'I Will not Apologize,' Says Murphy

Phil Murphy knows people are being inconvenienced; especially high school seniors, golfers and those who like visiting parks.
But so what?
True, he didn't exactly say it that way, but there was no confusing the governor's message at today's daily briefing.
"Personal health creates economic health," Murphy said. In fact, by my count, he said it five times.
And he also said personal inconvenience pales when compared to the 4,377 "blessed souls" who New Jersey has now lost to the coronavirus.
All this came in the face of growing demands to "reopen" the state, basically from Republicans and others on the right. There have been protests across the nation and New Jersey, of course, doesn't exist in a vacuum.
"I will not apologize" for the response, the governor said at another point today.
And then he pointed to a photo on the wall behind him of Jack Allard.
"Look at that guy," he said.
Who is Jack Allard?
Allard, 26, is a Ridgewood native and former college lacrosse star who was nearly killed by COVID-19.
He was hospitalized for more than a month before being discharged last week.
Murphy's point was clear. Here was a strong, young athlete and the virus almost took him down. If it can do that, it can kill just about anyone.
So until it ceases being a threat, rules in regard to social distancing and the like are going to stay in place. The governor said everything the state does is data-driven and that evidence is "unmistakable" and "unambiguous" that his policies are working.
Yes, there were more than 3,500 new cases reported today and 177 additional deaths, but all the news was not gloomy.
Murphy said the number of new cases has leveled off, so the curve is flattening. Moreover, those discharged from hospitals after COVID-19 treatment now are beginning to exceed those admitted with the disease.
Notwithstanding the political rumblings in opposition, the governor said most people are following the rules. There are always "knuckleheads," as Murphy calls them, and we heard about a beaut of a
knucklehead today.
The State Police reported that a man in a Facebook post threatened to "run down" people at a testing site. When tracked down by police, he said he didn't really intend to do it. Just a joke, one supposes.
Murphy said he was also concerned about "benign" violations like "undereground play dates" and no social distancing among neighbors at the end of a driveway.
Still, he has no plans to make things tougher. Answering a question, he ruled out prohibiting shoppers from entering supermarkets and making food stores delivery-only.
He insisted that his edicts won't last forever and that they are also quite practical. He speculated that even if small retail shops opened today on a proverbial Main Street, they'd have few customers because
so many people are staying home.
Asked specifically about a possible protest next week against his policies, the governor said he wishes it would be a "virtual" protest and not an actual one.
And he said he simply disagrees with the protesters' goals, because state policies are saving lives. And he left no doubt about what will guide him in the debate over reopening New Jersey.
"Public health is number one, it trumps everything else," the governor said.
One of my friends is an ICU nurse in my county and she has said that her hospital is treating many undocumented. So, I don't understand where these questions from left - field need to be asked. Sometimes the premise of the question is a red herring, in other words. It avoids discussion of real issues and wastes valuable time.
No, no one should attack anyone based on their exercise of free speech.
I have no problem with the actions this Governor has taken Closing parks may seem extreme, but we Jersey folks will always push the edge of the envelop. I have friends with COVID-19, believe me, I don't want any part of it. Also, it is impossible to cover every topic during a press conference. Hydroxyquinine with a Z-Pack has worked for some patients. So have plasma treatments. The problem is that there are no conclusive studies that allow the FDA endorse or approve it. As such, any Governor has to tread carefully around the topic of treatment. I am not a Murphy fan or supporter and will not be voting for him, but I compliment him on how he is handling the COVID-19 pandemic. So attack me if you want, but my opinion will not change until I see him do something I feel is wrong.
Maybe the guy who jokingly threatened to run over the testing lines was drunk when he did so? As you know, the liquor stores are considered essential and remain open. Gov. Murphy never explained what exactly made that decision a wise one, particularly when it is being said that more people are abusing alcohol and other drugs during the pandemic scare than ever before.
They also did not discuss the availability and use of the proven treatment of hydroxyquinilone / zinc / azythromycin treatment protocol and how that's working with the patients in New Jersey. He hasn't addressed how this treatment can be used to avoid hospitalizations.
Also, he didn't address the problems with the unemployment system. Some people have been laid off for a month now and they cannot get through to submit their applications for unemployment benefits.
But he didn't give any guidance about whether we are still in "settle in place"/"lockdown" or whether we are "social distancing"/"wearing masks".