InsiderNJ Columnist Snowflack on NJTV's Reporters Roundtable

In case you missed it this weekend, you can watch InsiderNJ Columnist Fred Snowflack online on NJTV's Reporters Roundtable with host Michael Aron.
To watch the show, please go here.
Mr. Snowflack offes his thoughts on the Alonso-Gilbert scandal. Milwaukee-based news reporter Derrick Rose last week tweeted that party officials have fired Liz Gilbert and Adam Alonso from the Democratic National Convention Host Committee. Gilbert is the former executive director of the New Jersey Democratic State Committee, and Alonso is also a key poliitcal ally of Governor Phil Murphy.
"The governor definitely seems to have a blind spot," Snowflack said, refering to a perceived pattern going back to the Al Alvarez-Katie Bennan case. "All the officials who testified [during the Brennan case], all the Murphy Administration officials' testimony was evasive at best."
Snowflack speculated that the governor - a former Goldman Sachs executive - may have a blind spot because "he's not accustomed to public life."
In addition to watching the InsiderNJ columnist on NJTV, you can read Snowflack's thoughts on last week's dysfunctiona Iowa caucuses.
From his Iowa column:
People in Iowa and the Midwest in general have a reputation for friendliness and for being “nice people.” So, the good folk in the Iowa Democratic Party may not deserve to be ridiculed, but in this case, it’s unavoidable. They look like blithering fools.
We were told that the problem with tabulating results was because of a computer error – an app, in fact.
Of course, when in doubt, blame the computer.
All this made for “riveting” TV. Those watching any of the three main cable news channels – CNN.
MSNBC and Fox – saw a different roster of commentators and in-house experts bemoan the lack of results and to say more than once – “Four years ago, we had 60 percent of the results by this time.” Statements from Iowa Democrats about the troubles were breathlessly read.
As for the candidates, they essentially claimed victory. That’s easy to do when no one knows what really happened.
Amy Klobuchar proclaimed that, “We are here and we are strong.”
Joe Biden talked about a long night ahead, but said, “We feel good about where we are.”
Bernie Sanders said – hopefully – that the results will be announced at some point, adding that the crazy Iowa adventure was “the beginning of the end for Donald Trump.”
One perhaps relevant nugget of information going forward was an exit poll that said 61 percent of voters based their choice on who “can beat Trump” as opposed to their ideological preference. If that sentiment holds among party loyalists nationwide, it would be good for the Dems.