Senate Budget Committee Passes Bill Extending Deadline for Ballots
The Senate Budget Committee this afternoon passed S-2633, which extends certain ballot receipt and election certification deadlines; increases certain messenger and bearer ballot limits; and equires certain information to increase public awareness and use of voting by mail.
Under the bill, the Secretary of State is required to:
(1) prepare informational posters for use at all polling places that promote voting by mail,
(2) include with mail-in ballots information for the voter on how to check the status of the voter’s mail-in ballot, and
(3) provide educational materials to county board of elections employees on the standards for acceptance and rejection of mail-in ballots.
Republicans on the commitee – Senator Steve Oroho, Ssenator Mike Testa and Senator Declan O’Scanlon – opposed the bill.
Republican Senator Sam Thompson left a “yes” vote.