'I'll Have Your Back': The 2004 Version of Murphy's Campaign Slogan


"Dishes," the signature ad of the Murphy Campaign, features the line, "I'll have your back," which may sound familiar.

John Kerry, who ran for president in 2004 and lost to incumbent George W. Bush, made "I've got your back" his campaign slogan on the trail.

Kerry had struggled that year to come up with a strong line. His campaign had tried "the Courage to Do What's Right for America" early in the primary and later experimented with "Let America be America Again" after a poem written by Langston Hughes.

But according to the autobiography of campaign consultant Bob Schrum, Kerry felt most comfortable with "I've got your back," which he used in his stump speeches down the stretch of his doomed general election bid against Bush, and on the night before Election Day here.

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