Special thank you to our co-hosts!
The setting
Insider NJ at Cuba Libre
The crowd
The crowd
The crowd
Frank Rosner, Shan Gettens, and Frank Rosner
Mike Graham, John Van Vliet, Sharon Albin
The crowd
The crowd
Mike Graham and Tom Barrett
The bar scene
The bar scene
Teri Duda, Insider NJ GM Pete Oneglia, NJ Dem Chairman John Currie
Insider NJ GM Pete Oneglia, Teri Duda, Jill Shortway Ippolito, Chairman Currie
Pete and Max
Pete, Max, and Tom
The corner of the bar
The crowd
The crowd
Max and AC Mayor-elect Frank Gilliam
Max and Gilliam
The crowd
The crowd
Max and SEIU’s Julie Diaz
The scene of the scene
The scene above the scene
The scene above the scene
The crowd
The crowd
In the backroom
The crowd
Incoming Budget Chair Eliana Pintor Marin
Tom Barrett and Assemblywoman Eliana Pintor Marin
Teri Duda of Berkeley College and Kristine Allen of Act Now Foundation
Hoboken Mayor Ravi Bhalla
Bhalla and Vijay Chaudhuri
The crowd
The scene outside
The scene outside
The scene outside
The crowd
The scene outside
Insider NJ GM Pete Oneglia, Hoboken Mayor-elect Bhalla, and Vijay Chaudhuri
The bar scene
The crowd
Max, Pete, and Kivvit’s Adam Steinberger
Max and Assemblyman Reed Gusciora
The scene outside
The scene outside
Insider NJ editor Max Pizarro
Max Pizarro and Robert Field
Insider NJ GM Pete Oneglia and White Horse Strategies Joshua Henne
Insider NJ columnist Tom Barrett
Gibbons PC’s David Pascrell and Somerset County Democratic Chair Peg Schaffer
Insider NJ editor Max Pizarro, operative Adam Silverstein, NJ Dems ED Chris James
Adam Silverstein, Mayor Steve Fulop, Chris James, Max Pizarro
Insider NJ GM Pete Oneglia and Zachary Israel
Mayor Steve Fulop, Councilwoman Keiona Miller, Zachary Israel
Insider NJ GM Pete Oneglia and Lou Venezia
Insider NJ GM Pete Oneglia, Shan Gettens, Ivette Natal
Insider NJ editor Max Pizarro and Mayor Steve Fulop
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How about that no pay job for the woman that got molested by a DEMOCRAT? Taxpayer money paying for some democrat kicks. Unbelievable. You can’t make this stuff up.