Hudson Update: 441 COVID-19 Cases, 6 Deaths as of Thursday

March 26th: Hudson County reports 441 positive tests for COVID-19 in Hudson County, and 6 deaths.

The county's drive-thru testing site at Hudson Regional Hospital completed 215 tests on Thursday.

County Electronic Candidate Petitions for the 2020 June Primary Election update: All walk-in services are temporarily suspended. For hand deliveries, including Vote by Mail applications and candidate petitions, a drop-off box is located at the Hudson County Plaza lobby located at 257 Cornelison Avenue – 1st Floor, Jersey City, NJ 07302.

As a preventative health measure and to slow the spread of COVID 19 and speed up our service delivery, the Hudson County One-Stop Career Centers will remain closed to the public until further notice.  

We continue to ask for your help encouraging our customers who need to file for unemployment to apply online at  If customers are unable to access the internet, please have them call:    North Jersey:  201-601-4100 Central Jersey:  732-761-2020 Southern Jersey:  856-507-2340 

The statewide COVID-19 case count as of 2pm Friday March 27th is 8825, and 108 fatalities, according to the NJDOH, a loss of 27 residents over the past 24 hours, and an increase of 1,982 cases.

COVID-19 Cases by County
Data is provisional and subsequent to revision.

1,984 Positives Pending Further Information

Bergen County:

1,505 Positive Test Result(s)

Essex County:

826 Positive Test Result(s)

Middlesex County:

640 Positive Test Result(s)

Monmouth County:

634 Positive Test Result(s)

Hudson County:

594 Positive Test Result(s)

Union County:

519 Positive Test Result(s)

Ocean County:

484 Positive Test Result(s)

Passaic County:

484 Positive Test Result(s)

Morris County:

391 Positive Test Result(s)

Somerset County:

222 Positive Test Result(s)

Mercer County:

131 Positive Test Result(s)

Camden County:

95 Positive Test Result(s)

Burlington County:

88 Positive Test Result(s)

Sussex County:

65 Positive Test Result(s)

Hunterdon County:

52 Positive Test Result(s)

Gloucester County:

40 Positive Test Result(s)

Warren County:

38 Positive Test Result(s)

Atlantic County:

14 Positive Test Result(s)

Cumberland County:

9 Positive Test Result(s)

Cape May County:

7 Positive Test Result(s)

Salem County:

3 Positive Test Result(s)

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