Insider NJ's Key Must-Read Pieces From The Past Week

From the Statehouse to Dover, from Morris County to Cape May County, from Morristown to Jersey City, here are Insider NJ's key must-read pieces from the past week.
Murphy Leaps Organically into the Welcoming Arms of Somerset Democrats
If New Jersey by definition occupies a special nook among those who appreciate corruption, Somerset has a small band of dedicated followers who like to look the other way at the mention of Nick Bissell and other pieces of evidence that the leafy, seemingly counterintuitive space is anything other than more of the same...
Tammy Murphy Barnstorms Christie Country
Democrats are almost giddy in anticipation of winning municipal races here and in neighboring Mendham Borough. And on Sunday evening, First Lady Tammy Murphy added to their excitement with a personal visit...
Shop Rite Worker: ‘To Be Honest, I Don’t Even Know Who the Governor Is’
The Shop Rite in Hackensack was one of the many stops scheduled for New Jersey First Lady Tammy Murphy, joining with Assemblyman Gordon Johnson and Bergen County Freeholder Chairwoman Germaine Ortiz, Freeholder Mary J. Amoroso, and Freeholder Thomas J. Sullivan on the trail for a “get out the vote” effort...
Murphy Versus Steinhardt, the Aggressive Last Push in LD21, Juliano Prevailed Upon, and other Notes
The Democrats felt buoyed by late polling and a 1,500 VBM advantage in LD21, while putting a late sneak attack emphasis on LD39 in hopes of picking off Assemblyman Bob Auth (R-39), whom they perceive to be weak...
The GOP’s Closing Anti-Murphy Argument to Voters (and other Trail Tales, Part 3)
In key battleground contests around the state, Democrats are intent on emphasizing superior organization, anti-Trump trends, and social issues as organizing principles in the Garden State; while in the closing days of this legislative cycle, the GOP steadily hammers a single individual: Governor Phil Murphy, with particular attention to his quote about taxes...
With Kean and Kean in Crowd, Steinhardt Derides Dems’ ‘Vote-rigging’ Scheme
Former Gov. Thomas H. Kean knows the value of knocking on doors. Kean reminded loyal Morris County Republicans at a Sunday breakfast that he was in a pretty close race a few years ago...
Amid Suburban Battlegrounds, Murphy Finds Time to Give Thanks with – and to – Stack
The Brian Stack Civic Association fundraiser on Nov. 1 had all the trappings of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade – including the arrival of Santa Claus (in the guise of Gov. Phil Murphy) at its end...
Juliano Formally Backs Currie for Democratic State Party Chair
Flanked by party leaders and elected officials, Bergen County Democratic Chairman Paul Juliano announced his endorsement of John Currie for Democratic State Chairman...
InsiderNJ Updates on Competitive Battleground Elections
Below is an update on the condition of the state’s most competitive battleground elections, with a priority on the legislative races, and inclusion of Somerset County, a county control contest...
On the Trail for Big Game, Just where have all the Elephants Gone?
It was on one of these ‘patrols’ listening to NJ 101.5 that I spotted the odd sight of an Anthony Bucco for Assembly sign on a Morris County highway last week which made no reference to the fact that Mr. Bucco is a Republican. Not only was there no sign of the signature party elephant, it was blue, intimating that he was a Democrat...
Most Likely NJGOP Election Night Star – Holly Schepisi
The epic book, A Tale of Two Cities, by Charles Dickens starts with the words, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” For the New Jersey Republican Party, the past four years have definitely constituted the worst of times...
Not Your Normal Election in Dodd V. Blackman Dover
This isn’t your normal municipal election. Dodd calls himself a Democrat, (others disagree) but he seeks reelection as an independent. That’s always a tough task, given the fact you have no guaranteed party base from which to draw voters...
BATTLEGROUND NJ: Andrzejczak and Testa Collide in LD1 Debate
The place has a genteel feel, like a town that could get hit by a tidal wave, and in this case politics trembled on a sliver of civilization at the Southern tip of New Jersey, state Senator Robert Andrzecjzak (D-1) intent on staring down Democratic challenger Mike Testa in the old court house that goes back to the 1800s...
LD39 Flashpoint: Bergen County Sign Wars
Things turned a little ugly when a video filmed by Assembly candidate John Birkner was posted online Monday...
Morris Under a Microscope in Morris Twp.
It will take a few more election cycles to see if that’s really true, but the future may have arrived already in Morris Township...
NJ’s Pre-Election Day Political Tailgate
Election Day is next Tuesday followed by lame-duck season so there’s a lot going on in NJ politics. I’ll write a lot about both topics this week while convalescing from hernia surgery...
NJ’s Pre-Election Day Political Tailgate Part 2
Turnout will be abysmal which is sad. But that won’t stop us political junkies from savoring every detail. Here’s a little something to nosh on which gearing up for Tuesday’s main event...
Jersey City public officials didn’t have to go far to find what they called “a glaring example” of short-time rental abuse...
They’re just memes. And sure, they make a political statement, but the idea is to have a little fun...
Murphy Hits the Trail with Blackman in Dover
Mayor James Dodd was watching. Or more accurately, he had a truck parked across the street from where Gov. Murphy and the mayor’s opponents rallied Saturday before the Nov. 5 election...
Takeaways from an Acrimonious LD25 Debate
Brian Bergen was agitated. More than once at Monday’s District 25 debate, he asked what his Democratic opponents, Lisa Bhimani and Darcy Draeger, thought about the state budget...
New Jerseyans Prefer a ‘Non-entity’ as Governor Right Now, Says Murray
Governor Phil Murphy is a non-entity for most New Jerseyans, according to Monmouth University Pollster Patrick Murray...
LD25 Flashpoint: Bhimani and Draeger Clash with ‘Senator Bucco’ and Bergen
You knew the question was coming, but it took until the second half of the debate to materialize. Just why is Anthony M. Bucco running for the state Assembly when he has no plans to take the seat, given his recent ascension to the Senate to replace his late father...
Sweeney’s Lame Duck Session Marijuana Play
It’s been said that lame duck legislative sessions are where good ideas go to die and bad ideas go to become law...
Dark Money Feeds into Hoboken Election
Conflicting accusations generate heat going into the last week of Hoboken municipal elections...
Morris Mess: In Bucco World, it’s Complicated
Another month, another convention for Morris County Republicans...
Former Ambassador to Panama, 2nd District Congressman Hughes has Died
Former U.S. Rep. William Hughes of Ocean City, former ambassador to Panama, has died...
Roman Receives Subpoena to be Deposed by Armstead’s Council: His Full Statement
As you know, Mayor Armstead and his council have accused me of unauthorized access to the Linden DPW lot where I photographed evidence of lawn signs that were removed by DPW workers, after I was credibly notified that DPW workers while on duty removed signs from private properties...
Halloween Monsters, Vampires y Muertos
During this time of the year throughout the US, children happily anticipate Halloween as a day to dress up in costumes and go trick-o-treating while adults go along and dress up to celebrate with their children or to attend parties. Some families watch horror films together that are full of blood and gore...
With a week Left, Murphy Jumps Feet First into LD21 and LD25
“You can expect to see me in and around the 20s over the course of the next week,” Murphy told reporters...