Hunter Hysteria won’t Solve Human-bear Complaints in New Jersey

By Brian R. Hackett and Angi Metler
For those who have seen recent press regarding New Jersey’s black bears, don’t be fooled by the hysterical misinformation campaign intended to push highly unpopular, needless, cruel trophy hunting of these treasured animals. Those hoping to dupe the public into supporting another black bear trophy hunt regularly point to rare instances of human-bear encounters, which could have been prevented with proper trash management and education.
Living in bear country is a privilege with responsibilities. Residents utilizing simple “Bear Smart” techniques are paramount to avoiding human-bear encounters. Fortunately, that’s the easy part. “Bear Smart” limits bird feeders and secures all garbage receptacles. In areas where bears frequent, it is vital to protect pets and animals who live outside.
Unfortunately, State Senator Steven Oroho (R-Sussex) and a tiny — but loud — contingent of hunters seeking to reinitiate a black bear trophy hunt are stoking misplaced fear of bears. Senator Oroho has spoken of a bear in his driveway, but the reality is, all the past hunts he has supported did nothing to keep that bruin away. Hunts don’t do that—and worse—give people a false sense of security.
Bear incidents rise and fall during hunting seasons and in the absence of it. There is also no correlation between the number of bears and incidents. In 2001, the New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife (DFW) estimated about 1,777 bears in northern New Jersey. The total number of incidents reported in that year numbered 1,736. In 2020, DFW estimated 3,158 bears and the total number of incidents were 1,407. 1.
We need to applaud — not overturn — Governor Phil Murphy’s decision and commitment last year not to allow a lethal bear hunt as long as he is governor. Human-bear encounters are remedied with a pro-active, truly comprehensive, and science-based black bear management policy that offers solutions and mirror programs that have proven successful in places with far more bears than New Jersey. The takeaway: keeping bears away from human-derived foods is key in reducing sightings, incidents, and increased bear reproduction. This includes a ban on bear baiting by hunters, a grossly irresponsible practice of habituating bears to human food for the sake of an easy kill during a trophy hunt. New Jersey’s past practice allowing trophy hunters to bait bears with piles of donuts has resulted in habituation of bears to human food, and seeking out food in residents’ trash.
Former State Senator Raymond Lesniak offered a comprehensive plan for “Bear Smart” legislation several years ago. Folks like Senator Oroho didn’t like it even though it was a market-based system designed to drive down the cost of bear-resistant trash cans to benefit bear country residents. Oroho incorrectly called this legislation an “unfunded mandate.” Had it passed, instead of a can costing about $100, some are paying upwards of $569 for bear-resistant containers.
In addition to proof of these approaches having success in other states, science shows that hunting bears is ineffective at reducing the bear population or sightings near residential areas. When non-lethal black bear management programs are in place, complaints and incidents go down. In 2005, Rutgers’ professor, Edward A. Tavvs, studied the correlation between the reduction in black bear complaints and the implementation of a hunt vs. a non-lethal program. The hunting approach was investigated by reviewing data from four U.S. states (Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York, Minnesota) and Ontario, Canada. The non-lethal program was analyzed by reviewing data from three U.S. national parks (Yellowstone, Yosemite, and Great Smoky) and three communities bordering national parks (Juneau [Alaska], Elliot Lake [Ontario, Canada], and the Lake Tahoe Basin [Nevada]), as well as the state of New Jersey.
Tavvs proved that hunting black bears does not decrease complaints. It correlates with increasing complaints. The non-lethal approach, focusing on garbage control, results in reduced complaints. See report here2.
According to state statistics, a dismal 0.3 percent—less than one-half of one percent—of New Jersey residents hold a resident hunting license.
The overwhelming supermajority of our state’s residents do not hunt nor support a counterproductive black bear trophy hunt. These residents, and black bear advocates, agree science should drive black bear management policies. Let’s not reinvent the wheel. Valerie Matheson, Boulder’s urban wildlife conservation coordinator, runs an excellent bear program. She developed benchmarks and phases for implementation and gauging success and is exceptionally well-versed. She is an invaluable resource for New Jersey.
Let’s work with haulers — who have indicated support in the past — to get affordable bear-resistant cans where needed. Let’s stop whining, ginning up media hysteria; let’s roll up our sleeves and get to work bringing real solutions to our beloved bear country residents. Our behavior is the problem; we need to be the solution. We look forward to working with DEP Commissioner Shawn LaTourette, Senate President Nick Scutari, Assembly Speaker Craig Coughlin, and other legislative leaders this session on just that. New Jersey needs “Bear Smart” solutions now.
Angi Metler, Executive Director, Animal Protection League of New Jersey
Brian R. Hackett, Legislative Affairs Manager, Animal Legal Defense Fund
You people are gonna get some one killed. The other day I was almost attacked by a bear that I already had 2 previous encounters with. Each time he gets more and more bold. The 3rd time he tried to charge be but I was able to repel the charge. Dangerous games you people are playing.
While I can appreciate the authors passion, the stance is simply irresponsible. To state you want to follow a science based comprehensive bear management policy and then fail to mention state biologists begged the governor to allow an emergency hunt. Those biologists have forgotten more about bear science than the author could ever hope to learn. A CBMMP has been sitting on the EPA directors desk for 18 months now. Where is the action? Why is the governor using bear population as a political football as opposed to following the science laid out in front of him?
I hunt and still have great respect for the animals I obviously don't understand how bears breed and how fast they can overpopulate an area. They are beautiful animals but should still be managed. You can't just let their population grow beyond its capacity to be supported by its habitat. Take a walk in the woods..there is only so much food for bear, deer and other animals to eat..starving animals is much more cruel then managing them. They are wild animals,not your buddies!
I hunt and still have great respect for the animals I obviously don't understand how bears breed and how fast they can overpopulate an area. They are beautiful animals but should still be managed. You can't just let their population grow beyond its capacity to br supported by its habitat. Take a walk in the woods..there is only so much food for bead, deer and other animals to eat..starving animals is much more cruel then managing them. They are wild animals,not your buddies!
I enjoyed this column and found it interesting and informative. Never been in favor of bear hunts. The days of hunting bears for trophy bear rugs should be over. We are evolving into more compassionate and understanding human beings.