Hughes: I have not Yet Begun to Fight

Brian M. Hughes committed to stay in primary race
Hughes’ statement on results of Mercer County Democratic Convention

Today’s convention results come as no surprise considering the planned and orchestrated maneuvering by the Mercer County Democratic Chair Janice Mironov and my opponent, Dan Benson, who are intent on weakening our party for their own personal ambitions and gain.

I am proud of the work of my administration and how far we have come together. It was 19 years ago that I stepped up to take on a Republican-controlled machine that was in power for 24 years.  Since then, our party has not only maintained complete control of our Board of Commissioners, but every county-wide office along with scoring huge Democratic victories in state and federal campaigns.

I believe the voters of this great county recognize effective leadership and my long record of accomplishments. We have always put our constituents first by providing critical services and opening up county government to everyone regardless of their gender, race, ethnicity or geography.

Benson’s campaign will no doubt release a statement that he has been “chosen” by the party to be our next County Executive. But that is not true. A mere 384 party insiders voted for Benson – many of them hand-picked by our Democratic Party boss. I believe that the more than 120,000 Democratic voters in this county should have a say in who their nominee for County Executive is, so I am taking my campaign to them. I look forward to comparing my record of accomplishments with that of my opponent before ALL the Democratic voters in Mercer County. I am confident that those voters will nominate me on June 6 to continue our record of accomplishments.

Our work is far from done but I believe in what we have started here in Mercer County, whether it is services to our residents through Human Services and other departments, to job creation and economic development, to our outstanding park offerings, to opening our county to the world through Trenton-Mercer Airport. We have much more to do, and we have every intention of getting it done.

Make no mistake, I am fully committed to being successful in the primary and I am excited about finishing what I have started.

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One response to “Hughes: I have not Yet Begun to Fight”

  1. Dan benson
    Should be ashamed of himself and the chair person, and the rest of the Democrats that are doing this I am a Democrat my whole family is democratic. My grandfather was a strong Democrat.
    But we do not run against our own kind in this way benson should’ve waited until Brian retired this would probably be his last term.
    And all who is supporting Dan Benson will lose my support and my families the people I’m talking about and Office will now

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