Hunterdon County Administrator Announces Retirement

Hunterdon County Administrator Kevin P. Davis will retire from the Administrator’s position effective July 8, 2022, and Deputy Administrator Brad Myhre will be considered for appointment as Administrator at the next Board of Commissioners meeting, Director John E. Lanza announced today.

Lanza said, “Mr. Davis, who began his career in government in 1972, advised the Board when he came here in 2017 that he planned to serve one three-year term. With the advent of the Covid-19 pandemic, however, the Board prevailed upon Mr. Davis to serve longer. He is now headed to a well-deserved retirement.

The Board members, County government operations, and the people of Hunterdon County have all benefited greatly from Mr. Davis’ executive leadership, and he will be missed.”

Davis, a Raritan Township resident, stated, “I have enjoyed meeting the many challenges facing county government during my five plus years here at the county. If my tenure has been successful, it is due to the dedication our county employees have in serving the people of the county. I thank the Commissioners for having faith in my advice on the many challenges we have faced. The people of the county could not have better, more dedicated elected officials.”

Davis had previously served over the years as the Administrator and Township Clerk in both Hillsborough and Hillside Townships. He also was on the staff of the state legislature for many

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