Hudson County War: Stack Lands in Kearny Amid Throngs of Backers (with VIDEO)

KEARNY - Suddenly the area was engulfed by bodies and a cry went up, "Brian, Brian, Brian."
It looked a little like that scene in Glory where Robert Gould Shaw leaves his horse to run the dunes and decides to walk in with his men.
There was state Senator Brian P. Stack on foot amid the hail of cheers.
"Brian! Brian! Brian!"
They blotted out the van broadcasting Stack's 2013 endorsement of Republican Governor Chris Christie.
Stack ran walked to the side doors where he met his ally, Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop.
They greeted each other.
Any DeGise was in the vicinity.
The crowd was flooding into the high school.
The names of towns adorned makeshift tables in an antechamber.
Attorney Angelo Genova (Stack) sat on one side.
Attorney Steve Kleinman (HCDO) toted a briefcase on the other.
It was happening.
There was retiring [bubbleAutoLink text="Hudson County Democratic Organization (HCDO)" id="26483"] Chairman Vincent Prieto, roaming the room.
There was Hudson County Exeuctive Tom DeGise, whose daughter opposed Stack.
[caption id="attachment_31059" align="alignnone" width="2560"] Tom DeGise[/caption]