Hundreds in Attendance at Legislative Black Caucus Gala
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The New Jersey Legislative Black Caucus hosted a Gala tonight with over 500 individuals from across the state in attendance.
Elected officials, community leaders and young emergent leaders could be glimpsed in the crowd of the caucus gala at the New Brunswick Hyatt Regency.
The proceeds from the gala will go to the NJ Legislative Black Caucus Foundation to sponsor interns in legislative and local offices.
Among those present: Lieutenant Governor Sheila Oliver, Legislative Back Caucus Chairman Ronald L. Rice, Democratic State Party Chairman John Currie, Black Caucus Vice Chair Shavonda Sumter (above, to Currie's left), Assembly Speaker Craig Coughlin (D-19), state Senator Nick Scutari (D-22), state Senator Vin Gopal (D-11), along with all the members of the legislative Black Caucus.
Among those pictured above was Elizabeth Councilwoman Patricia Perkins-Auguste, to the right of Chairman Currie.
They're friends.
Democcratic Party Committeemember Perkins-Auguste bucked Union during the [bubbleAutoLink text="chairman's fight" id="44168"] last year to stand with Currie against the challenge of Essex County Democratic Chairman Leroy Jones. It was one of those little unforeseen moves that caused Jones' forces to scratch their heads in their tally leading up to cutting a deal with Currie sooner than challenge him at the scheduled convention.
Against the backdrop of a competitive Democratic Primary for president, the overriding sentiment among gala-goers was that the party must expunge President Donald J. Trump from the White House in 2020.
Interesting how these women can stand beside this man who has been eerily silent about the sexual harassment, sexual assault and mysogyny taking place in the party that he leads. Where's the outrage? How is the Democratic State Committee going to address these issues? Why is this man getting a pass and not being held accountable for his own actions?