Pascrell out of the Chamber and Safe
U.S. Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-9) was on the floor of the United States Capitol but is now out of the chamber safe, according to his spokesman Mark Greenbaum.

U.S. Capitol Breached
Pro-Trump protesters have breached the United States Capitol, according to CNN.

Live Stream: The Electoral College Count (1pm)
The proceedings begin at 1pm:

Murphy Joins Lumberton’s LaPlaca for a New Era
Governor Phil Murphy and senators Troy Singleton and Dawn Addiego tonight joined the newly sworn-in members of the Lumberton Township Committee, a majority female (three) governing body led by Mayor Gina LaPlaca.

New Jersey Nears Half A Million COVID-19 Cases Recorded
As of Tuesday, New Jersey is nearing the 500,000 mark of recorded COVID-19 cases since the beginning of the pandemic; with the current rate of cases reported daily, the state will surpass 500k by Wednesday. With nearly 9M residents living in the state, that’s over 5% of the entire population.
The statewide COVID-19 count stands at 499,636 cases and 17,361 fatalities (and 2,021 probable fatalities) as of Tuesday; the viral transmission rate is .94.

Bridget Kelly Weighing Bergen County Clerk Candidacy
Per the Bergen Record’s Mike Kelly, Bridget Kelly is considering a candidacy for Bergen County Clerk. Read the report here.

Codey Swears in Shi, Patel and White in Edison
Governor Richard Codey on Monday night swore in Edison Board of Education members Jerry Shi, Mohin Patel, and Virginia White. Jerry Shi was elected BOE President and Mohin Patel was elected the Vice-President.

Suleiman Erupts After 3rd District Ruling
Atlantic County Democratic Chairman Michael Suleiman released the following statement regarding the ruling in the 3rd District Commissioner race:
“Thelma Witherspoon won this election fair and square. We will not let the voters be disenfranchised, and let taxpayers spend up to $100,000 for a new election, just because the Republicans are unhappy about the voters’ choice. Accordingly, I directed our attorneys to immediately file an appeal.”

Murphy: Vaccine Count Exceeds 100K
New Jersey has so far administered 101,417 COVID-19 vaccinations, according to Governor Phil Murphy.