Insider NJ's 2020 Insider 100: Millennials Publication

Download the 2020 Insider 100: Millennials publication here or view it below:
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It’s all you now, or mostly, let’s face it.
You were handed a tumultuous world to live in, bookended by 9-11 and COVID-19. The fact that we even got hit at all in 2001 is a matter of shameful government incompetence on the actionable intelligence front. That we took that event and twisted it into our own preposterous version of trying to make lemonade out of lemons in Iraq just further entrenched us in a bleary period of U.S. foreign policy.
In New Jersey, if you’re a Democrat, you’ve seen a governor resign and two more recruited from Wall Street, whose vantage point in that world – to hear them tell it – supposedly gave them a keen understanding of the working class lives the rest of us lead. The Republicans gave us Bridgegate, which they want the rest of us to forget about.
In the following pages you will find an accounting of some the rising minds on the Garden State political scene. This list should be seen less as a ‘power list proper’ and more a guide to emerging talents, and some inspirational narratives, making their way in New Jersey politics. There are a great many of them – and many with great promise. If you were on the list last year, but aren’t this year, don’t fret – our aim with this publication is to highlight different talents and narratives, not simply rehash last year’s list.
In light of what we’ve waded through in the public arena these last two decades, I would exhort you only to do better than what you received.
No one’s saying you had anything to do with the train wreck you inherited, but now you have to step up and shovel out of the narcissist shambles you inherited, and you must find a way to do better.
The bar, frankly, is low.
Run with it.
It’s your damn time.
You didn’t contribute to the sins that should torment those in front of you, still plagued by nagging 19th century prejudices and intent on being photographed amid their decayed portents of power.
Go take what you deserve.
We need you to step up and be so much better than what we have been.
Download the 2020 Insider 100: Millennials publication here.