Insider NJ’s Key Must-Read Pieces of the Past Week

From the Statehouse to Linden, from Morris County to Burlington County, here are the key must-read pieces from Insider NJ over the past week:
Key Dynamics in some Key (and not so Key) Nov. 5th Elections
Here are some 18 days away InsiderNJ observations from the campaign trail, including elections dynamics from those most competitive legislative districts, and some of the least competitive districts...
Everything You Always Wanted to Know about the 2019 Elex (but were Afraid to Ask)
An ally of Leonard Lance watched 2017 unfold and told InsiderNJ the Central Jersey Democratic Party was finished...
Insider NJ's Who's Up And Who's Down: Week of Ongoing Intensification
See where the Jersey players stand over the past week in politics...
Palatucci Cautions GOP about ‘Wasting’ Money on CD7 Contender Becchi
An email from Palatucci making the rounds in Republican circles urges folks to forget about donating to, or raising money for, Becchi...
The Tears of a Working Man’s Sister in Kearny: Edilberto Caicedo (1960-2019)
If you’re illegal in this country, you can’t get an organ if you need one, but they will take your organ if you die, said Janet Caicedo, choking back tears in a parking lot outside the warehouse where her brother died...
In Leonia, BOE Member Robins Hopes the Bryce is Right
Bryce Robins, Board of Education Member in Leonia, is a young elected official bringing innovation to his hometown’s school district. He has eschewed many political groups and associations, preferring instead—refreshingly in New Jersey—to focus on his role as President of the Board of Education in the borough of some 9,000...
Hit by Dem TV Ads, Peters Counterattacks Muller in Battleground LD8
Running in arguably the state’s most intense battleground district, a legitimate coin toss, according to the latest polling, Assemblyman Ryan Peters (R-8) threw a hard elbow at Mike Muller, who runs the Democratic Assembly Campaign Committee (DACC)...
Roots of the War: Lesniak and the Buono State Party Chair Precedent
“I was feeling my oats,” Lesniak said, reflecting on the aftermath of the 2013 Democratic Primary in LD20, which he won by 4,500 votes, two years after the Democratic Primary fright of his lfe nearly cost him his seat...
The Most Obvious Authority: Veteran Party Leader Giblin Suggests a Way out of the Chair Nightmare
As Democrats wrangle over party leadership, with sitting Democratic State Party chairman John Currie on one side and Essex Democratic Chairman Leroy Jones on the other, Assemblyman Tom Gibin (D-34) can speak to the subject from a unique vantage point...
Watson Coleman on the State Party Chair Fight: Important for Murphy ‘to have His Choice’
“The governor represents unification of the whole party and he represents the idea that when we can be together, it’s difficult to beat us,” Watson Coleman told InsiderNJ...
Ride My See-Saw: A Friendly Competition in Once Red LD16 with Bateman on Deck
While Cory Booker relies on the message of the Beatles’ “All you need is Love,” LD16’s Andrew Zwicker and Roy Freiman will always have “Ride My See-Saw” by the Moody Blues...
Bucco’s Tuesday Date with Destiny
On Wednesday, a spokesperson for the majority Senate Democrats said Bucco will be sworn to his Senate seat next Tuesday...
Malinowski’s Continuing Run of Town Hall Good will
Some Democrats and others on the left may be salivating at the prospect of impeaching Donald Trump, but Tom Malinowski is not one of them...
Task Force Probe: Grants Stimulate Business (and More!) in New Jersey
Compared to the news reverberating outside, Thursday’s hearing in the War Memorial was a bit low-key...
Jersey City’s Change of Heart on Airbnb
If you’re confused by the rhetoric being flung around by both sides like so much horse manure, there is good reason...
Bramnick says Bucco will Win Assembly Seat in LD25
Strip away all the political machinations in District 25 and you come to a simple question. Why should voters reelect Anthony M. Bucco to the state Assembly if he is not going to serve in the state Assembly?
The Train to 2020: Malinowski v. Kean Against Bramnick Backdrop
The happy talk notwithstanding, the presence of Malinowski stirred some Republicans. Why is he here?
Armstead Calls on the United States Attorney to Investigate Scutari
Linden Mayor Derek Armstead fired of a letter to U.S. Attorney Craig Carpenito, asking for an investigation into state Senator Nick Scutari (D-22), going back to when Scutari worked as the municipal attorney...
Blackface Facebook Photos in Westampton Prompt Calls for Eversmeyer to Abandon Contest
The discovery of photos showing Westampton committee candidate Karl Eversmeyer in blackface spurred outrage in the township today, with former Mayor Carolyn V. Chang calling on Eversmeyer to apologize and drop out of the race immediately...
In Fight for a ‘Fair Workweek,’ Weinberg Stays out of the Fray
Asked about it after the event, she said she was confident the state party would resolve the dispute amicably...
When Sandman and Maraziti Fought Rodino over Impeachment
Impeachments of a president are momentous occasions in United States history, political upheavals which challenge the very core precepts of democracy and freely elected government...
InsiderNJ’s 2nd LGBT Power List comes out Monday October 21st. Here’s a little tribute to some amazing allies to whet your appetite in the meantime...
Biden won the Debate – and it could have a Major Jersey Impact
My analysis runs counter to that of the national “talking heads” that appeared on the major cable networks after last night’s debate...
Tom Kean, Jr. and the Albatrosses of Chris Christie and Donald Trump
In the Pantheon of American state politics, there are three iconic dynastic names: Kean in New Jersey, Kennedy in Massachusetts, and LaFollette in Wisconsin. The Kean name, however is without question presently the most revered of the three...