
Chairman Jones’ Letter to Jaimie Harrison

Jaime Harrison
Chairman, Democratic National Committee
430 South Capitol Street SE
Washington, DC 20003

Dear Chairman Harrison:

The Democratic Party performs best when it succeeds in engaging new voters representing the future of
our country. The selection of additional early primary states in 2006 that better represented the diversity
of the nation and our party was a prudent acknowledgement of the need for this kind of engagement. In
that spirit, I write today to ask you to consider making New Jersey one of the first presidential primary
states as the DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee considers modernizing its primary calendar.
Moving to a new, modernized presidential nominating system would send a strong message that the
Democratic Party is focused not on the past, but on the future. Our party cannot cling to outdated
traditions that do not help us reach new voters and motivate the diverse coalition of supporters needed to win elections and enact our pro-middle class agenda.

New Jersey has everything that our party needs to fulfill this important role. Our state is noteworthy for its compact size as the fourth smallest state in the nation, which would save candidates valuable travel time and resources and encourage the kind of retail campaigning that has always been a hallmark of the
Democratic presidential primary process.

New Jersey is as diverse as any state in the nation, with a population that is 15% Black, 10% Asian
American, and 21% Latino – proportions that are significantly higher among registered Democrats voting in a primary. Our Latino community is particularly diverse, with large populations ranging from recent immigrants to first, second and third generation residents whose ancestry can be traced back to countries and regions such as Cuba, Central America, South America, Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic and Mexico, among others. As the home of Ellis Island, New Jersey also has a long and storied tradition of welcoming immigrants throughout our history. This striking level of diversity makes New Jersey truly representative of the Democratic Party and the current and future American electorate.

New Jersey also has a unique degree of geographic diversity. We are widely considered to be one of the
most suburban states in the nation, but are also home to some of the most densely populated
municipalities in the country, in addition to rural communities in Northwest and South Jersey. No other
state affords its residents the opportunity to wake up in a city, spend the day hiking on a rural trail or
mountain, and then enjoy an oceanfront view for dinner the way that New Jersey does — making our
state the ideal proving ground for political candidates across urban, suburban, and rural settings. In many ways, we are truly a microcosm of the country.

New Jersey also embodies many of our party’s core values. We are a proud union state with over 600,000 active union members representing over 16% of New Jersey’s workforce, a significantly higher
percentage than the national average of 10%. Our party has been proud to partner with unions like the
American Federation of Teachers; New Jersey Education Association; Retail, Wholesale and Department
Store Union (RWDSU); Communications Workers of America, AFL-CIO, Building and Construction
Trades, SEIU, and many other labor groups. We are also a proudly pro-choice and pro-LGBTQI rights
state that unabashedly believes that we must protect everyone’s reproductive rights and serve as a
welcoming home for all.

A longtime primary state, New Jersey has come a long way in making voting easier and more convenient.
Through the leadership of Governor Phil Murphy, Lt. Governor Sheila Oliver, and our Legislature, New
Jersey has expanded access to vote by mail, implemented automatic voter registration, enacted online
voter registration, instituted in-person early voting, restored voting rights to individuals on probation and parole, and taken many other steps to strengthen our democracy.

Beyond New Jersey’s many unique attributes, we also hold meaningful political relevance. New Jersey
lies at the center of our party’s efforts to protect our majority in the U.S. House of Representatives, with
four frontline incumbent Democrats whose victories are critical to that mission. Our state is home to many suburban voters who have been driven away from the Republican Party by Trumpism and are now
helping the Democratic Party achieve a governing majority, as well as many progressive grassroots
advocates who have taken an active role in protecting our democracy through civic engagement. We also
hold the distinction of being one of the few states that conducts off-year gubernatorial elections, making
us a national bellwether that often signals coming political tides.

It is time for the Democratic Party to move boldly into the future with a presidential primary calendar that reflects the diversity of our party and nation. Let’s make New Jersey one of the first primary states, and set up future Democratic Party presidential nominees for long-term success.

NJ Division of Elections: Total Number of Registered Voters, Ballots Cast, Ballots Rejected, Percentage of Ballots Cast and the Total Number of Election Districts in New Jersey (PDF)

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Gopal Leads GOP Opponent by 2,077 Votes


Gopal Now Up by 1k as He Appears to Survive


GOP Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy Spikes the Football on New Jersey

Murphy Leads Ciattarelli

Source: CNN
Source: CNN

Essex VBMs in particular will put some separation on Ciattarelli, insist Murphy allies, hopeful of squeezing a digit or two out of the race in time for certification next week.


Ciattarelli Shaking Murphy World

The New Jersey’s Governor’s race is hanging by a thread. And that thread is blue collar, where working class towns like Bloomfield, Bayonne, and Carteret are making it a real contest, and sending shivers up the spines of Democrats.

Republican Jack Ciattarelli is threatening incumbent Democratic Governor Phil Murphy tonight.

The Bergen County suburbs are watching the returns and seeing Ciattarelli keeping pace with or beating Murphy.


Party-like Atmosphere in Ciattarelli Headquarters

BRIDGEWATER – You would think Phil Murphy is bound to take an early lead when the polls close.After all, the estimated 730,000 early and vote-by-mail ballots are tilting Democrat in a rather big way.So, you have to figure the earliest returns will show Murphy with a nice lead.Jack Ciattarelli, like the governor, is a baseball fan.So in baseball-speak, this may be the equivalent of a team having an 8-game lead at the All-Star break.We say “may be,” because this assumption is based on county election officials tabulating and reporting the early vote soon after the polls closed.Here at the Bridgeqater Marriott, the crowd is arriving and as usual, optimism is in the air.


Hugin Brings Good News

Bob Hugin just emerged from the GOP war room bearing some good, albeit maybe inconsequential, news.Republicans, he said, flipped the town governmental bodies in Paramus and Springfield.It’s early, but from the vantage point of winning from the ground up, the state chair was delighted to share the news.


Blue Collar Jersey Towns Going with Ciattarelli

Blue collars towns are swinging toward Jack Ciattarelli tonight in the governor’s race.

Hawthorne went Republican.

Little Falls.

Bergen towns were leaning Ciattarelli.

In Parsippany, Republican Jamie Barberio turned out the Democratic incumbent.

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