Hugin Celebrates Ratepayer Victory


Today, Bob Hugin, Chairman of the New Jersey Republican State Committee (“NJGOP”) released the following statement in response to the news that Ørsted North American would be abandoning its Ocean Wind 1 and 2 projects: “While we are pleased that the voices of grassroots activists and concerns of New Jersey taxpayers prevailed over powerful, foreign offshore wind interests, it does not change the simple fact that Governor Murphy and Democrats in the legislature backed this unsustainable technology at every turn. “Just this summer, Murphy and the Democrats doubled down on this failing scheme with our taxpayer dollars to the tune of a $1 billion bailout. Their irresponsible abuse of our resources and incalculable damage to our shoreline will not be forgotten. Voters will take into account Governor Murphy’s ‘competence and credibility’ on Election Day.” Hugin concluded, “New Jersey needs to have all energy options on the table while making it affordable for our families and seniors. It’s time to put ratepayers and taxpayers first in considering the necessary energy transitions we face as a society. Since Democrats in this one-party rule state have proven to be useless lapdogs in enabling this egregious abuse of taxpayer dollars, only common sense Republican leadership in the legislature can produce solutions that will put New Jersey families first.”

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3 responses to “Hugin Celebrates Ratepayer Victory”

  1. ‘During Hugin’s tenure, Celgene was reprimanded multiple times by the U.S Food and Drug Administration, including a formal warning letter in 2000 for not sharing all the risks associated with their drugs, and for marketing their drug Thalomid and others to doctors for unapproved uses. In 2017, Celgene was forced to pay $280 million in response to a lawsuit regarding these practices.[6] Hugin has been criticized for drastically raising the prices of several drugs while he was in charge of Celgene.[6][19] For example, in 2006, the drug Revlimid was introduced to the market and cost about $6,000 for a one-month supply. Celgene was able to actively prevent generic versions of the drug from being sold, and by the year 2017, the price for the same amount of Revlimid had been raised by Celgene to over $16,000.[6]’

  2. If Democrats gave Orsted $1 BILLION DOLLARS for a BAILOUT this past summer, and Orsted then really bailed out, then Orsted committed fraud, tax fraud, extortion, corruption, racketeering, theft by deception, theft by failure to make disposition, and the like. Since Orsted is doing business in New Jersey, New Jersey government, i.e., the Democrats, have a responsibility; no, a duty, to recover the $1 BILLION DOLLARS IMMEDIATELY!!!!

    Orsted MUST be ordered by the Courts, or even the Legislature, to give back the money to NJ taxpayers and have that money used for property tax reduction.

    If not, then ALL Democrat Legislators in New Jersey (along with Gov. Phil KNUCKLEHEAD Murphy) are complicit in the fraud, extortion, corrupt, theft and racketeering, and MUST be voted out of office for being criminals, then all be tried for crimes against New Jersey taxpayers.

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