Insider NJ Key Must-Read Pieces: Week of the Ciattarelli Launch, District Musical Chairs

From the Statehouse to Raritan, from CD2 to CD11, here are the Insider NJ key must-read pieces from the past week.
CD2 Flashpoint: Three Women at the Heart of a Fast-Developing National 2020 Contest
The defection of Jeff Van Drew to the Republican Party summoned multiple CD2-based Democrats looking to take a crack at him in the general election and faced with the prospect, as Van Drew's Donald Trump-backed incumbency deoxygenates the formerly declared candidates in his new party, of a Democratic Primary, maybe a bloody one, in which women form the core of the contest.
Raritan-Grounded Ciattarelli Slaps ‘not from NJ’ Murphy
Phil Murphy comes from Massachusetts. That may be just political trivia, but to many Republicans, it’s much more than that. “The bottom line is this – he’s not New Jersey.” So said Republican Jack Ciattarelli in announcing plans to run against Murphy in 2021.
Murphy’s Walsh Comptroller Roll-out Examined
In Newark Thursday, Governor Phil Murphy announced his nomination of Kevin Walsh to serve as Comptroller of the State of New Jersey.
The Ciattarelli Primary Election Message: Electability
Jack Ciattarelli announced his candidacy for governor of New Jersey last Tuesday, January 21. It is not clear yet who will be his opponents in the 2021 Republican primary.
The NJ Dems’ Iowa Caucus w/John Bartlett + Latinx voters find their MoJo
Hey Jersey Democrats! Are y’all tired of Bernie and Liz people arguing all the time? Ready for the presidential primary season to finally kick off in earnest? I’m definitely ready. Passaic County Freeholder John Bartlett is ready too.
Misbehaving Men should be ‘Very, Very Nervous’
That was one of the messages, if not a threat, emerging from Thursday’s press conference by a group of women assembled by state Sen. Loretta Weinberg to look at sexual harassment, assault and misogyny in New Jersey politics.
InsiderNJ’s Who’s Up and Who’s Down: Week of District Musical Chairs
See where the players stand in Jersey politics over the past week.
Morris County Millennial Spotlight: Justin Musella
Visiting Washington D.C. a year ago, I watched the “roll call” of votes for a new House Speaker and saw that many Republicans were aging white men. Democrats were younger. more female and more racially diverse.
Handicapping the LD25 Special Senate Contest
State Senate races in New Jersey don’t normally coincide with presidential elections, but things are a little different this year in Morris County’s 25th District.
And Then there was 1 (er, 2): The Dwindling CD2 GOP Field
Harry Hurley has learned and confirmed that Brian Fitzherbert will leave the race for the Republican Nomination in CD2. Moreover, self-funding businessman David Richter appears poised to quit his CD2 bid and may instead pursue the GOP nomination against incumbent U.S. Rep. Andy Kim (D-3).
Get to Know NJ’s 2nd Congressional District (a little better!)
How well do you know NJ’s 2nd Congressional district? This particular district shot to prominence nationally when the sitting Congressman Jefferson Van Drew fled the Democratic Party and landed in the welcoming arms of President Donald J. Trump.
Casha withdraws, Backs Becchi in CD11
Republican challenger Larry Casha today announced that he is withdrawing his candidacy in the New Jersey 11th congressional district race and throwing his support to Rosemary Becchi.
Post Casha, Becchi Assumes Command for the GOP
Now that Larry Casha is officially out of the race, Republicans are quickly rallying around Rosemary Becchi as the GOP challenger to Mikie Sherrill.
Sherrill Relishes Contrast Contest with Becchi
It looks like Mikie Sherrill is ready for a campaign.
Malinowski to Kean: ‘Bring it on’
When Tom Malinowski first launched his reelection campaign about 10 days ago in Hunterdon County, his opponent was unknown. It would have been either Tom Kean Jr. or Rosemary Becchi.
Atlantic City Democrats Back CD2 Candidate Kennedy
As per Harry Hurley last night, the Atlantic City Democrats endorsed CD2 primary candidate Amy Kennedy for the Democratic nomination to face GOP Rep. Van Drew.
Codey Critical of Lagana Removal from Judiciary
“What happened last week to Senator Lagana should never happen to any legislator,” said Codey. “Unfortunately, this isn’t the first time we’ve seen this play. We’ve seen it much too often over the past ten years.”
Francis to Launch Campaign for Congress with a Walk
West Cape May Commissioner John Francis will formally enter the CD-2 race by walking from the lighthouse at Cape May Point and through the district.
Gilmore Gets a Year and a Day in Prison
George Gilmore, a partner at an Ocean County law firm and former Ocean County GOP chair, today received a sentence of one year and one day in prison for his conviction on two counts of failing to pay over payroll taxes withheld from employees to the IRS and one count of making false statements on a bank loan application submitted to Ocean First Bank N.A., First Assistant U.S. Attorney Rachael A. Honig announced.
Governor Murphy Takes Action On Over 100 Bills
Governor Murphy took action on over 100 bills.
O’Donoghue Jumps into the Atlantic Sheriff’s Race
Republican Joe O’Donoghue announced his bid for Atlantic County Sheriff this morning during an appearance on the Hurley in the Morning radio show.
Justice over Order: Women Of Color and NJ’s #MeToo moment
It’s been a confusing and frustrating month for women in NJ politics. The #MeToo article in the Star Ledger about sexual harassment revealed a shocking pattern of misogynistic conduct up and down NJ political structures.
Atlantic City and Bobby Kennedy: 1964; Atlantic City and Amy Kennedy: 2020
During the summer of 1963, the Democratic National Committee scheduled their next National Convention for August 24 -August 27, 1964 in Atlantic City, New Jersey.
Second Amendment Sanctuary Resolutions
Some have said that the second amendment sanctuary resolution, which is under consideration in Mt. Olive Township and other municipalities in New Jersey, is pointless as it changes no law and is just the venting of those opposed to any common sense gun legislation, but it is not.