InsiderNJ Interview with Sue Altman

A number of liberal groups rallied outside the Statehouse in support of raising income taxes on millionaires. Though Gov. Phil Murphy supports a millionaire's tax and polls show a majority of voters do as well, Senate President Steve Sweeney does not, even though he voted for it during Chris Christie's administration.

The great and the good of NJ politics will descend on Atlantic City this week for the NJ League of Municipalities' annual conference (aka "the League"), a who's who of business, government, and politics. By day, potentates, delegates and speakers hit the convention center for networking and to check out the latest goods and services for municipal governments.

By night, the #NJLeague has spawned its own ecosystem of cigar mixers, cocktail parties and dessert receptions from dusk till dawn.

Sue Atman is NJ's most prominent machine-skeptic liberal. The director of NJ Working Families, Ms. Altman was in Atlantic City to press her liberal agenda. She shared her thoughts about NJ's recently election (the tea!) plus how events like the League have changed in the #MeToo era.

Jay Lassiter is an award-winning political polemicist and podcaster based in Cherry Hill, NJ. 

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