breaking up families and housing them in squalor while Congress sorts out immigration policy, she's kept them to herself. As have most Hudson County democratic potentates.
Amy Wilson of Jersey City Tweeted much of the ICE hearing for folks (like me) following along from beyond Hudson County. She called the silence from erstwhile ICE critics as "deafening and painful" citing Jersey City Mayor Steve Fulop, Hudson Co Executive Tom DeGise, and HCDO Chair Amy DeGise.
"The majority of the Freeholders showed a level of callous indifference to story after story of detainees facing abysmal conditions, sexual assault, and lack of access to health care in the jail," Ms. Wilson told InsiderNJ "As residents of Hudson County gave impassioned and emotional testimonies, the Freeholders took turns rolling their eyes, audibly sighing, and acting bored and hostile to the people they serve."
For his part, US Senator Bob Menendez, the patriarch of Hudson County politics, was mostly absent as the ICE contract debate raged to a crescendo. Menendez' son, Robert Jr, teased a possible run for Jersey City mayor on Twitter. But so far, like far too many democrats, he's mum on detention camps in Hudson County.
By the way, if Robert Menendez Jr challenges Jersey City Mayor Fulop to a primary election duel next year, it'll be a race to prove who's the more progressive choice. And it's gonna be super awkward when someone asks why neither had anything to say about ICE camps in Hudson.
Bergen, Essex
Four long years of Donald Trump's abject awfulness have given democrats a lot of cover for their own bad choices. And sadly, Hudson isn't the only democratic-controlled NJ county warehousing ICE immigrants.
Bergen and Essex County jails house immigrants as well because doing ICE's dirty work is lucrative business, especially when jails skimp on basics like tooth paste and toilet paper. Currently, immigrants detained in Hackensack, Bergen County are on hunger strike to protest the substandard living conditions they while awaiting an immigration hearing.
ICE's 10 year contract with Hudson County was already signed by the time the news trickled out to the rest of the state. That was likely the point. Scheduling a contentious hearing the Tuesday before Easter with no fanfare has that effect.
The Commissioners didn't want us to notice until it was too late and it worked.
But with Donald Trump on the way out, advocates and activists will have a lot more time and attention to focus on the (mostly) Democrats who've dutifully enabled Trump's worst impulses with their actions or their silence.
Jay Lassiter is the angry, aging court jester of NJ politics.