Hurley: Senator Brown Poised for Flight


From WPG Talk Radio's Harry Hurley this afternoon: "We reported several months ago that reliable New Jersey state sources advised us that New Jersey State Senator Chris Brown, R-2 may leave his Senate seat early to take a position within state government.

"Specifically, the proposed position would involve Brown working directly with the City of Atlantic City.

"Some call this position informally, 'Atlantic City Czar.'

"I interviewed Brown at the time of our first article on this subject.

"Brown would not confirm or deny interest in the position. Brown did make it clear to me that 'if I take a position, it will not be as a Czar.'

"Brown conveyed that he strongly dislikes the 'Czar' label. It’s actually anathema to everything that Brown stands for as a good man.

"Two very well placed state sources have confirmed to me that the Brown switching of roles may take place as early as this week."

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