InsiderNJ Comes Face to Face with the Political Insider, and Pays Homage

JERSEY CITY – In the midst of a roiling crowd, InsiderNJ found the Obi Wan Kenobi of political reporting in New Jersey, the original insider: Augie Torres.

“Never on the surface,” a nefariously grinning Torres told InsiderNJ when asked if he could remember another mayor going all out with an endorsement and commitment of troops the way Union City Mayor Brian P. Stack did earlier this afternoon with Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop.

As he went to work on his classic Political Insider column for the Jersey Journal, Torres asked InsiderNJ for the name of our new website, which launched this past Wednesday.

“InsiderNJ,” said InsiderNJ.

“Ok,” said the veteran, before stopping dead in his tracks at the shock of recognition.

“Hey, wait a minute,” he cracked.

Crack Hudson reporter John Heinis of Hudson County View interviews Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop in Stack’s district office.
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