In Hudson, Shock and Awe Versus Secret Meetings

Sources in Hudson County tell InsiderNJ that state Senator Brian P. Stack (D-33) is running a "Newark Election Day operation every day" in Union City and the the environs of the 33rd district.

His enthusiasm for campaigning  - when there's no discernible opposition - is apparently wearing people out around him.

Stack's on the ballot this year as he runs for the senate seat he won ten years ago, so he wants to be able to chest thump with abandon on the other side of June 6th, as that indefatigably and unarguably most powerful elected official in Hudson.

Of course, he's always paying attention to state Senator Nick Sacco (D-32), North Hudson's other domineering political silo.

One source in Hudson told InsiderNJ that Stack has 500 bodies a night in Union City, pounding the pavement all day until 9 at night. The same source described those people as looking overworked at the end of each shift - like gulag drift at sundown. On weekends he has people in jersey City, in the Heights section, combing the blocks with stack ticket literature and distributing it with accompanying fanfare.

"Stack's the only one running a real program in Hudson - the only one with any real work ethic," one source opined. "the Murphy people have to be pleased, because no one else over here is showing any energy. There's no energy for Murphy except for the energy stack has for himself, which transfers to Murphy."

Murphy is Phil Murphy, the former U.S. Ambassador to Germany running for the Democratic nomination for governor on the Hudson County Democratic Organization (HCDO) line that Stack occupies.

A second source disagreed that Stack is the only one working toward a successful June 6th for Democrats, and made the case that Sacco's machine - which destroyed the opposition  in the May Board of Ed race - will again be in gear.

"It's just a different approach," the source said. "With Brian is shock and awe and with Nick it's secret meetings."


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