Murphy Slams NY Young Republicans and Rep. Gaetz: ‘You Are Not Welcome In New Jersey’
Governor Murphy opened his COVID-19 briefing taking aim at the NY Young Republican Club that ‘allegedly snuck into Jersey City last night to hold a gala fundraiser after they couldn’t find a venue in their own city due to the pandemic’. Based on a photo from the event show during the briefing, there was no social distancing or masks being worn.
The Governor zeroed in on Rep. Gaetz, who was present at the event, calling him at first ‘Matt Putz’ and then quickly correcting himself, branding him as a ‘knucklehead’. ‘What a fool’, Murphy said, saying that law enforcement is investigating.
‘He and they should be ashamed of themselves. I hope you’re watching, Matt. You are not welcome in New Jersey, and quite frankly, I don’t ever want you back in this state’.