Mahesh Bhagia

Mahesh Bhagia Wins Edison Dems Chairmanship

Mahesh Bhagia prevailed tonight in his bid to be the Edison Democratic Committee chairman.

The vote tally was 109 for IBA Vice President (and special assistant to Mayor Lankey) Bhagia to 41 for Raj Andya.

The men were vying to succeed Shariq Ahmad, who did not run again for Edison Democratic chairman.

He took a job with the Joe Biden Presidential Campaign.

Roy Den Hollander

Dead Murder Suspect’s Self-Published Screed was Packed with Hate

In a 1,700-page screed, self-published this year, murder suspect Roy Den Hollander “wrote about his hatred of his mother and other women and raged about women judges, including fantasizing about the violent rape of another judge who presided over his divorce case,” according to NBC News.

Also, “Hollander created a website and wrote another book about a previous marriage, in which he laments ‘the harm caused [to] his property by a Russian mafia prostitute, procurer, former mistress to a Chechen warlord, money launderer, drug smuggler who was aided by her mob associates.’ In the book, he threatens to seek retribution against the state for what he considers to be a “Feminazi infestation of government institutions.”

For the full story, please go here.


Murphy: High-Risk Sports Practice, Competition Can Resume; All-Remote Learning Guidance To Be Released

Governor Murphy is signing an executive order to allow high-risk sports to resume practice and competitions.  The NJDOE will announce later this week guidance for parents who want to choose all-remote learning for their children.

Trouble for Jersey City Councilman

“Though details remain unclear at this moment, Ward F Councilman Jermaine Robinson has been accused of assaulting a female victim at his bar & restaurant – The Light Rail Cafe – sometime last night or early this morning,” according to various sources, from Real Garden State.

Regarding recent allegations that occurred at his business establishment after hours on Thursday night, attorney Chris Adams of Greenbaum Rowe Smith & Davis offered this:

“These are allegations made by Mr. Robinson’s former girlfriend who works for his business. The allegations are absolutely false, he has cooperated with the police and he looks forward to the opportunity to vindicate himself and be proven innocent.”

Assembly Judiciary Committee

Assembly Judiciary Committee Moves ‘Freeholder’ Name Change Bill

The Assembly Judiciary Committee this morning passed a bill (A-3954), which would require that the title of “chosen freeholder” be changed to “county commissioner.”

Accordingly, all “boards of chosen freeholders” would be known as “boards of county commissioners” and all individual “freeholders” and “chosen freeholders” would be known as “county commissioners.”  The bill creates a definition for “freeholder” to clarify that any reference in the statutes to a “freeholder” or “chosen freeholder” means a “county commissioner.”

Assemblyman Andrew Zwicker (D-16) is the bill’s prime sponsor.

“This title is by its very nature exclusionary,” said Zwicker.

“New Jersey is the last state to use this offensive term,” said Somerset County Freeholder Director Shanel Robinson, a prime mover along with Union County Freeholder Angela Garretson behind ditching the title.

Cumberland and Van Drew

Line F Candidate Pearson Sitting in Second Place in Cumberland County

Two-hundred and six ballots with so-called signature issues remain to be counted in the Cumberland Freeholder contest, and they’re significant since just 188 votes separate Donna Pearson from Bruce Cooper.

Currently in second place in this long slog election, Pearson ran off the line in the Democratic Primary against the establishment ticcket, which included Cooper.

The night before his impeachment acquital in the senate, Trump delivered a speech that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi would rip in half immediately after his delivery.

NY Times: Trump Taps Stepien For Campaign Manager

Per the NY Times, President Trump has tapped Jersey native Bill Stepien to manage his re-election campaign, replacing Brad Parscale.

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